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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Frost11 January 13th, 2017

@ubiquituous. Thank you!!

the336oracle January 16th, 2017

You notice me to ask a favor,

But have you ever done for me?

You notice my body,

But can't be troubled with your time.

You notice I talk to many people,

But don't know they can only stand my voice for a short while,

And I can stand the silence for none.

You notice my voice as the loudest in the room,

But don't notice my cries of pain are louder

Do you really notice me?

Would you notice my absence?


Would you simply notice someone else when you need a favor?

Would you notice some other body?

Would you notice my voice silenced?

Would you notice ME missing?

HopefulLittleGirl3 January 20th, 2017

I am poisoned
by the sweetness of your words.
I am blinded
by your loving gaze.
I am made deaf
by your caring song.
I can feel no more,
because of your soft caress.
And I am dying
by this trap you call love.

You showed me a world of lies.
And funny that I am happiest in it.
Such is the thing they call blissful ignorance. But how can it be bliss, when I know of my ignorance, and my desperately trying to be.

For the truth is nothing but a cruel thing. It yanks you out of the most joyful fantasy to the river of your tears that drowns you.

Such is the power of the love you have given me. The lie is now my world, and I will happily live in it if it means I can be with you.

But how long can I endure the silent pain. It suffocates me until I breath no more, and I am nothing but a dead bride of yours. I wish I was truly stupid so that there shall be no more divide between the lie and the truth. I regret the wisdom gifted to me,for I can see, no matter how hard I try to shut my eyes.

I am dying, the longer I stay. But theres no denying the death that awaits me if I go.

Save me. I beg of you, save me from the clutches of thorn. Kill me if you must, for I want neither of the cruel death that is my fate. The death by the choking of lies, or the death towards nothingness when I leave.

Help me. Save me. Kill me now, quickly.

Annie February 10th, 2017

Dear @HopefulLittleGirl3, this is very powerful. I think many readers will understand the contradictory feelings you describe so eloquently.

I think that sometimes we can become so starved for human contact and warmth that we want it even when accompanied by increasingly negative side effects. It's definitely confusing and heart-wrenching when a relationship feels like an addiction and things get ugly. But I do believe this emotion isn't love. I'm convinced that real love is about truth and generosity and freedom and all the good things. ❤️

HopefulLittleGirl3 February 11th, 2017

@Annie It wasn't. The person who made me feel like that and I are already broken up. And boy, I felt a huge surge of relief when I did. But yeah, it was a Love The Way You Lie kind of thing. 😊

Annie February 11th, 2017

@HopefulLittleGirl3, that's awesome. The sense of relief, how wonderful! (The death of a relationship can definitely be a good thing, but sometimes we hang on far too long, just to avoid being alone. And yet I never felt more alone than when in an unhealthy, unloving relationship!)

vriska44 February 16th, 2017

If anything should touch your lips in times of grief, then it should be by my own.

Alcohol is not your lover...I am.

lyber February 22nd, 2017

I wrote mine in my Medium account, where I post all of my poetry.

Here's the link: I hope you may check it out. :-)

[Dear lyber, I edited your post to remove outside contact info, in accord with 7 Cups policies. However, it would be really awesome if you could share some of your poetry by posting a copy here. ❤️ --Annie]

SmileIsPretty February 24th, 2017

Innocent, not guilty

Explaining myself and my actions, such a pain

Knowing, deep down, there wouldn't be any gain

For "they" have already decided.

My words,proofs and views, nothing but worthless

Because my words can't defend me, just a culprit to be.

Giving up, I had considered. But my truth, it is!

What keeps me fighting ( if not win, then atleast not loose)

and still hoping... I'll be left free

Hope that seems (or is?) hopeless but still.

Oh, the sorrow, the pain and the desperation

To prove yourself innocent, with you as your own witness.

Confining me with this claustrophobic feeling of helplessness

But my truth , rises high amongst all.

If none for me, then me against Many

A challenge it is, I see.

Weak may be my body but not my will

I will stand on my grounds till my innocence instilled

I have to fight till the end,

Because it's better to die innocent than,

To live with undeserved guilt and regret

KnocktournalMonkey February 25th, 2017

# 2004-0322-1137


I can't begin to describe it

you're secluded but there's no place to hide

you're wanted but there's no need for you

you're silently sitting in the noise around you

waiting for the change, anticipating a move,

holding on to a hope that may never come.

can't comprehend that sometimes

you are alone in the middle of everyone

crying inside the laughing face

you want a place inside so bad

but you don't want to leave anyone behind

you have the attention but you can't make a command

you have yourself but you loose your identity

can you see?? can you feel??

Is it me?? This is real!

Can I guess the hint that what I do is not enough

but maybe I don't have to do everything... there an escape into someone?

No, that someone is me!

