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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Cheeney February 22nd, 2016

Reader's adventures

On what adventure shall I embark next
Various different options to choose from
I experience them all through written text
Much like an endless silent song

Some words carry me to another place
Some words resonate with me deeply
Others I read through fast, as if it were a race
Whatever their role is, words complete me

A little book made of paper where
Characters are born as stories are told
At the pages I intensely stare
Watching mysteries unfold

Turning pages by the minute
The world draws me in
I know my time is only finite
Yet I can't help but grin

Every beginning has an end
It is only a matter of when
Grateful as I am, after this I simply can't
Be the same person ever again

FaithForTheWin February 23rd, 2016

@Cheeney I absolutely adore your poem.

Those rhymes shape a flow that make it extremely fun to read.

And the meaning you're supporting with it... I can feel it perfectly because reading is such an awesome adventure.

Especially "Greatful as I am, after this I simply can't be the same person ever again" really got me as it totally summarizes my thougths after exploring an impressive piece of literature.

Thank you very much for your magnificent poem, you gave me the biggest smile right now ^^

Cheeney February 23rd, 2016

@FaithForTheWin Thank you so much!

I think we've all felt it.. When you finish a literary masterpiece, sitting there with the book still in your hand, wondering how life used to be before you read this amazing book.
One of my favourite quotes will forever be ''ofcourse it happened inside your head, but why on earth shoud that mean it wasn't real?''

Thanks again for your commentsmiley

Annie February 23rd, 2016

@Cheeney, I agree! Things that happen in the human mind/brain are definitely real.

Just because we can't see love or measure it clinically, that doesn't mean it isn't real.

Similarly, we cannot measure pain. We can see manifestations of pain (grimaces, flinches, yelps, groans), and we can detect some but not all physical causes of pain (contusions, lacerations, tumors, fractures, etc.) but the pain itself? It's not a thing we can measure in a laboratory.

But it is REAL.

As is fear. Grief. Joy. Anger. Relief. All of these are real.

Cheeney February 23rd, 2016

@Annie Definitely! If the world only consisted of the things we can see and measure physically, it would be a dull place.
Sadly the things you described are real too, pain grief etc, even though we don't know everything about them. I think they're here to teach us and help us grow.

Annie February 23rd, 2016

@Cheeney. I agree. When some devastating things happened to me, I might have drowned in the pain and confusion.

But I was lucky to have some guidance from good friends and counselors. This is how I decided to approach things:

I will find the jewel in the wound. I will view this as an opportunity.

I will use the pain as a cauldron, a foundry, a crucible in which raw ore becomes strong, flexible, shining metal -- purer and finer.

I will use the pain as a springboard to a higher level of existence.

I can't always see hard challenges and losses as a gift. But I can definitely see them as an opportunity to grow. A catalyst toward evolution to a better kind of creature.

Cheeney February 23rd, 2016

@Annie You worded it beautifully, that's inspiring. Friends can definitely help through tough times. Humans need other humans.

Indeed I can't say I view hard challenges and losses as a gift either. Certainly not when they arrive, because it's much more natural to curse them and to try and find a way out. I think it's a natural evolutionary process to want to avoid pain as much as possible, we are programmed to survive after all. But it's especially in these moments where life throws hardships at us that we are able to grow and evolve. From a pure spiritual viewpoint, pain is to be welcomed and accepted. Greeted with a smile even. Though it's much, much easier said than done.

Annie February 23rd, 2016

So true. Very hard. Although I find it gets easier with practice!

ApricityLife February 23rd, 2016


I absolutely loved reading this. I love it when poetry makes you feel something, and especially the " Grateful as I am, after this I simply can't be the same person ever again" . This shows how each adventure and each moment constantly changes us and was written so brilliantly.

Thanks for sharing!

Cheeney February 23rd, 2016

@ApricityLife Thank you so much!

Cheeney February 23rd, 2016

@ApricityLife Thank you so much!

MusicalMelody18 February 24th, 2016

@Cheeney as someone who spent most of her childhood and adulthood with books instead of people - this was amazing! awesome! loved it <3

Cheeney February 24th, 2016

@heartfulMusic18 I'm still one of those people smiley Thank you so much

MusicalMelody18 February 24th, 2016

@Cheeney I confess I am still that person too 😊 happily so

Cheeney February 23rd, 2016

@Annie Thank you so much!

lovelyduck8 February 23rd, 2016

you are stronger than you know.

you are going to evolve into someone new, someone like now. a fallen comet a brand to be bought on the market. a nba player on the wall of failure aaa aa aaa aaa error! system encountered an error. try again?

but wait! first,

you got to tear into

yourself, bleed your fingers dry, throw out your plump bruised red skin crawling with germs liver, chew spit chew taste the metallic tint of oxygen make your kidneys a nice liquid, (maybe the boys will come now), throw out the nest of snakes living in the pit.

throw off the intruder living in your body. throw away yourself. there is nothing there.

