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Book Discussion of Defending Jacob by William Landay

ReadBooks7 August 20th, 2023

Hi everyone! I'm writing to see if anyone would like to read and discuss the book Defending Jacob by William Landay. Thank you to adventurousBranch3786 for the suggestion!

I'm tagging people who have shown interest before or who have asked to be tagged in future book posts. Please disregard if you are not interested or let me know in the comments if you would like to be removed from the tag list.

Thank you!

Date of post: August 20, 2023

Goal to begin book: around September 1, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 @glowingPond @AffyAvo @ThadSterling @svobodovaa @OneErased @shyCat542 @Gwynifyr @Cancun

I apologize if I have missed anyone.

glowingPond August 20th, 2023

Oh nooo I can’t do this one unfortunately! But I’ll save this so I can eventually ready it one day!

ReadBooks7 OP August 20th, 2023

@glowingPond sounds good! Thank you 😊

OneErased August 20th, 2023


Can't do this one either I'm afraid, with vacation coming up and everything. But I'll keep my eyes open for the next one, thanks.

ReadBooks7 OP August 20th, 2023

@OneErased sounds good! I hope you enjoy your vacation! Thank you 😊
adventurousBranch3786 August 20th, 2023

@ReadBooks7. I’m looking forward to reading this book.

ReadBooks7 OP August 20th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I am, too! Thank you so much for suggesting it!

ReadBooks7 OP August 26th, 2023

Hi everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone else might be interested in reading and discussing this book. Please feel free to join in at any time and to tag anyone who might be interested. I'm planning to start reading sometime within the next week. Happy reading!

ReadBooks7 OP September 1st, 2023

Hi everyone! I'm likely going to start reading the book in the next day or two. I hope you all enjoy!

adventurousBranch3786 September 1st, 2023

@ReadBooks7. I’ll be reading it also.

ReadBooks7 OP September 1st, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I hope you enjoy! I read the first chapter on my lunch break, and I am already drawn in and really like it.

ReadBooks7 OP September 3rd, 2023

@MeaningfulSilence 😊

MeaningfulSilence September 3rd, 2023


Hi there ReadBooks7!

That sounds like a nice thing to do together! Hope more people will join to share about the book and that it'll be their next choice if they plan to read it!

I currently have two I am reading simultaneously but I will pop up on here to check about it!

Feel free to tag me again later on 💙

ReadBooks7 OP September 3rd, 2023

@MeaningfulSilence thank you! I am also reading a second book right now as well, but it is a nonfiction, so I go back and forth depending on what I am in the mood for. I cannot read two fiction at once--too confusing! I hope you enjoy what you are reading!

Our next choice for book discussion is Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult, as suggested by adventurousBranch3786, so I will tag you in that one once we begin in a few/several weeks!

MeaningfulSilence September 3rd, 2023


Awesome 👏

Haha yes i understand about having two books going on at the same time 😊

ReadBooks7 OP September 4th, 2023

Hi to everyone reading and/or participating! I am at Chapter 18 of the book so far, which I think is a little less than halfway through. The book is so good, I'm having trouble putting it down.

How do you like the book so far? Without any spoilers or giving anything away, what do you think of the writing?

adventurousBranch3786 September 4th, 2023

@ReadBooks7. So far I like it. I’m very curious to know what happened!

ReadBooks7 OP September 4th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I really like it, too. I have had a little extra time these past few days, so I am reading more than usual, and it is hard to put down!

ReadBooks7 OP September 6th, 2023

Hi everyone! I have finished the book. I just could not put it down and spent as much free time as possible finishing. There are discussion questions in the book, so when others are ready (no rush), I will start posting. I am really looking forward to discussing this one!

adventurousBranch3786 September 6th, 2023

@ReadBooks7 I had checked it out a few weeks ago. I just finished it today. Omg 😮

ReadBooks7 OP September 6th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I had the same reaction!! There is going to be a lot to discuss with this one! I will start posting questions tomorrow or the next day as my schedule allows. Feel free to post any thoughts or questions; I am guessing we should use spoiler alerts as needed in case anyone else joins in. I think there might be a few people who are participating quietly.

intuitiveAvocado6068 September 6th, 2023

@ReadBooks7, Hello, How would I join the group?

ReadBooks7 OP September 7th, 2023

@intuitiveAvocado6068 hi!! Welcome! All you have to do is get the book and participate in the discussions here as much or as little as you like. Two of us just finished, but I do not think either of us would mind waiting a bit before talking about specific plot details. Or if we do, we will make sure to post spoiler alerts.

This is an excellent book, and I really hope you enjoy it! Please let me know if you have any other questions. I look forward to discussing the book with you!

ReadBooks7 OP September 7th, 2023

Hi everyone! I am going to begin posting some book discussion questions that do not themselves contain plot spoilers. However, some of the answers could discuss plot points, so I ask that, in consideration of those who are still reading or have not started yet, anyone please post a spoiler alert at the beginning of their message here if it will contain any spoiler alerts. Thank you!

First discussion question from the topics in the back of the book:

"How would you have handled this situation if you were Andy? Would you have made the same choices he made? Where would you differ the most?"

adventurousBranch3786 September 8th, 2023


Spoiler alert
Andy disposed of his son’s knife and destroyed his son’s telephone. Those things may have contained evidence against his son. I don’t think that I would have done these things but it’s hard to say for sure.
I would have definitely informed my potential spouse about the family history. I actually did in real life.

