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Posting issues

JustCory88 June 29th

I tried posting one of my poems and it won't let me

Tinywhisper11 June 30th

@JustCory88 sometimes if you write something, just even one word, that is not appropriate in some way, they won't let you post it ā¤

JustCory88 OP July 1st

@Tinywhisper11 none of it is inappropriate not even a cussword. It's poetry

Tinywhisper11 July 1st

@JustCory88 oh then that's strangešŸ¤”šŸ¤” did you add trigger warning? Make sure if your poem is about abuse to not go into too much detail, maybe. Otherwise I really don't know. Sorry

JustCory88 OP July 1st

@Tinywhisper11 ya it was saying if I was thinking about harming myself or others to contact someone. But the only thing relative to that is me speaking in third person as if the addiction I was going through at that time in my life was a person and I was acknowledging it wanted me dead. It's poetry do they not realize poetry is an experience the writer lived and it isn't subject to objectivity?Ā 

Tinywhisper11 July 1st

@JustCory88 ahhh! That's why. Somehow your gonna have to leave out of rewrite any part that might make you sound like your in danger of a crisis. Hopefully not to ruin your poem you can just change a few words

JustCory88 OP July 1st

@Tinywhisper11 I can't because that takes away from the entirety of the poem

JustCory88 OP July 1st

@Tinywhisper11 I appreciate your advice and helping. I appreciate you

HealingTalk July 2nd


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@JustCory88 can you think of a creative way to replace words that rhyme with the word you wanted to use so we can hear it? Example for su*cide could be slewer slide idk lol

JustCory88 OP July 16th

The specific line was me talking to the adduction to pills I said you, you wanted me dead