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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

LikeDreamingBackwards June 29th, 2018

"just five more pounds" (TW-eating disorders)

An eating disorder is a gentle parisite

The kind that'll braid your hair whilst she whispers in your ear

Tells you no one ever really loved a size 10

She'll fold your stomach in half,

Until it's smaller than the napkin you spat your dinner into last night.

The first crumb to cross your lips in a week

The mind is fragile and she will spot the weaknessess.

Infiltrate the cracks like a weed,

So deeply rooted that you can no longer indentify the flowers,

They all look dead from where I'm standing.

As your lips crack,

Your hair thins

And your body crumbles under the stress

She will hold your dyeing skeleton up to the mirror

and whisper

"just five more pounds"

PianoWhisper July 9th, 2018


...Wow. Just... this is amazing! Great imagery! Damn, you have a really good way of writing!

mixeddkidd July 20th, 2018

Alices rabbit hole


Black is the constant color of my mood rings.

Though I cant figure out these mood swings.

Emotions out of control

I feel like Im going down Alices rabbit hole.

Down and down this endless pit

Far far down into the abyss.

Im trying to get back to reality

And I dont even know why.

I look up at the sky,

And see the constellations,

Though I may be doing this to avoid a painful conversation.

The stars light like a beam

This all feels like a dream.

Or maybe it is

And I just need to wake up.

Though I dont feel much pain

I got a knife in my back

And a bullet in my brain.

They say Im insane

But their all just to plain.

This depression is taking hold

And making my heart cold.

But every time i think I get better,

I seem to get worse.

But I just keep going down Alices rabbit hole.

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


this was a really interesting poem, extremely symbolic and well written :)

Tanuj July 21st, 2018

This is something i wrote years ago, i just came across it today hidden in one of my dusty notebooks. So here goes

"Mrs.Grumpy and her cats"

When i was eight ,
There lived across our gate...
A grumpy old woman, who had seven cats...
Her pretty little felines, as black as bats.
Age had caught up with our lady and so did loneliness...
Her house and her eyes, had a strange eeriness..
On warm, lazy noons, on her rocking chair
She used to contemplate, with her flowing white hair ,
Of life passed by, of death approaching...
Whilst her cats crawled up to her , lolling and scratching..
The marks on Mrs. grumpy , spoke of a tortured tale...
Her husbands wrath...over times scale...
Her grumpiness after all wasn't without a reason...
For her man had turned out to be - a high treason...
Drinks and cards were the usual frame ,
The belt then transpired on our dame...
And now after all those tears , and all those screams..
Mrs. Grumpy left alone in the streams...
Life had her way and when death made her his own...
Her soul bereft of her tortured bone.
The cats , they never left her side...
And a grumpy ghost now visits them on rainy nights..
With a bowl of milk and her tortured eyes...
Poor Mrs. grumpy still grumpy even in afterlife...

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


Thanks for sharing, this is written in a cool style!

jessica0512 July 28th, 2018

I wrote this poem on a forum asking how I felt. I added onto the poem and decided to share it with the poetry forum, so here it is:

The Shore

I feel like I am drowning in shallow water, while people on the shore are telling me Stand up! Its not even that deep! Unfortunately, I cant stand up. I feel like my arms and legs are tied to the surface floor, so I sit there watching. I watch everyone else on the shore, while I am stuck beneath the waves. And if I do have a brief shimmer of hope, and I get close to the waves? I get pulled back under into the deeper depths of the water. I begin to feel comfort in the waves because they understand me. The waves taught me how to swim, but I have to keep the unhinges unlocked. I will make it to the shore.

Never stop believing in yourself.

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


thank you for sharing this motivational poem :)

trymeaning July 28th, 2018

Notes from a flesh addict

I live inside my brain

Disconnected with possession

Sceptical of life

In its mediocre progression

The things that made me, me

Are the things that cannot be

That scours and chafe

Against the surface of society

It could have been

In Ancient Rome or Greece

A place was reserved for me

With suicide girls inside fucking reveries

I might be normal then

In thought and time

Amongst the sybarites

Something measured, something fine

With no need for meaning

Except for blunt and garish feeling

And forever forcing the boundaries

Retreated or still retreating

What is wrong with me, my companions?

