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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Clementine103 March 11th, 2016

If you didn't notice my scars,

my change in mood,

my every dream become lost,

if you didn't see what you did to me,

that I hid behind a fake smile,

and cried myself to sleep at night,

if you didn't realize I made those scars,

and why was so afraid to love,

then it's okay.

Bt don't you dare tell me you care,

if you never knew me in the first place

Clementine103 March 11th, 2016

why do you constantly break me,

and drop me,

and tell me you love me,

Why do you tease me,

and hurt me,

and tell me I'm nothing,

why do you tear down my dreams,

and call my gaols stupid,

but most importantly,

why do I listen?

lyber March 13th, 2016

This was beautiful @Clementine103. :-)

I can totally relate to this.

Clementine103 March 15th, 2016


Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

beautifuldreamers March 12th, 2016

Trigger warning: abuse, bullying, assault, self-harm

By the time she was 2 she had seen drugs and had even done them

By the time she was 3 she had watched her mom slip in and out of relationships

By the time she was 4 she had been concerned with money because mom didn't have it

By the time she was 5 she had watched two men walk out on her

By the time she was 6 she got called fat

By the time she was 7 she got beat up in school

By the time she was 8 she felt as if the world were darker than she originally knew it to be

By the time she was 9 she had been bullied to a point of tears

By the time she was 10 she had lost all love for herself, and tried to help others

By the time she was 11 she swore that the sun only shown to make fun of her for trying to shine

By the time she was 12 she had been sexually assaulted by her father

By the time she was 13 she became a binge eater

By the time she was 14, she began to cut herself and starve for days at a time

By the time she was 15, She had lost her father, and swore she would not make it to her 16th birthday

On my 16th birthday, I will look back on the girl and smile, because my strength comes from inside

MusicalMelody18 March 13th, 2016

@FixingTheBrokenOnes1 this was amazing! thank you for sharing.

lyber March 15th, 2016

This is beautiful @FixingTheBrokenOnes1. Despite the fact the things happened to you, you still managed to live gracefully. I admire your strength. :-)

Von2am March 12th, 2016


Between the inside and the outside

I think

the former tends to be bigger,

just as quiet

tends to be louder,

and the stars:


ss995 March 13th, 2016

@Von2am lovely imagery

Von2am March 13th, 2016

@ss995 ahh thank youu (- ^ u ^ -)

MusicalMelody18 March 13th, 2016

@Von2am beautiful!

Von2am March 13th, 2016

@heartfulMusic18 thank you too!! I'm glad you liked it ^0^

pottergirl March 12th, 2016

It is eerily convenient to fall back in old patterns,
Even when they do nothing but hurt us.
Because it is like coming back home,
After a dreary night cold and alone.

You step over the curb so familiar,
And wonder why you didn't come back earlier.
The reason comes back to you again soon,
But alas! Not soon enough.

You are already inside and the door is closed,
Which you can't open by will, prayer or force.
So you just stand there, defeated and resigned,
Surrounded by the exquisite gold tapestry you had designed.

You watch it all go up in spectacular flames,
And they kiss you like beasts expertly tamed.
The pain is soothingly sweet,
So much so that you don't mind the heat.

You get consumed all over again,
In the burning house you believed to be home.
Maybe you will know better next time,
Till then, just hold on to life...

BraveSpirit March 14th, 2016

@pottergirl, THIS IS SO TRUE!!

ParanoidPoet March 12th, 2016

The world is merely colorless, made up of black and white.

But since it is the status quo, its perfectly alright.

Though butterflies be grey, and bluebirds not be blue,

I could not possibly care less about the lack of hue.

I met someone today; she struck me as rather nice.

Though I didnt understand it, I was rather enticed.

As I drove home alone that day, something seemed to me changed:

Did the sky possess a blue tint? That is rather strange.

I soon was better acquainted with this person Id met.

I already liked her more than most people Id known yet.

