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Living with Leaders Quotables

October 20th, 2021

You are full of beautiful life learnings! Share some of your learnings with us here:


Browse this thread to find some quotable words said by our 7cups leaders (members and listeners)!

Harsvin July 19th, 2022


"I believe, we all resemble stars, you don’t have to be some celebrity to be a star. You just need to be appreciative of what you have, to be a star in your own life, your own story"

By - @Starlasky

Read full interview here

Brightfuture82 July 19th, 2022


"Can’t pour from an empty cup, now can we? ... if we continue working in a compromised state of being, it adversely affects the quality of our work too."❤️

- By @BrightSunset61❤️

The full interview is here

Harsvin July 20th, 2022


"As humans we have this innate drive to care for and love one another, and honoring that plays a large part in our wellbeing. Offering that same love to ourselves is a total game changer for the good ❤️"

By - @WarmLightXO

Read full interview here

Brightfuture82 July 20th, 2022


"I believe, we all resemble stars, you don’t have to be some celebrity to be a star. You just need to be appreciative of what you have, to be a star in your own life, your own story."❤

- By @Starlasky❤

The full interview is here

Harsvin July 21st, 2022


"Our community is strengthened by uplifting others, listening to their stories, and learning more about the members of our community."

By- @mynameisnicole

Read full interview here

Brightfuture82 July 21st, 2022


"Today though I'm struggling, of course everyone has their own struggles, but I'm still very happy in my life and I look forward to better days and I believe better days indeed come and I believe in myself that I can do it. We just need to keep going step by step."❤️

- By @bright7cups❤️

The full interview is here

Harsvin July 22nd, 2022


"May we use the 7cups space for exploring, developing, and expressing kindness in us. When you do that, that is when 7cups is at its best for you. More than you look to be served, look to serve. More than you expect to receive, give. The same applies to life in general."

By - @Fristo

Read full interview here

Brightfuture82 July 22nd, 2022


"Sometimes even taking a step back from something is progress, because it's good to take a break, to let yourself off a responsibility that you're not able to take at the moment."❤️

-By @lueurspace❤️

The full interview is here

Harsvin July 22nd, 2022


"As long as you're doing something, even something very little, I think you're making progress, whichever direction it is. It's never too late."

By - @lueurspace

Read full interview here

Brightfuture82 July 24th, 2022


"Be the light, where you see the dark."❤️

- @kindSoul10❤️

Read the full interview here

kindSoul10 July 25th, 2022

@Brightfuture82 ♥️

Harsvin July 24th, 2022


"Progress to me means overcoming fears and challenges, going past them, and coming out a better person."

- By @kieran000

Read full interview here

Harsvin July 25th, 2022


"Sometimes we might be not in a good shape but making others feel good can make us and them start radiating the kindness we hope for. Trying to be kind to yourself or others, hopefully you can accomplish one of them every day, or maybe both?"

- By @kindSoul10

Read full interview here

kindSoul10 July 25th, 2022

@Harsvin Awww I feel so honoured thanks. :')

Harsvin July 25th, 2022


You are welcome ❤

Brightfuture82 July 25th, 2022


"Every day has its own challenges. Accepting them adds to our strength. Negativity and people just looking at what you do wrong or what they believe is your deficit can be a burden. Overcoming those moments can be difficult, it might even take you to your breaking point. Making sure to survive those moments can make you stronger."❤️

- @kindSoul10❤️

Read the full interview here

kindSoul10 July 25th, 2022

@Brightfuture82 ♥️

Harsvin July 26th, 2022


"The fact that I could ease someone’s difficulties even a bit makes me happy, and that’s my favourite part about being a listener here."

By- @LavenderHere

Read full interview here

WarmLightXO July 29th, 2022


this is so wholesome 😭<3<3

Harsvin July 29th, 2022



Harsvin July 27th, 2022


"Nature spellbound me. The course of life is mysterious and beautiful. Live true to yourself each day as it comes and you will be a witness to the most amazing miracles in your own life"

By - @Fristo

Read full interview here

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Fristo! ❤

Brightfuture82 July 27th, 2022


"I have come to realise, again and over again, that all other pleasures but kindness, lead to dissatisfaction, disturbance, and disgust. Kindness is the only worthwhile pursuit"❤️


Read full interview here

Wishing you the happiest birthday and all the best in life Fristo❤️

jigsaw3638 July 27th, 2022

Great words..

Brightfuture82 July 27th, 2022


"I guess some things happen just because of timing that we cannot control, so no harm in just giving our best and hoping for the better, right?"❤️

- @crang17❤️

Read full interview here

Harsvin July 28th, 2022


"I live by the principle that kindness matters always."

By - @SparkyGizmo

Read full interview here

SparkyGizmo August 10th, 2022



Harsvin July 28th, 2022


"There really is no right road to your destination, it all comes down to if you choose to stay on it."

By - @amazingNutella24

Read full interview here

Harsvin July 29th, 2022


"Not everyone's actions are caused by you. It's just their way of dealing with things. You should not offend yourself thinking you cause them. All you can do is do your best to be a wonderful person."

- By @bubblingBreeze14

Read full interview here

Brightfuture82 July 29th, 2022


"As a leader, the last thing I would’ve wanted to do is shut myself off from feedback from the very folks I work with, and that is every single one on 7Cups. Another thing that has immensely helped me is being supportive and considerate in my approach. I believe in “Discussing”, not “Demanding” 💜 So humility is the key at the end of the day."❤️

- @amazingNutella24❤️

Read full interview here

Harsvin July 30th, 2022


"Self-honesty is the highest and purest form of honesty."

By - @Fristo

Read full interview here

Brightfuture82 July 31st, 2022


"One should inspire others to create something new or to move forward and achieve a goal; that's who a true leader should be."❤️

- By @bubblingBreeze14❤️

Read full interview here

Harsvin July 31st, 2022


"I'd like to address myself as a forever newbie though, it's just easier and better that way, to always leave a certain room open for exploring, learning and growing!"

-By @sunisshiningandsoareyou

Read full interview here

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 11th, 2022


Just seeing this now, Thankyou Harsvin. Wonderful graphic! ❤

Harsvin August 1st, 2022


"I was drawn to this platform because I loved the concept of active listening, my roles have changed over the years but one thing remains, the work I do still makes a difference!"

-By @Hope

Read full interview here

Brightfuture82 August 1st, 2022


"I've never thought about self-care or even used that word as much as we all use, talk about and value in 7 cups."❤️

- @sunisshiningandsoareyou❤️

Read full interview here

August 1st, 2022

@Brightfuture82 awwwwwwwwww, this is my fav. graphic so far!

Brightfuture82 August 1st, 2022


Thanks Fristo😊 I guess i should make the rest cartoon based😛💖

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 1st, 2022


How lovely, Brightyyy. 💖

Brightfuture82 August 1st, 2022



ImLexTheTrex August 1st, 2022


“Learning about active listening on 7Cups has allowed me to be a better listener for my friends so I’m able to support them better, and it’s also made me more patient. Cups helped me realize even more that people have a lot going on behind closed doors than we may think from first glance.”


find the full interview here