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Snakes & Ladders

windflowers August 27th, 2018

Hello, everyone!

I'm sorry to have kept you in the dark for so long. This is the event your leaders told you about, the one about fact-finding that... well, for lack of a better description, had no description except that you're joining X team and you'll be finding facts. Again, my apologies, and thank you for agreeing to join even though you had no idea what you were signing yourselves up for!

If you're confused, there's a summary at the end. This is mostly just a long-winded explanation, sorry.

Essentially, yes, this is an event about fact-finding. It's based around that; you're each representing a team that has 8 members, and there are 6 teams in total. Every few days, I'll be posting in this thread with the subcommunity that's going to be 'hosting' - what this means is you'll be finding facts about that subcommunity. These facts will include things like 'there are almost 8 billion people in the world currently', except it'll be more geared towards mental health.

This event will start tomorrow, August the 28th, at 9am ET. At as close to 9am as I can get, I'll post the name of the first subcommunity that is going to be 'hosting' as well as instructions of what to do. Please note that I'll only tag leaders each time I've updated this thread (leaders, you can opt out of this by letting me know).

One last thing! Your leaders have each chosen a colour for your team. Every time you complete an activity, please use that colour, otherwise it won't count. The colours and teams are listed below!

TL;DR The event about fact-finding will start tomorrow, 28/8, at 9am ET. Your teams are posted below. Please check that they're correct - bold is adult, normal text is teen; italics is member, non-italics is listener; underlined is adult-teen listener. Pay attention to the colours - they're what you must use whenever you complete an activity as part of this event!

This is called Snakes & Ladders becuase, well, the first letters of each of your subcoms spell 'ladder'. Leaders, please note that if you're not listed as one of your teammates, you can't post and have it count as part of your team's points!

- LGBTQ+ (hex code: #9966ff; leader: @PhoenixAsh)
@PhoenixAsh @BrooklynM @peacefulHug92 @RaCat @NeonBlueButterfly @AshFlash2002 @enbyemu @AMusicalSilence

- Appreciation & Gratitude (hex code: #5499C7; leader: @fluffyUnicorns84)
@peppermintlove @AnyaS @PositiveSkyler @RumpleSteeleSkin @blogger123 @black1995 @BattyBallerina @amicableFan5430

- Depression (forum colour: top row, fourth from right; leader: @Zammn)
@Rose @Zammn @GrahZeymahzin @MarayaMUNROE @InoRii @blossombreathe @stuckintime92 @chaosmos

- Eating Disorders (forum colour: top row, second from right; leader: @emsworld)
@emsworld @RaspberryCheesecake @InspiringLee @Samar27 @cyanPlatypus6370 @imsorryitry @iNoah @PawsitiveVibes

- Relationships (forum colour: third row from top, first from left; leader: @River)
@ASilentObserver @CalmingStar @SaimaK @Helping2findAway @Creepygirl21 @helpfulship8154 @Luchelle @Wonderfloofie

[ edited by @windflowers, 29/8, to reflect changes in forum colours; 31/8, to reflect changes in team members ]

PhoenixAsh August 27th, 2018

Yay, I'm super excited! Thankies Jade (the most wonderful and amazing events planner ever ;) ) I can't wait for this to start ^-^

windflowers OP August 27th, 2018


Thank you so much! And I just hope it doesn't flop honestly XD But thank you <3

RaCat August 31st, 2018

@PhoenixAsh this is so so exciting for suree!

CaringBrit August 27th, 2018

@windflowers i didnt sign up for this event so i wonder why i was tagged

windflowers OP August 27th, 2018


You were tagged because your leader gave me your name. I apologies for any confusion! Could you contact them and ask, please? <3 Thank you!

AffyAvo August 27th, 2018

@windflowers I'm really confused, I didn't hear anything about this before. The leader is a teen, so what do I do? How did some people get picked for this? ie. there are people on the disability team where I am not familiar with who they are.

CaringBrit August 27th, 2018

@windflowers i would have appreciated being asked if i was interested first before just being tagged to something i didn't sign up too we tend not to just nominate people without asking them first and i havent received any response from them for anything team related on teen disability yet so i doubt ill get one reguarding this

@AffyAvo probably mostly teen Disability members yh im an adult but on the teen team too

AffyAvo August 27th, 2018

@CaringBrit Why aren't they listed as leaders on the SC leaders list or dashboard?

