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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

NataliaNectarine February 3rd, 2016


This is so beautiful...thank you for sharing!

Annie January 29th, 2016

A poem by @namelessgenderfluid

Close your eyes
Bite your tongue
It's all over and he won
Don't scream out or they'll all blame you
No one would think your telling the truth
It will stop
But you can't leave
And no ones coming to set you free
"He'll feel bad"
Oh no he won't
It's all over and he won

(I moved this poem here from another thread. -- Annie)

ladyfiaragc January 29th, 2016

Look at how beautiful you are.
I'd give anything to join you
Wild, free, and happy.

But the confines of my mind hold me
Like murderers should be held in cells
Stuck in a tiny room chained to a wall
Only longing for the sun on my skin.

When the chains temporarily break
I feel the warmth and sun on my skin, finally.
The smile is temporary
As noise and people invade my space.
The noise interrupting, annoying
The stares from people and my thoughts
Of their thoughts like a cloud over my head
Threatening to rain down
On an already weary soul ready to break.

Someday it'll all end
People will look down on my dead face
Saying "She lived a good life"
Which will be a lie.
I lived a scared and safe life.
Or they'll say
"I don't get why she did this, she was always so happy."
I'll be watching, screaming it was all fake.
There wasn't even a shred of happiness in my soul.

I just didn't want to bring you down.
I was never good enough
I'll never be good enough.

Annie January 29th, 2016

Dear @ladyfiaragc,

This poem stuns me with its truth. Its power.

Jeez you can write, girl!

ladyfiaragc January 31st, 2016

@Annie Thank you very much.

I needed that compliment, and I appreciate it greatly.

Annie February 13th, 2016

@ladyfiaragc, I'd love to ask you a question about a technical thing.

How did you get your poem to print out in single spacing. When I type something like this, the end of each line creates a new paragraph! If you or anyone can advise me, I'd be so grateful! I'd love to be able to post poems with single-spacing.

ladyfiaragc May 23rd, 2016


I'm pretty sure I copy and pasted this one from my blog. There's one further down that I wrote here on the website that has the double spacing and that's just the way the website does it. The only other way I know how to do single spacing (some sites use it some don't) is [Shift]+[Enter] instead of just [Enter]

2genpoet February 20th, 2016


you are good enough in my mind

and wii continue to be

Annie January 29th, 2016

Hey lovely poets, i'm sorry I haven't been here as much this week--i usually try to greet everyone and respond.

I promise I'll catch up this weekend! I know it may look like I ignored some people, but it was truly unintentional! I just got terribly busy with life outside 7 Cups.

Cheeney January 29th, 2016

@Annie No matter how often you're here, we all appreciate you taking the time to read everyone's poetry and to form a constructive, helpful response.

Thank you! smiley

imaginitiveballon January 30th, 2016

Here we are in society's forbidden place

So much judgment and misunderstandings we face

I see a fellow patron and understand the reasons they are here

I watch as he pours his lonely soul into a glass of beer

A moment of fake caring and love

An inner illusion of peace like a white dove

Even though its all pretend

Its a moment of physical contact in the end

When years upon years you have no mutal love

What else is there to be except putting on the consentual glove

Some are aghast, some understnad some are unsure of the above

Im one of the kindest people youll meet

You would not expect to see me at this place in a seat

Yes its just a bandaid an not truelove

But im so darn lonley like my fellow patron above

Annie February 13th, 2016


Eloquent! This line is so compelling: "I watch as he pours his lonely soul into a glass of beer ..." The whole thing has power!

pureatheart25 January 30th, 2016

Its hard to feel this pain

within my chest,

cant breath feels like

im holding my breath

cant think or even move

im frozen in fear,

all I can hear

is my own heart

beating within my ears,

feel like its bout to explode

im in survival mode

Annie February 13th, 2016


This spare poem grabs my heart. (sigh) It really captures the feeling . . . .

pureatheart25 February 27th, 2016


How sweet of you to say, I apprciate any feedback form anyone really does make a diffrene when somebody takes time to reply to things youve wrote, I had been feeling down and this cheered me up. You have a beautifull way with expressing words too, keep up the good work.

pureatheart25 January 30th, 2016

I'm nothing without you

I'm noone special anyway but when i'm with you I feel different

I can be anything, do anything and I'm free

Annie February 13th, 2016

Dear @pureatheart25, it's amazing what a friend can do to help us feel special and worthy -- and you've portrayed that vividly.

(Sigh) As much as I understand the feelings, I hope that some day you can realize that you don't need another person to make you special. You already are wonderful, as you are. Maybe they just helped you see yourself more clearly?

What I mean is, -- you really aren't nothing. With or without a certain person in your life. The danger in believing that someone else makes us worthwhile is the devastation that can happen if that person can't (or won't) stay in our lives. It's so important to have, in ourselves, our own sense of our worth, you know?

pureatheart25 February 27th, 2016


you have a good heart really do, you are a good person, and may I say have a way with wriiting

Billiejo96 January 30th, 2016

I suffer from BPD. I'm lonely. I'm scared. I'm falling. I'm losing myself. I'm self-isolating. And I just can't stop.

This isn't me. This isn't just a few 'off days'. I'm getting deeper and deeper in this rut.. I'm scared.

Annie February 13th, 2016

Dear @Billiejo96, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I think that a one-to-one talk with a listener is the best and quickest way to reach someone who can listen and help.

Here's one way to find a listener:

I'm awfully sorry I didn't see your post until now. I hope you're feeling better; I know it's scary when you're not yourself and things get terribly painful. heart

AlmightyAvalom January 31st, 2016


I walk into a room, a small room, too small for my thoughts to confine themselves.
The walls are white and bright, but the hidden stains from the past still show.
I walk into another room, a big room, too big for my sorrows to not hear their echoes.
The walls are stained red, but the true colour is still showing.
Are we like these rooms?

