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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

ParanoidPoet April 9th, 2016

Dear lass, theres something I must tell you.

I shall hope I don't overwhelm you.

The way you laugh, and speak, and walk,

The way you smile, the way you talk.

All these things mean much to me

And I am much in love with thee.

You have quite a bit of joy

And good nature and cheer.

And your chuckle, without aid,

Washes away my fear.

You give other people joy

And you are often kind.

You are wise beyond your years

And have a wondrous mind.

I love you very much, m'lass.

I hope I see you soon.

Your beauty, my dear, my love

Surpasses the moons.

-Lucas D.

Maxlexie2 April 20th, 2016

@ParanoidPoet loved it u are very talented!

ParanoidPoet April 20th, 2016

@Maxlexie2 Thank you.

Cheeney April 9th, 2016

Loving peace

May your scars heal softly
and your bruises gently
May your hopes all come true
may you never give up on your dreams

And may your dreams never give up on you
leaving you with only the broken shell
Of the man you once were
or desperately tried to be

May you forgive yourself for your mistakes
both the ones you convinced yourself of making
And the ones that were as dark
as they were true

May the past stop haunting you
and may the future no longer scare you
May your actions speak for themselves
and be greeted with kindness

May people accept your soul
and the body it lives in
May you find what makes you whole
may happiness now begin

MusicalMelody18 May 26th, 2016

@Cheeney Wow, just wow!!!! May all of this come true.

Chocolatewithalmonds April 9th, 2016

Within the arms of hope

In the middle of nervous breaths

I float

Among ashes of what cant be changed

I crawl

Beneath frantically bitten nails

I wait

And the scars of experience

I protect

The stories of pain and love

I know well

To the minds of the powerful

I yell

Once the bodies of those who suffer

I caressed

But into the souls of the defeated

I still lay

You always have me there

I wonder

Do you think Im love? Or maybe fear?

I am neither

Through the blood of warriors

I wander

‘cause within the arms of Hope

You are a fighter.

jetsetjulie April 10th, 2016

"In Transit"

I used to breathe with
a youthful arrogance
derived from
the conviction
that my words were
burning effigies
of pain
felt in the fringes,
and somehow
my still-beating heart
was contained resilience;
but I now inhale
with the cynicism
that counterculture children
know too well.

Someone called last night,
said, "We can go anywhere.
Nothing's holding us back!
If I showed up at your place
would you be there for me?"

I answered him in distanced words
like I already left.
"Starting over takes more than miles.
We can't go into this blindly."

I'd say yes if he asked a few years back,
when my escape fantasies
were '80s film endings,
jumping into shotgun
and firing into
some warm-filtered future
with no certainty
save for whatever love
took the driver's seat;
but I do not walk with
the restrained desire
to run into the new,
and I do not speak with
callow proclamations like
"the world is ours."

He agreed in tired exhales,
told me, "I want to sleep,"
and I didn't understand
until I heard through broken repetition
that he didn't want to wake;
and though it was true when he said,
"I tell you this because I know you understand,"
my pauses were tacit epitaphs of
youth and innocence
that weariness stole.

I no longer listen and speak with tender hope,
no longer believe the failure to die
strengthens you,
but I've learned
that exercise makes your bones denser,
that the right fractures and stress does them good,
so I let the loss and loneliness shatter me
into a stronghold
and accepted
that people are rest stops,
not homes.

"Are you saying 'yeah' just to get by? Do you really understand?"

I said "yes" knowing he was too drunk
to ask which I conceded to,
and as we later laughed
I prayed he would never say
"Honey, come home"
to those who already left
in the blue of the morning,
that he would never find splinters in his fingers
after touching terminals he thought were sanctuaries,
that he would rise after the break.

NataliaNectarine April 10th, 2016


Amazing...I think your poem speaks to an entire generation.

Thank you for sharing!

jetsetjulie April 10th, 2016

@NataliaNectarineThank you so much! Tbh, though, I'm not sure which generation I'm speaking to lol. I feel like an old, sad, drunk man when I write.

