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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

bluecello November 16th, 2017

whispers near sunset
words Ill one day hear

but life—
life has stopped.
for the day,
in a moment,
a flicker in continuum.

the pine trees
as lost souls
through the forest

when one day becomes today and today becomes yesterday and yesterday is only tomorrow on repeat
doldrum is a funny word.

In a dream
we feel
but live everything
a blanket of bleariness
covering our realities
revealing our deepest sins

I wake up and
the trees are
still dancing
the lost
still running
nothing has changed.

but I wish it to.
such beauty comes
in new things.

Pandapurple November 20th, 2017

I will never forget you,

I say this not as a cliché but with sincerity,

I will never forget how your anger can fill up a room,

I will never stop flinching when I hear a door open,

I will never forget the ever mad scramble when your voice pierces the air,

I will never forget you,

BraveSpirit February 8th, 2018

@Pandapurple, this poem touched me. Your words really resonate with me. Thank you

Annie March 25th, 2018

@Pandapurple, I agree. This is powerful.

convivialPlum6966 November 23rd, 2017

I wrote this one a while ago, and thought I would share it with you guys. I write quite a lot of poetry, but it's mostly dark and I wondered how you'd feel about me sharing some of that here. Thanks for reading :)

I am happy - I am sad - I am both

I am happy.

No you don't understand.

I am actually happy.

Right now in this moment, it's like someone switched me on.

I am awake. I am alive.

And for however long,


I am Happy.

This is rare.

I am actually happy.

Right now all thre dark, it seems so far away,

I am here. I am present.

And I want to be,


I am sad.

No you don't understand.

I am sad now.

I knew it was coming, from the moment I was happy.

And for longer than happy,


I am sad.

This is normal.

I am comfortable with sad.

Right now it is dark, no light can break though,

I am alost. I am alone.

What is it to be,


I am both.

Do you understand.

I am both, together.

In a constant struggle, between two conflicting emotions.

I am sad, I am happy.

Unril the wave of one or the other hits.


I am both.

All the time.

I am both, together.

One never live without the other, one stimply stands behind.

I am pain. I am pleasure.

Fighting for a winner, but neither winning long.


Annie March 24th, 2018

@convivialPlum6966, I like your description of the shifts and switches of feelings, and how it feels like successive waves knocking a person sideways. Well said!

convivialPlum6966 November 26th, 2017

I hate myself

I hate myself.

People ask me why, when, what happened?

That is of course if they are lucky enough to see the fact I hate myself.

I think at least perhaps to the people that know me and the people that don't.

I have mastered the art of hiding the fact

I hate myself.

It's the people stuck in the middle, the ones I sort of know, who run the risk of learning the truth.

The ones who know just enough, but I do not care about enough, to know that It would break them, if they ever learned how, broken I am.

They are the ones I almost tell, that

I hate myself.

I hate myself.

People ask me why, when, what happened?

And if you catch me in that kind of mood. I'll tell you "I was born".

But that is of course a lie.

Because I was happy. I was brought up well. By a family who care for me and made sure, intentionally or not, that I did not see the things I could not do.

It was normal, for dad to dress me on the kitchen table, when I was seven.

It was normal, to be carried by my mother, while my siblings ran bellow.

It was normal, my chair was normal. She was, she is, safe.

And now,

I hate myself.

I hate myself.

What happened?

That's the question I struggle with, because something must of happened. I was not born hating. No one is born hating. I was not born in pain, that developed, and I coped.

And the me now, might not believe that, for the comforting embrace of pain, feels like my mothers hug. When I was seven.

Because you see I am to big for her to hug me.

I mean she hugs me still, of course. But not in the way she did when I was seven.

And sometimes, it's so clear, that that's my fault, for growing.

But something happened, clearly.

So what? Why do

I hate myself?

I hate myself.

Is it because, I saw the way life should have been,

And could of been had my brain not been starved at such a pivotal moment of my creation, of the vital source of life, of existence, that it now, so easily takes for granted.

Is it because, I saw the way he kissed her,

Or maybe she kissed him. Pressed together so tightly against that hidden wall, smokers corner, where the teachers know exactly what is going on, and yet life was in the thrill of the hidden secret, that was not so hidden.

A secret I was never part of, a world I could only watch. No one wants to welcome the girl, with the teacher, obligated to stay. And by the time she could leave, friendships were cemented, and my confidence was shot.

And then, alone. With only the people that did not fit into the mould of the playground, locked together, to momentarily ignore the pain of their existence, to then be thrown back into it. To be alone, again, when the bell rings.

To once again hate myself.

I hate myself.

Because I hate myself. I hate myself more. I shouldn't hate myself. Because I chose not to go into those friendship groups. Didn't I? Did I? I don't........

