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Make a little space, Make a better place

March 19th, 2022

Many of us must have cherished the presence of @lueurspace

What do I say about them, they are a talking kindness. If the character quality Kindness could speak, that would be lueurspace talking. I do not know how they do this, but they are always generous with their kindness, in chatrooms and in PMs.

Let’s hear from our honorable and sweet guest today, lueurspace!

If you were free to be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be and what would you be doing?

I think I'd like to be at home the most right now. I'm at my university campus at the moment and I'm missing my home and my family a lot! I'd hug them super tight and just be close to them. It's really true, sometimes distance makes your heart grow fonder.

What is the sky that you want to stretch to? In other words, what’s the dearest pursuit of your life?

This is such a lovely question! I absolutely love it. My deepest pursuit is to become a clinical psychologist and teach at a university as a professor. I just love academia and psychology; helping people and being there for them. I'm also interested in the research area which I know I'll explore a lot of. Ever since I was a kid, I have loved pretending to be a teacher and learning, so I really hope I can become someone I'm proud of in the future! :)

What is ‘progress’ for you?

Ooh you have such amazing questions, haha. Progress for me is sort of anything which isn't stagnant.

Sometimes even taking a step back from something is progress, because it's good to take a break, to let yourself off a responsibility that you're not able to take at the moment. And you're always going to move forward too, that's how life works - it goes on, and you can choose to go with it or acknowledge when you're not wanting to continue on the path you have set on. As long as you're doing something, even something very little, I think you're making progress, whichever direction it is. It's never too late.

What is regress (opposite of progress) for you?

Stagnancy. I believe staying at one point isn't that awful, it isn't something one should feel guilty about, but I prefer having a space where I'm completely at a place where I feel accomplished. When I take a step back, I remind myself that I have come very far and it's a victory I need to appreciate, the same goes when I take a step forward. But refusing to change, to adapt, and think differently - I think that's when regress happens. You just get stuck (and there's nothing wrong with it, we all just need some time). Just know that with time you'll grow, even if it's not as you've planned. The universe has a plan for you. Always.

What life values light up the pathways of your life?

There are a lot but I think some of the important ones are -

  1. Authenticity. I'll be honest, I'm not the most authentic person but I'm trying so hard to be. I'm learning to speak my truth, to be myself even if it means I'm standing not in favor of others. I need to be me.

  2. Honesty. I wouldn't really want to lie to anybody ever. And sometimes the truth makes people uncomfortable but I'd much rather be true than be nice. Still learning though.

  3. Self-reliance. I'm a huge advocate for reaching out for support when you need it but I'm equally always encouraging others to be their own support, as much as one is able to be. Sometimes you do need help from others but know that at the end of the day, you are the one who gets you out of bed, who is there when you cry, and who knows you better than anyone else.

  4. Being present and doing things wholeheartedly whenever you can. I want myself to be present and not worry about the future or ruminate. It's very important for me to do things wholeheartedly, to put my all into them, and just do what *I* want to do. Because then it's never the issue that I'm not listening to myself. You should always do what you want to do, not what someone else wants you to do.

If you could list some of your major learning in your entire cups journey so far, what would that list be?

Ooh okie so some things that I'd definitely want to add to my list are -

  1. Reach out for support! It's always okay to talk to others about what's on your mind. It's a mental health support site, that's really what you're here to provide and *receive* for yourself. If it's related to your listener role, reach out to a mentor or a peer support. If it's a personal issue, know that you have the complete right to anonymously seek help as a member. It's not just a choice, it's your very purpose of being on this site.

  2. Try to get involved in the community. I know having roles can seem too much work at times, but it provides you with so many wonderful lessons! Being in a team really helps you - it brings such amazing people into your contact and seriously, I have learned more from others than I ever could by myself.

  3. There are going to be challenges and you'd want to give up. It's okay! Just know that before deciding it's not for you, talk to someone. Know that if it's something that a listening ear can help with, we got your back! But it's really also okay to pause, to take a "self-care" break as many times as you'd like. Even when you decide to leave, know that what you're leaving behind has your imprint and people will remember it even if it doesn't seem like it.