What ails and fails me and uniforms my tread?

If I was counted amongst the head

And the numbers were on my side

And I took back the world

Murdered gods and the inane laws of men

Dissolved puritanical support and preternatural dread

Which hold us to a power that was never meant

To be given or entrusted to the many

But to be exercised by one only

Who had the courage and stamina

To make the world his conjugal bed

I lie with friend and stranger

While winter and summer pass

And never tire or falter

From giving, nor attending class

On the human gastronomical flavour

Best served naked and un-alone

Making a dish of raging hunger

A mixture of heated skin and bone

Oh be my friction stranger/friend

Oh be my wanton end

Oh be my climatic stir

Oh be mine now and never be mine

And ever be mine if you can take what I now must contend

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


thank you for sharing your amazing work with us, this was so great

cherubim8583 August 3rd, 2018

Fortunes Fool

At the fair, in search of my fate,
I drew the Hanged Man from a sea of cards.
suspended by a line,
between the sky and earth,
heaven and hell,
the bright shining beyond and the dull staid now
I left the grounds and pulled out my phone,
my connection to you,
waiting, hoping,

for you to say your lines and set me alight. ​

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


thanks for sharing :) you write wonderfully

beehappy132 August 11th, 2018

I'm writing a book at the moment on my recovery. this is a poem from a few months ago when I was at my worst.


Alone again, just me and my thoughts

Im going insane or mad of some sorts

I long to curl up in bed and never wake up

People fear coming over and seeing closeup

The mess that Ive made the stories Ive told

Maybe one day I will never grow old

The sun with set and the moon with rise

And I will be gone before the sunrise.

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


this is lovely, thank you for sharing :)

IApologiseInAdvance September 11th, 2018

My Friend

Why don't we hold our breaths?
We can finally take our every worry and hold it before releasing it in an exhale of bubbles,
We can finally push off the crushing weight of our expectations,
We can finally swim to the surface and take a breath, not of water, but of air,
We can finally breathe,
My friend.

Why don't we dance among the fallen leaves?
We can finally escape the pressures of growing up,
We can finally stop being ashamed of who we are,
We can finally let go,
We can finally chance a smile,
My friend.

Why don't we run out into the rain?
We can finally let the tears we've held in for so long fall,
We can finally be ourselves,
We can finally stop pretending,
We can finally open our eyes again,
My friend.

Why don't we lay down in the fields?
We can finally lay our depressions to rest,
We can finally watch our fears melt and our happiness gradually grow,
We can finally stop keeping everything locked up,
We can finally waft away the black smoke that chokes our thoughts,
My friend.

We don't we look to the heavens?
We can finally be among the glimmering lights of the galaxy,
We can finally sing to the stars,
We can finally dream of Tomorrow,
We can finally be free,
My friend.

We will survive,
My friend,
I promise.

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


great poem! i love the use of anaphora, it's very effective

Justmehello September 11th, 2018

In the quiet, the calm,

There are things that we know.

So that when life feels too hard,

Things seem too big, we can remember.

Remember what hasn't changed.

That the calm isn't gone forever.

It's still there, waiting.

Just hiding for a while,

Until we have the strength to look.

Because no matter what,

And no matter how far,

There is always something around the corner,

Even if all you see right now is wall.

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


this is a lovely poem <3

ShadowFire1 September 15th, 2018

My favorite personal spells and RItuals to keep life my life pure and happy hope you enjoy!

"My love for you is always here"
"My life with you I hold so dear"
"This charm I wear so close to heart"
"Reminds of the bond we'll never part"
"I hexed this charm with happy life"
"For you to wear to ease your strife"
"For each time you wear this charm so true
"Remember the love I have for you!"

