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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

ManinblacK February 11th, 2016

@CourageDearHeart Very nice, good jobsmiley

Katy2665 February 19th, 2016

@CourageDearHeart This is really nice! I loved the imagery you used! It really let me feel the poem!

CrownTheGhostTown February 8th, 2016

This is called We Are Emos....Enjoy

The Emos

Who are we?

Labeled. Judged. Hated.

Walking through the halls

All black

Music cascading over us

It is a security blanket

The screams of the singers

Match the screams of our terrorized and bullied brains.

We are Jesus

Walking through the hallways

Constantly ridiculed, constantly judged.

We are the emos, we arent


We arent all




We are the pit bulls, but not the parolees

We are held back by rusted chains

When we break free we will devour our enemies

Numb to all of their pains

They didnt care about us

The soldiers in the school

They didnt care about us

We arent necessarily cool

We arent love at first sight

But we dont bite

We do let love in the crack

Kind of like Sally and Jack

Walking through school

Proudly wearing our band merch

Wading through the pool

Of pain and such

We are the emos

The outcasts

The strays

We are the bad influences

The always avoided

With headphones, our life sources

We shouldnt be voided.

We are part of society

We are part of the school

We are a family

Yes, we are cool.

School blazes wounds into us

In hallways of schools and on the bus

But we dont always react

And thats a fact

We silently suffer

Not even eating our supper

We are the bullied

It never ends

We are the unloved

For us Death sends

We are the emos.

Annie February 9th, 2016

@CrownTheGhostTown, wow. I imagine this as a performance poem, shouted out to the audience--strong and powerful!

CrownTheGhostTown February 10th, 2016


That was the point of this poem...I'm filming my performance tonight

ShyPixie February 9th, 2016

Very good

Danielleokayyy February 10th, 2016

@CrownTheGhostTown omg that's was truly amazing.

CrownTheGhostTown February 10th, 2016


Aww you're so sweet thanks!

Andyken February 9th, 2016

Darkness covers the night

It veils what is wrong and what's right

It makes us the same

There's no one to blame

Because we are all alike

It's truth and it's beauty

It's justice and purity

We're not strangers, we're one

And unlike the sun

Darkness gives us amnesty

We're free to sin

And wash it off of our skin

Because blood and honour

Don't matter no longer

We threw overboard our discipline

The black takes our eyesight and let's us hear

Hearts that are smiling while shedding a tear

And while we wander through the dark

A faint melody finds its start

Soft, deceitful and ever so crystal clear

Then the sunrise shakes us to the core

But we begin to dream once more

Of a land far away

Filled with wonder, not dismay

Where there's peace instead of war

And all along, inside my head

Fantasy's begun to spread

And with contentment in my chest

I lay reality to rest

And with it all the fear and dread

Cheeney February 9th, 2016

@Andyken This is absolutely beautiful. Loving the intensity.

Andyken February 9th, 2016

@Cheeney Thank you <3 ^.^

Maxlexie2 February 9th, 2016

If I let myself it's almost real

It's like falling from the stars

I dream of it everyday

I feel it when I close my eyes

Do you soar through the sky like wings on a bird

Do you tumble to the ground like rocks on a cliff

Can you float through the air like a petal in the wind

Can you fall to the earth like rain from the clouds

Have you run through the land like a stallion in the sun

Have you sunk to the bottom like a raft in the ocean

Will you speed through the land like a cheetah catching pray

Will you burn to the root like a fire in the forest

If I let myself it's almost real

It's like falling from the stars

I dream of it everyday

I feel it when I close my eyes

Annie February 13th, 2016

@Maxlexie2, I love the pulsing energy that comes from the list of questions. heart

February 10th, 2016

Poisonous, Venomous, Insiduous.

Her hold on me reaches far, even through time.

She is gone, but her traces are still vivid.

She is nowhere to be seen but it feels like she was just here.

I look around, there's on one,

Yet I see...

blood on my hands,

and broken pieces of my life on the floor.

Pictures, memories, dreams, hopes.


I looked up, I heard footsteps,


He's walking away,

Walking out...

far from me.

I could sense her, winning, smiling in the back of my mind.

"No one believes in you."

"Only I can take care of you. I am still the best."

I scream...I beg, I cry. "No, please..please, don't go! Please don't go, please...please don't leave me here. Please I beg you understand me."

"Sweety, I did. I can't anymore" He whispered, pained...but with great effort to stay gentle. "You took it from me, I can't love you back. I'm so tired..take care of yourself okay?"

He walks faster...and fades.

I question everything.

I wonder

If anyone will even mourn for me.

All I can see is her, discarding me...her face in everyone I see.

Her hands in everything I do.

