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Benefits of Volunteering

October 26th, 2021

How can volunteering benefit a volunteer? Share with us by replying to the thread! To help you think, we've listed a few benefits of volunteering below!


#1: Volunteering increases your social and relationship skills

One of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships is to commit to a shared activity together.

Volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice and develop your social skills since you are meeting regularly with a group of people with common interests. Once you have momentum, it’s easier to branch out and make more friends and contacts.

#2: Volunteering increases self-confidence

Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction.

#3: Volunteering combats depression

A key risk factor for depression is social isolation. Volunteering keeps you in regular contact with others and helps you develop a solid support system, which in turn protects you against stress and depression when you’re going through challenging times.

#4: Volunteering can advance your career

If you’re considering a new career, volunteering can help you get experience in your area of interest and meet people in the field.

Even if you’re not planning on changing careers, volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, project planning, task management, and organization. You might feel more comfortable stretching your wings at work once you’ve honed these skills in a volunteer position first.

#5: Develops emotional stability

Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, low self-esteem, and even Obsessive Compulsive Disorder have all been helped by volunteering. When people with OCD, PTSD, or anger management issues volunteer, they feel more connected to others. They have an increased sense of purpose. Connection and meaning translate to decreased symptoms and improved social function.

#6: Burns that stubborn belly fat

When we volunteer, even if it is not a physically demanding project, we still get up and get moving.

#7: Volunteer gains a sense of purpose and becomes happier

How you may ask?

Throughout your life, you look to develop social and professional skills that promote your personal achievement. Using those skills for a wider, communal impact can be even more fulfilling. Volunteering will enrich your life and give you a broader purpose and can give you a boost of motivation.

We are lucky to be on 7cups which provides as simple a volunteering activity as being an active listener to someone. You just need to hold yourself back and give a safe and compassionate space for the member to vent to you. There are easy-to-practice active listening skills such as validating emotions, asking open-ended questions, and showing understanding and empathy.

If you are a member and considering volunteering on 7cups, read this post about becoming a listener.

If you are a listener and want to get better at listening, it could be worth walking the listener learner growth path.

bubblingBreeze14 October 26th, 2021


Well said. 😊 By volunteering you're not only helping others, you're also helping yourself. You constantly learn new things, starts appreciating your life and others, start seeing different perspectives. Sometimes lending a helping hand is all you need to feel better. ❤️

Happy900 August 10th, 2022

@bubblingBreeze14 I agree with you,my friend.

bubblingBreeze14 August 11th, 2022



BeautifulSun298501 October 26th, 2021


I agree. Volunteering improves my mood and I feel more grounded.

Zahraa000 October 26th, 2021

صelly well done, Volunteering makes me more understanding of myself and others.Giving is the beginning of achieving goals💜💜

Happy900 August 10th, 2022

@Zahraa000 Thanks for sharing this with us.

Robynni October 26th, 2021

Yes! I love this @Fristo ❤️

For me, I feel very accomplished, rewarded and overall happier to know I'm supporting others and working in a fantastic team (or as we prefer to say, family)

Happy900 August 10th, 2022

@Robynni Thanks for sharing this.

amiablePeace77 October 26th, 2021


It's so true what was said in the post about volunteering, so many benefits. Volunteering here at 7cups gave my life a special meaning again.

Happy900 August 10th, 2022

@amiablePeace77 I am so glad it helps you to feel better, my friend.

Love the hard work you do, at 7cups.

amiablePeace77 August 11th, 2022


Thank you Happy900!

RogueRaider October 27th, 2021


thank you!

AliAly October 27th, 2021

100% agree , it make major difference in my life

Happy900 August 10th, 2022

@AliAly Glad to hear this.

GloriaD October 27th, 2021


Thank you for this wonderful post ♥️ Yes, volunteering does help others, but in that process, it helps us as well. For me, volunteering, in any field, is a positive experience overall 🌻

Happy900 August 10th, 2022

@GloriaD Glad to hear this.

SirenOfSerenity August 9th, 2022


I already enjoy volunteering when I can, but burning belly fat sealed it for me xD This is an incredible post as always Fristo!

