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sadepilvet Sunday

so i'll put here all my poems

some of them aren't ready yet but i think this would be a good way to share how i feel and maybe you guys will also like them. hopefully someday they'll become a little poetry book. i mostly write in my mother tongue but also in english

mun rakas s, if you ever happen to read this, know that i still love you and i could write poems about you forever

thank you @Arie3 and @KKNastiaaa for the idea and encouragement

sadepilvet OP Sunday

paetaan maailmaa,

melua ja hälinää

lennetään kuuhun,

tai kiivetään vaikka puuhun

kunhan saan sulaa suhun,

hymyillä sun hymylle

olla sun kanssa

sadepilvet OP Sunday

laineiden liplatus

tuulen tuiverrus

veden kohina

puron solina

tulen räiskyntä

räiskäleiden tuoksu

sateen ropina

pikkukivien rohina

juodaan paljon kahvia

eletään meidän transsia

rakkaus ja elämisen ilo

nuoruus ja luovuus

sadepilvet OP Sunday


silmät niin kuin

tähtisiä yötaivaita

kuppeja tummaa kahvia

huulet niin ihanat

leveä aurinkoinen hymy

suloinen iloinen nauru

sanoja sanomattomia

tunteita tuntemattomia

lämpöä lempeää

kasvua keskenään

ymmärtämistä yhdessä

muistoja kultaisia

hetkiä arvokkaita

unelmia toiveikkaita

sadepilvet OP Sunday

you're still my heartbeat

you're still my oxygen

you're still my ray of moonlight

you're still my everything

you said you still love me

then that you still care

that im still important

yet why do i feel like im still losing

not only your love

but you

it hurts so much

that i sometimes want to forget all my love, numb it

but thats not the truth

we had something beautiful

i will continue to believe so

even though my world now

is blue-colored and shattered

i will learn to accept it slowly

to love you in only a platonic way

just please dont make me feel like a stranger

im not sure which words were real

but one thing i know for sure

my love for you is true, everlasting and genuine

if only could i be with you, make you smile

and if soulmates were a thing, you'd be mine

you're so safe and so beautiful, actually gorgeous

i will leave a semicolon when i write about you

sadepilvet OP Sunday

if im the poet

you'll always be my words

i found a home in you

im still glad we met

you taught me a lesson i'll never forget

sadepilvet OP Sunday

longing, endlessly wandering

in the memories

in the millions of possible scenarios

scenarios hopeful

sad and toxic

bad and good

even happy

i dont know how this will end

but i know that i'll be hopeful and patient

at least for a very long time

you see, once you love a person

truly, madly and deeply

its almost impossible to hate them,

no matter how much it is wanted

if you're not planning on keeping my heart,

can i have it back?

sadepilvet OP Sunday

do you ever think of me

when you go sleep

when you cant sleep

when you're sad and need comfort

when you drink coffee

when you look at the stars, the kuu, the puut

when you hear a song we both love

when you do your daily routines

when you step outside

when you arrive home

when you wake up and check your phone

when you get a notification

when you read something that reminds you of the little things

when you watch other people live and love

when you watch cartoons

when you play guitar

when you hear guitar

when you look at the sea

when you see a plane

when you go for a walk

when you go to the grocery store

when you need to study

when you need to work

when you need to rest

when you need to sleep

when you're stressed

when you're happy

when you're excited

when you're sad

when you're tired

when you need energy

when you need someone's shoulder to cry on

when you're done with people

when you're lonely

when you need company

when you think of the life and its silly things

when you dont want to live

when you dont want to love

when you love life

sadepilvet OP Sunday

just opening our messages

staring, staring, staring

not ready to read our old conversations yet

our, such a painful and dear word

maybe its better to let it get forgotten

thinking if i should text

or remain silent

like everyone's been advising me to

maybe i should listen, for once

but they should know that im damn stubborn

sadepilvet OP Monday


so it's been a week

didn't believe that'd be possible

not sure what am i supposed to say or do

but i can't just stay silent forever, can i

i miss you

i've been wondering how are you doing

i'd like to know more about you

start everything over again

from the beginning

if thats okay to you

sadepilvet OP Tuesday

im shivering, shaking

cant tell if thats all in my head

or if its only because the temperarure is dropping

or if im nervous after sending that poem

sadepilvet OP Tuesday

if it was like you told me,

that you didnt love me

not fully, not like i did

then why

why is it so different now?

what changed to you?

now i just am aware of how you felt

and we're not in a relationship

my heart is broken into million pieces

and i have to relearn everything

thats it

but why

why do you seem so different?

it wasnt anything new

why are you so cold and distance yourself?

away from me

dont you ever understand i need you now

sadepilvet OP Tuesday

it's like a dream i never fully woke up

not sure if i ever slept, now that i think of it

i wonder if i just dreamt our love

walked through her pages

as a new side character, that band-aid kind of

or did we write the love together

all the shared moments, precious little things

the endless laughters and the tears

the butterflies, the smiles, the kisses

the cuddles, the missing and the following excitement

it's scary to admit how much of me stayed in that very dear dream of mine

the stories, they always have a beginning,

a middle part where the story is full of life

and then, the end

don't worry, even if the ink runs out for a while

there still could be sequels in the future

hopefully a whole series, who knows

but when is the right time to let the chapther and story be the last one

in the end, whatever happens, the words stay there

on the pages and in the minds

they're always there

keeping you company and warming your heart

reminding how beautiful it can be, that there is hope

they keep living their lives no matter what

sadepilvet OP Tuesday

and there you are again

appearing as waves of realisation

the sudden worry, the longing, the craving

hengitys vaikeutuu, muuttuu raskaaks


yy, kaa, koo, nee, vii, kuu, see


yy, kaa, koo, nee, vii, kuu, see


welcome back fear and sadness

rakkaat vanhat ystäväni

that already feel comforting, so familiar

raskaalta raa'alta todellisuudelta

tell me is it real

sadepilvet OP Tuesday

you loved me

with such a depth that i forgot

how to be guarded

and then i lost it all