Her voice in everything I say.

Who am I?

What am I?


No more.

Annie February 13th, 2016

@weepingartist, I love the phrase "and broken pieces of my life on the floor."

The content is compelling, and I'm almost compelled to assure you that you're not "nothing." Except that I know you have already discovered that for yourself, even if this particular piece does not reflect it.

February 16th, 2016

@Annie thank you...reading my own writing sometimes makes me cry again.

It's so hard...therapy is going through tough things right now but I hope I go through it..

Annie February 16th, 2016


your poems are brave and strong.

So a​re you.

MoonofBrokenSpirits3823 February 10th, 2016

Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall,

Who's the fakest of them all?

The one that hides a face in shame

Who covers the scars and the pain.

Mirror mirror in the hall,

Who cries the silent call?

The one that looks but doesn't see

The inner beauty reflected by thee.

Mirror mirror in my hand,

Who alone can barely stand?

And can't hold their head up high

Hiding behind each little white lie.

Mirror mirror in my room,

Who plans their own doom?

The one that digs their own grave

The one no one has tried to save.

Mirror mirror on the floor,

Who's not to live any more?

The one that will take their own life

The one to whom you gave a knife.

Mirror mirror on the ground,

You shattered without a sound.

Down like your helpless victims you fell

To whom the truth you never did tell.

Annie February 10th, 2016

@MoonofBrokenSpirits3823, This is haunting. And holds a lot of truth. I think that mirrors can lie, because we interpret what we see -- we see through our own emotional/mental filters. Beauty definitely lies in the eyes of the beholder!

I love the twist on an old fairytale to state a new message. Very cool.

MoonofBrokenSpirits3823 February 13th, 2016

@Annie, thanks so much :). I love old fairy tales and it just worked out really well.

Xyla February 13th, 2016

@MoonofBrokenSpirits3823 is it made by you? ❤️❤️❤️

MoonofBrokenSpirits3823 February 13th, 2016

@Xyla, yes I made this poem.

Cheeney February 10th, 2016

Fallen heroes

My oh my
I scream please tell me why
Does this have to go by
Even though I try

Everything is aching
This life I'm almost forsaking
Reality is heartbreaking
It's a tragedy in the making

What are we doing this for
And why are we always looking for something more
My body is sore
From all this pain I wore

I knew then that I would never be free
Still it hurt that I couldn't see
The people that are closest to me
Will you let this be

Or will you take a stand
Give me a hand
And we'll fight for our land
Do you believe in me, friend

Don't let them get under your skin
No matter what they tell you, I am no sin
Let's get up together and begin
For all our loved ones, we must win

We will fight on till no man remains
And the blood has left enormous stains
People will remember our names
But we know we will never be the same

When it's all said and done
So many of our friends will never again see the sun
We'll be relieved because we have won
But of happiness we will have none

Cheeney February 11th, 2016

@Cheeney Alright so I rewrote this because I didn't really like the first part of the poem. Here's the edited version:

Fallen heroes

As I watched my friends slowly die
I screamed please tell me why
Why do I fight in a war that isn't mine
God, I hope this quickly goes by

This is truly a tragedy in the making
When so many people are almost forsaking
Because this reality is heartbreaking
My pain is overtaking

I wonder, what are we doing this for
And why are we always looking for something more
In the distance sounds an angry roar
From someone who's done with this war

Back then I knew that I would never be free
Still it hurt that I couldn't see
The people that are closest to me
Will you let this be

Or will you take a stand
Give me a hand
And we'll fight for our land
Do you believe in me, friend

Don't let them get under your skin
No matter what they tell you, I am no sin
Let's get up together and begin
For all our loved ones, we must win

We will fight on till no man remains
And the blood has left enormous stains
People will remember our names
But we know we will never be the same

When it's all said and done
So many of our friends will never again see the sun
We'll be relieved because we have won
But of happiness we will have none

Annie February 18th, 2016

@Cheeney, this poem has depth, and a lot to say about what war is like, and what it feels like to be a soldier. You really reached deep for this one.

Cheeney February 18th, 2016

@Annie Thank you so much! Writing it was a little different than I'm used to but I enjoyed doing so. Sadly it's a harsh reality for many soldiers to see their friends die right before their eyes, and I wanted to capture that despair and need for vengeance.

Annie February 22nd, 2016

@Cheeney, I was just looking at the original version. I like the early lines, especially when said aloud, as performance poetry.

The first version has more raw energy, and the second version has more polish. They're both good -- just different.smiley

Cheeney February 11th, 2016

Train of thought

One night I start to ponder
What does this life really mean
I wonder
I try to recall all the things I've seen

Maybe the answer lies in my memories
I've been here a long time
And I know everything is not as it seems
Possibly I missed a sign

Something out of the ordinary
That passed my eyes at first sight
Though I have always been wary
Of things that do not seem right

Where can I find the answer then
If not in the back of my mind
And if I choose to look again
Will I like what I find?

