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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Annie August 18th, 2015

@wolfgirl404, This is a beautiful poem, even though the subject matter is very dark.

There are a number of phrases I especially admire, but this one--wow:

My mind is killing me.

The truth and tragedy in that sentence -- stunning.


wingsbro137 August 17th, 2015


I didn't see enough,

To know you weren't okay.


I wasn't strong enough,

To push you along each day.


I couldn't help enough,

to make you understand.


I wasn't good enough,

To drag you up to land


I couldn't mend enough,

To fix all your scars.


I couldn't shine enough,

When you couldn't see the stars.


I was too selfish,

to worry about your trouble.


I couldn't lift enough,

To pick up all your rubble


I had other things,

That were taking up my time.


I wasn't understanding,

That you were losing your mind.


I wasn't noticing,

How you just wanted to leave.


I wasn't getting,

All the strength you needed to breathe.


I was busy,

I couldn't help right then.


I was blinded,

But I saw you in the end.

iwillbefine August 17th, 2015

Beautiful words. You see something and say it.

Annie August 18th, 2015


This poem touched me deeply. I read it several times. I think many of us do that, we get so busy in our lives that, it's true, we don't notice the person who is struggling. We have good intentions, but we may not reach out enough to help.

(That's one of the reasons that 7 Cups of Tea is so great -- we get a chance to help, and be helped!)


pikachu12398 August 17th, 2015

No tears

All smiles

Infinite scars

Dry eyes

Rimmed in red

Wet pillow

Healthy body

Hidden alcohol

Truly sick

Annie August 18th, 2015


Spare, lean, economical -- but oh so much is communicated!


fionaapples1997speech August 18th, 2015

i really love this so much, warmth

harana August 17th, 2015


I run in sprints, not marathons,
What matters is, I run.
What matters is the distance passed
The line I'll cross when done
Of all this ceaseless running at
The end of this long race.
I want to run with proper form,
With poise and speed and grace.
I want to breathe without a hitch
As on the track I go
With proper pacing, blocking not
The race's even flow.
I want to have some time to rest
To cool my burning feet
And watch the others pass me by
Their finish line to meet.
I want to rest and feel no shame,
No guilt when I resume.
I want to run towards a goal
And not against a doom.

Annie August 18th, 2015


Wonderful, wonderful poem! Engaging, caught me up in the energy line after line!


Firepenguin711 August 17th, 2015

Being in his presence makes me feel

as if a freight train hit me in the lungs.

I could get lost in his eyes.

Everytime I see his face or hear his voice

my lungs collapse in on themselves.

When he looks at me,

I think I could die.

I panic so much around him,

after I see him I feel

as if I ran a marathon.

His laugh makes me feel

like a giddy baby.

Having his approval feels like

my lifes meaning has been fulfilled.

I can't stand a day away.

I would explode with giddiness

if he felt the same.

pikachu12398 August 17th, 2015


I'm sorry

I'm sorry I'm a monster

I'm sorry you can't see the regret in my eyes

But honey

Your not perfect either

And no one apologized for making me this way

Annie August 18th, 2015


There is a poignant sorrow mixed with harshness that gives this poem power. And I think you're a beautiful poet, not a monster.


MidniteAngel August 18th, 2015


Never apologize for being you. Never see yourself as anything less than perfect. You are individual, a completely unique identity that can never be replicated again - how amazing is that? There is great strength and beauty within you - you're a survivor, not a monster. Don't let others bring you down, you're worth more than that.

Vietnumezemonkee August 18th, 2015

The loneliness feeling

No one to share secrets

To talk about heartbreaks

The emptiness feeling

Hidden deep down

No one sees it

Soon enough

The shadow starts to disappear

The feeling is being alone

No on to turn to

No one to understand you

Nobody is here anymore.

BraveSpirit August 23rd, 2015

Dear @Vietnumesemonkee, This poem about loneliness is heartfelt and beautiful. I really like it, even though it makes me feel sad.

blehwhatever2 August 18th, 2015

"just take a deep breath"

but it's so much harder than it sounds,
it's so much harder to breathe when
your chest is full of anxiety, bouncing from top to bottom,
making you obey their every command.
it's so much harder than that
when all you can think of
is the slight buzzing in your head,
that seems to be getting louder and
louder with every second.
it's so much harder than that
when all you see is blurs,
passing you by,
scared that they will look at you
but even if they did
you couldn't tell the difference now.
it's so much harder than that
when everything you thought
could shake is shaking,
it seems at times as if even
your ears are shaking,
scared of what you might do next.
it's so much harder than
a breath but,
it is not a breath.
it is pepperspray to your predator,
it is you fighting back.
fighting for that gasp of air
Annie August 20th, 2015



MY . . . .

This poem is amazing!!

How could I possibly have missed it the first time I read this page?!!

pikachu12398 August 18th, 2015

Clipped wings, repeated mistakes, betrayed, heart breaks

I was an angel once

All shiny and new

Innocent and naive


I loved my friends

I had many

Now I have one


I had a crush

Even a a relationship

Then my heart broke


I'd get better

I'd smile again

Then it'd repeat


I make a new friend

Grow a new crush



She was my best friend

He broke me



She wiped my tears

Heart break



She betrayed me

Heart break




Heart break



Annie August 18th, 2015


I like this poem so much! Very clever, very meaningful. Sadly, very real.


pluckyStrawberries3154 August 18th, 2015





pluckyStrawberries3154 August 18th, 2015

Never misuse the one

Who likes you....