Annie April 26th, 2016

@jetsetjulie, I also loved this poem!

jetsetjulie April 27th, 2016

@Annie Thanks! :)

MidniteAngel April 10th, 2016


One uncomfortably dark night

I had a conversation with a listener

I told them my fears and worries

And talked about the monster

I said:

I have nightmares you see

Each night there is terror

The monsters I dream

Spill out - to my horror

I'm scared of the monsters

The monsters in my room

The mutilated girls come

Whenever I move

I'm afraid of the girl on the ceiling

I'm scared of the demon hound at my door

I hate the hands beneath my bed

That snatch at my feet

With their unforgiving claws

There's something in my closet

It doesn't like to be seen

There's man who towers over me

And watches me sleep

And do you know what that listener

Said in response to it all?

She replied "You're very poetic"

Am I talking to a wall??

I couldn't help but smile

And replied to the poor dear

"Thank you, but I must admit.."

"It's not poetry that you hear"

Esha222 April 11th, 2016

This was written about a confusing relationship..


Pain that can't be subdued
Ripping through every part of my being,
Taking me to dark places unseen.

Betrayal, hurt
Was it a hoax, a game
The devoted mind can't differentiate
Every mask you wear, I love the same.

Departures, abrupt
Leaving behind elements of doubt
Like the waves of the ocean and the streams that bend
Your the story that has no end.

First love came knocking
I fumbled and trembled
I opened my heart
Time stopped and stood still
It was blissful
It was shattering
Time has all the answers they say,
What lies ahead? I asked him
A long silence followed...

sensibleLake460 April 12th, 2016

Wrote this while on the till the other day, feedback pls

Silence can scream immeasurable things

whilst words can say so little;

so let us see what this silence brings

to your heart, so cold - and mine, so brittle.

For what else in words can I express

that hasn't already been said?

What use are all my platitudes and promises

against your infeeling shell?

And what have they earned me -

besides confinement to this hell?

What has been said a thousand times over

Shall now be said a thousand and one:

'I love you', 'For me, you are the one'.

redPapaya4821 April 14th, 2016

@sensibleLake460 hello, to me that was beautiful! So many different lines made me think of so many things! Thank you and keep it up xxx

Mousygretchen9 April 12th, 2016

Slow down

Breathe in & out

Close your eyes and sink into your bedsheets

You're floating in the clouds

Exhale and let go

Feel the warm embrace of heaven

sepulchralRefuge April 13th, 2016


He tells me

Maybe I just want to be

Sad, and I can

Spectre19401 April 13th, 2016

The immortal man

life is slow life crumbles

life is tempory life will always fall

for life is but the catalyst for death.

iwishicouldgoback April 14th, 2016

@Spectre19401 good job bro!!!!! good one

sepulchralRefuge April 14th, 2016


From the day I was

Born, it was your job

To protect me, taking my

Smaller hand in yours,

Leading me across

Streets, trying to teach

Me how to rollerskate

In the driveway of our

House, the cracked

Concrete making me

Stumble and fall, and

Each time, you helped me

Get up. We would play

Barbies and watch

Pokemon and wonder when

Mom would get home, and

All of a sudden, you were

Growing up, you were heading into the

Sixth grade and you

No longer had time for me,

I was a

Burden to you, I was

Trouble, I was not someone

You wanted to spend time with,

You would

Lock me out of your

Room when I would

Come to hang out with you,

Your friends took priority over me and

Now you are in

High school and you

Joboroto April 15th, 2016

Gloomy skies, spiral of lies

the clouds are covering my eyes

what is the truth and what do I hide

I feel like everywhere I turn there is nothing to find

(a bit random but explains how I feel at the moment)

crimsonPlum47 April 16th, 2016

Trampled little flower

Where has all your beauty gone?