CaringBrit August 27th, 2018

@AffyAvo that only the teen leader can answer hareio is on there or should be and noah is on there too as team member but a teen leader is the CML only they can add but as far as im aware they are busy with school

windflowers OP August 28th, 2018

@AffyAvo @CaringBrit

Honestly, I have no clue how you guys were picked. I asked the leaders of each team at the end of July if they could form a team of 8 who'd like to participate in this event, and your usernames were submitted to me; to my knowledge, every other leader has asked their teammates and all seem to be aware of this. I was quite surprised that the two of you had no idea of this, and am really sorry about all of this! I think it was probably just miscommunication somewhere along the lines, and for that I take responsibility. I'm sorry to the both of you and to everyone else who's confused about why they were tagged.

If you can't message your leader, that's fine; I'd suggest either picking a representative who can or tagging them in a private forum thread to discuss. Does that sound reasonable? For the next round I'll just leave out disability support; I really don't want to inconvenience all of you like this, and sincerely apologise again.

CaringBrit August 28th, 2018

@windflowers im ATL so can message the leader but as for actually getting a response an explanation why we were noinated without our awareness of the project thats a different matter neither of us were asked if we wanted to participate but was chosen because we are on the SC leaders board for disability some havent been chosen because the leader cant message adults just ATLs but i wasnt even contacted at all prior

windflowers OP August 28th, 2018


I hear you - like I said I genuinely have little idea of what's gone on here but for the inconvenience and frustration I've caused you today and yesterday I really apologise. Thanks for trying to help out. I hope this gets resolved soon <3

AffyAvo August 27th, 2018

I'm not against participating, I'm just very confused as it sounds like we should have already agreed to this and I see nothing anywhere else about this, let along already having agreed to participate.

CaringBrit August 27th, 2018

@AffyAvo thats my exact question i wasnt aware about this project at all but was put foward for it and i havent agreed anywhere etc

windflowers OP August 28th, 2018

@CaringBrit @AffyAvo

I hear you both. Thank you for reaching out to me!

AnyaS August 27th, 2018

Wooohooo! This is exciting! Can't wait to get started! heart

windflowers OP August 28th, 2018


Yay! <3

emsworld August 27th, 2018

@windflowers yay thanks jade! Looking forward to this event!heart

@RaspberryCheesecake @InspiringLee @Samar27 @cyanPlatypus6370 @imsorryitry @iNoah @PawsitiveVibes <— its been a while since this was brought up to most of you, I sent you all pms at the start of August if you remember about this event, are you all still okie with taking part? Please feel free to PM me if you have changed your mind or if because of timings you are now unable to do it! I totally understand that timing matters a lot on whether we agree to do something or not so just shoot me a pm laugh

windflowers OP August 28th, 2018


Thanks, Emma <3

black1995 August 28th, 2018

So that's what this was about??? Cool!!!

windflowers OP August 28th, 2018


Yeah! Sorry it was kept from you for so long. Thanks <3

peppermintlove August 28th, 2018


thank you jade this sounds awesome!

windflowers OP August 28th, 2018


Thank you!

windflowers OP August 28th, 2018

Round 1: Appreciation & Gratitude (cc leader: @fluffyUnicorns84)

As part of Round 1, post a shoutout in either this thread (Spread the Love - Community Shoutouts), this subforum (Let's celebrate each other's birthday) or this subforum (Honouring Cupversaries). If you post in thread 1, for every 1 post you get 1 point; for every 10 posts, instead of getting 10 points, you get 15 points. If you post in either of the two subforums, for every post you make (please tag me in this so I can see it; you don't have to tag me for the community shoutouts though!) you'll get 15 points.

All of you can join in, even the Appreciation and Gratitude team! Points are unlimited, so feel free to give as many shoutouts as you can. As a reminder, A&G: hex colour #5499c7, LGBTQ+: hex colour #9966ff, depression: forum colour top row, fourth from right; eating disorders: forum colour top row, second from right; relationships: forum colour third row from top, first from left. Please use your colours when posting otherwise your points won't be counted!