Never say busy to the one

Who needs you......

Never cheat the one

Who really trusts you......

Never forget the one

Who always remembers you.!

BraveSpirit August 23rd, 2015

@PluckyStrawberries3154, This sounds like really great advice, the best!

beautifulWaterfall101 August 18th, 2015

In a cold, lonely room,

She sits on the ground.

The tears pouring down her cheeks,

The pain in her eyes.

every night,

the same.

She doesn't know and,

maybe she never will.

But as she sits,

You stand



beautifulWaterfall101 August 18th, 2015

sorry if it's horrible! I made it up as I went so I hope you guys like it (:

Lilylistens August 18th, 2015


Thank you for sharing with us here. Will you be posting more of your poetry here?

Annie August 23rd, 2015

@beautifulwaterfall101, I like it, especially like the last three lines! There is a shift and the poem takes on a stillness, just as the person is still. Very cool.


amymarie17 August 18th, 2015

Too late

You're supposed to be my support
Even if I end up in court
You're supposed to help me accept myself
Through sickness and in health
You're supposed to love me
More than anything that will ever be
You're supposed to be my dad
Take the place and be glad
But you never did this
You left me without a kiss
Left me pain that was real
And scars that won't heal
You ------- me over
And you were never sober
You were never there
So please don't say you care
No everything isn't okay
Everything is dark cold and grey
Truth is, I hate me
All because you had to flee
Because you left me unprotected
Like the sex you and mom perfected
I'm messed up at any rate
And it's just too ------ late
BraveSpirit August 23rd, 2015

@amymarie17, One of the saddest things is when a parent, who's supposed to love and protect us, is unable to love us the way we need. Your poem really captures that sorrow.

shoegazing August 18th, 2015

I have sat beside the functional magnetic resonance

Imagining machines as part of what I do for dollars.

And I have looked at screens light up with colors

Instead of the source of light itself.

What the heck.

Overdrive August 18th, 2015


Interesting thoughts! :)

NataliaNectarine August 18th, 2015


Move your lips

three breaths


the sundown,

where I hide

all my secrets

beneath the padlock of my earring

embroidered with the gold,

silky thread

of sunlight.

Annie August 23rd, 2015


I adore the sound of this and the unexpected turns of phrase!

Lilylistens August 18th, 2015

Maybe I'm not much of a poet:

I might know it...

Just wanted to share,

That I really do care...

About the poetry shared here,

to me, this thread is so dear

Thank you to every poet that has posted here.

fionaapples1997speech August 18th, 2015

i don't know much about poetry but i wrote this around may!!

on your birthday I would spend time with you

you'd always talk idle talk

and I liked it every word of it

maybe we could've gone for a walk

though I love being in my room

I always know but I am always lonely too

i remember sitting in white stone

next to you for a while

whistling wind it was all sun and it made me smile

what an idiot i was

thank you for reading.

Annie August 23rd, 2015


I like this poem. It tells an interesting story. I can almost hear their conversation, see her sitting there. The feelings expressed here are finely delineated and very real.

pikachu12398 August 19th, 2015

Monster made of mistakes

Why be myself

I'm fragile

I'm broken

I get tore down

Exposed for everyone to see

They see all my tears

All of my scars

All of my failures

And from this

I've grown into something I hate

I'm a monster made of mistakes

BraveSpirit August 23rd, 2015

@pikachu12398, Oh, this poem gets to my heart. Please don't believe these things. You are not a monster. You are beautiful.

Seany7411 August 19th, 2015

Dusty Pages

Grievous hurt by my own hand,

Has dealt a brutal blow.

When does pain that runs so deep,

Ever cease to flow?

I once could walk upon the shore,

Staring at the placid sea,

But alas the tide has slid away,

As if taunting me.

The castle I built for you my true

Is gone for evermore,

You with all my hopes and dreams,

Escaped through the shattered door.

I often strummed the haunting tune,

Of what we might have been,

As the gnarled and crooked hand of his,

Kept pointing out my sin.

Alas, I stood and walked ahead,

With a steady but cautious gate,

To amble down the dusty trail,

Before I miss my fate.

My star to north that guided me,

When I was cold and lost,

Has led me to a better place,

Despite the grisly cost.

I gaze the sky and watch the moon,

Rise up from her sleepy rest.

Are you watching too my dear,

Are you East or West?

I wash the wreckage of my life,

To make a soft warm place,

For you to lay whilst in my arms,

Protected by God's good grace.

BraveSpirit August 23rd, 2015

@Seany7411 - This is beautiful and warm and comforting. Thank you.

pikachu12398 August 19th, 2015

Story book

I wish my life was like a fairy tale

Instead of this reality

I wish there was princes and dragons

instead of pricks and thugs

I wish that at the end of all of this

There would be a happy ending

But instead there's nothing at the end of my journey

And my book is closing

My last page is turn out

The end