Stolen by your imperfections

Caused by those who stood on you

Trampled little flower

Yank out all your broken petals

Showcase all the pretty ones

That one's dirty, that one's torn...

Left with more and more of nothing

Trampled little flower

Now everything is gone

lazyKatz April 18th, 2016


Your poem is so good, thank you for posting it.

crimsonPlum47 April 18th, 2016


Thank you so much! blush I'm glad you like it

ArwaS April 18th, 2016

such a talented little fox heart
- .. .-.. -.-- / -.-- --- ..- / - .- .-.. . -. - . -.. / -.-. ..- - .. .

Cheeney April 18th, 2016

The true meaning of uncertainty

The truth is, I never knew what it meant to be good
for as long as I can remember, darkness has been my only companion
If you were to ask me what exactly had changed
I would stare blankly into the vast emptiness of your eyes
and drift off slowly, wondering how to answer such a loaded question

Perhaps I could say I surpassed and evolved into a better being
one that is not tired of constantly fighting for internal control
Or perhaps I should tell you that time has healed my wounds
both the ones you know of and the ones I desperately try to hide
Would you believe the words I speak whilst averting my eyes?

Maybe I should just stay quiet and not say anything at all
the weight of the everlasting silence will tell you all you need to know
Leaving me to seek salvation in the present, where only purity survives
and as it has before, it will once again feed my weary soul
So that this may be the most wonderful of all my past and future lives

wittyPomegranate3224 April 18th, 2016

Trigger Warning: Gun Violence

The man with the cold eyes. He pulled a gun to her head. Everyone thought she was to be dead. But I knew today wasn't going to be the day I was going to witness someone die in front of my eyes. So I stood in front of her and said,

Please, sir, dont shoot her. Kill me instead. Put that bullet in my head. Please mister, dont kill her. Because if she were to die I know people would be to miss her. So kill me in her place. For I am just a seed, and if I died no one would miss me.

I stared back into his cold eyes

for the last time.

He pulled the trigger and shot

three times.

For now the lead was stuffed in my brain. I felt like there was no longer any control to obtain. I let myself drop to the floor. The window to life was now a closed door.

I felt it burn in my head. like I was being dipped in the sun. Everything turned black, but I wasnt grieving none. I smiled, I realized the process of death has begun.

For my last sights I could see the girl run free, alive.

I felt better dying knowing the reason why she still had life

is because I gave mine.

Cheeney April 20th, 2016

@wittyPomegranate3224 This is nice! I like the flow and it tells a wonderful story. It really reminded me of this song by Artifex Pereo, 'Laugh and the world laughs with you'. You may find this verse interesting.

''She walks with cool composure, masking her panicked state of mind.
She's sick to death with worry, so she tells herself, "I'm gonna die".
Pupils adjust to sunlight, and lungs remember how to breathe.
So she pulls herself together and sets her sights to cross the street.
A child brushes her ankle, and she's thankful that she's not alone.
Feet reach to touch the pavement.
How can they know what's to become?
The sound of rubber burning, the bite of headlights blinding eyes.
No fear haunts her decision.
She pushed the child to the side.
Safety is found bleeding on the ground, the gift of altered perspective.
As the bedlam broke upon the crippled pavement where she lay,
the eyes of a child fixed to hers and she smiled at the choice she'd made.
Perhaps years spent in fearfulness, had helped save more than herself.
Though fate can deceive, we hold to beliefs that we know best.''

Maxlexie2 April 23rd, 2016

I'm just falling always falling

Somewhere in the darkness

I here your cryptic calls

Pushed forward buy the wind

Im going to fall again

My secrets have a hold on me

I keep them buried deep

My pain is just a weight

One that sinks beneath

I release my hefty burdens

The ones to cause my despair

For if the light is small

It may flicker or fall

Remember while decending

No fall is endless

necrodeath April 23rd, 2016

Of paths untravelled. . .

Of paths untraveled

Of roads uncovered

The pale looming shadows of sky and clouds

And nothingness that

OIndigoTreeO April 24th, 2016

This does not have a title, because we can't seem to find one that fits. Any suggestions?