Annie February 13th, 2016

@AlmightyAvalom, I love this. A room too small for your thoughts, a room too big for your sorrows, not to hear the echoes. Wonderful contrasts.

QuietPastelRain February 1st, 2016

tiny sailboats
on an endless sea
the waves ebb and
flow, always dragging
one more down each
time it rises and falls.
when you take too long
to worry about them
vanishing, you start
forgetting about the
ones you have left.
make all of them count.

Annie February 9th, 2016

@QuietPastelRain, this poem is lovely. It starts on the surface but then goes deep. Very cool.

QuietPastelRain February 9th, 2016


Thank you!

Annie February 13th, 2016


By the way, how did you get your poem to print out in single-spacing. When I try to type a poem, every time I hit "enter" at the end of a line, it creates a new paragraph, so I get double spacing. sad

QuietPastelRain February 13th, 2016


i wrote mine in "Notes" and copied it here!

Geodc February 1st, 2016

I wrote something like what follows some years ago when I lost my brother to suicide.

Alone I sit kissed by an early spring morn's chill

Light the mist blanket hovers the air so still

Memories dance like steam off my hot black cup

So long ago I followed him like a lost pup

This path he has taken I cannot follow

No time for self pity in which to wallow

Not a sound to be heard save one lone bird

They have but one life's mate so I've heard

It calls out to avail this one lone dove

Together we listen no response from above

Staring down from upon its perch at me

The brokenness of my soul can it see

The mournful coo a single tear in my eye

Mourning not for self but maybe for you and I

Annie February 9th, 2016

@Geodc, Ohhhhhhhh. This is beautiful. I was struck by so many things here. One that stays with me is the chill of the misty morning contrasted with the hot, steaming cup in his hand. So real, amazing.

readyinfive February 1st, 2016

I live in haiku,

Pushing against the confines,

Seldom breaking through

Annie February 9th, 2016

@readyinfive, I love haiku. The restrictions are paradoxical: they limit us, yet help to release beautifully distilled observations.

This meta-haiku is wonderful!

positiveWhisper24 February 1st, 2016

Give Yourself a Bravery Award

If you aren't happy with your life, do something to change it.
If you can't, find someone who can help you.
If there's no one, wait a little while and look again.
If no one understands, teach them to speak your language.
If you are too tired to do anything, slow down and catch your breath.

If you've lost the memory of happiness, ask a friend where she saw it last.
If all your friends are away, try keeping yourself company.
If you feel completely alone, watch puppy videos on the internet.

If you lose your job, make the bank pay for a vacation.
If you flunk out of school, remember that it's not a race.
If you can't get out of bed, allow yourself a pajama day.
If every day is a pajama day, see how you feel in your clothes.
If your clothes don't fit, buy new ones to match your emotions.
If your body is unfamiliar, whisper that your self love is unconditional.
If you've hit rock bottom, declare yourself a superhero for staying alive.

If you have scars, give yourself a bravery award.
If your scars are invisible, wear your heart on your sleeve.
If you are afraid of what people will think, be thankful that you can't read minds.
If you can't find kindness in your heart, resolve to give it out as soon as it comes back.

If you lose your way, send up a flare.
If you don't know how to continue, make it up as you go along.
If you can't find a reason to keep going, get a second opinion.
If you think the sun will never shine again, invest in some night vision goggles.
If there is no light at the end of the tunnel, pull over and wait until morning.

Geodc February 2nd, 2016


Very well done!

(beware though. Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is a train... )

ladyfiaragc February 2nd, 2016

Are they dreams or nightmares?

I'm not well enough yet to know.

Equally as scary as it was desired,

I wanted death not long ago.

My pleas for help went completely unheard,

Asking everyone I knew for mere company

Hell I didn't hear from anyone, not a word.

Death was once a welcomed guest

So close we came to officially meeting,

Now an unwanted pest.

I want to go back to dreaming happy things.

Our relationship is over, death, stay gone.

I now only want butterflies, bunnies, and cats with wings.

(My terrible attempt at rhyming. I woke up from a dream about death, and this- for the most part- popped out)

Geodc February 2nd, 2016


A poem need not rhyme, it merely must express. Nice read.

ladyfiaragc February 6th, 2016

@Geodc I realize this, but a few lines started to rhyme, and then I was like, ahhh screw it I'll make the whole thing that way. :P Thank you!

MusicalMelody18 February 2nd, 2016

There are prison bars in my head

Made of ifs and buts and such stuff

Sometimes the time is not right

Sometimes I am not good enough

So I lie trapped in this prison waiting

For the sun to shine perfectly

Not too warm or too bright

Or too low for I freeze easily

And I wait in this prison praying

For the skies to be perfectly blue

Not a cloud too dark or too light

For clear blue skies is what I like

And I lie in this prison hoping

For the changes to be just perfect

Too big a change would overwhelm

Small changes would pass me by

And as I wait and pray and hope

These imperfect days slide by

With the too bright sun and sailing clouds

And small unexpected acts that make me smile

Maybe the time is not right

Maybe I am not good enough

Maybe it is imperfections

That makes this world go by

Maybe if I just breathe

My mind made prison walls would shrink

Maybe if you just sent a smile this way

The sun would shine perfectly… and all would be okay…

Geodc February 2nd, 2016


MusicalMelody18 February 3rd, 2016

@Geodc Thank you for sending a smile this way. sending a big smiley to you!

Annie February 3rd, 2016

@heartfulMusic18, so true -- I love this discussion of ideal versus imperfection!