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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Annie July 21st, 2015


I love this poem, absolutely love it. Wonderful rhythms, FABULOUS THEME. Made me feel sooooo good! Standing straight and tall--YES! heart Thank you.

TheLPSoldier July 19th, 2015

Shadow and the Sun

Can you tell me
how the world still spins
when all we want to do is


and begin again
The shots never cease
tearing through the crowd
And the smoke keeps rising
It's staining the clouds
Red and black
Brown and gray
We've lost sight
of the light of day
We scream and we cry
We fight 'till we die
Fists to the sky
Voices rising high
The battle never ends
Infinite war
The shadow and the sun
Just beyond the door
is a terrible truth'
left behind
in the dust of fantasies
created in our mind
So I'm telling you today
Keep your fists up high
Stretch out your voices
Make 'em touch the sky
We watch the battle
We choose our sides
And the battles only end
when we say goodbye.

Annie July 21st, 2015

@theLPsoldier - Wow, another eloquent poem. Very powerful. heart

July 19th, 2015


Let art be your extension,

Your words unfiltered.

Your thoughts uncensored,

And actions even bolder.

Let the music you listen to

scream your emotions out loud.

And the books you read be the

reality you wish for.

The places you visit be

where your heart truly resides.

You are what you eat... isn't that so?

Let the colour of your nails be what you feel today

While the way your hair falls is the way your mind flows.

The movies you watch are the fantasies worth imagining.

And your favourite season be what you feel

when the breeze brushes against your skin.

And how you pose for a picture?!

Well my dear.. let that be how you create

curiosity and mystery...

Its the little things that reveal more,

if only you'd be keen enough to look and know...

Annie July 21st, 2015

@Duff26, I think this is magnificent. Seriously. It made me smile, feel invigorated, and want to express myself MORE!

July 21st, 2015

Thank you dear @annie.. I'm glad you liked it and it made you smile :)

Mephobia July 19th, 2015

You held me close.
You held me tight.
I wriggled in pain.

You loosened a little.
You let me go.
I writhed in Pain.

Annie July 27th, 2015

Dear @SophonisbaXavier,

This little poem has a strong effect. The switch in meaning with the similarities of words --very clever writing! heart

Mephobia August 1st, 2015

Thank you @Annie

lonesomepoetheart July 19th, 2015

Vigilance is standing guard at my heart

but he may have slept as the starry skies swept over me.

Or perhaps as your eyes swept over me.

Burning silence etching into my

brain the image of hearts and hands

and cherry trees.

Veils of friendship and

hearts bleeding out,

my voice whispers your name

within and without.

Longing for love like trees do the sun,

waiting for happiness like winter waits for spring.

But spring is surer to come than smiling palpitations.

Annie July 23rd, 2015

Dear @lonesomepoetheart --

It was on the second reading that I felt I began to understand and appreciate this lovely poem. This is really excellent! heart

lonesomepoetheart July 24th, 2015

What did you feel and get from it? I'm curious.

Annie July 27th, 2015

@lonesomepoetHeart, There's quite a lot! Here are a few things I especially liked:

The idea of Vigilance standing guard over a girl's heart -- I love the personification of vigilance into a person or like one of the ancient Greek or Roman gods.

However, it appears that, despite Vigilance standing guard, her heart was invaded. How did it happen--did Vigilance fall asleep on a beautiful night when the stars swept the skies? Or was it the glance of a man that swept across her?

I ADORE the juxtaposition of these two images: the stars sweeping across the skies, his glance sweeping across her -- very effective!

And then I really admired the last 3 lines: "Longing for love like trees do the sun, waiting for happiness like winter waits for spring. But spring is surer to come than smiling palpitations."

There is something lyrical and lovely about the first two of these lines (the repetition and parallel structure gives a lovely rhythm) -- but then pow: a little blast of reality in the final line.

Nice work.

KnighTerrAin July 19th, 2015

Sinking past reality thoughts drift in abnormality, sensation deflates from form bring to fall spin, felt body disconnect from soul, things dragged down and feeling unfolds. Mind turned to stone trapped in the unknown, heart rate departed,lost control and restarted. Racing through veins was more tingling than it was pain. Lost soul the cost tolled. Silence told and shower behold. Seated to sinking standing demanding.headlights blinking creeping peace was not thinking. Thoughts of the board top. Dropped through the bedrock left till the stead rocked

BraveSpirit July 21st, 2015

@KnighTerrAin, Wow, Your poetry is really good.

GentleKiteFly July 20th, 2015

The wrong number

the lazy days

the headaches

The wake up call

The days you feel like the sunrise

Annie July 27th, 2015

Dear @GentleKiteFly,

I would LOVE to know more about these poems. I think they may be deceptively simple. Not sure what the poet is telling me, but it seems very interesting. (For example, I find myself wondering, Why the "wrong" number of lazy days?)


GentleKiteFly July 20th, 2015




where is it taking me

it takes lightbulbs to shine a light

it takes people to share a smile

Just like any other day:D

KnighTerrAin July 20th, 2015

The hearts breaks, the renewal, the unsure, the taken, the promised, the committed, the rediscovery, the laugh, the loss, the lost, the drop, the fall, the flight, the stall, the sinking, the sweeping, the time, the fight, the struggle, the loving

TheWhisperedRoar15 July 20th, 2015

Sorry, it's long.