  4. Active Listening is really all that you need to focus on. I don't know how many times I have underestimated the power of simply actively listening, and seen others do it too. Just know that trying to put yourself in others' shoes, reflecting on what they're saying, asking good open-ended questions, and being the right amount of professional and friendly - this is ALL you need. I have had such meaningful conversations with both listeners and members like this. Just listen - I promise it's worth it.

Lastly, lueur, what growth do you envision for cups and cups community?

I really think Cups does so much for its own growth and the people who have been chosen as admins, ambassadors, and other leaders do such a great job of taking accountability and actually listening to the community. Leaders really bring about the change we see, and our leaders are beyond appreciable. I admire everyone so much here. Cups is only going to grow in number, hopefully, even broaden the training it offers its listeners, have more leaders and I'd just want people to get support, anyone and everyone who's in need of it. I'm very optimistic about where cups is leading towards and I'm happy to be a part of it ❤️

Living with Leaders Taglist: @rrretsuko @Smilingfuture @blindHeart12 @HealingTalk @blissfulForest7074 @FallenStarss @Moonlemon48 @Izzy274 @Zahraa000 @imaginativePear6493 @BeautifulSun298501 @ShapeshiftSystem @EmmaE @GoldenRuleJG @Helgafy @AveryLove @Adeline12345 @WhiteRoses25 @KrystalRose01 @ouiCherie @Brightfuture82 @MilaAvery @lovelyWaterfall2170 @DLynn88911221 @adventurousBranch3786 @Prachi9876 @VaryingCloud @DonaldDraper @Erato @avasoftandsimple @Zarram77 @TheAutumnWitch

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

BeautifulSun298501 March 19th, 2022

So good! I love the thought, “progress is anything that is not stagnant (paraphrasing, of course).”

lueurspace March 20th, 2022


Thank you so much for reading it, Sun! I am so glad that what I said about progress resonated with you ❤️

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

BeautifulSun298501 March 20th, 2022


Smilingfuture March 20th, 2022

@lueurspace - appreciate your journey and good work at 7 cups. Thanks for sharing your values and purpose, in Life, with all of us. 👍

@Fristo – superb questions this time, making the leaders to really dig deep and explore themselves and give us all, some great insights on Life

lueurspace March 20th, 2022


Thank you so much for reading what I had to share! ❤️ And I agree, the questions were marvelous and really made me think a lot while answering as well! Looking forward to hearing more people on such thought-provoking questions :)

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

lueurspace March 20th, 2022


Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity, Fristo! It meant a lot to me that I was considered for this interview. Love the questions, and the purpose of having these lovely interviews - I hope someone somewhere benefits from what they're reading!


"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

cheerfulIceCream March 20th, 2022
Questions on point!
You rock, the answers were so insightful!

lueurspace March 21st, 2022


thank you so much for reading it, Ice! I truly appreciate it, I am glad you found my answers to be insightful! ❤️

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

hopezzy March 20th, 2022

@Fristo Great questions and great answers. I'll remember this

@lueurspace Sometimes even taking a step back from something is progress.

I'll remember this! Your words are great. Thank you for this ❤️

lueurspace March 21st, 2022


aww thank you so much for reading it, hopezzy! I am very happy to know that you could resonate with what I said about progress, I know a lot of people place emphasis on moving forward but I believe it's equally valuable to take a step back because that might be the best choice for us at times ❤️

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

hopezzy March 21st, 2022

@lueurspace I'm glad that I came across this (: Thank you

Zarram77 March 20th, 2022

@Fristo space is so kind and considerate. Space can handle conflicts very well and never insults or disrespects anyone.

lueurspace March 21st, 2022


thank you so much for reading this, Zarram! I truly appreciate you for treating me with kindness whenever we interact in the rooms, it means a lot to me that you acknowledge the work I do around. thank you for being so awesome and *you*! ❤️

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

Zarram77 March 21st, 2022

@lueurspace *a big heart* ❤️❤️❤️

HopieRemi March 20th, 2022

@lueurspace heeeeeey

lueurspace March 21st, 2022


heyyyyyy Hopieeeeee *tackle hugs* ❤️😝

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

GoldenRuleJG March 20th, 2022

@Fristo, @lueurspace is amazing as are you 😊

Another terrific interview - you are both solid people and we are grateful to have you on this site. Such an interesting conversation with brilliant questions 👍😊

lueurspace March 21st, 2022


thank you so much for reading this, Golden! I appreciate it ❤️ I completely agree with you, the questions were simply amazing and they made me reflect a lot by myself too. we are really grateful to have you on this site as well, really admire and respect the work you do in the community :)

