Igniting the Spark in you
There is a spark in each of us. When I think of someone at 7cups from whose words that spark is very visible as a bright light every time they speak, I am reminded of none other than @SparkyGizmo
Those of us who have met Sparky in forum or in listener support room, or maybe in pm, or some other land at 7cups, you must be knowing exactly what I am saying.
Presenting you this talk with SparkyGizmo..
Fristo: Welcome, Sparky. Thanks for taking time for this interview. The community would love hearing from you.
Thank you so very much Fristo! This is truly quite humbling as well as an honor to be a part of this process. I’ve always loved your interview series, your thoughtful questions! I will do my best to answer your questions and again, I’m grateful that you would even ask for me to do so! Thank you my friend!
What is your philosophy of life? In other words, what is the perspective with which you live your each day?
Fristo, such a wonderful question and I’m really glad that you asked. As for me, I live by the principle that kindness matters always. My philosophy of life is proudly listed on my profile page. I guess I had a great deal to say there. Luckily for me, I put all of those words on my profile page when I signed up for 7 cups! I have never had to once retract a statement but only add to the profile page with roles or fun stuff at the bottom. My profile page, I visit every so often. I do this in an effort to “keep myself in check”. Can I still be the person I promised to be? Can I be the person I promised to be for 7 cups, for all of my teammates, members and listeners alike, and also for myself, to have integrity and walk the path of authenticity. There is power in authenticity.
How do you balance yourself through trying times?
I must agree, that we all have challenges in our lives whether they be professional ones here on 7 cups or in our real lives. I think the first line of defense is knowing the difference. I agree with 7 cups and that we should only sign onto our listener accounts when we know that we are in the right “headspace”, have the right “mindset” and are able to keep the commitments that we have made. Finding balance is integral to the process.
Self care is something that I encourage if it is needed. This could be for real life/personal issues or because things that can happen on 7 cups that could be a little trying from time to time. Also going to a peer support, a mentor or signing into one's own member account can be really great depending upon what it might be that is troubling someone.
For me, some of my self-care “go to’s” are listening to music, reading, cooking (while practicing mindfulness), lighting a richly scented candle, a hot bath, etc. I’m someone that is quite simple in their needs.
What activities, people or places ignite the spark in you?
Something that ignites the spark in me and brings fuel to my fire is truly engaging here on 7 cups. Interacting with my teammates, feeling a sense of community! It’s a great feeling to be a part of something bigger than yourself! It’s an amazing feeling to be on a platform that gives us all the opportunity to seek support, provide support and as Glen said, to be a part of 7 cups that he created because “There is a huge love deficit in the world. 7 cups is here to try and bridge the gap”. (not sure if I got the direct quote correct, but I imagine it’s close enough and he will give me a “pass” on that one, lol)
How did you discover 7cups and if you could sum up your cups journey in a few lines, what would you say?
Many years ago, I came to 7 cups one time, back when they had “guest” accounts. Well, it was a moment when I felt like speaking to someone would be good. It’s how I discovered 7 cups initially. I can understand how each member is not the right “fit” for each listener and I discovered that long ago, first hand. So, at least that listener wasn’t mean spirited by any stretch of the imagination but I did walk away from the experience not feeling better, not feeling heard and for me, it was an odd moment.
After much time had passed, I had always remembered 7 cups. I thought to myself “self, can I care”? The answer was yes. I thought to myself “self can I show up”? The answer was yes. I thought to myself “self, can I type”? (lol) The answer was yes.
At the end of the day, the most important question I had to ask myself was “self, do you think there is anything, anything at all, some value, some gift you could possibly bring to another person in need”? The answer was a huge, loud and resounding yes! I saw it as “if you are not part of the solution, then you are only part of the problem” so I jumped in and I’m here, simply trying my best!
What is one wish that you carry within you for everyone?
I think for me it might be to wish that we all be extra kind to everyone around us as none of us ever know what another person might be going through at the moment.
How do you go around someone not being nice to you?
I must admit, this is a truly valuable question! These situations are not easy ones but it is a part of life. With life comes adversity and with relationships comes adversity, no matter what type of “ship” that may be. Even the best of relationships require a great deal of work.