My parents are together still, no one hit me. I was fed. I am fed and clothed.

And looking back, only now, I see how hard that must have been and is. And still

I hate myself.

I hate myself.

But why?

What is there to hate? I have a family, and friends, or at least people who I think are friends, I am warm, and clothed and fed, and educated, and free, to write, to read, to write, oh to write.

And yet underneath it all, the happy, the people, the words, the infinite worlds, unlocked by words, written on a page, that take me to people who deserve to hate. And the things. The things that my parents, never even considered could exist, or that were distant hopes of a possible future, they never thought they'd be a part of.

I have it all. And still,

I hate myself.

BraveSpirit February 8th, 2018

@convivialPlum6966, this searching for answers is very touching. I hope that you can gain an understanding of the sadness and can heal, and feel good about yourself again.

sunnyKite2540 February 17th, 2018

@convivialPlum6966 you just explained me in a nutshell. Thank you

Sayleigh December 14th, 2017

Ah, the sea

To see the sea

In all its glory

Wild and free

It has no master

No command

The sea shall be bested

By no man

But in its moments

Of softest slumber

The sea is like

Ones favorite lover

Rilon January 6th, 2018

I just wrote one centred around how I'm feeling for the most part. It's short, it's crappy, but it's here. It's also some feeble attempt to start writing anything again for the past few months so here it is.

Walls of Iron

Unending shields of grey

Nothing in, nothing out

From cold heart do they weigh

Walls of iron mark the redoubt

Buried deep within

Intense and burning flame

The walls of iron then begin

To hold back things without name

No soul shall see inside

Nor shall inside be revealed

The danger it cannot abide

So in and out must be sealed

But on the walls, one sign of hope

Roses, pink and white, form a shield

Courage and wisdom to go on and cope

But these walls of iron never yield

Annie March 25th, 2018

Dear @Rilon, I disagree.

Definitely not crappy. Lots to like and admire here! ❤️

Rilon March 29th, 2018

@Annie I'm glad you think so. I still know it's garbage but I guess that's on me. I'm trying really hard to believe you when you say there's lots to admire but I just don't see it. But, again, that's on me.

Sk1ttles January 6th, 2018

i posted this to my feed so it may be a bit redundant by here is one by me


to you housing a conflicted heart and minds that reel

I write to encourage you to grasp anothers' hand if any

and lasso your soul to theirs with hoops of steel

I once heard not to dull thy hands with palms of many

I write to encourage you to grasp anothers' hand if any

depression sips the marrow of those arms laying empty

I once heard not to dull thy hands with palms of many

it is better than shackled trepidation that tempt me

Depression sips marrow of those arms laying empty

to vent however, may bring exquisite air so refreshing

it is better than shackled trepidation that tempt me

if you speak, like van gogh, i'll lend an ear worth accessing

to vent however, may bring exquisite air so refreshing

and lasso your soul to theirs with hoops of steel

if you speak, like van gogh, ill lend an ear worth accessing

to you housing a conflicted heart and minds that reel

Annie March 25th, 2018


THANK YOU for sharing this here.

The message is wonderful ❤️

Sherly January 30th, 2018



I smelled you out of the blue

You looked weird and pale

Listened to your woes

That sounded so dark

I barely touched you

Today I feel you in black and white

You had taste life

Like a pot of gold

But your hands

Has let you down

It became bloody as red

The only thing

Left in your heart

Is to find your silver lining

And it costs you

The shades of life

30 January 2018

Annie March 25th, 2018


I was intrigued by the use of colors — blue, gold, blood red, silver —and the focus on degrees of light/dark: dark, black, white, shades. Interesting.

funfettifrosting February 13th, 2018


a winding sheet of speckled lightbulbs

shielding the earth at dusk

its the light blanket found

in the galaxies

Annie March 24th, 2018

@funfettifrosting, I like the way this poem is startling and fun.

VoicelessPoet February 14th, 2018


I sat in the bathroom weak and quivering. Holding a bottle of pills to my chest, ready to die.

I had planned my suicide for weeks; I had a date, a time and the perfect method.

Until I got a message from you.

It wasnt anything special, nothing philosophical. A heart. You sent me a heart. No persuasive paragraph, no begging or pleading. Just a heart.

It was that heart that made me pick up my phone. It was that heart that made me check my WhatsApp. It was that heart that reminded me that I had one too, one that only beats for you.

I was ready to leave it all behind, I had convinced myself that leaving you would be easy.

But the minute I saw your message my heart stuttered, my eyes watered. The pills suddenly felt heavier, weighed down by the thought of hurting you.

So I put the pills down. Closed the door and sent back;

I was about to do something dumb. Im sorry

I bared my heart to you, and you bared yours back.

