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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

MusicalMelody18 February 3rd, 2016

@Annie Thank You. Glad you liked it :)

Cheeney February 2nd, 2016

The Monster Within

As the curtains close
The shadows froze
Striking a frightening pose
Out of the dark, he rose

Don't let him in
If you do, he'll win
His face always displays an evil grin
As he's about to commit another sin

Stay away
I don't want to play
Please keep him at bay
While I pray for a better day

He looked at me
As I was no longer free
Brave I must be
It's getting harder to see

There is no trace left of the sun
And it's now too late to run
This won't be fun
It's begun

Cheeney February 4th, 2016

I made some minor edits and rearrangements, here's the altered version:

The Monster Within

As the curtains close
The shadows froze
Striking a frightening pose
Out of the dark he rose

Stay away
I don't want to play
Please keep him at bay
While I pray for a better day

He looked at me
As I was no longer free
How brave I must be
For it's getting harder to see

His face always displays an evil grin
As he's about to commit another sin
Do you have a thick enough skin
To fight the monster within

There is no trace left of the sun
And it's now too late to run
This will be anything but fun
Help. It's begun

Annie February 9th, 2016

@Cheeney, chilling!

This is another one that would be especially great as a performance poem.

Cheeney February 9th, 2016

@Annie Thank you!smiley

misha2 February 2nd, 2016

Annie February 3rd, 2016

@misha2, I love Anne Bradstreet. She lived an amazing life, facing incredibly difficult challenges in early colonial America and surviving heartbreaking losses of children and friends. But her light stayed bright throughout harsh winters, illnesses, and frightening uncertainties. One of my heroes!

Abracondromeda23 February 3rd, 2016

I Want to Die

A spoken-word poem

I used to think I was ready to die.

I wanted to leave my life behind,

A washed up seashell in the shore along the ocean of sadness and guilt.

I wanted to swim again and not choke on my anxieties, or responsibilities, or friendships, or my hopes and fears.

Death was to be my boat,

I would finally be able to swim again in a new ocean, a shallow ocean, an ocean called freedom.

I could leave everything behind because it no longer mattered,

I no longer mattered.

But instead of getting advice on how to live instead of dying,

I go to school to learn what to do while I live.

Wait, I dont go to school Im forced to go school,

No, force is too small of a word.

I was unwillingly willed to go learn about the Socratic equation,

I was told it was mandatory to learn the core subjects,





None of them teaching me how to deal with my anxieties,

Or how to keep on living in a world that is already dead.

I am forced to go to school with a smile on my face and a hug in my arms,

While inside Im screaming at myself for being so blind.

Im clenching my fists 30-40 times,

Digging my nails into my already frayed skin,

Sinking deeper,

And deeper,

And deeper,

Until finally I drown inside my own head.

But I dont drown,

I dont die,

I only gasp for air inside an eternity,

I only make myself struggle to the top because as it turns out I was not ready to die.

Annie February 9th, 2016

Dear @Abracondromeda23, this poem is extraordinary. The extended metaphor of the ocean and boat really captures the emotions.

Braveporcelaindoll February 3rd, 2016

If love is so easy why is it so hard for someone to fall?

All I want is someone to love
Someone who will whisper sweet nothings in my ear and hold my hand so tight it leaves an ever lasting print of them being there.
The person I can kiss slowly and know they'll still be there when I pull away.
I want the soul mate that everyone so highly deserves
I want a human to cuddle with me and wipe the sliding tears off my face, I want that person I can tell everything to and they the same
All I want is a bit of love , the kind that leaves you swept off your feet like in the stories of true love.
How every thing we see has a romantic memory and we somehow are always staring in each other's eyes
I'm sick of the fanfictions , roleplay , and imagines in my head of what will never be my lover.
I want what I can't have
Love has never been mine to keep.
Who wants the girl who's afraid of love itself?
The only one to love me like that is myself.
Annie February 13th, 2016

@Braveporcelaindoll, this poem is achingly real. The last two lines are shattering.

But please don't give up. The fear can be overcome. And love has a way of finding people.

Fiendish February 3rd, 2016

In the pursuit of happiness I found my demon.

Hello, it said.

My name is Depression.

Then it took my hand and sat me on the far side of Bliss.

And I stayed there.

Pursuing the illusion of happiness.

TreesandBees February 3rd, 2016

@Fiendish I wish i can be like you

peachBunny4371 February 7th, 2016

@Fiendish deep.

