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Kindness Matters!

January 17th, 2022


Interviewee: @KindnessMatters2020

Fristo: What made you join 7cups as a listener?

Kindness: I joined 7cups at the beginning of the quarantine for covid. I felt the need to do something to help people who were in need of emotional support as we all went through that difficult and anxiety-provoking time. I could do this remotely and help people around the world which I loved!

Fristo: How’s been your listening journey so far?

Kindness: My listening journey has been really amazing. If I had to describe it in 3 words, I would say...humbling, gratifying and impactful.

Fristo: What challenges did you face as a listener and how did you try to deal with those challenges?

Kindness: As a listener, one of the biggest challenges I had to learn to navigate were the inappropriate chats that we encounter. I was just really uncertain the best way to manage those and did not want to block people. I tried a few different approaches and finally figured out the one that was most effective.

Fristo: What made you become a 7cups Mentor, and how’s been your mentoring journey so far?

Kindness: I became a mentor here because I really wanted to make listeners feel a sense of ongoing support and advocacy. Even listeners with experience sometimes encounter situations with members or aspects of navigating the site that require little guidance. My goal is to let my mentees know that I am not only here for them today, but I am here for them throughout their journey on 7Cups and will help support their success here in any way as long as they are a listener here.

Fristo: In what ways does listening at 7cups help you in your offline life?

Kindness: This is a great question. I have found that by being a listener here, I have become so much more aware of the daily challenges that people go through and how much loneliness there is in the world. In my offline life, that realization has humbled me to slow down, listen more carefully and make time to just be there for the people around me.

Fristo: In what ways do your life goals align with the work you do at 7cups?

Kindness: I have always enjoyed helping others and sometimes that can be limited due to other responsibilities. The beauty of volunteering here is that there is a ton of flexibility in terms of time and roles and how much you can/want to do. For my life goals, this work has helped me realize how much I get back in the process of giving my time. Specifically, I love being able to emotionally support other listeners and members to achieve their goals and dreams....that feeling is priceless!

Fristo: What message do you have for the cups community and for fellow listeners?

Kindness: My message for the 7cups community is that I am so glad we are together in this journey through life. Even when it feels insurmountable, you are not alone. There is always someone here to support you. For fellow listeners, I would say thank you. Thank you for giving your time, your energy, your efforts and for continuing to believe that together we can make the world a better place ❤️

Wasn’t it a lovely read!

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

HealingTalk January 17th, 2022

Wonderful dialogue !

Moving, wise, and a very true depiction of the listener's experience.

Thank you, and congratulations!

SparkyGizmo January 17th, 2022



Hi Fristo! 😊❤️ Thank you for conducting the interview as well as all of your thoughtful questions!

Hi Kind! 😊❤️ Thank you for handing yourself over to the interview process as well as all of your thoughtful responses. It's really so nice to get this opportunity to get to know one another even better here in the community!

I for one, really enjoyed all of your responses.

I particularly enjoyed your response in regard to inappropriate chats! Yes, these things will happen and they aren't enjoyable when they do. I love how you have held on to one of Glen's core values, *work through the path of the problem* and it appears as if you have also embraced his thought concept of "seeing challenges as opportunities". Pretty stellar if you ask me! 😊👍

You have let so many here, that are reading your response about this, know that they aren't alone! You *worked through the path of the problem* and found your very own style in how to deal with such things. You have taken those challenges and have now turned them into opportunities to help others that you mentor! Another core value *showing true grit*. Essentially it's staying strong in the face of adversity. Glad the inappropriate chats didn't chase you away, glad you showed tenacity and now you take this knowledge and help so many of your teammates! 😊❤️

The magic happens around here every day! We either have to look for it or we create it!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️ Stay great my friends! 😊❤️

BeautifulSun298501 January 17th, 2022

Wow! This is an amazing interview! It is so good to see how much helping here has impacted your life, @KindnessMatters2020 !

It is also good to see how much good it has done for the people you have given your time to. Way to go!

Smilingfuture January 17th, 2022



Thanks so much for sharing the outcome of this interview @Firsto. This is so encouraging

@KindessMatters2020. your responses are so down to earth and very humbling. I have so much to learn from you. Gratitude

January 28th, 2022

@Smilingfuture Glad you found the interview a good read, Smiling

rrretsuko January 17th, 2022

@Fristo such a wonderful interview with amazing responses <3 @KindessMatters2020, you rock ! i could really relate with the things you had to say. thank you so much for everything you do for the community :) it's deeply appreciated !

blindHeart12 January 19th, 2022

@Fristo @KindnessMatters2020

I don't know you but your interview sound amazing. Someone who is calm and genuine. True quality of leader. Totally resemble to the name.

No wonder ur mentee would be lucky to have you around.

God bless you! You keep growing more and more.

Thank you Fristo for tag 🙏

January 28th, 2022

@blindHeart12 Lovely response, blindHeart!

soulsings January 19th, 2022

@KindnessMatters2020 thanks for sharing your insights about listening.
