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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Sherly December 21st, 2015

Nice! Thanks dear 😊

ResilientLucky November 14th, 2015
Once again

Struck on those eyes

my heart once again

that love that fear

that care that innocence

was all again the same

just like another me

sitting in front of me

all those emotions were

half hidden half bare

superman to butterflies

remote cars to video games

its an another me

sitting in front of me again

I wish that love for me

and that care for me to gain

no fear no tear

just a laugh to begin

with you being another me

sitting in front of me.

Annie December 17th, 2015


Powerful and moving.

Superman to butterflies -- wonderful!

CourageDearHeart November 14th, 2015

I have tread on by myself

for so long

that I do not know

how to match my pace

to that of another.

Please be patient

as I learn the gait of your stride,

the rhythm of your feet,

the swing of your arms.

I have carried this weight

for as long as I can remember.

When I handed it off to another

I got it back with more piled atop.

So please smile at me,

and let me hand you pieces slowly

as we journey on together.

Accept them and offer your own back to me

so that our steps fall together

under the combined weight.

Im not really sure where I want to go

so point out new paths,

explore the unknown with me.

Convince my cautious mind

that it is not a risk,

but rather an adventure.

Annie December 17th, 2015


There is so much truth here. I love the speaker's vulnerability and sweet requests for a way of journeying with a new love. There is a gentle wisdom that I adore.

More, please!

placidPineapple63 November 15th, 2015

A different home:

Home is where the heart is

But what If it not at your home

How can you call it a home?

A different home with strangers

That you get closer to than your own

They fill the gaps, where there were holes

It becomes your home

The strings in your heart become torn

Because you can't understand your love

How do you chose

Without being untrue

You do anything to stay at that home

Even if you gotta lose more of your own

To stay at a different home

Thanks guys! Hope you like. :)

Tell me if i should write more and what to work on.

Annie December 17th, 2015


Definitely keep writing! This is complex and questing. It is so true that we sometimes find more of a real home with people who appreciate us and give us real warmth, than with our original family.

I can't think of anything to work on -- just keep sharing your thoughts! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.


November 16th, 2015


The last one standing
Would bend and break it all
If only the last one standing
Could still stand tall.
For the last one standing
Either wins or loses all
Till he's the last one standing
Between me and my wall.

Annie December 17th, 2015

Dear @Duff26

It's nice to see your work again. I've been away for a while.

I really like what you've done with the concept of "the last one standing."

jewelsashes November 16th, 2015


9 Nov 2015

I long for the days

When it didnt matter

Why I was crying or

Why I feel sad

There didnt have to

Be a reason

I could simply say

I dont know why Im crying

And there were arms

To hold me tight

Lips to kiss away the tears

Love to make me forget.

9 nov 2015

I take my blade in one hand

Wrap a rubberband around the other

Soon the veins pop up

Nice and blue

Theyve never looked

More appealing or

Inviting, almost begging me

To press down

Hard enough to release

The blood from its constricted

Home, to let it run free

16 Nov 2015

With the blade in one hand

And one slit of the wrist

My pain will drip away

Like the blood upon my wrist

The wrist inflicted with cuts and scars

That I enjoyed way too quickly but

Soon reminds me of everyday pain

A simple slit to the wrist

Clears my thoughts steadys my hands

And helps me cope

But its taking more and more

Cuts to get lost in the darkness

That has soothed and comforted for

so long

Annie December 17th, 2015


Oh, my . . . so vivid. And moving.

And technically skillful in the rhythms and images, I thought.


jewelsashes November 16th, 2015

I wanted you and

Those feelings left me in the dark

I loved you and

Loving you left a hole in my heart

I needed you but

Needing you left my arms feeling lonely

I would have done anything for you

Those feelings would have allowed me

To commit suicide

I was in love with you but

That left me feeling a lot of hurt and pain

Now I am listening to a song I gave you

I gave it to you from my heart

And I put my heart on my sleeve

So everybody could rape me of my feelings

Because truly deep inside

You could never face your own

Yeah sure

A teardrop falls now and then

But I put them where

The other thousands of tears have fell

Put them in my heart

Where the place of you is no longer there

And make out of each and every one of them

Every tear

A beautiful palace

A palace where your memory

Can live on forever

Annie December 29th, 2015


This packed a punch.

