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Any tips on writing royalcore?

HelenaSays November 11th, 2022

I’m working on a WIP with a princess as the narrator, a prince as her love interest, and many other royal characters. I’m not sure how to avoid overused tropes and make a novel that there are 123,456,789 carbon copies of.

((Also, please ask me about my novels and writing. They’re my special interest <3))

innateJoy9602 November 11th, 2022


That's so cool that you're a writer! I love reading. It's great that you're trying to take an approach that is different from the regular tropes! How long have you been writing for?💜

HelenaSays OP November 12th, 2022


Around, 2-3 years, actually! :)

Ladd44 November 11th, 2022

Make the Prince actually turn out to be a compulsive manipulator. Throughout the story the Princess will narrate but seem to not question anything strange that the Prince does and in the end it turns out she was a tool for some goal of his.

Just an idea maybe 🤷🏾‍♂️

HelenaSays OP November 12th, 2022


That’s a good idea, as she doesn’t end up with the prince in the end anyway. Thanks!

EmeraldForest2006 November 11th, 2022
@HelenaSays OMG it's so cool that you're writing a story! I write books too and I love coming up with cool and interesting characters! What kinds of stories do you like writing? I like writing realistic fiction and sci-fi/fantasy. As a fellow writer, I totally understand your fear of using tropes, but remember to keep the story true to yourself! It's okay if your book contains elements similar to that of some other books, as long as it's how you created it and like it. Don't write for others--write for YOU :D
HelenaSays OP November 12th, 2022


I mostly write romance, sometimes extreme realistic plots, sometimes vampires and werewolves. It really depends, but thanks for being so nicee! <3