"Sister Moon Of The Earth"
"Hear My Spell For All It's Worth"
"My Loved One's Far I Need Them Near"
"Send My Message With Good Cheer"
"My Love For Them Shines So Bright"
"Return That Love With Your Reflecting Light"
"So That We May See The Love We Share"
"Is Joined As One With The Light You Bare"

"Summons Spell"
"Come far come near"
"For those who hold magick so dear"
"I summon you with open heart"
"To share as one, the magickal art"

"Sun Set Chant"
"Sun, Sun, Sustainer of Life"
"Earth, Earth Mother of Life"
"Daughters and Sons of the Wholly Wife"
"Together as One there is no Strife!"

"Magick Chant"
"Magick for good or magick undone!

"Binding Wood Ritual"
(state your problem, while holding the binding wood to your heart, for The Spirit within you)
"I bind ye thoughts that are no good, I bind ye thought to this wood,
this impure thought inside of me, will now reside in this tree!

(state your problem while holding binding wood up high, for The Spirit that guides you)
"I bind ye thoughts that are no good, I bind ye thought to this wood,
this impure thought inside of me, will now reside in this tree!

(state your problem, hold binding wood on ground, for The Earth that grounds you)
(then let go of the wood after final spell is said)
"I bind ye thoughts that are no good, I bind ye thought to this wood,
this impure thought inside of me, will now reside in this tree!

"As above, So Below, So Mote it be!"

fairyfluff1231 September 22nd, 2018

TW : implied/metaphorical death


I believe that I have no violence left in me.

However will I make it through the next war?

I was a weapon for much too long --

I no longer care to be sharpened or reloaded.

Bury me without honors.

Tell me what becomes of those blazing lights --

After the world is cleansed in their fire,

The old ways rocks upon a funeral pyre,

Tell me

Are they still burning?

I do not believe that we fade to black.

I believe we are embers.

We may be ignited again, but for now

The wildfires are over --

The earth is fertile with ash.

Bury me before the winds pick up again.

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


you are really talented, thank you for sharing this with us <3

compassionateYard7526 September 23rd, 2018


I smile deceiving the public

Telling them Im okay

Hiding the burdens I carry inside

I smile

When they ask me how I am

And I say Im fine

If only they knew that that's a lie

I keep smiling even on the darkest days

When I dont know if I can go on

And I feel like I dont belong

I smile

Because its easier to say Im fine

Then to explain why

I feel the way I do

And what if they knew?

That I wasnt as tough as they think

That I have problems too

So I make jokes and smile

Because that's what you do

They laugh believing Im normal for a few

And I continue to feel the way I do

All alone

But I can handle the pain

Its been this way

For a while now

I will be okay

As long as I smile

Faithers3718 October 21st, 2018

@compassionateYard7526 nice peice of poetry

compassionateYard7526 October 22nd, 2018

@Faithers3718 Thanks

Offmytrack September 28th, 2018

Back to the Fair

I want to go back one more time to the fair

Theres so much to do and to see

All of my friends are going to be there

And the girl at the jewelry booth was talking to me

The fair is magnificent, totally grand

With ice cream booths under blazing blue skies

Theres Mackinak fudge, and the lemonade stand

And the jewelry booth girl with the beautiful eyes

To see the whole fair takes no less than two days

And you cant miss the side show, as long as youre there

And all of the crafts done in so many ways

And the girl at the booth, with her long flowing hair

I havent spent enough time at the fair

I still havent seen sisters blue-ribbon key lime

And the girl at the jewelry booth might be there

And I wanted to ask her if she would be mine

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


lovely poem, this was really well written :) <3

Offmytrack November 13th, 2018

@peppermintlove Awww, thanks. Wish I could write more.

