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Help us clean up the forums!

Heather225 January 11th

Our forums are a melting pot of our community’s collective knowledge and creativity. It’s become an invaluable resource for information sharing and community building. However, over time, outdated links and broken resources can impede discoverability. Our process for addressing this at present is, if you notice anything like this, to submit the post via a form (more info on this here) for our forum leaders to see to it that the post is edited and/or updated. My post here serves to amplify its visibility and make an ask of you all to please support us with this by raising any outdated or irrelevant content via the form.

Things you may notice worth escalating for review:

Outdated or broken links to posts, external docs and sheets (google)

Formatting issues (those posts with weird symbols/text from old bugs)

Typically a lot of outdated resources surface in communities like Group Support, 7 Cups Leadership, Community Projects & Events, Listener Learning and Journey, and Safety and Knowledge

And as extra incentive, ✨ cheers  will be awarded for submissions as thanks for your time!

Contact @Tommy or @CheeryMango with any questions.

AffyAvo January 12th

@Heather225 Something that I find difficult is knowing what is still running. There are various projects and forms that appear active but without any recent posts.

Heather225 OP January 12th


When you come across these, can you PM them to me? I can check and make the necessary edits or adjustments.

CalmRosebud January 12th


Hi, Heather,

I will share a realization I had this morning. Since 7 cups is like an organism (most businesses are), there are of course the layers of skin shedding away. Someone once told me every few years, we are actually physically, our cells, our skin and everything, a completely new individual. Maybe it was every few decades. Isn't that a marvelous thought! Or, maybe frightening! Anyway, organizations and businesses go through the same shedding. Usually it's a natural die-off and things just gradually disappear, or we realize they don't work anymore so we stop using them.

The thing I realized is that I'm interested in this process. I like digging into some conversations that people had years ago at times and just realizing the state of where people's thoughts were at that time. I think I've made friends in this way, or whatever you can call the people with whom we share bonds here anonymously. I liked it when someone engaged with me on the origins of 7 cups and told me more about the formation and shared some stories about "back in the day."

I found some value in links to helpful trainings such as solution focused therapy, that are not promoted nor condoned by 7 cups, but very interesting from a practical standpoint and very much closer to some of the work that is done in the crisis community.

Maybe I'm a Historian. I enjoy digging through these relics, dusting them off with my delicate archaeologist's brush and wondering what led to that moment arising.

Not to say your impetus towards "spring cleaning" is not meaningful. It is, and we all must embark on sorts of "spring cleanings" at times.

I'm more of the type to let it all happen naturally.

And, therein comes my love of nature and trees.

I let leaves pile up.

When I am a friend to a friend, they are a friend for life. I'm loyal that way.

So, I guess, that's partially "who I am."

Love and Courage,




I *see* you, and I relate so much, thank you for expressing yourself so beautifully. ❤❤❤

CalmRosebud January 13th


Awwww shucks, Sunny Sun Sun. You always know just what to say.




As do you, lovely Rosey Rose, you've got the gift of expression and you utilise it oh-so-well, always in awe how you do it, simply just grateful that you do, along with honoring the beautiful big heart of yours and the values at its core! ❤


AffyAvo January 13th

@CalmRosebud I like some of the history that does come from old posts.

When information is inaccurate and not a simple edit to update, moving to an archive section plus labelling it clearly as outdated (like in the title) if it's not being deleted is needed to avoid confusing people.