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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

July 31st, 2017

here's a catch 22

a trick

a riddle

if moving on

was a sign of strength

does that mean

discarding your feelings

and devaluing yourself

to let go of offenses

sound good?

i still cannot solve the problem

this riddle

i am confused.

these people

who are deemed "strong"

by the world

these people

who just "forget"

because it's in the past

these people who squirm at giving apologies.

they are strong

because it means nothing

what they did

to that person

they laugh at people who hold on to things that hurt them

i don't get it.

i guess it's easier to say sorry and pull the arrow from your friend

if it's a real arrow.

you can see it for miles. and you can easily mend your wrongs.

but if it's invisible

you call them crazy and weak.

unable to fathom you practically managed

to mangle one's soul.

don't you just love it.

July 31st, 2017

i noticed this

how people

would much rather tell the wounded

to heal

than for the inflictors of pain to say sorry properly.

we focus on the victim and barely the perpetrator.

"heal your wounds."

"seek help"

"forgiveness is like nursing a rotting wound, instead of cleaning it up" etc.

but barely anyone follows

"say sorry!"

"make right with what you've done"

"fix any offense you might have made with them"

"if you've shot someone or see someone get shot, take them to the hospital and report the criminal"

"put to trial those who rape, those who steal, those who cheat"

August 1st, 2017

if there's one thing i wish for today

is to get run over by a car

hopefully an expensive one by the university students

that would make me so happy.

Maxlexie2 August 7th, 2017

I can feel it coming

Trickling across my skin

The way it wraps around my body

Slowly creeping into my mind

Wispering to the chaos inside me

Burning holes through my chest

It pulls air from around me

Restraint is failing in the loneliness

My thoughts become lost

Even my soul can't outrun the fire

And once again I am consumed

River September 26th, 2017

@Maxlexie2 Deep :o

BleedingHeart1979 October 25th, 2017

@Maxlexie2 Beautiful!

kikachu December 15th, 2017

@Maxlexie2 i really like this

Maxlexie2 January 4th, 2018

Thank u

funfettifrosting February 13th, 2018


amazing poetry

considerateSea1229 August 20th, 2017

The back of my mind is filled with doubt. You're not sure what you should do. You take a breath, and dare to face theworld anew. You get up, open the door, and the wind breathes a familiar song, but you see the towering trees surrounding your home. You take a stepout, and hear the birds rant and rave of the new day, with its promising warmth and crysyal clear sky, it seems almost a reality. Then you remember the voice. The voice.that runs a chill up your spine everytime you hear it. The voice that softly, ever so softly, doubts your intent. It sings you lyrics of blame, for all that you've become. It tickles the back of your throat as it sinisterly chuckles at your choices.It keeps you waiting with its ever so subtle notes of disapproval and disagreement, and openly.mocks.your very core of self. It rattles on of your persona, your cherished moments, your appearance while you lie eyes wide in the middle of the night. Then, suddenly, he disappears. You still wait for him though, as if he werent far. In time, you forget the words that still ring in your head. You are able to fall asleep, no longer haunted by the idea of him returning. He had ran away, as he is and always will be a coward. He sees when he's in danger, and proceeds to run as far from it as possible, never for a second returning. Heeventuallywill lose his battles, and nothing to gain of his misery butevenmore misery andpain. But he cherishes his misery, and denies everything else now

Ammxxo August 23rd, 2017

I love this. Thank you for posting @considerateSea1229

River September 26th, 2017

@considerateSea1229 :")

benlynchpx August 28th, 2017

The World Around Me

I sank in this earthly sphere, knowing not

Of the richness from my own deepened thoughts

That pushed me forward from the times ago.

In this cognizance of dissonant flow,

How can one think while pacing for miles

And miles in this stretch of land? While

My brain is mostly vast in the realm I call

The World Around Me, this heaven

River September 26th, 2017

@benlynchpx I LOVED THIS SO SO SO SO MUCH heart

benlynchpx September 26th, 2017

@Pureriver55 Thank you I wrote a poetryblog book it is on Amazon

benlynchpx September 26th, 2017

@Pureriver55 *poetry book

August 28th, 2017

i dont know how to feel on my birthday


i struggle between joy and sadness.

i can't explain why.

River September 26th, 2017

@weepingartist I feel the same too :")

TheresaWilliams September 21st, 2017

Echoes of the Night

Train whistle sounds

in the dead of night,

it's voice is haunting and clear.

A lonely call,

to no one,

and yet,

it is I who hears.

I wonder where it is going,

and from whence it came.

Imagining its journey,

to destinations unknown,

sleep, again, overtakes me,

an odyssey all its own.

