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Forum Engagement Challenge!

CheeryMango March 25th

Hello Community, we’re excited to introduce a new initiative aimed at enhancing our forum engagement and fostering a culture of support within our community: the Forum Engagement Challenge!

What is the Forum Engagement Challenge?

The Forum Engagement Challenge is a monthly campaign where we encourage all members, including Admins, Ambassadors, leaders, and everyone in between, to actively participate in forum discussions. The goal is simple: make 7 meaningful replies within the designated period. By responding promptly to posts, whether it's welcoming new members or contributing to ongoing discussions, we can create a sense of belonging and connection that enriches our community experience.

Why Participate?

  1. Build Community: Engage with fellow community members to strengthen our community bonds.

  2. Support: Show your support by responding to posts promptly and offering assistance where needed.

How Does It Work?

  1. Commitment: Participants commit to making 7 replies during the designated period.

  2. Types of Replies: Replies should include welcoming messages, responses to threads, and addressing unanswered posts.

  3. Timely Responses: Aim to respond within 24 hours for maximum impact.

  4. Acknowledgment: Participants will acknowledge their participation by filling out a quick form or dropping a confirmation in a designated forum post.

  5. Encouragement: Cheer each other on by celebrating participation and contributions.

Join the Challenge!

We invite every one of you to join us in this journey of community building. Whether you're an Admin, an Ambassador, a leader, or a dedicated member, your participation matters. Together, let's make a commitment to respond promptly, welcome newcomers with open arms, and contribute to the richness of our forum discussions.

Click here to confirm your participation in the challenge

Tagging our forum team/NR team: @Heather225 @ASilentObsercer @Barltik2065 @Juliak1968 @Mahad2804 @Optimisticempath @pandanfe @Ralien @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @CheeryMango @tommy @pamharley003 @LoveMoonflowers @sunisshiningandsoareyou @bookworm274 @Kristynsmama



Sooo up for this!🥰


Heather225 March 25th


Heather225 March 25th


this is the perfect combination of simple and impactful. 7 replies are easy to do, and if we all get involved, our community is going to be so much stronger. people will feel welcomed, and validated, and they too will interact more! I'll be doing this and i hope everyone else will be, too!

intuitiveHickory85 March 28th

@CheeryMango nodding-happy.gif

Optimisticempath April 2nd


i enjoy replying in forums ... and think have replied to more than 7 today already...thanks for this challenge 😊

Heather225 April 2nd


thanks for pariticupating. it's a huge help!!

Optimisticempath April 6th

@Heather225 aw of course it's a pleasure to help out...ik the feeling when people respond to my posts and when people are supportive and genuinely take time to read stuff... it's the best thing 🥺 lmao i also know how it feels when people don't really try to understand or share a generic message or sometimes not even that...and me wouldn't want anyone feeling this way ... 😅 ... thank you for your replies too and for being such an uplifting person 💕

healingsoul4892 April 9th


Excited to participate in the Forum Engagement Challenge! Looking forward to engaging with the community and making meaningful contributions

Heather225 April 10th

Thanks to everyone who took part in this! We'll be circulating it monthly! Please don't let that stop you from continuing to pour into our forums though! Every little bit of attention to others makes a massive difference in their experience here.

delicateMonkey April 12th



healingsoul4892 April 12th

glad to have finished the challenge! It was a fun and valuable experience engaging with everyone. Looking forward to more challenges like this in the future!