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If You Could Know The Future, Would You Want To Know?

User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 August 28th, 2022

“We go through seasons of our lives not knowing what is up ahead. We anticipate the storm, trusting we’ll make it through on the other side. We hold tight onto prayers, hope, and peace. Even when things are going great and seemingly perfect, do we really want to know how it will play out?

I wouldn’t want to know that I’d pursue my dreams and touch the sky. The small moments of joy and celebration that would surpass my wildest dreams. I wouldn’t want to know all the people I had yet to love. The newfound pleasure of a kiss and a touch. The different ways I’d find a glimmer of hope in an “I love you” with someone new. I wouldn’t even want to know that the tough times would seem so small compared to all the magical miracles. The magical miracles that would take over in the most unexpected ways.

I would want life to remain a mystery. Unfolding by each second of the day. The sweet surprises and even the bad news; I don’t want to know until it’s time to know. I want faith to be the very thing that carries me. Even as life continues through the valleys of the highs and lows. It is with faith, where I can’t see what lies ahead, that I trust the steps and direction I take.”

Read the complete full article on Medium


Discussion: We go through many stages of life without knowing what lies ahead. I'm not sure I'd want to know what lies ahead. I want to be optimistic about all the wonderful things that are still to come and embrace the mystery that is life.

Reflection: If you could know the future, would you want to know? Or would you choose life to remain a mystery?

#Life #Self #Future #Wellness #Philosphy

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 28th, 2022


Anxiety says- "a sneak peek wouldn't hurt🤭" but Rationality says- "Mystery>>>" lol

I think part of living life is not really knowing what the future, even the very next minute holds for us, it is nerve wracking with the "what-ifs" but at the same time, the surprise element is also a driving force for hope and belief, in taking it one moment at a time, and letting things unfold at its pace. 💛

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP August 29th, 2022


100% agree with you sun!

I especially love how you said, "the surprise element is also a driving force for hope and belief"

The surprise element adds to the adventure that is life! :)

Thanks for reading and sharing :D💛✨

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User Profile: comfortableNight4463
comfortableNight4463 August 28th, 2022

@innateJoy9602 I wouldn't want to know. I feel like the uncertainty of life is the best part.

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP August 29th, 2022


Same here!

Thanks for sharing! 💛✨

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User Profile: comfortableNight4463
comfortableNight4463 August 29th, 2022

@innateJoy9602 You're most welcome! Thanks for sharing this thought-provoking article!

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User Profile: professionalVision2624
professionalVision2624 August 28th, 2022


I would not want to know, but at the same time, knowing how and when one would die, would out life in a perspectie and might make us a better person to the ones around us <3

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP August 29th, 2022


That's an interesting perspective!

I can see that helping people change their ways.

Thanks for sharing💛✨

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User Profile: calmDew1576
calmDew1576 August 28th, 2022

@innateJoy9602 That's indeed a very interesting and philosophical question. I'm really interested in your point of view too! I believe very much in spirituality (Christianity) and the parallel universe theory. I believe that the future is partially in our hands but some things are meant to be anyway and they're always for good! Even the worst life event can have some thing positive coming out of it and that's where we should focus.

Wether we'd like to know the future or not, we are not able to. I believe that's how the world is made to make our lives functional and at the end of the day this too serves a purpose! Also the future changes with every small choice we make creating thousands of posibilities that may be lurking in a different reality! Thank you for the amazing post <3

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP August 29th, 2022


I love how you said the world is this way for a reason.

I didn't really think about it like that. I love that. It's probably this way for a reason.

I personally, wouldnt want to know. <3 Thanks for sharing your perspective!💛✨

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User Profile: pinkWatermelon0000
pinkWatermelon0000 August 28th, 2022

i would not want to know the future because it may show me that i will live things that i dread.

being in the moment is my only hope in forgetting the past and not worrying about the future.

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP August 29th, 2022


That's understandable!

I feel the same way! Thanks for sharing!💛✨

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User Profile: tornwillow
tornwillow August 29th, 2022

You know it’s funny…, if I could know the future I want to know everything is going to be okay but otherwise but deepest hopes and desires I am half scared to know and half want the mystery. Whether I like it al the time or not, the journey is about the hope and the faith which would be lost if we had all the answers

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP August 29th, 2022


I can definitely understand wanting to know that everything is okay!

Thanks for sharing :D💛✨

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User Profile: Enchanted2024
Enchanted2024 August 29th, 2022


I would just want to know if I get through this or will I not make it.

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP August 30th, 2022


That’s a very valid want!

I can understand that thought.

Hope all is well<3

Sending hugs 💛✨

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User Profile: Enchanted2024
Enchanted2024 August 30th, 2022


Things could be lots better but it is what it is...


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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP August 30th, 2022

@Swiftygirl13 care-hugs.gif

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User Profile: Enchanted2024
Enchanted2024 August 30th, 2022

@innateJoy9602 hug-day.gif

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User Profile: TheAlchemist1111
TheAlchemist1111 August 29th, 2022


Thanks for sharing.

I wouldn't want to know the future because I won't grow and become better. It would be overwhelming to know in advance which might damage the outcomes.

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP August 30th, 2022


Oh! That’s a very interesting perspective!!

You’re very right!

Uncertainty helps us grow and improve ourselves!

Thanks for reading! 💛✨

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User Profile: Hala2008
Hala2008 November 4th, 2022


when will i die

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP November 6th, 2022


That's a brave thing to want to know! I'd actually choose the opposite for this reason. I wouldn't want to know that date! I appreciate you reading! Here for you!💜

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User Profile: Listener89104
Listener89104 November 5th, 2022

"When he didn't know anything, he couldn't make a move.

N when he knew everything, he couldn't make a move."

- me.

Your optimistic outlook sounds/is much better than looking into the future.

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User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 OP November 6th, 2022


I love that quote! I agree with it 100%! I feel it's best to just not know!💜

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