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Interviewing our Leaders - AnnaSilverberg!

Heather225 April 10th


It's my turn and honor to interview the interviewer! She's the orchestrator of the Interviewing our Leaders Series - @AnnaSilverberg! Anna is a Quality Ambassador who collaborates with @EvelyneRose on driving the Quality Mentor Program and specializes in all things new listeners!

How did you find Cups?

I wanted to provide some support in a positive way and turned to Google to help me search. I had heard it often that it was good to talk to me and I wanted to be able to give my support to more people, to help others feel less alone in this big world that we’re in.
So, when I saw Cups, I signed up and started my listener journey.
I am very glad that I did, because I am a part of an amazingly magical community of wonderful people. 

What do you do on Cups?
I do a little bit of everything, I am an Ambassador & Evelyne’s assistant.
I focus mostly on our Quality Mentors and newbie and listener quality in general, help out with making Cups a safe place to be in. I focus on bringing important information to our listeners, either through Forum posts or in the Listener Support Room (LSR).

I am also a Smile Spreader, an ATL (Adult Teen Listener), Peer & Chat Supporter and  a Quality Mentor for both adults and teens. A Quality Mentor Leader for the Anonymous Evaluations team and a Global Moderator for our chat rooms.
As well as being the unofficial 7Cups librarian 😛

How do you like to start your day?
I love to start the day with a cup of coffee and write in my Gratitude journal.

Putting my focus on the positive things in life is a wonderful way to start the day

What is your most favorite weekend activity?
Going to the dog park with my dogs or a walk, I also like visiting family and friends for sure. 

How important is self-care to you?
It is as important as breathing! Self-care is our way to make sure that we are feeling balanced and are taking care of our mental and emotional wellbeing.

What motivates you?
Projects, tasks and to do lists. I love it when I have things to do, it’s kind of a fuel for me.
I like being busy, my ADHD thrives on it. 

If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
Definitely an Orca, they are intelligent and have a community amongst themselves.
They are emotional creatures for sure and do like to have the occasional fun.

Team Coffee or Team Tea?
Coffee, always coffee

What is your greatest strength?
Hmm, I’d say my positivity and empathy. I do love focusing on opportunities and to provide support.

If you could do one good thing today, what would it be?
I would let the people around me know how much I appreciate them. Sometimes we get so lost in our everyday life that we forget to show our gratitude to the ones around us.

We are all struggling in one way or another and having someone letting us know that they see us and that they appreciate us is a wonderful feeling to have. 

What act of kindness, that you have either seen or done, is one that has stayed with you?
Oh wow, I have seen and experienced so many that it’s hard to choose one.

If I’m choosing, then I’d say seeing all the listeners who provide their valuable time here on Cups. Just the fact that you are here, volunteering your time to support others is absolutely amazing.
Our members are also so supportive to one another and seeing all of this just absolutely warms my heart <3
That is something that stays with me everytime I see it, because it’s truly magical! 

If you could add one thing to Cups, what would it be?
Hmm, I would add more games in 1:1 chats. We have “4 in a row” already, I would love to see some more of that 😀

What’s your least favorite daily task?
Doing laundry, I am brilliant at forgetting that I’m doing it and end up having to make the washing machine go another cycle because of my forgetfulness

What’s your favorite season of the year and why?
Autumn, all the magical colors is something that brings me joy!

Do you have a favorite hobby?
I like drawing a lot, some listeners like it as well since they have my artwork as their profile photos. That makes me so happy, to see that they like my work to that degree is simply amazing!
I also like photography and consider myself a hobby photographer. My favorite thing to photograph is the beautiful nature that you can see here in Iceland and my pets. 

What is the weirdest food combination that you like?
I’ve been told quite often that my liking of ketchup on pasta is odd.
I don’t think it is though and love having pasta or noodles with ketchup 😂

If you could share some kind words with the community, what would those be?
Thank you for being here, just the fact that you logged on today and spent your valuable time with us is amazing!

We all face challenges, we all have our struggles and that’s okay. Sometimes just taking one day at a time is the best thing we can do and I want you to know that’s okay. It’s okay to not be okay. All of our feelings, no matter what they are, are absolutely valid.
Take the time you need to self-care, it’s so important to take care of ourselves.
Self care doesn’t have to be complicated, just simple tasks like getting dressed and taking 10 minutes to do something you enjoy doing is wonderful.
Thank you for being a part of this community, we value you, we appreciate you and we are grateful for you. I wish you all a wonderful rest of your day 💗

✨ ✨ ✨ 
Thank you for all you do to inspire and uplift our community, Anna!

Heather225 OP April 10th

If YOU are a leader interested in being interviewed (or you know someone who might be), Anna is on the lookout! do PM them if interested!


This is awesome, thank you for interviewing our amazing peer!


Anna, it's been so great getting to know you and working with you, you're truly so fantabulous, being an ever so encouraging and supportive presence. I'm glad you found 7 cups and have been using your strong suits of empathy, creativity as well as your positive mindset so so well in contributing massively to this community. Keep being youuu!♥️

AnnaSilverberg April 20th

Aww 💕
Thank you so much for your kind words, Sun! 
I am so lucky to get to work with persons such as yourself 🍀
✨ You are amazing 

Tinywhisper11 April 11th

@Heather225 another awesome interview, we'll done and thankyou ❤

@AnnaSilverberg you are definitely one of a kind ❤❤❤ thanks for all you do ❤

AnnaSilverberg April 20th

Thank you, Tiny for your kind words! 
Happy Christmas you wonderful bean
Tinywhisper11 April 20th

@AnnaSilverberg happy thanksgiving😁❤❤

GlenM April 11th

@AnnaSilverberg, what a beautiful interview. Thank you for being a significant part of the magic here on 7 Cups. That was the word that kept leaping out at me as I read your interview. You are a fountain of positivity, compassion and seeing people. and I think the drawings you make people are really meaningful. Sketches, paintings etc. are all great ways of symbolically communicating to people and letting them know they matter. Thank you for leading on this front and many others!

AnnaSilverberg April 20th

Thank you, Glen 
I am so glad that you find our community to 
be as magical as I find it to be 

I'm so lucky to be here and to get to help people
☕ You are magically awesome!

sadcat13 April 12th

@Heather225 Thank you for this amazing interview, I enjoyed learning about Ana so much 😊

AnnaSilverberg April 20th

I am glad that you enjoyed learning about me,
thank you for reading the interview. 
You are so wonderful! 