Love you.

We didn't know it yet, but that would be the last. The last words of Tyler. And co never spoke. But co taught us. Words are not alone. We believed that.

"Words are not alone. You are not alone. I love you. I'm here for you. We'll get through this together. I will stand by you. I promise. Never forget that you are loved. By me. You are my universe." All of those words. Beautiful, dried rose petals of confidence and reassurance. Co told us. Everyday. They are All for us. Because?

"I love you. Both of you, Indigo And Aero. Not just Indigo. I know your are both there. I can feel it." and "You are my siblings. I am your brother. I have too. It's my job, to protect you. And show you how beautiful and dangerous life is. How to prepare you. For life."

But then there would be the whisper, the whisper of Tyler's real voice. The real Tyler, the boy who loves vegan spaghetti, chocolate milk with whipped cream, and the colour Magenta. It is not a girl colour, co knew. Co listened. To us, anything. We told him this little petal, as a yoke. Co remembers. Still. . This makes me smile. Makes US smile. Still, We Wonder.

And the real Tyler would say,


"​​​​My name is Tyler. I am 13 years old. I love vegan spaghetti, chocolate milk with whipped cream, and the colour Magenta. It is not a girl colour, before you say. Colours have no gender.

And I have 1 sister, 2 twin brothers, and Indigo and Aero. They are my family, and I want to show them how much they mean to me.

They are my true family, because they hear me. They listen.

And you can hear me too, so thank you.

Now, here me when I say this..

I am not retarded. I can understand what you are saying about me, every word. Please, Tell me since I apparently can't understand, but why do you think it is acceptable to spread rumours about me and my family?

Is it just because me and Indigo are in a wheelchair? Because we are both disabled? Because I have cerebral palsy, and uncontrollable drool sometimes? Is it because of Aero and Matthew's epilepsy? Is it because you think Sam and Arizona are 'goth' and 'emo' and 'depressed', all because of what clothes they wear?


Well, guess what: None of us get dressed in the morning with your opinion in our mind. There is a reason why the clothes are OUR clothes, after all. Sorry, but we can't live our whole lives just to please you. And you shouldn't, either. Allow yourself to break people out of your life.

Thank you for listening. My name is Tyler, And I hope you have a wonderful day.

Stay Positive, Dream Big. You can get there.

And even after all that,

And Tyler would still have things to say.

Will you be there to listen?




fatsquirrel April 26th, 2016

Just followed Emily Dickinson's steps.

I felt a Funeral in my Brain,

And from the Grave - I rose, -

Kept beating, beating, 'till it seemed

That Coffin lid's so close.

And through the earth I felt the light

Which didn't fill the air

Of those who stayed, all dark and sane,

Beyond the Edge to pray.

And as a Raven, flew my mind

Upon the Coffin's place -

And nothing left to mourn behind,

And nothing left to chase.

casicanhelp April 27th, 2016


I was told that I was a fire.
I always thought it was just another way
for saying
that I was feisty.

But I realized something.

I am a fire.
People who want to survive in the dark,
cold world
come to me for warmth
they throw tinder to keep me going.
But little did I know
it was never for my benefit, it was only for

What hurt the most was one survivor.
one survivor who needed to live
made me, the fire, feel more
my flames were the only thing keeping him from leaving
so I burned brighter and bigger
i burnt his pain away
i burnt the poisons in his brain
i burnt her name into his wrist
then he gave me less tinder
and i continued to burn bright for him
until i burnt out
and he was gone.
the only thing i remember is seeing him
kick my ashes away
like i was nothing.
i am no longer a fire.
i don't burn anymore
the emotions melted away with my heart
the feelings escaped in a smoke
i only wanted to be needed
i didn't need to want
someday i will burn again
maybe in a lonely forest
where i can spread my wrath on nature
where i can show the world
that if you mess with fire,
you will get burnt.