The concepts of the public pain contrasted to the private suffering are strong. And the building of a palace of tears where the memory lives on forever. Wow.

Raindroplyfe November 16th, 2015

Beware of boys with silver tongues, that play guitar and beat the drums. He'll use his voice for evil deeds,
His mind will change at lightning speeds.
His songs will whisper inside your head,
resonating until you're dead.
They'll make you laugh but cause you tears
When he sings to another's ears.
He'll pluck your heartstrings like a guitar
Convince you that you're going far
You'll think that he may be the one
Special, loving, and so much fun.
You'll love that he smiles and holds you hand
When really you're just another fan
So when he serenades you take care, take care
Singer sounds like liar and I'm telling you beware

Annie December 17th, 2015


Powerful imagery of music and musicians, combined with strong rhythms. Very cool.


Deathlikelove November 16th, 2015

[Trigger warning: self harm, suicide]

I've been digging for seven hours just to know that I only have two left.

You've told me I'm no good and overdramatic. I'm starting to realize that I'm just the sidewalk that your walking all over. "No one is ever going to love you" The only thing loving me is my misery. I look and see a failure to my parents, friends, and myself. I only start to fall deeper into the hole to know that I'm not going to find home at the bottom. Im surrounded by the the things that are killing me. You, the blades I put to my wrist, the rope I rap around my neck, the needles I stick into my thighs, the toxic chemicals I inhale. I can't stop replaying your voice telling me just to give up. Its time to make the voice in my head stop and my heart too.

Maxlexie2 November 16th, 2015

If I hold you tight will you fight

Will you stay if I tell you to go

Do you here my whispered plea

Can I give u all of me

Take it all and burn for me

Or push and run from me

Can you see what's really there

The pain and nightmares deep inside

Will u fight the demons or embrace there sins

Can I trust you with all that I am

I may drift forever before I can

I wish one day you can see I am me

Annie December 17th, 2015


I like the intensity here. The yearning to be seen for who we really are, and to trust another.

ReganT November 16th, 2015

In the middle of the fog

the wind is whispering

if you feel it you'll know it

this is the home you wanted

Annie December 17th, 2015


The sounds that the words make -- beautiful. I love the last line. It echoes and echoes. So much there in so few lines!

fairmindedBalloon6827 November 17th, 2015

Same old empty feeling
Staring at your ceilings
Legs pushed in the air
Knowing you don't care

You won't make weekend plans with me
Painfully obvious I've become plan b
Why do I even want your company
And ask "can we still have dinner?"

Knew how you were but still I fell
Gets you off to put me through hell
Dead sure I'll never end up the winner

Why do I even come here
Devils whispering in my ear
Pulling at my panties
Thought you'd up the ante
Telling me I'm yours
More like the fool de'jour

Stringing me along so i wait around
While you're running all over town
Chasing your latest A list p*ssy down
And you say "maybe I'll drop by later? "

Doesn't close the door to be kind
Takes her calls just to f*ck with my mind
Whispers lovely things that makes me hate her

Tonight I make you say my name
So you can't play that little game
The one where it's not me
The one where she's who you see

Can't seem too greedy
Didnt want to appear needy
But I really need to know
On 2nd thought I'll just go

Can't hold my jealousy and I'd like to fight
He texts me back that I have no right
But are we good for Tuesday night
He asks "Is it cool if he sleeps over?"

How is loneliness worse than this lie
F*ck off should be my only reply
But I key back "ok lover"

Annie December 17th, 2015


So powerful. Images that caught my breath. Wow.

jewelsashes November 18th, 2015

Lost inside my own head

A world almost all its own

Dark malicious thoughts

Live deep deep inside

Lost inside my own head

Im stuck no way out

The door has been locked

Lost inside my own head

No one here but me

All by myself

Lost inside my own head

No one dare try to enter

They would never look

At me the same again

Lost inside my own head

batman4485 December 4th, 2015

@jewelsashes I feel like this a lot ty

Grimmy101 November 20th, 2015

If my mind makes me lose myself, who will I be?