KnocktournalMonkey February 25th, 2017

I am glad not because you are gone, but because you no longer have to feel pain.

I am glad not because I can't see you

but because now you can watch over us everyday.

I am glad not because I can't hug you

but you can hug us in our dreams all at the same time.

I can wish for things I want but you gave me what I need and I hope I made you proud in return

I miss our happy times regardless of how late in the day, I still wish you are here to stay.

Thank you for everything, I shall not look upon your like again.

KnocktournalMonkey February 25th, 2017

# 2010-1017:

The one place where my soul lives you fail to notice

The one place where my heart lives you refuse to visit

The one place where my happiness is, you coined shallow

The one place I grieved in sadness, you pleaded ignorant

And the place I was buried you accepted to forget

KnocktournalMonkey February 25th, 2017

# 2010-1004: A dream before waking up

the soul every one revered,

invited me in a dream

a dream of peaceful souls untold

echoing in my head like hymns

hands of wisdom on my crown

the tone of his soul in my head

destiny on the grooves of his palm

into my soul but I know he is dead

the beat of sadness, happiness

in my sleep like waves in my head

he shared with me in peace and silence

my eyes opened and i know he is dead.

March 6th, 2017

you have to say sorry

while the rest of the people around you

just shrug your feelings as invalid.

then they expect you to have good self esteem.

oh the double standards.

when will it stop eh?

sometimes it really sounds promising

the sweet silence of death

the quiet void

where it doesnt matter anymore

because you're not there to know

who cares or not

and it would be a nice relief for them

to have someone less to worry about.

funny how more expectations are imposed on you after therapy

because you're "normal" now.

sometimes i just want to say "f*ck you"

even to the ones i care about.

because we're all full of sh*t.

i also find it some listeners

pretend to have work

instead of being honest

that they cant handle your negativity anymore.


i'm really getting tired of it all.

hopefully it passes away.

March 6th, 2017

is it normal that therapy hasn't worked out for me sometimes?

is it really normal to come out of it aware and alive

seeing how dead other people are.

and they tell you how to live.

get mad at you for not being sorry at some things anymore

while you're not allowed to demand apologies from them.

how foolish. they make me sick and want to die.

everybody's a hypocrite.

so maybe it's best to just let people keep on with their stupid ways.

stop caring.

dont even bother.

you took care of yourself just fine.

who needs them.

they use you and just spit you out afterwards

just like what you do with other people as well.

you're same as them.

just more or less. only you can tell.

all i know is i'm losing hope

faster than others.

lynsay31 March 7th, 2017

You took her away like the closing of the day.

You didn't have any remorse that she couldn't stay.

When you broke me in two.

I realized that there wasn't nothing that you wouldn't do.

I wanted to fight and set it all right.

But by the looks in your eyes;

I knew that there wasn't anything that I could do.

She was gone like the end of a song.

While I know that I'll never be ok; I had to have my say.

March 24th, 2017

The trident of destiny

Well, not really.

I just have three opportunities.

One negates the middle,

The other I hate, but gives way to the center.

I really want to play violin

But it's a want -- not a need

Why would I choose soul over security?

Can free violin classes give me healthcare?

Will it buy me things I need?


Of course not.

Would it be funny though if I said

But I WANT money, and i NEED music!

It just makes me sound like a brat.


I'm not even trying.


Mel March 30th, 2017

Just some randoms thoughts, in the form of a poem smiley

I don't think you can hear me
but if you do,

i've come to you many times
since you left.
probably not the best time
but i just wanted to pass by.

because even if you can't hear
if you don't want to listen.
i hope you do.

hello, it's me again.
i just wanted to pass by.
i just wanted to say that,
i don't forget
you may always be on my mind.

Sugaswag March 31st, 2017

I like you my little butterfly
Even when you always made me cry
When I touch you; you fly
I wish for wings like you to fly
I used to find ways to meet you, I still try
I like you my little butterfly
Sometimes storms come they call it the effect of butterfly
When the storm starts in my heart I cry
When I touch you; you fly
You are special like a monarch butterfly
Please come to me, at least just try
I like you my little butterfly
Your touch was soft on my heart like the wings of butterfly
When I touch you; you fly
They say you are dead my little butterfly
But I know it's just a lie
I like you my little butterfly
When I touch you; you fly

zeenaai485 March 31st, 2017

I am standing in the middle of the sky

Arms outstretched

Hair flying in every direction

Eyes shut

Mouth a gap.



Unprotect able.

What are you going to do?

Are you going to stand there and stare?

Or are you going to drag me from my toes?

Bring me to the ground and chain me up

So I dont fly away next time?

Or are you going to build an airplane to reach me?

Or are you going to shout at me?

Or maybe laugh at my unhelpful sight?

Or scream words of wisdom so that I can listen

And act accordingly?

What if I told you I didnt need that?