I haven't seen him since that day,
the breaking news alerts,
the missing boy
his name written in capital, red letters
warning us all to look for him
i remember his picture on the television
how amazingly innocent he looked
how beautiful
but he'll only kick away your ashes.
i burnt his name onto my wrist the next day
knowing he won't have to do this to
anyone else.

Knaiv April 27th, 2016

In the basement by the furnace in bed
Looking into the growling dark
Ungrateful to the friends I won't greet
when I reach, the cliff turns soft with sand
and I feel my feet slipping on etiquettes
falling into an undefined ubsurdity no one can really tell me about
The box I filled with my paranoia broke on the way out and they swarm me in the street even to the beer store 30 seconds away
I don't want to be seen again
I don't care about people
I'm not selfish enough to
I grind my teeth hoping that one might just pop out of my mouth whilst in my calm
drinking with aqua teen hunger force like I'm their neighbor
I am their neighbor
I'm closer to them than the people next to me waving
I don't dare show bravery and share this desperation
as if our stories aren't the same
If the only important things here are because of people
I might have given up being relevant
Marvelling at what I won't do for myself

jwwc April 27th, 2016

So I was writing stuff just because.. And I didn't know what to do with those writing so I figured that I could post them here...


I don't feel your kisses like I used to.

Your lips poses on mine but my heart prevails untouched.

My body longs for your embrace,

My chest aches for your absence.

My eyes,

Your eyes,

They don't meet anymore. Do they still shine like they used to? Do they still host the most beautiful of the sunsets? Can I still find shelter in your eyes?

I don't know.

I don't know.



You can see through me,

But I barely know you.

My words can't reach you,

but your voice resound on my mind.


Why do I still wait awake? Do I still hope that you will come back? I don't know if this is faith or just despair. My thoughts consume me, I drown myself in words.

I read,



and read your texts.

You said you love me.

But was that really love?

Can I call it love,

even though it made me miserable?

Is this tragic or just insanely stupid of me?

Can I still call you my love?

Can I still seek shelter in you?

Can I?

Can I?


Bruises don't replace kisses.

And loneliness won't fade with your presence.

Your fist don't taste like your pink lips.

Your pink lips don't taste like you either.

You don't taste like love,

And love is not sweet anymore.

Saelan April 28th, 2016

Of Life and Darkness

Why should I move on?
Why shouldn't I? Dwelling
On tragedy forever,
Crying, not telling,
An endless endeavour
Is life, cruel
As it is. A tether
Of dark nothing, nether.
Cold, unshined by the Sun.

A river of tears.
Water from my heart,
Unquenchable fears,
A cry noone hears.
Envied apart
Is life, clueless
As it is. Moonless
Nights, sunless days
As the darkness betrays
The eternal gears
Of love and regard.

A black soulless shrine,
Praising the dark,
Breaking bone and spine,
Piercing flesh and bark.
Endlessly deceitful
Is life, evil
As it is. Feeble,
Not broken by lies,
But on the verge,
Bearing the mark,
Waiting to emerge.

A game of chances? Or a
Game of constants,
Calculated precisely?
Forever dormant
Is life, majestic
As it is. Nicely
And slowly does the
Dawn approach, brightly
Enlightening the bank.

Scarlet endless skies.
Where all hope ends,
Where all hope dies.
Forever repents,
But never forgiven
Is life, dissent
As it is. Driven
By hatred, a disguise
Does the night come, flying
Onto the skies, never dying.
Where love's amiss, anger thrives.