For me, I’m someone that is slow to anger and quick to forgive so I keep working on it. I am patient, I am kind, I will first assume that I misunderstood their intentions and revert in any way I can to what a positive meaning could have been gleaned from it all. After so many times, well, you kind of “get the true message” of it all. After that time, you have to instill boundaries and that is a really broad topic and many ways to do so. We can also all engage in conflict negotiation. Best is to remain calm, keep trying, keep supporting and maybe they will turn around. If not, it’s best to remove yourself from toxic or caustic situations.
One last question, Sparky. What is one of your favorite affirmations you say to yourself?
You know Fristo, many times I say to myself that “small is mighty”. As Abe Lincoln said “whatever it is that you are, just be a good one”! The biggest thing I have going for myself is that I care and I try hard! For me, it’s good enough! As long as my heart is in the right place, I guess it will all work out okay in the end.
Living with Leaders Taglist: @rrretsuko @Smilingfuture @blindHeart12 @HealingTalk @blissfulForest7074 @FallenStarss @Moonlemon48 @Izzy274 @Zahraa000 @imaginativePear6493 @BeautifulSun298501 @ShapeshiftSystem @EmmaE @GoldenRuleJG @Helgafy @AveryLove @Adeline12345
This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here
Thanks a lot @Fristo for sharing this wonderful interview with us!
@SparkyGizmo, I loved the way you answered to the questions. You are super kind and your answers have a lot of depth to it. I'm so happy that you are a part of this family💜
@Fristo @SparkyGizmo
Wonderful interview ! A round of applause for those amazing quotes and lessons you've taught us Gizmo ! Keep shining bright, you guys.
Kudos to another amazing round of questions as well Fristo. I love these series. Keep up the amazing work by your team.
@Fristo @SparkyGizmo
Thank you so much for those inspiring words! ❤️
This is amazing serves as an excellent reminder for all! Thank you for sharing!
@Fristo @SparkyGizmo
Fristo, I'd like to first thank *you* for this wonderful interview series, and for bringing us such "nuggets" of wisdom from some really amazing people around here, it is a great way to know our team mates and ofcourse, to imbibe their values over time. Keep it up. ❤
And now, Sparkyyy Sparkkk, where do I even begin with you lol, you truly do not miss a beat anytime, not even sure how you do it ahah, but guess what, it is one of your super powers and I for one, am always on the look out to *see* you, believe me when I say, you get more beautiful by the day, every time I see you around, be it in chatrooms, forums or PMs, my day is made, you radiate so much joy and positive energy and goshhhh, thankyouu for knowing how to type haha.... you being here makes this community so much brighter and better (more for me fosho).
There's this badge called "receptionist" in cups, the description says- 'for assisting newly aged up teens', I feel the badge is/was (I'm not sure if it is still active) in place for leaders who assist teens who are new to the oldie side, to ofcourse help them get acclimatized and assure them that this place ain't super bad lol, we are here for all the support and encouragement.
Wondering if, it also means the teens interacting with kindness firsthand, from how I see it, a warm, kind, friendly receptionist is the first one to encounter a "guest"- they are the ones who make that first impression for them to decide if they are going to choose to stay or not.
Wondering if *you* can be our unofficial 7 cups "receptionist"- I know you believe highly in listener retention, and hey, I believe highly in *you*. I can personally vouch for the fact that if someone has met you once, or seen you in action, they likely are going to see nothing but kindness, and sheer brilliance in action. You are someone who will give off a great first impression (a lasting one ofcourse) of what 7 cups is for, and all about.
So believe me again, you have lots of value to give out to the world, and ofcourse our community, which is no less than a snapshot of the world we live in lol.
Thankyou for being here, Sparky, you are a wholesome human and you spread love and kindness around like confetti, thankyou for being *you*.
Biggest *hugs*
I'm really glad you took this opportunity to share your thoughts and values with the community, such remarkable reminders and lots of "food for thought" hehe. I feel grateful to know you. ❤
❤️❤️❤️ Good Day Sunshine....I'm *coming your way* to respond to your beautiful pm. Hmm....my dear, what shall be on the menu for our time together? Onions, indeed! 😊❤️
Amazing interview, with many pieces of great information!
This is an amazing interview and I'd lie if I say I wasn't waiting for it to happen 💜 Thank you so much for posting it!
Sparky, I remember when I found the notification to your interview, I knew I was in for something great 💜 And I promised myself I'll take my time to read this greatness and now here I am, yet again speechless. Sparky, my words have never been enough to explain the amazingness that you harbor!