That all I require is a safe landing.

That I need you to sit underneath my flying self

That I need your ears

That I need you to listen to me for a while

That I need your attention,

Your patience,

Your perseverance.

That although I may be hostile toward you,

I need you to be there.

To not run away

To not laugh

To not advise me

But exist in the same place as me.

To look me in the eyes although I might not see you

To hug me though I might not hug you back

I need you to know that

I am a bird of uncontrolled emotions

That I will fly away

That one day you might lose me.

But remember to help me

To listen

That is my deepest desire.

I need you to know that

Righting me will take time.

I require most from you.

And while I grant you this tiring duty

I am aware of its difficulty.

I am aware that its too much.

But the truth is

Its too much for me too.

That I have spent years and years bearing it

That I have exhausted every drop of strength I had.

But I promise you that after these days of

Complete imbalance

You will have someone you have never known before.

That in the end,

Youll have the Pure Me.


positivitybean April 12th, 2017

@zeenaai485 it is just awesome

ubiquituous April 1st, 2017

He makes me angry.

Bright red lips open as I

call him names; he

responds in turn and I

cannot help the tears that spill.

I am 16 in a world that is

four and a half billion years old,

and my 12 minutes of anger

cause it to end.

I cannot breathe past the

words that had once escaped my lips.

I can only remember him with

copper smile crinkles around his

warm eyes. He was

sunshine against my leaves.

I wonder if he knows that he started the fire that brought down my forest.

Guilt rises in my throat;

I didn't do it. I didn't.

But the memory of loud voices brings me nothing but regret.

zeenaai485 May 11th, 2017

@ubiquituous Amazing!yes

Metal40 April 5th, 2017

The window was open, my heart was open.

Adrianna came to me riding upon the storm raging outside.

At my most vulnerable, between awake and asleep, she looked within me.

Gazing upon my inner surface, she found darkness, turmoil, hope.

Intrigued she peered ever deeper, but ethereal Adrianna, ghostly Adrianna was vulnerable as well.

I perceived her.

Her window was open...

Instead of pulling away, Adrianna allowed the exchange.

Emotions cascaded from my body to her misty form, rising in intensity until it surpassed the raging weather outside.

Light and dark, clarity and confusion, experiences mingled.

Laughter poured forth from my throat, tears from her eyes, our individuality and time ceased.

But the waking world cannot be denied.

Dawn's first rays began their steady march signaling the end of our communion.

Adrianna flowed through my open heart, my open window, leaving salty drops on my face, cleansing joy in my soul.


colourfulSpring22 April 5th, 2017

@Metal40, thank you for tagging me. This again is beautiful. Truly. You are really good at this. Keep writing.

Metal40 April 5th, 2017


Thank you for the encouragement! This is all new to me-I rarely share my poetry due to my anxiety. I'm glad you enjoy it, and proud to be surrounded by such talented poets!

colourfulSpring22 April 5th, 2017

@Metal40, always happy to read. 💖

Metal40 April 6th, 2017

To An-Jin
The beyond beckons like a cloud buoyed by hope
A silver lining between doubt and pain
The chase never fails to move me
As our destinies race towards the future
But today opened a yawning abyss
Threatening to alter the plan
Steep netherworld burying our dreams

Perhaps we forgot the time that passed
Under the glaring moon
A lifetime of our misgivings dim the flame
Something changed-
Loss gained the upper hand
Now the trail grows cold
All the roads can't lead me back
To An-Jin


UnknownTurtle April 9th, 2017

I'm not much of a poet so any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

One day

I won't be able to talk to you

We wont be able to hold hands like we do

With our fingers together and our thumbs rubbing each other

You won't be the one I can cry to on a bad day

I won't be able to rest my head on your shoulder when I'm tired

Or hear you heart beat as I lay on your chest and you run your fingers up and down my arm

One day

Your sweet smile will be gone

And the sound of your wonderful laugh will fade away

The smell of you will become faint

And the feeling of being loved, wanted, complete will all but vanish

One day

You'll want to move on with your life

And I will be forced to move on from you

But how can I forget the way you made me feel safe

You made me feel as if I could conquer the world

All the memories of a terrible past faded away when I was with you

Every nose cuddle made me feel loved

You were the reason I got up in the morning

The reason why I stopped being afraid

The only reason I could be my self

But one day

You'll be gone

positivitybean April 12th, 2017

The Shadow Boy

He was a shadow

Without any light

His colour was red

He was dark as the night

His paper heart had been shattered inside

Too many times,he was loosing the fight

His demons came near

He lost all his hope

But then he remembered

That he wasn't alone

Maxlexie2 April 19th, 2017

You think you have me

Push and pull, I can never break

These days begin to blend again

The truth is in my dreams

I'm worthless in there

A decade later, tension is testing

Its twisted and pulled tight

Your power to possess my soul

Has me holding on to never

Trying not to breath, this time

My blood would be surrender

Shame that haunts my memory

Through these many battles

I wish to win this war

zeenaai485 April 20th, 2017

Tonight I bathe my body

To rid itself of lies

That you bestowed on me

When I was younger still.