Im so lucky to have you and your hearts.

Because it was your Less Than Three that saved my life.

IAmAJinchuuriki February 15th, 2018


I wish I had the love like you and the person in your poem share.

Im glad you were saved from yourself in time.

sunnyKite2540 February 17th, 2018


Don't ask me how I am

Don't treat me gently

I may be fragile

But I am empty

Don't be afraid

To talk to me

I may be hollow

But I am friendly

I'm not ok

But I pretend to be

It's all an act

But I want to be free

Don't frown nor cry

Don't be sorry

It's who I am

It's what makes me, me

I don't pretend

To be smooth or agile

But I do pretend

That I'm not fragile

WhiteWolf96 February 19th, 2018


Perfect. I can relate so much!

saturdaysweaters February 19th, 2018

I always thought,
The river of sleep,
Would wash away my worries,
And rush the past downstream,
Emptying the sediment,
Into a vast horizon of blue,
But when I woke up,
I felt the smog,
Rising into the atmosphere,
Coating my lungs with dust,
And as I coughed,
I expelled it,
But as I breathed,
I found myself,
Inhaling it again,
Submitting to this vicious cycle,
Submitting to the rest of the world.

Annie March 24th, 2018

Dear @saturdaysweaters, I love the images and rhythmic flow of the language.

And the first six lines completely blew me away!

SugarInMyHippieTea March 24th, 2018

she lay there

not saying anything

not moving

eyes closed

tea cup full of dreams

on the porch

10:00 am

dogs barking

she lay there

not saying anything

eyes closed


soaking up the saturday sun

Annie March 24th, 2018


This captures the sheer bliss of a lazy day in the sun. Lovely!

River March 30th, 2018

@saturdaysweaters It is vicious cycle indeed! It was so well written heart

Sailboat9718 February 19th, 2018

I feel so alone
I am hungry
Yet I do not want to eat on my own
Only if there was someone to share my meals with
I would not be so lonely.

I am in need of a friend
A friend
Just a little friend
To go on with me to the end

I am in need of a friend indeed.

I feel so alone
I am thirsty
I just want someone
With whom I can share a cup o

Happylife4u February 27th, 2018

This poem was very heart warming! Great poem!

River March 30th, 2018

@Sailboat9718 This is so clear and I loved the repitition of "I am in need of a friend indeed" heart keep writing!

Sailboat9718 August 7th, 2018


Thank you!

DreamyGirl97 February 20th, 2018

If you wanted

to date me

I would treat

you like royalty.

Annie March 24th, 2018

Dear @DreamyGirl97, I think this poem expresses what many people feel.

I wonder about the message ....

To treat someone like royalty — does that make us lesser, subservient? Does it mean we are excessively grateful?

I wish more people could comprehend their own wonderfulness. ❤️

rebecca947 February 24th, 2018

Note: I originally wrote this and posted this poem on another site a few years back, and decided to share it with you all on here :) (It's now not published on the previous site anymore though)

A Glorius Day

Blue skies, a single white cloud,

Whatever could go wrong, on such a lovely day?

Planes flying overhead, albeit loud,

And on the freshly cut grass, here I lay.

Passers-by walking around, going on with life,

Just happy to continue living, for one more hour.

A wedding down the road, a man making a woman his wife,

Just a happy celebration, nothing could make it sour.

Dogs are being walked on the park,

Marking their territory on every tree in sight.

Children running around, a burst of energy, a spark

Of electricity, managing to make everyday a light.

The beautiful smells of flowers,

The colours of this colourful, amazing land called Earth

No sight of skyscraping towers,

No sign of a construction site nor a birth.

The sounds of a trickling river,

No cars or big vehicles, destroying the calm.

Waterfall, maybe? A beautiful shiver

Of excitement, leaning against a balm.

Nothing could ruin this amazing day, for once in humanity.

This beautiful world, free of criminals, thieves.

Nothing could turn this around, nothing of insanity,

No tears could wash away this memory, just stare at the leaves.

Turning green again, a new life. Just like for us, a new day awaits.

Annie March 24th, 2018

Dear @rebecca947, the positive lift in the last two lines made me smile.

rebecca947 March 24th, 2018


Haha thanks! I forgot I posted on here lol

River March 30th, 2018

@rebecca947 It reminded me about The Maze Runner crying I dont know why! Its puffectly written.

rebecca947 March 31st, 2018


aww, thanks so much! :D I have yet to watch the Maze Runner... is it good in your opinion? :p

inventiveHouse2965 April 28th, 2018

@rebecca947 this color of font is terribly difficult to see with certain visual issues. Perhaps a darker or deeper color would make it readable.