Hi there! I'm Colleen, and I'm glad you decided to speak to someone today. It doesn't matter whether it's online or in person; it takes a lot of courage to get the help you need. You may feel vulnerable, but it is the first step to becoming a stronger person. I too, have had my fair share of trials and tribulations, and though I do not wish pain on any soul, I do not believe that one may live a meaningful life if they have not experienced or seen pain, and that's why I'm here; because how we deal with pain is what makes us who we are, for better or for worse. So, to get the ball rolling, I'll tell you some things about myself. I love music, reading/writing, watching movies, being physically active, helping people (in any way shape or form), learning about anything and everything, trying new restarants, and everything else under the sun that life has to offer. What about you?