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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

CatieCatWhispers December 27th, 2015

You think.
You try.
You fail.
You think.
You try.
You fail.
You think.
You stop trying.
This is not the way just yet.
Try again.
Try it differently.
If not one way, than another!
You think.
You try.
You fail.
Until finally...

You succeed.

Annie December 30th, 2015


I love this message! I'm convinced it's true.

And I love the spare, lean style that uses repetition to make the point.

blackhope2315 December 27th, 2015


By : blackhope2315

Someone leaves
Somone you love
You can still taste the last kiss
You can't believe all of the above

Your relationship is broken
Love has disappeared
The gold feeling has sunken
In a puddle of tears

Someone says 'goodbye'
Your heart stops for a while
He sees a tear in your eye
But all that he says is 'goodbye'

Annie December 30th, 2015

Dear @blackhope2315,

You've really captured the pain of a lost love.

The last two lines are so real. Your image expresses beautifully the stark indifference of the other person . . .

CosmicStranger December 28th, 2015

I keep going on with the idea of how morbid I am. Like thinking about death in everything. I love the night sky.. I love the darkness it holds that somewhat blankets me but it has this little glistening lights from which stars are ones I love as well. So then I shift my focus on stars.. stars that glisten at the night sky.. stars that are mostly dying.. mostly burning out. but unlike any star, I am dying.. I am burning out but there's still a huge difference for they are stars. They were born to become something huge before they die. They were born to be a supernova, that up to their last seconds of existence they have something to be remembered for. They have this significance of lighting up the sky whenever the darkness takes over but while on the other hand, I am nothing but a waste of space, emitting carbon dioxide but cannot illuminate a plain darkness when it comes, but rather blend in and just vanish in desperation and in content.

CosmicStranger December 28th, 2015

There are stanzas of words meant for you but still aren't said for the sake of feelings..

the whole idea of this is art for art is the abstract reasoning of things..

art is the attraction ridiculed by time,

art is me.. for I am afraid of revealing the truth.

Annie December 30th, 2015

Dear hollowbeing8, I'm intrigued by the use of bold font, underlining, and word order to achieve additional emphasis of the theme regarding the meaning and purpose of art. Very clever!

CosmicStranger December 28th, 2015

We all have a dirty slate.
Yours is just as dirty as others.
No one is pure.
The purists amongst us are in denial and
are yet to find self-acceptance.
The first step to change is to accept your filth.
Do not let the darkness of your surroundings consume you,
smile and shine through it.
We all have a dirty slate.
Yours, mine, theirs.. we all have a dirty slate.

Annie December 30th, 2015

Interesting. I definitely support the idea of accepting that we're all very flawed and human, and have all made serious mistakes! And it's so important not to let the darkness consume us. I love that.

(But I admit I'm uncomfortable with the idea of accepting that we're filthy.)


Cheeney December 28th, 2015

I think, therefore I am not

We humans are thinking creatures
Unlike animals, we think and think and think
Often too much for our own good
We get lost in our thoughts and emotions
Letting them control us
As we blindly stumble through life
How easy life would be if we were to stop thinking
And started just being
Simply existing on this wonderful Earth without drama
Without wars, poverty and injustice
Have you ever seen a group of white rabbits discriminating a black rabbit?
Have you ever seen a goat charging other goats taxes for letting them live on 'his' land?
We humans feel like we are superior to animals
Because we have the power of thinking
But perhaps we've got it all wrong
After all
Who are we to judge other creatures when we can't even stop fighting amongst ourselves
Creating war and suffering everywhere we go
I hope one day we will realise that we need to change
For going about the same way as we always have and expecting things to get better is the definition of insanity

Annie December 30th, 2015

@Cheeney, a thought-provoking exploration of what it means to be human, and how we are often inhumane.

I think you might enjoy reading Gulliver's Travels, especially the part about the Houyhnhnms. They are essentially talking horses who are intelligent, rational, gentle, judicious, non-greedy, and justice-loving. And the Yahoos.... Jonathan Swift provides a fascinating indictment of the injustices in human societies.

Cheeney December 30th, 2015

@Annie Thank you. Oh that sounds very interesting, I'll look into that. Thanks!

Annie December 30th, 2015

@Cheeney, I hope you'll share more of your work here!

IzzyD358 December 29th, 2015


I try to conceal the many things that I feel.
I bear them through writing but rarely through voice.
Sometimes it feels like I don't have a choice.
The feelings I keep are usually the very deep.
I hate when I don't know what to say.
I can't talk without shaking when the subject is something like gay.
My true self lives in the Internet.
While In real life I tend to keep it on the highest shelf.
Why is it so hard to say what you feel?
Why do so many choose to instead conceal?
I'll try speaking now.

Annie December 30th, 2015

Dear @izzyD358,

I hope you keep speaking up. You have a strong voice and important things to share.

(And you're so right--it's much easier to stay quiet and conceal.)


FaithForTheWin December 29th, 2015

This little poem deals with anything that changes your life, for example moving to another city or changing school.


One notices how painful the parting is

Only when the nuclear reactor is already melting.

Suddenly you're alone on a deserted island

And it remains no choice but to hate everything.

The new is often a wild and open ocean

And it carries you all around

Until you learn to surf

Until you slowly notice that the things disturbing you at first

Will be missed tremendously by you some day

Drop the anchor - The there will be here whilst the here will be there


by: Faith
Annie December 30th, 2015


This is so wise. SO true.


FaithForTheWin December 31st, 2015

@Annie Thank you very much ^^ This means a lot to me

Annie December 31st, 2015

Dear @FaithfortheWin,

Awesome poem! I LOVE the image of learning to surf on the stormy seas.