Is it truly my mind or something unseen?

Im afraid to think anymore, afraid to move, breathe, sleep.

Afraid that if I'm not in control, someone else will be.

I'm terrified of being used. Shaken at the thought of hurting others.

I grew up wanting to save the world, protect my loved ones and even strangers.

The very thought of hurting anyone, especially them, frightens me.

Everything in this world frightens me.

Annie December 29th, 2015


This poem presents whirls of fear, expressed so vividly I found myself holding my breath. Amazing.

NataliaNectarine November 20th, 2015

O, black crow of fear,
leave the socket of my eye!
Leave, while there's still time.
My voice flies high,
where the deaths of unborn children nest,
where dark stars rip the celestial sphere.
I leave my fear to the land
anticipating wheat.
I leave my fear to the mother
fearing for her child.
My voice is thundering
for I love. I love like a moth
with half-burnt wings,
like the truth uncovering itself,
like a woman who has no fear.

Annie December 29th, 2015


Yikes the first two lines pack a punch!

The whole thing is awesome.

MatchIntoWater November 22nd, 2015

Possible TriggerWarning for self harm

I may have gone several weeks

without harming my skin

no cuts, no bruises, no burns

not a mark was left on my body

but that doesnt mean i was done hurting myself

I wasnt done harming my head

with cruel words, cruel thoughts, cruel intentions

the marks were all in my mind

Annie December 29th, 2015


Oh. this is so true .... And those kinds of wounds leave scars that may be worse perhaps?

November 22nd, 2015

(Trigger Warning: self harm, suicide)

I tried to write nothing as best as I could

I felt the world deserved silence after the attacks the Daesh pulled.

I tried to be strong,

tried to hold back and put my strength up as long as I could.

But the truth is,

now I have a left arm,

with scratches and bruises

of a suicidal coward.

Covering it with a shoddy drawing

of a red arrow with swirling blue flames...

But this time I really wanted it to hurt,

Maybe it's the start of my obsession with

ink nibs dotting my skin.

Then poorly masking it with gel pen ink.

After I come to my senses, and the coward kicks in.

A cycle of personal abuse.

Kill yourself kill yourself

i can't I can't

So I come out with bruises and scratches...

Poorly covered with depressed "art"

I guess you could call it

Tattoos for the broke, lonely, sick girl in Asia.

Annie December 29th, 2015


Oh my god, the intensity. The pain. . . . Your stark honesty compels my admiration again, it really does.


(You know we care about you, right? Please try to be good to yourself, okay?)

February 7th, 2016

@Annie hello, i just saw this now...thank you

Cheeney November 22nd, 2015

Hiding his face behind a mask

The man goes through life

People accept the person he pretends to be

Yet reject the person that he wants to be

Cracks appear in the mask like thunder on a stormy night

How much longer will it last?

It is not always that the man wears his mask

Though time has told him it was for the best

Exhausted, the man continues his lonely dance

Because what else can he do, but fix his mask time and time again

He stopped for a moment to look in the mirror and catches a glance

Of what he could have been but will never be

His own man

Cheeney November 22nd, 2015

@Cheeney This is my first attempt at poetry so feedback is much appreciated :)

Lovingmymask90 November 26th, 2015

This is beautiful! And touching

Cheeney November 26th, 2015

@Lovingmymask90 Thank you so much!

Annie December 31st, 2015


incredible. A knock-out!

Cheeney December 31st, 2015

@Annie Thank you!smiley

seemsame November 23rd, 2015

Down a one way street,

Passing another's beautiful past,

Instead of stopping to greet,

Flags go half mast.

Instead of setting sail

For an unknown bounty,

Gathering dust

Sits a cup of brown tea.

A map is covered in laugh lines,

Destination unknown.

Border police hand fines

In hand, while angry bombs are flown.

Under French eyes Insouciance

A small "we" and large "We" defiant

Trade love letters of hate and resistance.

It is tragic how skin, then bones are pliant.

It's tragic how skin and bones are pliant.

seemsame 11/2015 Paris