ciaralynch April 28th, 2016

I wonder

I wonder if your heart shattered
when you saw us
I wonder if you thought
about the way I used to look at you
I wonder if you saw the way I looked at him
tell me, was it the same?
I wonder if you cried that night
trying so hard to stop but you couldn't
trying to tell yourself you're fine but you know you're not
I wonder if you realized
that you hurt me
I wonder if you knew
that's how
I felt
ciaralynch April 28th, 2016
Why does it feel so bad?
Being left to your own emotions and overthinking. And to think, she's never really understood all the sad quotes and poems. Now she does. How horrible. Guilt is a dreadful thing. And so are flashbacks. Memories that absorb us into them as we relive the emotions and the moments so vividly that it's as if it's the first time again. Trying to figure out where to go next. Or what adventure is going to take our hand and run. What about remembering things you're trying to forget? Those dark days of misery and pain that she's tried so hard to crawl out of as it was pulling her back in. The thunderstorm. Engulfing her in its tight, depressing embrace. Then came the rainbow.... Taking her hand and pulling her out so effortlessly. As if she wasn't strong enough to do so herself. The rainbow rotated around her as she spun around and around with her arms out stretched. Smiling so widely and enjoying being happy again. Finally. It's just her, the rainbow, and her continuous happiness. Blocking out the words and the jokes and people laughing at her. The people telling her she's not good enough. Or that she can't. Because now, for once.... She CAN. For a long time, the rainbow built her up. Helped her finally breathe. Filling her lungs with fresh, pure air. Taking everyone's words off of her now-joyful body and throwing them into a deep hole and burying them so she no longer felt the pain. Then the rainbow slowly started changing. It got darker and changed form. Her smile faded and her arms felt weak. Lightheaded. Thunderstruck. She sees her old self. Crawling from the depths of the storm. Her hurtful words and tears and thoughts crawling out of the deep hole and slowly killing her again. She begged the rainbow to stay with her. To engulf her once again. To give her one more chance. This is making her hands get sweatier. Her head spinning faster. Her knees getting weaker. She begs the rainbow to take away all her incoming cares. You know.... The ones hitting her and making her weaker. Like slaps in the face and daggers in the heart. Oh her big heart. Her and her heart... Putting others first. Building them up and giving them advice when she was falling down and had no advice for herself. The one complimenting everyone, the one making everyone else feel comfortable, but not herself. The one telling people not to be insecure about themselves but being insecure herself. The one who seemed to have so much confidence... Left to her own tears and heart ache at night. No one to help her. No one to give a hand. Because no one knew. No one saw through her "I'm fine"'s. Or her tear stained face. What about her fake smiles and laughs? Or her "I'm just tired"'s. No one knew a thing. No one at all knew about the thunderstorms or the rainbows. A drop of rain landed on the tip of her nose. And she knew she'd be her old self again. The miserable lifeless girl who never got her way. The one where life beat her up so hard that she stayed on the ground in the fear of being beaten down again. Left a prisoner to her own thoughts. Staring at the lifeless depressing sky that resembled herself. Grey clouds swirling overhead. So familiar. Oh how life can change so quickly...
TrumpVEVO April 29th, 2016

TRIGGER WARNING: Contains descriptions of self harm, and the like. This may be triggering to some. Read with care.

This was a poem written by a friend when she was in her darkest times.


by: t.n.

I lay there in bed

My heart filled with dread

My life was in shred


I clung unto life by a thread

With the hopes that I was fed

By the words that I just read

But deep inside

In my innermost thoughts

From deep in my heart

I wanted

to be dead

I was wrongly misled

Of what would lie ahead

They said,

"I'm always here for you!"

"Life's too short to be blue!"

"You have so much to live for!"

"Life has great things in store!"

And for a time I believed them

And gave them nothing to worry for

But they knew nothing

Of what was becoming

A living hell

Of where I dwelled

Me once so careful

But now a rebel

Everyday a cycle of torture

All because of my stupid disorder

The things that now befell

But still I believed them

That all would be well


I could believe no more

I was rotten to the core

There was no more hope

I just couldn't cope

So now

I lie here in bed

Now soaked in red

The red spreads

And spreads

And bled and bled

All from my head

They begged and pled

And when they read this

They'll know

it was too late

And now

I'm dead

2genpoet May 20th, 2016


there is so much pain here it was difficult for me

but needed to be expressed

good for u