Feel free to ask me any questions. Good luck! <3

Leaders: @PhoenixAsh @Zammn @emsworld @River

[ edited by @windflowers, 29/8, to reflect changes in colours ]

August 28th, 2018

@windflowers Ooohh sounds fun! :'D Though, a smol question :p Soo the game is about finding facts or shoutouts? I am a little confused about that hehe.

windflowers OP August 29th, 2018


It's only this round that's going to be shoutouts because it's A&G! Sorry for the confusion <3

August 29th, 2018

@windflowers Ah okay.Thanks for clarifying! .-.

PhoenixAsh August 29th, 2018

@windflowers When will this round end? surprise

windflowers OP August 29th, 2018


Good question - I realised yesterday I forgot to put it in, sorry! It'll end 31st August at 9am ET. Further rounds will be shorter but since this is the first round it's a little longer!

cyanPlatypus6370 August 31st, 2018

That is very good to know since for some reason I didn't get tagged at the start of Round One. Go us!!!!

(This color is called Indigo ... for any ED support who are confused smiley ) Top row, 2nd from the right. @windflowers

windflowers OP September 3rd, 2018

Round 2: Relationship Support (cc leader: @River)

As part of Round 2, post a fact in this thread (Facts about Relationships). If you post first, your team gets an additional triple points (total of 4 points per post) for 5 posts! Statistics get double the points (2), and if you choose to share your own story to help others, you get 5 points per story (please tag me in this so I know!).

All of you can join in, even the Relationship team! Points are unlimited, so feel free to give as many facts as you can. As a reminder, A&G: hex colour #5499c7, LGBTQ+: hex colour #9966ff, depression: forum colour top row, fourth from right; eating disorders: forum colour top row, second from right; relationships: forum colour third row from top, first from left. Please use your colours when posting otherwise your points won't be counted!

This will run from now, 10am ET Monday 3 September, until 10am Wednesday 5 September. Feel free to ask me any questions. Good luck! <3

Leaders: @fluffyUnicorns84 @PhoenixAsh @Zammn @emsworld

windflowers OP September 9th, 2018

Round 3: Depression Support (cc leader: @Zammn)

As part of Round 3, post a fact in this thread (Facts about Depression). If you post first, your team gets an additional triple points (total of 4 points per post) for 5 posts! Statistics get double the points (2), and if you choose to share your own story to help others, you get 5 points per story (please tag me in this so I know!).

All of you can join in, even the Depression team! Points are unlimited, so feel free to give as many facts as you can. As a reminder, A&G: hex colour #5499c7, LGBTQ+: hex colour #9966ff, depression: forum colour top row, fourth from right; eating disorders: forum colour top row, second from right; relationships: forum colour third row from top, first from left. Please use your colours when posting otherwise your points won't be counted!

This will run from now, 12pm ET Sunday 9 September, until 12pm Tuesday 11 September. Feel free to ask me any questions. Good luck! <3

Leaders: @fluffyUnicorns84 @PhoenixAsh @emsworld @River

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers @emsworld @RaspberryCheesecake @InspiringLee @Samar27 @cyanPlatypus6370 @imsorryitry @iNoah @PawsitiveVibes heart

AffyAvo September 9th, 2018

@windflowers I'm really confused who goes in what round?

windflowers OP September 9th, 2018


Hi! Each subcommunity takes turns to 'host' and other subcoms then have to find facts about that subcom. <3

AffyAvo September 9th, 2018

@windflowers You said we would be out a round, but I don't see us being included in any round?

AffyAvo September 9th, 2018

@windflowers What colour are we supposed to use?

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@AffyAvo oooh looks like disability has been removed - probably because of the confusion with the team members for the team surprise I believe we are taking it in turns to be the team that the event is in (i.e I am on the ED team - and I assume that will be coming up shortly, and the event is currently being hosted in Depression Sub-Community) but all other team members, including the team hosting can join in! Not sure what is happening with Disability, since I think the last it was talked about on this thread, it was discussed that many team members didn't know they had been submitted to join the team and that disability was going to be left out until it was sortedheart

AffyAvo September 9th, 2018

@emsworld Oh, I just saw that we were going to miss one round, I didn't hear anything about what to do after that!

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@AffyAvo It doesn't look like anything was posted after that - but on the main post Disability has been removedsurpriseheart