Annie February 23rd, 2016

@lovelyduck8, the raw energy in this poem is a little frightening. But it crackles with all kinds of energy. Much of it seems hopeful: you are stronger than you know.

FriendlyRaspberryCC February 23rd, 2016


So late last year, two dear friends of mine committed suicide within the same month. Feeling excruciatingly melancholy and helpless, I turned to what has always been my solace: writing. I wrote this piece in ode to them, and it may come off as dark and cynical, but if you've ever been in the same situation, you will understand the message of hope. I wanted to share this on here because it seemed appropriate. It has no title. Any feedback is very much welcome, I love hearing what people think. Here goes...

The blood flows bright red, but she doesn't feel a thing.
A gash deeper than all her years of pain and regret; yet, she doesn't make a sound.

Dust falls from the ceiling, and she focuses on the granules, falling. Slowly. Freely. Rapidly. Falling.

Her life flashes before her eyes, and the smell of fresias in the suburban summer of 99' flood her senses. Mother in the garden, churning the soil, a young girl, playing in the yard, chasing butterflies to the sandbox.

Neighbor saying hello, the depraved smirk which sealed her fate, all those years ago

Her soul, never to return.

The blood gushes; a geyser of crimson before her, and she sits perfectly still.
The names she was called; mean, so very mean... it'll all be over soon.

Entire arm bloodied and broken, she reaches for the stars one more time. Constellations forming in the night sky, she prays to great Orion, "Take it all away".

The impossible dream to live again is a longing she's never felt so strong.
Reaching for the door, telling herself, "One more time", she collapses.

On the floor, she dies. Colors fade to black, and her eyes close.
A final, weak smile escapes her lips, as she whispers, "One... more... time..."

Annie February 24th, 2016

Dear @FriendlyRaspberryCC, I find this poem very moving. The details of her observations and her memories are well chosen and beautifully expressed.

I started to say which lines I especially like--but there are too many!


ambitiousPerson9586 February 23rd, 2016

It took me ages to find this on my ipad as i'd deleted the app i wrote it on. Anyway this is just a short little poem about memories of my childhood which i wanted to show you guys :) here it is

The summers that I remember

The jingle of the ice-cream van as it comes around the corner
The yells and hoots of the children playing in the street
With balls and scooters and bikes and ropes
These are the summers I remember

The long summer days with nothing to do
Except play on the road with the friends that you meet

Between Bulldog and Hopscotch,
Tip the can and Red Rover
We would stay out on the road 'til the street lights came on
And our mothers would call us a hundred times over

Off to bed at nine o clock to get a good sleep
To get up next morning and just repeat

Those were the summers that I remember

Its not very good i know, but i hope people like it. Poetry is not my strong point lol

2genpoet February 24th, 2016


i like this poem except for this line

ts not very good i know, but i hope people like it. Poetry is not my strong point lol

pleasae remove it and the poem is much better

ambitiousPerson9586 February 24th, 2016

@2genpoet that last line was not part of the poem, just a comment about it

MusicalMelody18 February 24th, 2016

@ambitiousPerson9586 Brings happy memories. Liked it A LOT!

Monarda February 24th, 2016

This is a poem I wrote for an English project:

I was supposed to write a poem describing Juliet from Romeo and Juliet, with two different perspectives. So, this is Juliet by Juliet:

Parting is such sweet sorrow,

as I see you leave each bright night.

The sky is full of stars, shining so full.

I stare up at them, as I say,

February 24th, 2016

Welcomed vs. Wanted

All my life I thought I was working for the right thing.

Pushing myself, proving myself, beating myself up

Just to be wanted.


Such a seductive word.

Such a deceiving word.

It sounded immediate, desperate.

Like you really were important.

Like craving was a compliment.

Until you remember junk food cravings arent healthy.

The same way putting yourself out there, to get people's approval that you crave so much

just to realize your value is unhealthy.

And I craved it. I desired for it.

Like how you'd crave to have a fix of cocaine -- or even just a bag of chips.

But we all know how those highs are temporary.

Like how your false compliments give me temporary highs.

Calling me babe, telling me I'm beautiful -- but only when I strip naked. Your lips dripping with honey so you can get your fill out of me.

We crave each other. We want each other.

The difference is...I actually welcome you.

Hoping that you will welcome me someday,


sometime soon....

Only to realize...

you only welcome me

when I'm dressed like a harlot.