"At the end of the day, the most important question I had to ask myself was “self, do you think there is anything, anything at all, some value, some gift you could possibly bring to another person in need”? The answer was a huge, loud and resounding yes!", This right here is the epitome of greatness and around here, we know this pure greatness as Sparky 💜 This is what you are, one fantastic person to who is there for everyone. And when I say "everyone", I mean every single one of us. I can never thank you enough for everything you do!
Every time I find myself in a tight situation, may it be a tough decision for the community or a stalling choice, I always, always, try to remember our conversations and that truly helps me get back on track. Do you know how? Because I know you got us, because I know what Sparky would say 💜
For what little I am able to do around here, you're a big part of the inspiration. And to this day, you've been my greatest mentor 💜 Every time I get a notification or tag from you, consider my day is made. Everywhere I've seen you, be it the chatrooms or forums or in PMs, you've been nothing short of amazing, all the time! I love how you go around uplifting everyone, it warms my heart to see you as a part of our community. You are amazing, Sparky. Sending you big hugs 💜
Amazing 😊❤️, I promise you, I don't even know what to say for myself right now. Truly, this is one of the most pivotal moments on my journey here. I know, it's like, speak, speak, say something!
Talk about speechless, well, the ole' Gizzie, running around the site, being highly verbal and engaging, I'm like, I don't know what to even say now. I'm sitting here staring at the screen, feeling so very much. For me, it feels like *head bowed*, *shuffles feet* a bit. Made me cry, but in a great way, really happy stuff! ❤️❤️❤️
One of the things that does come to mind is the concept of...."it takes one to know one". Many times that is used as a negative connotation for others or interactions. But I don't see it that way. I pull it inside out and upside down and my feelings are that it takes the greatness in you to see any wee bit of greatness in me, at all! My friend, it does take one to know one! ❤️❤️❤️
Another pivotal moment for me is that you can see that my intentions are to be here for "everyone". I'm like, oh my gosh, you doooooooo "see" me and quite clearly! You are the very first person that has ever said that to me and notices that about me. It's even one of the reasons I chose to be a "global" forum supporter.
How in the world do you know my heart?❤️ It is truly what I'm all about! I'm here for members, the newbie listeners, the listeners that have been here and all up along the chain of command, fellow peer supports, chat supports/mentors, Mods (volunteer and community) Ambassadors and Administration. I am so Shocked! 😳 I've never even said that, never verbalized my feelings about it all, to anyone, ever, here on this site, but you see my actions and my intentions! ❤️
I must say, that clearly, you watch your teammates, closely, and you see what it is that they are made of!
It is amazing, that me, of all people have been your greatest mentor to date on the site. ❤️I don't even know what to say, I really don't. I can say that I'm truly grateful, that's for sure! I can only say that it's a true testament to your leadership qualities to look past a badge or a role and see what the human being behind it all is capable of! You have your "fingers on the pulse" around here!
Again, pivotal moment for me today is to know that I have in some way, in any way, I been a source of inspiration, been in your thought process, thinking back to "hmmm....what would a conversation with Gizzie be like right about now about if I was able to share the conundrum that I am facing".
Wow! moment! Amazing, please be rest assured that I will count you as part of my gratitude moments for the day as I have done soooooooo many times before in the past! *high fives*😊 big *hugs*❤️ Stay great my friend! ❤️😊❤️
@Fristo Thank you very much for starting this interview series. It gives new insights and helps us to learn something new :)
@Fristo What a wonderful interview! I love the questions, and the whole theme of "getting to know your leaders."
@SparkyGizmo there just isn't enough that I can say about you. I can't even pick one line that resonated with me, because in your every answer, I found a treasure that I intend to value for a long time. I have always said this in the past and I still mean it just as much when I say, you are truly one of a kind and 7cups needs more people like you, I felt like I admired you enough but there is no "enough." You just show up in your most beautiful, most authentic self and I am just here, sitting and witnessing the glory of Gizzie. I truly feel so lucky ❤️
I have massive respect for your listener journey, for the things you have been through, and the person you always choose to be. You put a lot of conscious effort and intent into what you do on 7cups which I haven't observed as frequently around. You inspire me to do better and be better too. I see so much value in you, many people do and I am so happy this interview was just one of those means to share you and that beautiful mind of yours. Thank you so much for doing this interview!
From one froggie to another, cheering you on from this lilypad ❤️
"I feel that there is nothing more truly artisitic than to love people."