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

GoldenRuleJG March 21st, 2022

@lueurspace ❤️❤️❤️

Sparkyyi March 21st, 2022


Inspiring to read the interview with @Lueurspace ! Hope you will get were you want to be in the future. You all are doing such a good work 😊

lueurspace March 23rd, 2022


thank you so much for reading it, Sparkyyi! I truly appreciate it. I hope that what I wrote helped you and you get where you want to go in life as well! ❤️

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

Prachi9876 March 21st, 2022

An amazing interview indeed. I like their perception about regression

lueurspace March 23rd, 2022


thank you so much for reading it, Prachi! I am very happy to know the thing about regress stuck out to you - it has something that has been on my mind a lot lately, and I always encourage my friends to go easy on themselves when they feel too frustrated with being "stuck" at one place ❤️ how it's okay to step back

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

blindHeart12 March 21st, 2022

@Fristo @lueurspace

Loved your honest answer with mix of innocence and sincerity in replying each and every question.

Many thing I liked in your interview, especially loved your answer on what regress means to you? Your perception is so wonderful dear.

We had spend very short time in same community and always felt so welcoming and still remember your encouraging feedback on hosting.
God bless you. You keep growing and be successful.
lueurspace March 23rd, 2022


thank you so much for reading it, Heart! ❤️ I really appreciate your sweet comment for my interview. you have been very kind to me, and it means a lot to me to hear from you on this. you are doing amazing in the community! hope you keep growing and go on to achieve what you want out of your life and listener journey here at 7cups!

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

blindHeart12 March 23rd, 2022


Thank you dear for lovely and kind words. ❤️

MilaAvery March 22nd, 2022

@Fristo Thanks a lot for sharing this lovely interview!

@lueurspace, you are so full of positivity and i can already see how amazing you are! I am sure you will become an amazing professor and someone people will look up to in the future💓.

lueurspace March 23rd, 2022


thank you so much for reading this, Mila! I appreciate such a wonderful comment from you - it truly made my day! ❤️ you don't know but how you reassured me of what goals I have, has touched my heart. I hope I get there and I am able to become who I want to be! :)

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

MilaAvery March 23rd, 2022

@lueurspace don't mention it 💓 You are so much more amazing than what I wrote!

ambertryingtobeok March 23rd, 2022
@Fristo thank you for the lovely post, and @Lueurspace this is so awesome and insightful, the things you said about progress and those value points are so so meaningful, thank you again for bringing this interview to us!
lueurspace March 23rd, 2022


aww thank you so much for reading it! ❤️ I am so happy that you found it to be awesome and insightful *high fives*

to know what I have said here resonates with so many people fills me with joy, I appreciate you for sharing that with me and commenting here! wishing the best of things for you :)

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

LavenderHere March 24th, 2022

@lueurspace this is so amazing-meaningful and there are so many valid points you brought up, we all gotta keep trying and not stagnate, you put it in such a lovely way. This is a total gem, just subscribed it so I keep reading it hehe
Thank you @Fristo for bringing such a lovely post to us!

lueurspace May 4th, 2022


Thank you so much for reading this and commenting, Lav! ❤️ I am so glad that you found many valuable points in my interview. I appreciate you so much for just being you and always being so kind to me :) *hugs*

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."

LavenderHere May 4th, 2022

@lueurspace you're so so kind and sweet to me too all the time, thank youuu<3 *hugs back*

blissfulForest7074 March 25th, 2022

@Fristo @lueurspace

Another amazing interview, with fresh questions . I loved how you answered every question, the oart where 'Active listening is really you need to focus on' resonated with me a lot.

I had a lot of fun time reading this wise and insightful post

lueurspace May 4th, 2022


Thank you so much for reading it, Forest! ❤️ I really appreciate how you read the interview and even pointed out what stood out for you - I have so many wonderful things to say about it. Thank you so much for your appreciation for what I had to share :) *sending hugs*

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."