Maxlexie2 December 29th, 2015

I see u in my dreams

I feel u in the shadows

I know u are still here

Instilling me with fear

That's what you do best

For those that wield pain and hatred

Seem to live on forever

For those who suffer and love

Life is never long enough

Annie December 30th, 2015


This is hauntingly beautiful.

faithlove1111 January 4th, 2016

Yummy, so much goodies,

Cakes, buns, pies and doughnuts,

I jump with joy and laugh,

I am in heaven.

I reach for a blueberry cake,

I reach for a chocolate doughnut,

I reach for a lemon pie,

I am in heaven.

I am ogling and drooling,

I am dying for a bite,

Yet I am not tasting,

I am still in heaven ?

My mind is like a calculator,

speeding up to count the calories ,

Aww.. this is hard.

I am in heaven, right?

Eat healthy to stay healthy,

Your health is your responsibility,

Make a wise choice,

Yeah, I am in heaven after all.

Enjoy but don't indulge,

Savor don't gulp down,

Appreciate and be aware,

Cause I love this heaven of mine.smiley

Annie January 4th, 2016


This definitely made me smile. (And I must admit, after a holiday of indulging in sweets, I'm rethinking what it really means to be good to myself.) smiley

faithlove1111 January 5th, 2016


Maxlexie2 January 4th, 2016

My dear boy do you not understand?
My love for you is unconditional
You can always tell me anything
I may be disappointed or upset
But never will I deny you my love
You will make mistakes and fall
You will succeed and stand tall
For no matter how far you fall
I will always help you stand tall
We will all wade through the darkness
Some many more times than others
But you my dear boy will never be alone
I will stand with you through it all
My love for you is unconditional

Annie January 11th, 2016

@Maxlexie2, Such a strong fortress and shelter of unconditional love. Wow.

January 5th, 2016

Loving the Two - The Writer in an Artist

Hold on, for she will, undoubtedly
Rip you to pieces
To rewrite you pages, wholeheartedly
Shell ventures the farthest corners
The ones too dark to know
And soothe the demons like no other lover

What was it like to be shredded to pieces
Only to be made whole again
Your soul naked and bare,
With nothing but love to gain
What was it like to be put in pages for others to read
Of the honest endearments
She fiercely shared
As hopelessly romantic moments.

It was nothing short of a dream
With endless banter
To be loved by one so fierceless
Who spilled like a mad ranter
With passion and fire overflowing her veins,
Rushing through her senses
No longer keeping her sane.

But sanity was much overrated
For a lover so true..
But honestly jaded.
But she's an artist with a story to write
Like an honest writer,
Her words are yet, her biggest fight.

Yours Truly
The Birdy Called Duff

Annie January 5th, 2016


Dear Duff, I love the intense passion here, the rushing pulsing language!

So much to admire. I especially liked the phrase mad ranter and the new word fierceless. You rock.


January 7th, 2016

@Annie Oh thank you so much for your kind words love.. :)

creativeWalker987 January 5th, 2016

I'm all "tried" out, I'm SO done I shout-I'm sick of excuses and lies.
I'll change you rant, because lose you I can't-I respond with a roll of my eyes.
Here we go once again, I think in my head-the same speech recited each time.
I can change please you'll see, I'm not who you think me to be -it's always the same party line.
I'll make it up to you, lies...
I'll make you proud of me again, lies again...
I'm not this monster you think I am, more lies...
Why won't you believe me...the lies.
Eyes too tired to cry, heart too broken to try-I need to go find the peace that I seek.
I must be moving along, the trust is all gone-there is only six words left to speak.... you and your lies.

Annie January 5th, 2016


Wow. All "tried" out -- so much more than a clever phrase--it's absolutely true! The repetition of "lies" is surprisingly effective, as is the use of rhyme. And the last lines are so musical and rhythmic, rich with lovely sounds -- it all adds to the power of the message.

Cheeney January 6th, 2016


I am a driver
That's what I always wanted to be
All the things I see
You wouldn't believe
The road is often long
With no destination in sight
But that's how I like it
Just me and the ride
My car roars like an angry tiger
Turning heads as I drive by
Usually followed with a big sigh
The louder the better, I always say
If you hear me coming, you better make way
Someone's life may be on the line
For I am an ambulance driver
And this is my time

Annie January 11th, 2016

@Cheeney, this has such lovely sounds. Amazing assonance with all the long i's (I, driver, I, sight, I like, ride, tiger, I drive by, sigh, I, time) and the long e's as well (be see believe).

And the extended metaphor!! Very cool. Strong.

Cheeney January 11th, 2016

@Annie Thank you so much! I really appreciate it:)

Cheeney January 6th, 2016

Darkness of the night

My hope collapsed
As the sun went down
Slowly but surely light left the earth
Making way for the darkness
Filling every fiber of my being
Enveloping all that I am
Hopes, dreams, happiness and peace
Dissolve in the night
Identities are lost in the vast, empty darkness
Leaving only memories of a better time
Once my heart was flooded with light and love
But the darkness took it all away
The monsters awake when the sun sets
Ever so eager to plague me again
Oh what a long night it's going to be
For a lonely old man like me

Annie January 11th, 2016

@Cheeney, you've really captured the sense of impending darkness and night-sadness. Beautifully done . . . .

ImpalaLover67 January 21st, 2016

@Cheeney, beautiful! I really love this.

Cheeney January 21st, 2016

@ImpalaLover67 @Annie Thank you!

Cheeney January 11th, 2016

@Annie Thank you! :)

CourageDearHeart January 7th, 2016


Finally you are here,

trapped willingly within

the cage of my arms.

Do you know

how many birthday candles, paper cranes,

stars, and broken wishbones

have listened to my pleas?

How many years I have hoped

for you and nothing else?

And now that you are here beside me

suddenly I have nothing more to wish for

but to keep you here-

in my bed, in my arms, in my heart.