Happy900 August 10th, 2022

@SirenOfSerenity Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

considerateMoon9060 August 9th, 2022

For me, volunteering caused my depression to worsen, never doing that again

August 9th, 2022

@considerateMoon9060 sorry to hear that, moon. hope you get the care/self-care you need❤️

considerateMoon9060 August 9th, 2022

Self-care does nothing

Happy900 August 10th, 2022

@considerateMoon9060 So sorry to hear this.

HelpListen2U4U August 10th, 2022

Self-Care is EVERYTHING. But you have to take care of yourself before you volunteer. You before others, always, or else you're no good to anyone.

I also struggle with depression, and on the really bad days, I don't volunteer, as it would just agitate me and worsen my symptoms. I have PTSD as well, and there was a time doing this would have also worsened my symptoms. It only helps once you are at a certain point in your path.

You sound angry and bitter, and rightfully so! You have to deal with showering and dishes being hard things! There are some days when I have to be okay with myself doing nothing, some days when I push myself. Some days when I congratulate myself for showering and feeding myself, and some days where I don't congratulate myself until I've cleaned, done schoolwork, volunteered, taken my son and dog for a nature walk, made a healthy dinner and settled down for a family movie with popcorn.

Try to push yourself into a bubble bath on really hard days, sometimes it won't help much, but just feeling clean can make laying around depressed a lot nicer, for me anyways.

Baby steps. Everyone has to start somewhere. Have you thought about medication? Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy?

Every single day is still a struggle for me, but I push myself through, I am waiting to see a psychiatrist ATM and I recently got a new doctor who will be trying me on some new meds, as the last time I tried antidepressants I tried to blank myself (can't say that on here) So I've stayed away from them for over 5 years. Too scared to try again, until now.

Having mental illnesses is tough. Love yourself, go easy on yourself. It's okay to sit around and watch TV all day, but the next day force yourself our for a nature walk and take that bubble bath! The combination helps me a bit.

Good Luck!

CalmWaves3939 August 10th, 2022


Sometimes it is not the volunteering that causes these feelings but the volunteering environment, experience or job role. It could be worth testing a new volunteering experience and comparing your feeling! However, if you still feel the same after trying again that is also okay! Your feelings are valid and it is not the same for everyone. Keep going until you find something that helps you 💗 We are here for you 😊

Happy900 August 10th, 2022

@Fristo Love the post.

For me, it is a way to give back to others.

I find the work I do at 7cups, to be very life changing for me.

Thanks @GlenM for making 7cups possible.

HelpListen2U4U August 10th, 2022

These are all very true, but most of them don't apply to volunteering here... As its online. We don't socialize or get up and moving, it may help your self esteem and depression a bit, but not as much as volunteering in a in-person position.

A really good list of benefits though.

I've found that the benefits of volunteering over the internet to be for myself:

1. Increased time for other things. I don't lose time or money driving around to different volunteering sites.

2. I get to work on my counseling skills, and my social skills.

3. It will definitely help my future career as a counsellor. Though volunteering in person would allow me to make better connections.

4. It makes me feel good when I help someone!! This is the main one for me.

5. Volunteering at this specific place has allowed me to gain access to a world of support and mental health that I otherwise wouldn't have found. I even have a member account for when things get hard. I wouldn't have accessed these resources, or even known about them, if my school didn't tell me I could volunteer here.

6. It's just plain old good for the soul in every way. Mentally, emotionally, all the good feelings, helping people. It's all good, and even if there may be too many men who want to talk about my sex life or ask perverted questions (without having a legitimate reason, as I'm very open to sexual conversations if it is relevant to the issue) I even get something good out of those conversations. It helps me build a line to where I will allow future clients to cross and not cross.

CalmWaves3939 August 10th, 2022


Volunteering helps us gain experience!

Sometimes we have the opportunity to volunteer for a job we want for a short amount of time so that we can get a tester and see if this is the job for you. Volunteering gives us the chance to commit for a short time rather than a long time and through volunteering, we can get opinions and insight into the environment and the people that work there. ✨ We can also find out what skills we need to work on to get the job in the future and to get experience by shadowing other workers 😊

waves 🌊

HansSCN August 11th, 2022


Yes, many people need the feeling of sense of purpose

yourbuddy30 August 11th, 2022

@Fristo Im totally with this point of view

GuidanceGuru1111 August 11th, 2022

Absolutely agree 😊

GoldenNest2727 August 11th, 2022


Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and develop friendships. That applies both at 7 Cups and within our local communities.