A random poem i wrote at 3:40 a.m.
This Heart
All it does is bleed and break,
Quite as delicate as a snowflake,
But it can still cause ripples in the middle of a lake.
So, mi amour, for your own sake,
Do pray and hope to leave this heart in your wake
For, years ago, it vowed to ceaselessly give but never take
And now, there isn't much difference it can make,
Because when you are so empty and completely drained and in appearance, you start to resemble a deadly snake,
All you can do then is be greedy and ache.
@bloom006 Beautifully written and painfully real. There is so much emotion in every line, and the imageries are really powerful. Thank you for sharing this with us.
@azurePond Thank you for reading my poem and praising it😇😭 I've read the last poem you wrote and it was absolutely wonderful.
@bloom006 Thank you! <3
I appreciated your dedication to the single rhyming scheme. That coupled with the uneven tempo and syllabic structure of each line gave the feel of each sentence being hammered out, stated with unfiltered emotion which seems to grow as each progressive line lengthens, then snaps back suddenly in the last, rueful line that sounds like it is spoken from a place of defeat as all the greedy heart has left it can do is hurt and pine. Very interesting.
Quite lyrical and inspiring! An amazing piece, Bloom. Loved how such simple words exist for you to be written and transformed while staying true to the meanings they hold. It shows how you gave a bit to much with no expectation for receiving- shows the raw heart of a kind person! Kudos^^