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Write a sad story in 6 words...

peacefulHug92 February 9th, 2018

NB: Please make sure stories are suitable and non-offensive or they will be removed.

I know that's sad, but it's in 6 words! What story's can you come up with? 💕

Hit send, then hit a tree

beyondrepairs February 8th, 2020


Saiko means awesome in Japanese, you must be awesome...

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


I won't say I'm an awesome person.. just more of what the word is pronounced as..

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


Every being is awesome...

parissaiko February 9th, 2020


I suppose..

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


Have confidence..

lazyKatz February 9th, 2020

Rushed around today.... nothings been achieved

feelNeglected77 February 9th, 2020

@lazyKatz @beyondrepairs

I missed Bones and Katz today

lazyKatz February 9th, 2020


Glad your here to

feelNeglected77 February 9th, 2020

@lazyKatz Thank you, Im glad to be with you all as I slowly gather my thoughts 😊

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


The earth made a revolution around the Sun and the Sun is still boiling in anger for us...nomatter what does not really matter...

lazyKatz February 9th, 2020


I'm guessing your boiling and feeling lost

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


No, just lost...

lazyKatz February 9th, 2020


Well you not alone now for what it's worth when you hurt I feel your pain

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020



lazyKatz February 9th, 2020


Together though think and thin bad and bad occasionally close to good we live in hope.

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


For whom's pleasure do we suffer mylove?...who gets off on our misery?...

lazyKatz February 9th, 2020


That is something we'll never be sure of l prefer to live for the good whether it's the future or the past. Perceiver the present the past is ours as is the future.

parisayano February 9th, 2020

No more sound from the earth

(Actually that would make it much more peaceful)

lazyKatz February 9th, 2020

Nighttimes are sad .....also they're safe

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

I dwell in darkness...

lazyKatz February 9th, 2020

Darkness restores strength for another day

SparkyGizmo February 9th, 2020

Poop from lawn got on shoes

lazyKatz February 9th, 2020

As someone said

Walk barefooted it's easier washing feet.

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


In the countryside people were poor, washing diapers was tough so children were left naked to roam around...

I got hot tarmac stuck on the souks of my is a way of life for me...

calmMango9611 February 9th, 2020

@beyondrepairs Nice Job

calmMango9611 February 9th, 2020

@lazyKatz Nice Job. Loved it.

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

Fork stuck in eye and twist...

feelNeglected77 February 9th, 2020


I dropped my ice cream cone

calmMango9611 February 9th, 2020

@beyondrepairs Nice Job. Enjoyed reading it.

feelNeglected77 February 9th, 2020


Thank you 😁

You might also enjoy this thread I made so we can all have fun creating.


dworth257 February 9th, 2020

it is time to rest, love

dworth257 February 9th, 2020

it is time to rest, love

feelNeglected77 February 9th, 2020

@dworth257 is saying good night now 😔

PrettyPapillon4354 February 9th, 2020

I never got to say goodbye

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

I shall die alone in fear...

feelNeglected77 February 9th, 2020

I can't breath so lighting another

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020

@feelNeglected77caught me redhanded...😶

feelNeglected77 February 9th, 2020


Sadly now Im a cigarettes bitch

beyondrepairs February 9th, 2020


My brother...

tinycactus809 February 9th, 2020

I was hers, she wasn't mine