Annie February 18th, 2016

@Cheeney, I love the searching and uncertainty here. Mysteries and questions!

Cheeney February 18th, 2016

@Annie Thank you! I wrote that one very easily because they are questions I often have.

Cheeney February 11th, 2016

I may have too much time on my hands..

Here's a poem I wrote for the ''leap year contest'' on . It's very long and a big change from what I usually write, but it was an interesting progress and I enjoyed writing it.

Leap year

This is a story about a day which only happens once every four years
It is very sad so prepare to wipe away your tears
Hear not the words I speak
But listen to the emotion and weep

Weep for this lonely day
Who doesn't fit in with the others but that's okay
Leap day is a time of celebration
Because for the other 3 years it's on vacation

It only shows up a quarter of the time
But is that its fault or is it mine
We have cast away this wonderful day
So maybe now it is time to pay

Let's settle our debts for good
Deep inside you know that we should
Though how are we to begin
When we have treated leap day like a sin

We have never accepted it for what it is
It's time to realise that was a swing and a miss
The truth tells us leap day is just like any other
But we treat it differently, I say why bother

Have we forgotten the importance of equality
When leap day is only welcome once every four years, what a pity
So many who don't get to celebrate their birthday every year
In fact, they are only 1/4th the age of most people here

Technicality ofcourse but I digress
My point is that the rules are really a mess
Too long leap day has felt abandoned
I hope that the message has landed

Why not add it to the yearly calendar
And with this final line, I surrender

affectionateCamp5850 February 18th, 2016

@Cheeney, the idea of the day itself being lonely, that's interesting!

Cheeney February 18th, 2016

@affectionateCamp5850 Thank you!

MoonofBrokenSpirits3823 February 12th, 2016

The Reasons

As you release your last breath

Staring into the depths of death

Can you give your last reason

Not to commit the final treason

It can be a hand pulling you up

After you cracked and blew-up

That one always waiting there

When you've drowned in despair

The only reason you're living for

Can be that one last closed door

Possibly, opening at the last hour

The hope inside brings you power

Moving on from long, cold days

Holding on to that simmering blaze

Death comes knocking on the door

Remember your reason to live more


As you release your last breath

Staring into the depths of death

Can you give your last reason

To commit to that final treason

Be it a hand pushing you down

The smile crumbles into a frown

The one always waiting there

To drown you in your despair

No longer a reason you're living for

Last straw the one last open door

Slammed closed at the latest hour

Shatters the hope and the power

Surviving those long, cold days

Dying by the simmering blaze

When death knocks on the door

Your reasons for living no more

Annie February 22nd, 2016

Dear @MoonofBrokenSpirits3823, this is powerful stuff. I like the justaposition of the two versions. The contrast yields more questions.

Cheeney February 14th, 2016

Mysterious Manners

Mysterious manners are all around
This little kingdom that I found
Walls made of marble rise high
Solemnly protecting what is ours
Always standing still but never missing a thing

Atop the guards patrol
Walking in an orderly, trained fashion
Often looking to the sky for answers, something to get them through
Praying that the gods would tell them what to do

Mercenaries in the dark alleys are offering their services
These are dark times, or so they say
But I wonder who truly caused this dismay
Still the people seem rather content
You would think that they enjoy the chaos

Perhaps it's just a way to pay rent
The king is a cruel man
Do not anger him if you can
One fellow did, now his head is spiked
Yet the people do not seem to care

Smiling they walk through the main streets
Greeting me with a deep bow and a how do you do
I still cannot grasp what drives them
Or who

Annie February 22nd, 2016

@Cheeney, this extended metaphor intrigues me. Any chance you're willing to tell us a little about the kingdom, the walls, and the king??

mairatheabbal5858 February 14th, 2016



I watch

As this world around me

Slowly starts to fade

I gasp for every breath

I struggle for each heart beat

Till this pain becomes unbearable

A cut,

Blood slowly tricked down

Washing away all hopes and desires

And leaves me feeling numb

I reach my hands out

I feel for something to hold onto

But all I can hear

Is the world around me

Whispering "let go"

Now I wastch as by essence fades

With the remains of my broken dreams

And I finally let go


neonCamp2958 February 17th, 2016


wow this is A great poem I hope you feel better always remember I'm here to help you and anyone out have a wonderful day

Your friend

Neon camper

mairatheabbal5858 February 17th, 2016

@neonCamp2958 thank you so much......I know this isn't great but I tried my best!