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Referral Link Badges

Kate January 29th, 2019

Did you know that you can use your personal referral link to help spread the word about 7 Cups?

You can find your personal referral link at the bottom of right when you go to your listener dashboard or member dashboard.

There are several badges you can earn depending on how many referral clicks you get from sharing your link with others who may benefit from joining us here in the 7 Cups Community!

You can keep track of how many referral clicks you have on your My Impact page (for listeners) and My Progress page (for members).

Listener Badges:
Messenger - for having a personal referral URL visited by 50 unique people
Envoy - for having a personal referral URL visited by 300 unique people
Herald - for having a personal referral URL visited by 1,000 unique people

Member Badges:
Lifting Up - for the first click received to personal referral URL
Got your Back - for having a personal referral URL visited by 5 different people
Strong Support - for having a personal referral URL visited by 20 different people
Open Arms - for having a personal referral URL visited by 50 different people
Care Messenger - for having a personal referral URL visited by 100 different people

The Recruiting Badges:
These are also given automatically when a person creates member/listeners account with 7cups after using your referral link.
Listener Badges:
Recruit - for recruiting a new Listener to 7 Cups of Tea
Help Angel - for recruiting a new Member to 7 Cups of Tea

Member Badges:
Hobnob - for referring 5 new Members to 7 Cups of Tea

Have you recently received one of these badges? Post here and let us know so we can give you a high five!

**Note: Please don't worry about your profile and/or identity being compromised when sharing your referral links. Referral links are redirecting anyone who clicks it to the 7cups homepage and not to your own profile. Here's a screenshot of the 7cups homepage:

[edited by FM Erato to add the note and include member dashboard and My progress links]

@ArwaS @Erato @Yendi

TayaAdams February 7th, 2019

@Kate Im excited for the opportunity

strongernow1234 January 29th, 2019

Hi thanks for this opportunity!

ANGLEBUDDYS January 29th, 2019

i like the sound of this

LittleMissJoy January 29th, 2019

I think the idea behind referral is good in theory but in action is actually quiet a difficult thing to do. Even after trying to sharing your personal link its hard to encourage people to do so simply because the dont have the same kind of passion i have for the community. It something they say they will do later or just forget so i dont know if im all for this. Sorry

chocoluvu January 31st, 2019

@LittleMissJoy I think the same

Yendi February 6th, 2019


No need to be sorry! It's a give or take situation due to what you've said. The aim of this project is to encourage people to come on here, that's why we have such project, to reach out to others, letting them know of this platform to offer support but also receive it. The badges listed (like others on the site) are in a way how I see it, to show the progress of what you've done on here and some can find it as a motivation. In the end, like what you've said and I agree, it depends on how much passion someone may have, but in the same breathe, we hope that others do take a chance with the site and see what it has more to offer!

LittleMissJoy February 7th, 2019


I totally see where your coming from. I guess it doesnt stop me from continuing to try and spread the word.

Yendi February 7th, 2019


That's what we still try to do! Even myself and I hope it's able to help in any way. Thank you 💜

jhappyflowwr February 10th, 2019

@LittleMissJoy exactly my thoughts.

TaranWanderer January 29th, 2019

Yayy I've already gotten the help angel, messenger and envoy badges, now it's just a steep climb to that herald badge 💪

LittleMissJoy January 30th, 2019


Good On You :)

Yendi February 6th, 2019


Super congrats!! Good luck with getting Herald badge!

TreaureSeekers3 January 30th, 2019

Can't find no link or dashboard???

CountingStarsCathy January 30th, 2019

that is great!

dreamNutella01 January 30th, 2019

It's a stupid question but where exactly do we share our link?

peacefullistener22 January 30th, 2019

@dreamNutella01 Yeah? I was wondering?

