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A Discovering Journey

March 14th, 2022

Many of us might have wondered at some point what it's like to be a leader. How does it feel being a leader?

We might have wanted to learn from good leaders’ experiences so as to get perspective on what it takes to be a good leader and finally to prepare oneself to embark on one’s leadership journey.

The following talk could be a great help in addressing the above curiosities!

Interviewee: @amazingNutella24

Interviewer: @silverrailey

Why did you choose to be a leader?

For a short introduction, I’m the Chatroom Ambassador here on 7Cups, Listener Chatrooms being my focus. My choice to start supporting this track as a leader, even before I was the ambassador was completely based on my belief in “Supporting the Supporters”. Being a listener, I understood that someone needs to be there for the supporters too on their journey. And I wished to be that “someone” to a selfless supporter 💜 One can only support others when they feel supported in the first place!

When/where did the idea come from?

This is kind of a continuation of my last answer. I’ve been here since 2018 and I’ve spent most of this time being a listener. There were multiple times I could’ve used support on my listening journey, but for various reasons, I wasn’t able to get my hands on the right support. And what I noticed is that listener chatrooms play a very pivotal role in introducing listeners to the diverse support they can get on 7Cups. That’s where it started for me and I knew exactly where I wanted to pitch in, haha!

What are the challenges you have faced during your journey?

We’ve all heard of “Sometimes we need to take a step back to take two steps ahead”, and my journey on and off 7Cups put me in a position where I had to take that step backward. Accepting and embracing it was challenging at first. I wouldn’t say I don’t struggle with it anymore, but now I’m way more welcoming of this idea than ever, which I count as a big accomplishment on my plate! A step back for two steps ahead is still progress 💜

What are the qualities of a leader?

Being open to receiving feedback all this time has helped. As a leader, the last thing I would’ve wanted to do is shut myself off from feedback from the very folks I work with, and that is every single one on 7Cups. Another thing that has immensely helped me is being supportive and considerate in my approach. I believe in “Discussing”, not “Demanding” 💜 So humility is the key at the end of the day.

How hard is it to be a leader?

Every road comes with obstacles and it’s the same here. As a leader, I fall in a position where I need to make decisions, and not all my decisions go according to the plan. With being a leader comes a huge responsibility, not only for your own actions but of an entire team or more 💜 Still, being a leader is greatly rewarding. There really is no right road to your destination, it all comes down to if you choose to stay on it.

Can anyone become a leader?

My answer would be yes! As per me, It only depends on one thing, as it did in my case, that is if I was open to learning or not. Fortunately for me, I love learning and it just clicked 💜

What did you learn from being a leader?

Oh, I love this question! I did an amazing interview with @Fristo just a couple of days back, and I will say the same here. I have learned a lot from being a leader, but I cherish one lesson more than any other. And that is, I’m absolutely nothing without my team. My team makes me 💜

And I really want to thank this one amazing person, @SparkyGizmo, for showing me, not once but an uncountable number of times, that teamwork makes the dream work. Silver, thank you so much for all your questions, I loved answering them!

Living with Leaders Taglist: @rrretsuko @Smilingfuture @blindHeart12 @HealingTalk @blissfulForest7074 @FallenStarss @Moonlemon48 @Izzy274 @Zahraa000 @imaginativePear6493 @BeautifulSun298501 @ShapeshiftSystem @EmmaE @GoldenRuleJG @Helgafy @AveryLove @Adeline12345 @WhiteRoses25 @KrystalRose01 @ouiCherie @Brightfuture82 @MilaAvery @lovelyWaterfall2170 @DLynn88911221 @adventurousBranch3786

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

Moonlemon48 March 14th, 2022
@silverrailey Wow such an awesome and informative post!
@amazingNutella24 Nutelllaaaa!! As amazing as always<3 Honestly, I've always looked up to you because you were one of the leaders who always had a warm aura and weren't hesitant about answering questions and doubts, you have always been here and your "I am just a PM away" Has never failed to assure me. You are an amazing leader with an amazing personality, I am so glad to call you my friend❤
MilaAvery March 14th, 2022

@Fristo, thanks so much for posting this interview!