Tonight I bathe my body

To break away the insecurities

You laid and laid

Till I cant breathe

While you stood still and smiled.

Tonight I bathe my body

To clean away the dirt

Which has accumulated

In the curves and curls.

A symbol of not caring

When I cared so much.

Tonight I bathe my body

so I dont feel your hand on my back

or the countless gestures you gave me

when you felt detached.

Tonight I bathe my body

Rubbing every inch

To rid itself of cells that existed once.

Tonight I bathe my body

To clean my mind and soul.

I will see your face in the mirror

Each day

No doubt there is in that

But darling the cage you built for me

In your pleasureful nights

Will have become my home

In the hours of this night.

So hurt me not

If I break away from

The prison of your delight.

Hard bristles run my teeth

But they cannot fill the gap

That has formed in my heart.

See, how deep you left your scar?

But worry not my darling

For I am not yours to keep.

The kisses you planted

And the hugs you gifted

Were all a facade

now I see

through your face

The truths that you pushed deep

For my 5 year old self to see.

They say its not abuse

If there are no signs

But darling tell me how do I

Show them my mind?

Tonight I bathe my body

So tomorrow I am new

Tonight I bathe my body

So tomorrow I am pure.


AttemptingToAdult April 21st, 2017

I'm running out of hugs, out of kisses

Yes, I don't understand you anymore

Or what it means to think positive of you.

But you got love,

At least you got it from me.

Can't you smell the morning coffee brewing?

​Ah, love, my better half.

​You already have it, but you're still searching.

​Who's still here?

​I'm running out of hugs, out of kisses.

I don't understand you anymore

​Or what it means to think positive of you.

​But you got love,

​You got it from me.

You'll be less alone.

desolateddreamer2 April 22nd, 2017

Link to my blog where I had made an attempt at poetry .

Hrupkost April 23rd, 2017

Raz, dva, tri!

The scent of fear-
my only sin.
The willows screech
I'm falling in.

Raz, dva, tri!

Fear is so near!
I start to spin.
And so I reach
but I can't win.

Raz, dva, tri!

I push, I bite,
I fight with him!
The willow cries,
my eyes go dim.

Raz, dva, tri!

Although I'm right
my chance is slim.
And as hope dies
my fate looks grim.

Raz, dva, tri!

Annie May 4th, 2017

* * * Calling All Writers * * *

ANNOUNCEMENT: May 2017 Writing Competition

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we're calling on writers at 7 Cups to share their original poems and prose explorations of the theme.

For more information, click on this link.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Annie May 5th, 2017

Im moving this poem and the responses here because they were posted in a thread dedicated to another topic:

Posted by SweetLynn on February 3rd, 2016

just a feeling

I sat here waiting for you

All I want to is to touch you

Seeing your eyes melts my heart

Looking at your smile just

Drives me crazy make me

Weak at the knees

When I look into your eyes

I see your soul

Its smiling its dancing

Up a storm .your heart

Sounds happy but

Your arms seem to be missing

Someone to hold

Someone to give a

Little light to your in your heart .

posted by Anomalia on February 12th, 2016:

So glad I read this just before Valentines Day! Lovely!

posted by KMangoMadness on May 9th, 2016

SweetLynn Lovely! :)

redWineDarkChoc May 6th, 2017

Beneath "I"

In the midst of my mind lies a rusty image- black and white.
A polarized negative swooning this tornado in the name of sanity like a dying virgin stroking tinted edges of its flesh for being itself. Beneath "I" lives a bird lost in an inundated translation of glitter of the seamless words roasted in cupid sanctuaries of inner turmoil.

#Gender identity prose

May 9th, 2017

As the sandstorm of emotions abated

I kept walking with cuts unfazed

Lonely in the desert now

But have met other nomads on the way

Some were familiar faces

that led me to short but sweet oases.

The moons have passed and I remember myself once more

I see no longer a desert, but a beautiful ocean of sand, sky and clouds

painted by the light of the sun or the moon and stars.

Music has come to my life

and even if there were days of complete draught

I am still fine.

I see mirages of you from time to time

but just like what it is, you only pass by

like mist that kisses my skin.

I close my eyes and keep walking

May 9th, 2017

And a secret.

Within these borders

of sand and dreams

I met someone that truly listened to me

Another spirit perhaps?

I know not his face,

but his embrace I crave.

We talk under the stars

whispering things only we understand

I'm not sure it's appropriate

but we found comfort in the midst of multitude

It's the same

but it's different.

For now I just rest

on the thought that I have a friend.