BookWizard September 30th, 2018

As raging fires burn around our place

And crashing waves threaten us, unnerve us

Your old ridges and lines, most beauteous

Grant me your strength, as I caress your face

Grant me divine love, your eternal grace

For when our joints grow stiff and cold and ache

When my bones are brittle and start to break

My shaking hands destroy our blames by mace

Wiping all imperfections from our bone

Because here you are perfect, old or new

Here I am close, perfection oh so blue

A great distant sun burns brightly alone

For you, I grow the sweetest honeydew

For you, the Midgard serpent overthrown.

peppermintlove November 13th, 2018


this is amazing - it was lovely to read, thank you for sharing :)

BookWizard November 14th, 2018

@peppermintlove Haha thank you!! :)

BloodHeart October 3rd, 2018

(This is just something to let out my emotions, by no means do I encourage suicide. I just wrote about what it feels like to think about it.)

Another Statistic

A new morning comes along uninvited
Another deadly fuse ignited
The world goes round and so do you
Stuck in the same loop, you make do

You've been reduced to just a shade
Always a smile and a braid
Those happy eyes are hiding tears
Hiding sobs that reach no ears

Everyday ends the same way
You crack a beer, say "just one more day"
An opportunity will come along
Forever you don't have to stay strong

Snivels can echo through a hall
but an empty room won't hear your call
There's not a soul who gives a shit,
No one stops you if this is it

Maybe you yearn for coming clean
After all, tears want to be seen
You have friends, you could confide
But you end up pushing it back inside

Day after day, smile after smile
Your life is no more than a lie
All the pain now lies compiled
Hush now, don't tell, be a good child

A new day comes, grinning evilly
Not a single moment comes for free
Yet someone pretends to care
But yeah, those scars came from nowhere

What you say's not what you think
You keep bleeding that red ink
Make it slow or make it quick
It's not that bad to be a statistic

ChassyMom October 6th, 2018

TW: Thoughts of Death

Written when I was 14. I'm 35 now. Except the last one. It was written at 26


I have all of the questions
Loaded in my head.
If I find the answers
Would I be better off dead.
The answers may be full
Of things I wish not to see
Or maybe they will
Portray my fantasy.
Why should I worry?
Why should I care?
If the questions are loaded
And the trigger is pulled
To where all the answers come
Will I truly want to know
What the situation will become
Or whether I
Shall still need air?


The questions have been loaded.
The trigger has been cocked.
Will the next move be fatal?
Will the next move heal?
If the barrel is emptied
Will I run;will I feel?
The trigger is cocked
Shall it be undone?
Will I be brave
Or will I turn and run?
I believe that the answers
That I do seek
Shall be found
Once the trigger is pulled.


All of the questions
That run rampant in my head
Need to be answered
And that may not happen
Until I am dead.
The trigger has been pulled
But I did not find happiness.
All that I find
Is heartache and lonliness.
In my confused state
I pulled the trigger yet again,
Emptying the chamber into my very being.
I do not find the answers
To the questions that I have
And I doubt that I shall
Which is just as well
For the answers that I seek
Would be fitting of a soul
Beseeching only the most dire
Depths of torment. The epitome of Hell.


The chamber has been loaded
The gun has been cocked
The trigger has been pulled.
What do I think?
I am such a fool.
I thought that this would help.
I thought that this would heal.
I wondered why everyone
Left me to reel.

Emptying the chamber
Into my soul
I thought this would fix it.
I thought this would make me whole.
I have since realized
That no one cries,
No one sighs
When one bird dies.

sleepymosaic October 22nd, 2018

deep in the woods hide
peeping frogs,
sawing crickets:
the nighttime chorus,

the invisibile choir.

If i


my heavy footsteps
would alert the musicmakers
my unsteady gait
snapping twigs,
the dry forsaken bones of
diapproving trees
a siren, an alarm

and who could blame them
for sinking into the mud
taking their nighttime soiree
too far below

for me to reach.

Insertnamehere333 November 2nd, 2018

Im in war.

The problem is its with myself.

My brain is currently winning, and my body is degrading.

I cant remember a time when I wasnt fighting to stay afloat.

I try to reach out, but I only burden others.

People say Im fine, but they seem to just want me to put their own problems as a higher priority.

They see anxiety as a healthy experience

But is having constant anxiety considered normal?

My heart races so fast sometimes

It feels like it will vibrate out of my chest.