@silverrailey, I enjoyed reading this interview a lot 💜.

@amazingNutella24, your answers are really enlightening and it shows how great of a leader you are. I'm so glad that you are a part of this family 💜.

ouiCherie March 14th, 2022

@Fristo 💜

@amazingNutella24 never cease to amazed me 🤗 kind, friendly and obviously smart.

Wonderful interview! ⭐

SparkyGizmo March 14th, 2022




Hi Fristo! 😊❤️ Thank you for creating this forum post! I loved your introduction! Indeed, I too am curious to know what it feels like to be in what I refer to as a "higher order role" here on 7 cups! I too want to learn the mindset, the thought process and the heart ❤️ of what it means to have a great deal of responsibility here on this site and what it takes to be a great leader! *high fives* 😊 and *big *hugs*❤️

Hi Silver! 😊❤️ Thank you so much for conducting this interview series! I for one, truly enjoyed your incredibly thoughtful questions. For me, it was true perfection! Some days, you just got to ask the right questions and then let it all flow from the person that is being interviewed. Your thoughtful questions are what brought forth amazing answers from a great leader here in our community! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Hi Amazing! 😊❤️ *breaths deeply* Now is when any bit of eloquence from me is going have to go straight out of the window. I just have to do it, and just let it all flow, saying what is on my mind. Something tells me, you'll be just fine with that! I have to speak from the heart ❤️

Lets roll with this comes the "hot mess express" lol! Like, oh my gosh! So love how you spoke of "supporting the supporters". Wow! Yup, comes back to exactly what you said and what I say daily around here of "I am nothing with out my team" ❤️.

Your leadership is impeccable in my opinion! You are humble, you are kind. You see the trickle down or the domino effect of supporting the supporter or training the trainer. You see that teamwork is essential or we will get nothing done around here. It's a "WE" and not a "ME". You are so highly invested and are highly invested in "people". You see a human being behind the screen! 😊❤️😊 You see a human being and not a role or a badge. You see performance! You see people in action!

Leads me to precisely why you may have mentioned me here in this forum post. You have no idea how incredibly grateful to you I am for doing that! ❤️ Thank you for seeing the value in me! Thank you for seeing my work ethic! *bows in front of greatness*❤️❤️❤️ It's truly a testament to your leadership skills and leadership style. It's a testament to how you operate around here!

One of the 7 cups core values that comes directly from Glen is "we believe in equality". For anyone here that is reading this, guess what, @amazingNutella24 just put that concept into action, for all of us to see! If anyone would like to know, sure, I am way far off from anywhere near what Amazing has achieved. But the reach down, dig down deep, they don't just look through the branches they look directly at the roots! Thank you Amazing for looking past badges or lack there of and seeing something in me! 😊❤️

Amazing, you see it in all of us and I know this! Again, your leadership style is impeccable. It shows in your forum posts also. For me, the greatest leaders surround themselves with highly diverse as well as smart people. They ask the questions. They listen, take in the information and make up their own mind on how to move forward in the best interests of all considered, as a community, as a whole.

Keep rocking the house my friend! 😊❤️ Hey, me too, I also strive to learn something from anyone and everyone that I meet! I really am okay being vulnerable about this... Yes Amazing, this made me cry (and alot!) ❤️ in a good way today and I can't even "blame it on the onions today". *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️! Stay great my friend! 😊 Happy to watch you shine and bask in your glow! 😊❤️

SilverRailey March 14th, 2022


That's sweet 😋

Thank you 😊 💓 ☺ 💗 💛

SparkyGizmo March 14th, 2022



SilverRailey March 14th, 2022



Loved you answers,

It was a great/big help😊

Thank you 😊 💓 ☺ 💗 💛

soulsings March 15th, 2022

Thanks for sharing your journey @amazingNutella24

@silverrailey thanks for your time and energy providing this interview along with @Fristo

BeautifulSun298501 March 15th, 2022

Amazing interview! Lots of take aways!

You mention that sometimes the decision does not go according to plan. Even so, the ability to make the decision is so important! Way to go!

SparkyGizmo March 15th, 2022


Well said! ❤️😊