Darling please believe me when I tell you that you're beautiful
For you can not see the fire in your eyes when you talk about your passions
The way your hands gracefully fly over paper
Drawing out poems, images, whole new worlds
Just to escape the one you are in

Darling please believe me when I tell you that your heart is kind
Doing anything to make sure that others
Never feel as broken as you

Darling please believe me when I tell you that you are good enough
That your calorie intake does not determine your worth
That the number on the scale does not measure how much you are loved
That even skin and bones will never satisfy your longing to be in control, to be perfect, to be enough
Only you can do that

Darling please believe me when I tell you that you are valuable
That you don't need to draw out your feelings in sharp crimson lines
Because the monsters within you do not lie under your skin
But deep within your soul
And the only way to kill them is to let others in
So you don't have to fight this battle alone
Because blades, lighters, fists, nails, bottles, and pills will only make them stronger

Darling please believe me when I tell you that you are loved
That just because he wasn't strong enough to withstand the whirlwind of passion in your eyes and the roaring oceans in your soul does not mean that you should calm your storm
But strengthen it
Let the fire roaring beneath your skin manifest itself around you
As you learn about your strengths and discover who you were truly meant to be
And those who are truly worthy to be in your presence will dance with you in the downpour
Instead of hiding behind boarded windows
Or worse yet, dampening the inferno inside of you
That was never meant to be quieted

TheWhisperedRoar15 July 20th, 2015

I'm actually thinking about sharing this one at school, so any opinions or criticism would be appreciated

KnighTerrAin July 20th, 2015

Go for it, that's a perfect manifestation of thought

NewRomantic677 July 21st, 2015

It spoke to me. I currently cut but this helped me. A lot. Thank you :) Keep writing, I'd love to see more of your work

TheWhisperedRoar15 July 23rd, 2015

Thank you so much guys, I've never written much before but I was just in the mood so I just let the words come out and that's what happened

NewRomantic677 July 23rd, 2015

Well this was great.. You have a gift. You really do. I'd love to see more of your work :)

TheWhisperedRoar15 July 23rd, 2015

@KnighTerrAin I've been looking through here and all of your work is beautiful, the eloquent verse and flawless rythym is beyond words. And the fact that you would even pay attention to my sloppy attempt at poetry and think to leave a positive comment means a lot :)

KnighTerrAin July 23rd, 2015

@thewhisperedroar15 even your name is poetic. No two perspectives are the same. So once that's filtered through our minds and into our words it truly comes out as our own interpretation. And then another level is made once it is read. As it goes back through words and perception and is filtered through our interpretation. I feel sometimes I can't make myself understandable. So I give into that idea and leave words out. And drop some pronouns and other parts of context. It fogs it up a bit but I think at the same time it opens it up to interpretation. I would prefer to be able to write everything in words that hold less meanings. Then it stays true to thought. But I guess we all have our own verses. And I prefer reading others as when I read my own I just bounce through all the possibly meaning I could've wrote into it. And then see more. I can't just read my own writing for what it was at the time. But like I said, yours seems like a perfect manifestation of thought

Annie July 27th, 2015

@TheWhisperedRoar15, I really like it. The first stanza is marvelous, it evokes wonderful and apt images.

I also love the image of the roaring fire under the skin. In addition, I admired the lines about "drawing out your feelings in sharp crimson lines" and that the "monsters within you do not lie under your skin But deep within your soul. And the only way to kill them is to let others in."

(My only negative reaction was that the phrase "caloric intake" seemed too technical and mundane for the poetic flow of the poem. For me, it was jarring.)

And the final lines are strong and real and impressive and I wanted to stand up and cheer: "That just because he wasn't strong enough to withstand the whirlwind of passion in your eyes and the roaring oceans in your soul does not mean that you should calm your storm."


TheWhisperedRoar15 July 29th, 2015

Thank you @Annie !! I really appreciate the compliments, and you make a good point about that line. Thanks!

July 20th, 2015

SHE ⚫⚫⚫

Somewhere between surviving and becoming

She was right where she was meant to be

Through struggles and suffering

She fought to be free.

Wearing her pain and scars like trophies of a win,

Proud and graceful than she's ever been.

Mephobia July 20th, 2015


July 20th, 2015

Thank you @SophonisbaXavier :)

lonelydeviantsoul July 21st, 2015

Brilliant. Thank you. :)

July 21st, 2015

Thank you @lonelydeviantsoul :)

Annie July 21st, 2015

Yes, @Duff26, I love this little gem, too. Lovely tone, important message. heart

July 21st, 2015

Aww, thank you so much @annie :) this means alot to me <3

NewRomantic677 July 20th, 2015

He had tears in his eyes That is, when I told him. That I've thought of the blade before. I saw it. He wondered why His hands shook. When I told him For a second I almost thought I saw him cry. I asked him nicely. I was sweet. Polite. His receiving nod, it was Slow. Quiet. And his hands shook As he drew a butterfly On my wrists On the slashes He kissed them goodnight. And just he left He wisphered He said I'll slay the monsters that live in your head And right then I knew I would be okay Never again will I forget That day.

NewRomantic677 July 20th, 2015

Donno why it didn't come as paragraphs.. But I'm posting from the phone

July 20th, 2015

The same thing happens with mine @newromantic677

NewRomantic677 July 20th, 2015

*narrows eyes* hmm. Sttrranggeee