Or when I worship you and give my undivided attention and time and effort

to YOU.

But to me....

you're only focused on my flesh, and my words that butter up your swollen ego.

And now I'm like those crack-heads...

Unable to stop the self abuse

of giving in from being wanted.

February 24th, 2016

Not knowing that all my life

What I wanted was to be welcomed.

Accepted and acknowledged.

Not just by words but by actions too.

A feeling of safety and security

It can be love in its purest form

Without the sex or the lust

Just that welcoming presence

Without the need to prove yourself

I thought that was free of charge,

But it took me the price of

too many losses

and one major abuse

that led to a string of other heartbreaks

to realize

that THAT IS what I want.

If I knew it all along,

maybe I wouldn't have tried so hard

to be someone I wasnt even sure was me.

Or be with people that just wanted something from me.

But it's so rare...

Almost unreal,

that another person would welcome me just as I am.

That I have to face this world

as a living nightmare until I die.

2genpoet February 24th, 2016


2genpoet February 24th, 2016

you write

But it's so rare...

Almost unreal,

that another person would welcome me just as I am.

Know -iam here

7 cups is here to welcome and love you as you are

2genpoet February 24th, 2016


i love the awareness of the false self vs the true self in the poem

and wanted to be loved for who you really are

poetry is a way of catharsis to express who your true self is and to

rid yourself of all your masks

February 26th, 2016


this is sweet

thank you...

know that your words landed on my heart

among the good things i felt today.

nothing like healthy doses to remind me

this is what good is.

you are worth my tears.

2genpoet February 26th, 2016


I Give You my Tears

i may be worth your tears

leave them plesae to dry

i have no wont for them

i wish to be worth

your smile, your joy, your embrace

so leave the tears to dry

and bring me your love

February 27th, 2016


that might take a while.

my love has run dry.

from this person that i have given my last.

it's gonna take a while to refill, and properly share with others.

at least i know now what being welcomed feels like.

from my therapists and you

and the community here too.

but nothing hurts like the realization,

that the person you want most to welcome you

only takes joy in your presence

when you sit there and be as two-dimensional as possible.

my heart is slow and weak

and as much as i want to let go

i feel like i will shatter if i do.

it takes so much time.

i'm scared that runs out

before i set myself free

to love the good people that knows

what welcoming is.

angelteen February 24th, 2016

Faceless Imprint

I'm dreaming again

Of that, faceless man

With his cold hands,

That reunite again with my skin,

Like a never ending plain

He leaves me barren and cold,

I'm not comprehending why his hands are not leaving

Like they were told,


My screams shake the room

My tears begin to spell fear

I think, I'm shutting down again

I'll just crawl inside my cage and disappear,

You're just another one

That craves the taste of fear

Alone with you is my worst nightmare


Here we are

Your fingers reaching for the imprint that isn't there yet,


After your little taste,

A forgotten thought that was never said

You'll remember while I break the memory

To forget





Leave the blemish


Forget, I can't

2genpoet February 24th, 2016


very scary poem - expresses the panic and fear

try to create the feeling of panic using images

for example you write

Like a never ending plain

He leaves me barren and cold,

you can make this line even stronger by writng for example

Like Winter's wind-swept plain

He leaves me barren and cold,

and you give the reader an image to hold onto

Cheeney February 24th, 2016

After all this time

A drink, a scream
An enraged outburst
After all this time again
Another bruise left unseen

A punch, a kick
A painful expression
After all this time again
Another day calling in sick

An apology, a forced smile
A shed tear
After all this time again
Asking herself if it's worthwhile

A new beginning, a fresh start
A false hope
After all this time again
Anchored in her heart

A 'single' drink, a trip to the bar
A path travelled excessively
After all this time again
Addicted they both are

FaithForTheWin February 24th, 2016

@Cheeney Wow, I really enjoy reading this poem over and over again. It somehow manages to make me feel the persona of the poem even though I never experienced such a situation before.

I guess the best part about this poem is the well used parallelism that manages to deliever the feelings to the reader very well.

Thank you for your awesome poems, I really love reading them :)

Cheeney February 24th, 2016

@FaithForTheWin Thank you so much!smiley This was definitely somewhat of an experiment (I think I say this too often lol, one might almost think I'm a scientist), but it was incredibly fun to do. Thank you for reading and replying to my poemslaugh

Lclaggett February 26th, 2016

@Cheeney that was an amazing poem!

Cheeney February 26th, 2016

@Lclaggett @PhoenixSoul @AnnaMarieWixson03 Thank you all so much!

AnnaMarieWixson03 February 26th, 2016

@Cheeney this is amazing