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while True: print("I love you")

User Profile: azurePond
azurePond December 3rd

Declare love as infinite,
Assign the heart as a variable,
Set to true.

I check the conditions—
"Has the love looped enough to call it endless?"

All the while, love is growing,
Looping back into itself
With no exit in sight… (Is this a poem? A program? An elaborate pun?... But I’m certain it’s part of my pondering... So, I’ll leave it here <3)

User Profile: PineTreeTree
PineTreeTree December 3rd


sue doh co duh

lo op un til

ou ta mem

de men cha

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User Profile: azurePond
azurePond OP December 4th

@PineTreeTree Pseudo code, loop until, out of memory, dimension change?

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User Profile: PineTreeTree
PineTreeTree December 4th

@azurePond you got almost all of it right…. Except the last part, dementia 😂 

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 December 4th

@azurePond I'm glad someone understood what pine meant😂😂

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 December 4th

@azurePond love is a beautiful thing, yet something I struggle with understanding. Although my love for my friends is always clear to me ❤

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User Profile: azurePond
azurePond OP December 4th

@Tinywhisper11 I guess that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it? Healthy love is simple and clear, especially when it comes to friends. I’m so happy you have that in your life.

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 December 4th

@azurePond thanks sweetie ❤❤ I love reading your poems ❤❤

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User Profile: amiableBunny4016
amiableBunny4016 December 6th


i love this 💛 and i love how you have used a bit of programming/coding to make this beautiful piece of writing. so beautiful and heart-warming! 

bunny :)

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User Profile: azurePond
azurePond OP December 7th

@amiableBunny4016 Thank you so much Bunny! I'm glad that you noticed the coding part <3

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User Profile: wIthpeACE
wIthpeACE December 7th


HI azure!! ^^  I know i am dropping in after a long while....But your writing has surely improved! Its so elaborate now and with deeper tones to it. Love can never be described and to dwell on it is to spend eternity thinking!  

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User Profile: azurePond
azurePond OP December 8th

@wIthpeACE Hello withpeACE! Thank you 😊 and welcome back <3

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User Profile: wIthpeACE
wIthpeACE December 8th


Ayy Ayy, captain! And I loved how you took the time to read all my comments!!

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