ReadBooks7 OP September 8th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I know what you mean about it being hard to say for sure. I do not have kids, so I am not sure exactly what I would do in that situation. The instinct is to protect at all costs (I understand that from having nephews), but sometimes that might mean doing things that might not turn out so pleasantly for them or considering what is better for everyone around them if they have done or possibly done something wrong. It is almost like an impossible situation.

I agree about disclosing the information. I just would not feel right or be able to live with someone knowing that such a big, important piece of information is left unsaid. It is not fair to not tell. Yes, it might have changed her mind about seeing him, but that is her right. It provides an opening for a conversation about what is essential to tell versus what can be kept private/to oneself; I think if it could potentially impact the life of the other person, it needs to be said.

However, I can understand Andy's perspective, if he is being honest with himself, that he did not really think of his father much and therefore it was a sort of non-issue for him. But, I tend to think that he used that as more of an excuse to not tell. He actively made the decision to not disclose his family history. Given how level-headed Laurie seems to be, I am not sure it would have made much difference to her at the time. I think she would have taken Andy at face value for who he is and made the decision to continue dating him based solely on him, not his relatives' pasts.

I loved this book. It is one of those that has a lot of thematic questions and really makes you think. And I am really not sure of people's exact actions and/or motives in some of the situations. I am still thinking them over. This book might need a re-read.

ReadBooks7 OP September 9th, 2023

Next discussion question from the book (with possible spoiler alerts):

Just inserting an extra line before the question because *possible spoiler alert* 😊

"Before and during the trial, how would you have handled the situation if you were Laurie? Do you feel she made strong choices as a mother and a wife?"

adventurousBranch3786 September 9th, 2023

@ReadBooks7. Spoiler Alert ‼️

I think she did the best that she could under the situation. After she learned about the violent nature of her husband’s family she tried to relate it to violent incidents that occurred in Jacobs childhood that were overlooked at the time. At least she considered the idea that he might be guilty and didn’t destroy evidence.

ReadBooks7 OP September 9th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I agree. I like how Laurie handled the entire situation at that time, and I felt really sorry for her. She could have been much angrier at Andy, but she tried to understand his perspective. She was fair and showed good moral integrity while still being supportive of her son. I think she showed a lot of strength in her consideration of the fact that he might be guilty, and if so, it was her/their duty to protect others instead of keeping the truth from surfacing.

ReadBooks7 OP September 10th, 2023

Another question from the book's discussion questions:

"Is Andy a good father? Why or why not?"

adventurousBranch3786 September 11th, 2023

@ReadBooks7. Spoiler alert ‼️

I thought he was a pretty good and caring father although although blinded by being in denial at times. Even though he destroyed evidence, I think that there are many parents who might have done the same. At first I thought what happened was due to bullying until the 2cd incident! Maybe they should have tried making him go to therapy or anger management. I’m not sure it would have helped if the problem was truly “in his genes”. But maybe it would have been worth a try.

ReadBooks7 OP September 11th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I agree that he was a good father overall, and I do think a lot of parents would do the same. I think the first instinct is to protect your child at all costs, and I am sure it is really difficult to do anything that could result in something so life-altering and terrible, even if the child brought it on themselves with certain actions.

If I understand and remember correctly, I think that Andy is the only one who knew about the person who was scapegoated for the crime as a favor from his biological father, so if Laurie did not know about that, then I can see how she would not see a need for Jacob to go to therapy, although I think he could have benefitted based on general circumstances. Andy was in complete denial, and I think if he were to admit Jacob needed therapy, he would have to admit that his son did something horrible. I do think that, in terms of love and care and wanting what is best for his son, Andy is a really good father who found himself in an impossible situation.

ReadBooks7 OP September 11th, 2023

I should have put a *spoiler alert* up there. I was trying to comment in such a way where I would not reveal anything.

adventurousBranch3786 September 12th, 2023

@ReadBooks7 I forgot about that scapegoating. I don’t think Laurie was aware of it either. Even though Andy knew about it he still believed in his mind that his son was innocent. So I can see why they wouldn’t have thought of therapy.

ReadBooks7 OP September 13th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 yes, I really do think Andy believed what he needed to believe. It's extraordinarily difficult to adjust to the fact that someone you think you know, and someone you love, might not be who you think they are. I can really empathize.

adventurousBranch3786 September 11th, 2023

Btw they have made a series out of this book on Apple TV.

ReadBooks7 OP September 11th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I want to watch it so much!! I do not have an Apple device, and I am not very tech savvy, so I have not yet figured out a way to watch it. Do you know if it is available anywhere else, such as Amazon? I did not see it when I checked.

adventurousBranch3786 September 12th, 2023

@ReadBooks7. There is something called Roku device that can be attached to a smart tv . I read that appletv can be accessed through Roku. I’m not too tech savvy and I was able to attach a Roku box to my tv. I don’t remember how I did it but it came with instructions that were simple enough for me to do. There were some other things mentioned on the apple site but I think that’s the cheapest one.

adventurousBranch3786 September 12th, 2023

@ReadBooks7. Apple has a list of which smart tv’s that Apple TV can be streamed from.

ReadBooks7 OP September 13th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 thank you! I'm not so great with tech stuff but I do have a Smart tv, so maybe I can figure something out. I love to see the film or tv versions of books when they are done well.

adventurousBranch3786 September 13th, 2023

@ReadBooks7. Good luck tech is hard for me too.