TreesandBees February 3rd, 2016

I didn't know breathing can help start your path , this is great

Cheeney February 4th, 2016

Today something reminded me of the first poem I've ever written and shared here. It was short and not particularly good, but it was the start of a beautiful passion. Now, a couple of months later I have written a lot of poetry and experimented with many different things. What I want to share now is also somewhat of an experiment; I've written something very similar to my first poem, the message remains the same but the story telling is different (and hopefully improved). Anyhow, here it is.

Web of lies

Exhausted and beaten down, he stopped to look in the mirror
The events of the day had weakened his mask
As he looked closer, he noticed little cracks appearing
Little cracks in this once so solid mask he made for himself
'This will protect me' He had said
'This will keep me safe'
Panic arose when the mask started to crumble
It would take years to make another
But what other option was there truly
He knew he couldn't show his true colors to the world
He wasn't sure he even had true colors anymore
They were probably long gone, lost in this ingenious web of lies
As he ran home he desperately tried to cover his face
The face that hadn't seen the sun in so many years
People stared as they watched the man they thought they knew
Fall into the deep darkness of despair
All this time he had hid himself in a comforting lie
Now the lie was gone and what remained
Was a scared and lonely man
So scared of rejection he'd rather pretend to be something he's not
But now the truth was out
The lie was done
And he was left with the damaged shell of the man he had become

NataliaNectarine February 5th, 2016


Your poem is absolutely beautiful. The simplicity of the language paired with the emotional intensity that it projects...It's extraordinary.

Cheeney February 5th, 2016

@NataliaNectarine Thank you so much!smiley

breeze22 February 5th, 2016

I told myself I would never love you again

But all the thoughts if it went in vain

You are that dream I buried alive

To Be happy I daily strive

I was happiest when I was with you

I am happy now but the happiness is not true

Moments I spent with you were pleasurable

Every thing with is memorable

I get weak and sometimes it's you all I want

You will never be there ever

These thoughts always haunt

Months became years so soon

Life without is not a boon

I remember those lovely eyes of yours

Those walking hand in hand by the shores

Remembering you is not wise I know

I still am not able to forget you though!

Annie February 17th, 2016


"You are the dream I buried alive" -- very powerful.

DKT26 February 7th, 2016

[Trigger Warning: Cutting]

Time to go home

The final bell rings

Conversations in the hall begin to sing

I flee to my friends

Hoping this feeling will never end

The feeling of home and comfort

Then the feeling of fear as the phone rings

Realizing she's here I hurry away

I get in the car only to hear her say

Nothing, the silence is brutal but short

We walk into our home then I'm in court

The yelling begins and I'm forced to sit there and take it

Her words are even more brutal than the silence and I can not shake it

I lie and say "I have homework I should do"

So I rush to my room

after crying for an hour

I realize she's right

And I draw on my skin against my might

With my favorite color red

The next day I get out of bed

she acts like nothing happened

I try to be mad

But my heavy heart of gold

knows I can't she is my mom after all

I basically crawl

through the day then the cycle starts again.

Sorry I'm not good at poetry

peachBunny4371 February 7th, 2016

@DKT26 *hugs* This was me when I was a teen. Hang in there, you'll get through it. You'll be all right.

DKT26 February 8th, 2016


thank you

Annie February 18th, 2016

@DKT26. Please please don't apologize for your poem. It's a good poem -- and even if you're not sure whether people will like it, it's yours. It's like your child.

You have delineated with such sensitive details the feelings of a teenager in a difficult situation. You paint so clearly the situation with a parent, the feelings shifting as poet has to go home, the ride home, the yelling at home:

"Nothing, the silence is brutal but short / We walk into our home, then I'm in court / The yelling begins and I'm forced to sit there and take it / Her words are even more brutal than the silence and I cannot shake it."

Please keep writing more and sharing your poems with us.

