The Power of Compassion
“Compassion is so much easier and more powerful than you think. Acts of compassion are wonderful and loving, but if you did nothing but think compassionate thoughts, even if they never go further than thoughts, they would serve you well, whether or not they ever affected or were even known by the object of that compassion.
Compassion cures many ailments that are emotional in nature. If someone angers you, rather than strike back, reach for compassion, because for someone to purposely anger another requires such things as anger, fear, or trauma at its base. For someone to desire to hurt another requires them to also be hurting. We do not speak of those who are having a bad day and lash out on occasion, but those who habitually strike out at others.
Find compassion for these people when you can. If you do, it may not do anything to change or even comfort the person, although it might, but it will do wonders for your own peace of mind. When you can answer anger or any grievance with compassion, you will find that releasing the anger you feel will be faster and easier. By feeling compassion for others, you soothe yourself, whether you soothe them or not.
This is not to say that you have to allow someone to mistreat you. Disengage yourself from any situation of that kind, but resist leaving your own fear and anger behind to add to theirs. Send loving thoughts to these unfortunates from your heart, and leave compassion in your wake. If you do this, you will find that your peace and calm return more quickly.”
Read the full article on Medium
✨Takeaway: Ask yourself why someone is the way they are when you find yourself having disdain for them. When you can do this, you will be able to rise above their behavior and negative attitudes. If you are able to respond to their suffering with genuine compassion, it will give them something to hope for and work towards. You never know when your compassion will be enough to turn the situation around for someone who is drowning in anguish.
✨Reflection: What is one way you can practice showing compassion to others?
#Compassion #Empathy #Kindness
@innateJoy9602 Wonderful article and a great reflection, Joy, thanks for sharing. 🌻
I like this quote about compassion:
Hi Good Day Sunshine! 😊❤️ I loved your quote you amazing human being! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️
@SparkyGizmo Aww thankyou Sparkyyy Sparkkk, glad it resonated with you too, then again we are spidey twins, so how can it not haha. I lovedddd what you said about compassion and having boundaries too, spot on and brilliantly said. *high fives* and *big hugs back* 🤗❤
Anddd ofcourse not missing any chance to share this xD
So proud to call you my "Spidey twin"! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Compassion is definitely relational!!
Also perfectly said: “The emotion of compassion springs from the recognition that the human experience is imperfect!”
Thanks for sharing this quote sun! 💛💫
@innateJoy9602 I loved that last bit too much too, Joy, fits perfectly hehe! And ofcourse!🤗💛
Hi Joy! 😊❤️ Thank you, for yet again another, amazing forum post! I really enjoyed reading this!
This really resonated with me and quite strongly. Everything that you said is precisely how I try to live my life. I am someone that is slow to anger and quick to forgive (maybe even to a fault). I have a tendency to give others many chances (probably wayyyy too many by other peoples standards). It's always good to be extra kind as we never know what someone else is going through at the moment. ❤️
I love how you included that you can be compassionate towards others but that doesn't mean that you have to remain in the situation and be the recipient of the abuse. Sometimes, we as people can simply find a way to "love others from a far". 😊❤️
For me, just like a sponge, I will eventually reach my "saturation point". Just like the sponge that can no longer hold one more ounce of water. Emotionally, I know that I cannot take one more ounce of bad behavior or abuse. At least I know that I tried. When I walk away from a situation, I know in my heart that there is no emotional business left that needed to be taken care of. I am free and I am absolved. I did my very best. Certainly does help me sleep well at night, lol. 😊 I don't dislike the person but I am allowed to dislike the behavior.
Seems like some of your incredible forum post speaks to the concept of forgiveness as well. We can forgive others even if they didn't ask for it. We can have compassion for others even if they don't know that we do. Forgiving and letting go can be more of a gift to ourselves sometimes than to the person that mistreated us.
Joy, I must say, I am a hugeeeeeeeeee fan of yours! Your posts are so helpful, well thought out, beautifully written! I am grateful that you are my teammate here on 7 cups and I'm grateful to be reading your words! Thank you for the great work you do here on this site! You are rocking the house, a true powerhouse in the forum areas and I'm soooooo picking up what you are puttin' down! 😊👍❤️
And you know, me reading everything you had to say, as I seem to be a like minded individual, kind of validated me and my choices today. Thank you for driving the point home, letting me know that I'm not alone in how I handle myself and letting me know that I'm truly on the right track!
*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️ Keep bringing the *heat* and bringing the *noise* You got this!
Hello sparky!
Im glad to hear it resonated with you!! I believe compassion is a wonderful mindset to live with. I agree, being extra nice is good because we never know what others are going through!
”Loving others from afar” is sometimes the way to go. I hope you remember this as well as you said you tend to give others too many chances<3
Your sponge reference is sooo well said. I’m glad you can acknowledge when you need to walk away and that it is not the person but the behavior!💛
Also, yes!! Forgiveness is sometimes good to do for our own mind and wellbeing. Not just for the other person.
Sparky!!! I am so appreciative of you and your kind words! I am just as a fan of yours! You’re always spreading your positivity and kindness around. It doesn’t go unnoticed!<3 Glad to have someone as kind of you in this community!
Sending a million hugs back💛💫
@innateJoy9602 I show compassion to others by being there for them, by providing encouragement when they're feeling down, by showing kindness as much as I can with little gestures that would mean a lot to them.
You're a very compassionate person!
The people in your life are very lucky to have you!💛💫
@innateJoy9602 Thank you so much! You're so kind. I really appreciate it. I'm sure the people in your life are lucky to have you too!