As we conversed more and more, I noticed that her eyes

Were the same exact glistning blue as a clear mornings skies.

My world was colorful, more so than I thought it could be.

No longer did the sad monochromatic shades bind me.

I saw the world as it should be, unlike most of the throng.

I thought to myself happily, ‘Whatever could go wrong?

What I am about to tell you, though tragic, is quite true.

I received the news Sunday, and my heart was torn in two.

Quietly I mourned, and there was no end to my grief.

Sadness and anger mixed as I wept and gnashed my teeth.

The world is merely colorless, made up of black and white.

For some time it was different, and that was my lifes highlight.

I wish the colors hadnt faded; hadnt said Adieu!

I couldn't miss anything more than I miss her eyes blue.

-Lucas D.

BeingTrue March 12th, 2016


This is so beautifully heartrending :( <3

ParanoidPoet March 12th, 2016

@BeingTrue Thank you. I'm glad that I was able to convey the sorrow of the narrator in a way that a reader could identify with.

MusicalMelody18 March 13th, 2016

@ParanoidPoet beautiful

ParanoidPoet March 13th, 2016

@heartfulMusic18 Thank you.

Cheeney March 13th, 2016

But why should I

Bang goes the fist
Bearing with my pain
Because I am told to obey
But why should I

Black and blue again
Best hide the bruises quick
Because they will never understand
But why should I

Burst into tears
Boy, irony hurts
Because people say 'enjoy life'
But why should I

Brave steps taken
Better take it slow
Because I'm tired
But why should I

Bad people rule the world
Beating the weak
Because we let them
But why should I

MusicalMelody18 March 13th, 2016

@Cheeney loved it <3

Cheeney March 13th, 2016

@heartfulMusic18 Thank you <3

ubiquituous March 13th, 2016

contempt is but a second-hand hatred

for what is the greatest thing to have been seen

inasmuch as the earth's beginning

MusicalMelody18 March 13th, 2016

Sun sets, night stars twinkle

It was never for me to choose

Life, to be lived by you

Spacecowboys March 13th, 2016

You crept into my window

last night

and made my dark room

infinitely darker

Theuglyduck March 13th, 2016

I've already posted this poem but I think it needs to be here :P lol enjoy

I sit alone while the world sleeps In pure and blissful slumber

Their eyes closed and lashes to cheeks they dream with out a number

I sit alone while the world sleeps the night skies I am under

From my walls the shadow creeps while in fear I wonder

ubiquituous March 14th, 2016

A Criticism of Society's Piety for War

What is a scream but a blue-eyed mercy

in a whisper a fortnight from now?

fifteen thousand years in the future,

a minstrel will sing it to you,

and you will sob for the millions left in rubble

proactiveDime3437 March 14th, 2016

My first attempt at writing something "optimistic"...

Butterflies in my stomach,

For the first time, I'm at a loss of words.

My words stutter and I stand,

As still as I shudder.

Nevertheless, my mind seems to possess a mind of it's own,

It is conjuring up things I've never witnessed before.

A sweet mellow wind,

Blowing across a lush meadow;

The grass swaying gently,

Creating a rhythm of it's own.

I hear the stream bickering,

The gigantic tress rustling,

Why is everything asudden,

So calm and undulating?

It's hard to believe that this is the same mind that once before,

Thought of terrible things and pushed me head first onto the ground.

Am I starting to feel hopeful now?

These reflexes seem so unknown.

Whatever may be the reason,

Of this sudden uproar?

I'm still dumbstruck, slack, facing this boy whom I adore,

He's starting into my eyes as though he is connected to my soul.

A look of such predilection in both of our eyes,

I am lost in the spur of the moment,

Before I can get the picture of the time.

A strange sensation on my lips,

I feel as we lean in;

Goosebumps on my skin as I syncopate my body with his;

We seem to be melting in sync.

Maybe this is what it feels like,

To fall in love and dance paradise.