My body becomes a prison of overwhelming thoughts and confusion.

I shake as if I were in a blizzard.

My compulsions take the gears.

I can only wade it out.

The problem is sometimes it never ends.

fineisjustalie November 3rd, 2018

(Honest Opinions Please!!!!)

I think I'm in love,
With the way you smile
Brighter tahn the sun.
You're a dove
Flying for awhile,
But never really done.

You're in my heart,
You're so sweet,
You never, ever stop.
I feel a part
Wishes we could meet
And never, ever drop.

Now one might
Wish this
Could be the end.
I will fight
For you, I miss...
My heart is yours to bend.

Now I think
I'm in love
With the stars in your eyes
I seem to shrink
When we shove
Yet you pull me from my demise.

You're so cute,
I live cause of you,
I owe you my heart.
You are my root,
I need you, too.
Oh, how I hope we never part.

I care for you
All I need
Is your smile.
You're no fool,
I have greed
It's been like this awhile.

Now I'm glad
You're my friend,
Though I don't think it's fate.
I've been sad,
But it's not the end
And I still think you're great.

I am without regret
For I'm still here,
With you might I add.
Now I'm set,
I have not to fear.
Please... just be glad.

Flipsides November 3rd, 2018

Here's mine that I wrote a few years ago.


There once was a seed so fragile and small

That grew into a sapling mighty and tall

Will it wither away when the tree no longer grows?

Only time will tell, for time always knows.

There once were plains as flat as could be

That became mountains as tall as anyone could see.

Will it shoot above the skies or sink down below?

Only time will tell, for time always knows.

There once was a castle built by many hands

that stood stong until the stone became sand.

Will the remains be lost forever in the cold snow?

Only time will tell, for time always knows.

Discover, evolve, and fight: the history of mankind

Yet even with the past, we fight without the right mind.

And where will we be when we've no place to go?

Only time will tell, for time always knows.

November 4th, 2018

Just a little poem that I wrote today from the darkness:

Attack, attack always

attack blindly

defend the indefensible

the right to destroy

violence by flag

the technowar

the idiocracy

dictatorship in the shadows

imprisoned freedom

out of focus on a webcam world

and they reward the chants

of satanic idolatry

the right to build

on the ashes of another man

attack... attack always

NeatHerbivore98 November 14th, 2018

I wish I could shapeshift ino every woman who you lay eyes on every day just to experience how it feels to be needed, wanted.

If only I had powers to demolish everything that wasn't you and me. Consume and devour me.

I'm so empty and with you I was full. I look at you and see despair, loneliness and passion.

Why can't you let me see beneath the surface, all your flaws the sum up everything you are.

You don't deserve my tears yet they flow so forcelessly into streams of shining silver.

There's silence when you go away, the universe stops turning, I stumble in a world I don't belong in.

Your return represents hope and promises but you keep breaking them all.

I hide it all from you, my anger, my sadness and the famous four letter words I'm scared will not effect you.

We are cursed because we are forever bound by this sin.

You belong to someone else and I belong to you.

I realized this because you never say goodbye, after hours of interaction you just disappear.

Your broken promises hurt more than the fingernails I dig deep into my skin.

I imagine they're yours so I could feel the frustration you say you feel.

Right now I want you appearing in my cold room taking my hand into the outside where adventure awaits us.

The outside where everything is allowed and forbidden is the norm.

I pray for the mountains to turn upside down

the ocean to pour into the sky

just so our paths could cross for a while.

Crimson147 November 21st, 2018

Stone body:

Everyday its the same,

Nothing I can claim.

Everything its all the same,

Why am I so lame?

Everyone still treats me the same.

Im not made out of stone.

All the words break my bone.

I tried to form stone,

But I dont like the cold.

Why am I treated like mold?

Always thrown to the cold.

I dont know.

All I know, is my body isnt stone.

-R Sada

easyWater4109 January 23rd, 2019

Tonight I hit the sack

thanks to some cognac

my Heart is a mess

my mind wont confess

And all Ive gots a snoring dog.