TaranWanderer January 30th, 2019

@peacefullistener22 @dreamNutella01

You can share your link anywhere on the internet you want! You can directly give it to people, or you can post it in your bio on any social media, or put it in a post on social media :) some examples where it could be shared is on instagram, tumblr (or any kind of blog website), facebook, any messaging apps, and any site you want! For example I put my link in my profile on a postcard-swapping website :P

dreamNutella01 January 31st, 2019



peacefullistener22 January 31st, 2019

@TaranWanderer I might do that :)

potatosalad101 February 6th, 2019

@TaranWanderer Hello there! Thanks for your answer! :)

LittleMissJoy February 7th, 2019


But doesnt that mean your annonymity is at risk? :s

TaranWanderer February 7th, 2019

@LittleMissJoy not really! The referral link takes you to the generic homepage, not your personal profile. So, if you're relatively anonymous on the profile you share it (I tend to be) then no one would know how to find you on here or who you are. I think there could be if you're not too secret about who you are on here, and you share it somewhere that people know you (like facebook), the most you could get is that someone would know you're probably on here somewhere, but they'd still have to look for you manually. If that makes sense. I think the link isn't any less safe than just telling people about the site, so if you'd be comfortable doing that then you should find sharing the link okay as well.

dreamMelody27 January 30th, 2019

@dreamNutella01 same question xD

Jackie January 30th, 2019


this is great! I will share mine with my social media friends. :-)

LittleLotte January 30th, 2019

I have 'Lifting Up' although I've referred so many people, I just forget to give them my direct link!!

Yendi February 6th, 2019


Aw yayy, congrats!!

Kate OP February 8th, 2019

@LittleLotte Awesome! Let us know when you earn 'Got Your Back!'

Margaretp February 10th, 2019

I don

BoliBee February 8th, 2019

I have a question about this. Ive seen the referral link badges often but I feel torn with them. While I do think its a great way to spread the word of what we do it does take away the anonymity of the listener also. For example if I am in a forum on Facebook and can see where using the link would be appropriate/helpful now people have my identity. So obviously it would be up to my discretion but is there a better/different way that listeners can still participate in the badges without compromising our profiles.

I might just be thinking inside the box, and if so I apologize. I just cant think of a way other than another anonymous screen name posting about an anonymous listener name.

Erato February 9th, 2019

Hello there! If you're worrying about your listener profile being compromised once you share your referral link, I just want to clarify that the referral link found in your dashboard doesn't redirect people who click it to your listener profile but instead to the 7cups homepage. Your listener profile link is while your referral link is the one with the random numbers similar to the screenshot posted by Kate - they're two different things.


Inner peace is the new success.

BoliBee February 9th, 2019


Okay, great! That actually makes me feel better! Ive never looked at the link in entirety because the way its worded. It made me feel it was the link to my own listener page. Especially since it would give me points for people to click on it. So there was a bit of confusion on my end. Thanks for clarifying.

NkkMcKenze February 10th, 2019

7 Cups offers a variety of communities to provide support and personal connection. From this central hub, you can explore and join new communities and get updates from the communities you subscribe to. We are glad you are here.

ANGLEBUDDYS February 10th, 2019

i did

FoxPrince February 11th, 2019

@Lauren63 I'm sorry to hear you've had some bad experiences! :( I know that not everyone on here is the best, but I do think overall the majority of people on here are good, and the site as a whole is a positive place that I would want to share with others :) of course it's not perfect, but nothing really is, so at least in terms of what it is and what someone could potentially get out of it, I think it's worth at least letting others know that this site exists as an option for them.

I also think it's good to remember that everyone here is just a volunteer, so any lack of response doesn't mean they're ignoring you (or anything bad about you, nor anything bad about them), it just means that everyone is human and life can get in the way sometimes. As for the negative comments, that's what reporting & muting are for, to help make it a better place for everyone. I also find that you generally get what you give here, not saying you have to be positive all the time or that you can't share the bad, but you generally have a better experience if you come in with patience, reflection, and openness on the mind (as opposed to hostility and defensiveness, for example). I don't know, that how I view it anyways. I think this site has flaws just like anything else, but it's not an awful place and I'm still happy I found it, and I'm sure giving others the opportunity to find a positive place here too would generally be a good thing.

Jennoa2017 February 13th, 2019

Yay! Badges! Love eet. Doing the referral clicks for the 7C internship but I want those badges too!

Nice way to raise some 7C awareness <3

Franto August 20th, 2023


I can't find my referral link ... where is it? :)