Cheeney February 7th, 2016


I think back
To those times
Back then I was on the right track
Now I'm just trying to find rhymes

The past is filled with regret
Poor decisions, missed opportunities
And broken words left unsaid
I said goodbye to all my securities

Watched them disappear slowly
In this abyss of despair
Until there was nothing left to see
Please tell me where

Can I find the exit
To this cruel place
I am trapped in this dark pit
Of memories that know no face

Divenire February 8th, 2016

@Cheeney I find very strong both the message you are exposing and the way you are expressing it. For example "please tell me where // can I find the exit" or the line "memories that know no face". "Know no face". Or my personal favourite: "broken words left unsaid". I don't know in which track you are in right now, but wherever that is, keep navigating, exploring, experimenting and delighting us with your words and stuff. :)

Cheeney February 8th, 2016

@resourcefulDew87 Thank you so much! ''broken words left unsaid'' and ''of memories that know no face'' are some of my favorite phrases too, I kinda fell in love with those lines.

Hahah I will definitely keep posting my words and stuff here wink

MusicalMelody18 February 8th, 2016

@Cheeney "of memories that know no face" :)

LovelyLex February 8th, 2016


The sheer silhouette, of the empty, soulless, ominous substance sped past me like a lightening bolt in a thunder storm.

My body began to shake and quiver against the cool atmosphere. I felt my knees slowly collapsing to the superiority of the treacherous scenery.

My lungs burst into a fit of screaming pleas, begging for an ounce of nirvana to kick in and send my body in a whirlpool of serenity.

My eyes blinded by the ear piercing solitude of the room.

As my soul reached out and screamed for a release, a narrow talk figure stood at the opposite side of the room.

Light began to flood the room rapidly, and warmth embraced my shivering body. A long narrow smile was placed on the figures lips as he suddenly snapped his fingers.

Water crashed into the scenery, as my lungs were suffocating, begging for a release.

The being slowly approached me and with a swift motion ripped out my entire being. He left nothing but the skin and bones on my body as I became still and lifeless.

Slowly, the light began to disperse as the figure slowly disappeared with the same sinister smile.

Once again, all that was left was..


Annie February 13th, 2016

Dear @LovelyLex, this is an amazing illustration of a nightmare. Wow.

MusicalMelody18 February 8th, 2016

I made a wish

I wrapped it up nice

I went to give it up

Into universal light

But I was too attached

I filled it with hopes and fear

What if once I gave it up

It would simply disappear

So I cradled it tight

And held it close

And whispered to it

All my dreams and hopes

But as time passed

And I couldn't let go

The dreams they stopped

And hope turned sour

I still fed my wish

With all that I had

I still kept it close

I still held on tight

Until you came by

And made me feel loved

So that just being with you

Was more than enough

I learnt to trust more

I learnt to give without fear

To simply be myself

Let all doubts disappear

The wish was filled with light

I no longer held on tight

I let my wish move on

Into universal light

It was fine to let it go

It shall come to manifest

I shall live in this moment

And learn to have faith

Annie February 13th, 2016

Dear @heartfulMusic18, the journey portrayed in this poem is beautiful!

MusicalMelody18 February 13th, 2016

@Annie Thank you :)

Katy2665 February 19th, 2016

@heartfulMusic18 I liked your poem a lot! I like how you kept going to work for your wish even when things were bad. Your rhyming scheme was great too!

MusicalMelody18 February 20th, 2016

@Katy2665 Ohhh... This means so much to me.. We never learnt poetry in school/college so I mostly wonder a lot if there is any rhyme or form in what I write. This is the first time someone said so (I am going to be secretly smiling all day).. I am glad you liked the poem.

Swoodo February 8th, 2016
I used to be afraid
of the monster under the bed
I was afraid it would grab me
Drag me down under
I was afraid it would haunt me
When no light shines
I was afraid it would
Scratch and hurt me
I realized there is no monster
Under the bed
I am the monster
under the bed
I drag myself
Down under
I haunt myself
When no light shines
I am afraid
Because I scratch and hurt myself
And I am afraid
Because I am the monster under the bed
Annie February 13th, 2016

Dear @Swoodo, This is sooo interesting. It's amazing when we discover that we have been our own enemy.

CourageDearHeart February 8th, 2016

Pick the leaves from my hair
and laugh with me lying in the
parched fall grass.
Let me nestle into the scarf
wrapped crookedly around your neck.
Tug my hat down just a little bit more,
Steal the cold puffs of air
From before my lips
With a kiss that promises
You'll be here come spring.

MusicalMelody18 February 9th, 2016

@CourageDearHeart loved it :) thank you for sharing

NataliaNectarine February 9th, 2016


WOW. This is one of my favorite poems in this whole thread, and I've been participating for a while. It just strikes a chord with me. Thank you for sharing and please, do come back with more!