The monsters wouldn't dare to face me now,

There's a hero by my side.

He made me realise that I'm the protagonist of my life.

2genpoet March 16th, 2016


do you want to discuss this poem in the poetry writing group?

i love the flow and the optimism

proactiveDime3437 March 16th, 2016

@2genpoet Hey! Glad you kiked this and thanks for the invite, I would love to. But I'm not 100% sure I'd be able to attend the discussion if that's okay...but nevertheless, I'll try my best; wouldn't want to miss out on this opportunity. I have my exams :( but they get over soon

proactiveDime3437 March 16th, 2016


persistentWillow4292 March 14th, 2016

(A/N: This is super ugly im sorry i didnt revise it)

Bathe me in your sinful bliss

The way my hands run cold

And how water flows out of my eyes

People would ask me why

And with a glance

Mixed with bloody eyes and runny noses

I laugh and laugh and laugh.

Bathe me in your sorrowful womb

Where thoughts are heavy

And my body is heavy as well.

When the tears run dry

Yet I still cry,

Will you bathe me in that sinful sorrow?

Correct me, if I'm wrong

When the will to live has died

And my soul has cried enough,

Won't you take me to bed tonight?

And in that bed

Tuck me to sleep,

Shut my eyes

And leave me in peace.

So later I may bathe in my sins

Andyken March 14th, 2016

Darling, I adore you

Think of you everyday

Darling, you are perfect

In every single way

Darling, I could never

Describe it just with words

But Darling, I am trying

Even though it hurts

Darling, it breaks my heart a little

But I will be alright

Darling, I can be a shadow

As long as you're my light

Darling, you'll never find a love

Which is purer than mine

Darling, I could be the moonlight

If you'd be my sunshine

But for me, Darling, all of this

Is merely just a dream

Darling, keep in mind

Things are never the way they seem

krishnashivkumaryadav March 24th, 2016

@Andyken simply beautiful

readyinfive March 15th, 2016

//Couldn't focus on my work, so I did a little freewrite just to let loose, then decided to touch it up a bit. I don't write much, but here goes. Hopefully your thoughts wander like mine did : P //


Sometimes I wonder what would happen if

the words in my head, dancing on hot coals

frantically screaming insanity in my ears

filling my waking dreams

my walking dreams, my talking dreams

my cyclical conversations, the ebb and flow

of my static salutations, kept on hold

by the changing tide, the moon rises

to grip the current of events,

drown my sorrows in the glass phrasings

of hollow confirmations of my safety, my loss,

as the spinning earth revolves around my head.

Hells been howling on my mental.

These filial fluctuations robbed my mind

of my space in time, the end rushes

to meet me, my brain gushes

a stream of thoughts unmitigated

a torrent communicated, critically proliferated.

Staccato cracks the crisis.

Damming the flow, the wound appears to heal

catharsis cauterized, I still hide what I feel.

And I wander.

Jelli March 15th, 2016


This was really beautifully written. It is very deep and expressive and captures a lot of aspects to a wandering mind. I enjoyed it a lot. :)


readyinfive March 16th, 2016


That's really kind of you to say, thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

2genpoet March 16th, 2016


do you want to discuss this poem in the poetry writing group?

2genpoet March 16th, 2016

Shattered Dreams

Dreams were the enemy

Because they looked for finality

In a world where uncertainty survived.

In a reality where time needed to meld into


Dreams lengthened the minutes

drawing the notch ever tighter

The dreams supressed

became our legacy

thus I became a child of expectation

Presaged and impendent

who fled these dreams

fearing to disappoint

But dreams return, on wings of anticipation,

to shatter ever stronger.

Cheeney March 16th, 2016


I look up
my friend arrives
He says 'sup?'
and gives me high fives

We chat for a bit
until he gets bored
I challenge him with my wit
but he just snored

Time for us to part ways
until next time
Maybe one of these days
I'll stop my rhyme