River September 26th, 2017

@TheresaWilliams A lonely call :")

lynsay31 September 26th, 2017

If I had one wish to make come true, it would be that I never knew you. How could someone just take my innocence away and just think that was ok? Why did this have to happen on that horrible day? I'm afraid that I'll never be ok because of the nightmare that you turned into my life. It's not fair and it's certainly not right. Now I have to get on with my life but it's a struggle, it's a fight.

River October 2nd, 2017

@lynsay31 The fight surprise It was beautifully written and emotions were expressed in powerful manner. :")

MelissaTheVampire October 2nd, 2017

You were perfect.
Everything she had ever wanted.
You were lovely.
Too much, to the point where she wanted to vomit.
You cared.
A lot more than she had ever imagined.
You were sweet.
Sweeter than every word she had ever blurted.

- Mel 🎀

River October 2nd, 2017

@MelissaTheVampire Wow heart

October 6th, 2017


I should have moved on from you

Then why do I still miss you?

It's been a year

And I still remember you

Would it be okay to say hi?

Or just leave it to the wind, and hope...

River October 6th, 2017

@weepingartist To do or not to do is the most difficult part to be in. Btw it was great heart

October 11th, 2017

aw man so true.

also just an update...i mustered up the foolish courage to say hi. and i got nothing.

i keep forgetting that the worst reaction is no reaction at all.

River October 11th, 2017

@weepingartist I so know the pain of no reaction crying But oh well, at least you are not going to regret years and years after thinking that condition could have been different if I had gathered enough courage! wink And then being free from to do or not to do mess is itself an achievement! (Atleast thats what I believe cheeky)

October 11th, 2017

romanticised feelings

idealistic dreams

all my hopes

I took the courage to face them

by writing to you

only to realize that it's not negative reactions

or overly positive ones that are real.

it's the nothingness.

of you ignoring me

that is the reality of things.

the reality is, you've moved on.

and i wasted a few minutes to carefully write a note.

and as much as it stung a bit

it probably is the most liberating thing

i ever experienced.

River October 12th, 2017

@weepingartist Its liberty :")

Maxlexie2 October 15th, 2017

If I had one wish today

This wish would be my cure

In the dark, I can see you

lit up through the fire

I live this life of sin

Concreting many demons

I find redemption

In the words untold

I write truths

But do not speak honesty

For quiet solitude is my barrier

My protection

River October 16th, 2017

@Maxlexie2 For quite solitude is my barrier, my protection :") *High-five*

BleedingHeart1979 October 25th, 2017

@Maxlexie2 This is beautiful! I can totally relate!

CastorDarkHeart October 17th, 2017

This is an untitled poem

His rough hands glide against my skin
Callouses marred by years of work
My body aches and I
Feel his pulse beating against me
Counter rhythm
There is no more
He has become my undoing
In essence
He has become my breath
And I cannot breathe

River October 18th, 2017


He has become my breath
And I cannot breathe

These lines took it all heart

BleedingHeart1979 October 25th, 2017

@CastorDarkHeart :'( I can relate on so many levels. Beaauty hides within tragedy. I love this poem!

CastorDarkHeart November 5th, 2017


I'm glad you like it!

gregariousApricot5771 October 22nd, 2017

Poem about my first crisis.

I feel like the starving tiger that feels sympathy for its fellow creature

That sinks its teeth - and its heart does the same - to spill blood that it fears is not its own

As a cub, it had not known what its mother meant when she said "To live is to die, and therefore live alone"

And to die is to kill, it realized when it was forced to do what was not in its nature.

As life is sapped, strength is gained

But two souls are lost, and while one is free, the other mourns

It goes to drink, but at its image, fear is all it can consume, and as it looks around, it smells a trail of scorn

It gathers the bones of its native beast and runs to change how the fearful tyger is framed.

Annie March 24th, 2018

Dear @gregariousApricot5771, I cant say I totally understand it, but I admire the powerful energy that comes across in the words here.

BleedingHeart1979 October 25th, 2017

Til I Cease to Exist

Looking out my window,

Staring at the street below,

I sit here and cry,

As I helplessly watch my life pass by,

I feel so cold and hollow inside,

I check for my pulse,

But there is no sign of life.

Demons surround me,

Clawing & gnawing,

Ripping me apart.

It's all so confusing,

I'm losing,

My grip on reality.

Falling, I'm falling, God help me!

I'm falling! Falling from Grace!

Darkness consumes my every thought.

Screaming, they're screaming,

Words so hateful and clear.

Sacrificed, I must be sacrificed.

Drowning, I'm drowning,

In an ocean of pain and tears.

The darkness continues to fall,

As I grow numb to the world around me.

Hollow and dead inside,

I begin to fade.

Fade away.

Into the abyss,

Til I cease to exist.

September 2, 2017