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Just got diagnosed with STPD

User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 November 9th, 2021

Hi Everyone, I just got diagnosed with STPD. I never knew i had PD. I already had ADD. Now this has added in the list.

Can life get any worse?

User Profile: QuietMagic
QuietMagic November 9th, 2021


Hi--yeah, I'm sure you didn't wake up and think, "What I really want today is to get another diagnosis." 💜

I found something interesting I wanted to pass along. For each personality "disorder", there tends to be a corresponding "style". I'm wondering if any of these descriptions feel like they might fit.

  • This individual tends to be tuned into and sustained by their own feelings and belief
  • This person has a keen observation of others and are particularly sensitive to how others react to them
  • This person tends to be drawn to abstract and speculative thinking
  • This person is receptive and interested in the occult, the extrasensory, and the supernatural
  • This individual tends to be indifferent to social convention and they lead interesting and unusual lifestyles
  • This individual is usually self-directed and independent, requiring few close relationships


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User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP November 10th, 2021


Yes, these are the symptoms I am facing for the last five years.

Never knew I am suffering from STPD.

This is so upsetting.

I can be confused, should I go for DBT or the CBT technique of therapy.

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User Profile: QuietMagic
QuietMagic November 12th, 2021


I'm not a licensed/trained therapist so I'm limited in my ability to offer medical advice and anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt.

I did some research and it looks like some types of treatment that are sometimes used for STPD include supportive psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, social skills training, and medication (e.g. atypical antipsychotics or antidepressants).

Since a part of STPD is avoiding social interactions because of feeling very different (and feeling anxious about trusting people with sharing those thoughts), any therapist you connect with should hopefully focus on being supportive, accepting, and encouraging as opposed to trying to be challenging or confrontational.


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User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP November 12th, 2021


Oh, Dear!!

Yes, I do have terrible troubles with social interactions, both face-to-face and online.

But, I am not sure about antidepressants. The last time I took an old gen antidepressant, prescribed by doc, things went downhill. I stopped taking the antidepressant due to my terrible weight gain and leg pain, and things simply crashed.

So, with meds I am skeptical.

but, thanks for the info and the links.

My counselor told me to find a therapist for myself to get my treatment started.

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User Profile: QuietMagic
QuietMagic November 12th, 2021


That past experience with the antidepressant sounds pretty unpleasant. That makes sense that you wouldn't want to repeat that and that you'd be feeling pretty cautious about meds.

I hope you're able to find someone you like.

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User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP November 13th, 2021


Yes, the antidepressant didn't regulate my chemical and hormonal balance. Rather damaged it. So, I am pretty scared about it this time. The antidepressant was even risky to the extent that it increased my STPD. I landed in the hospital.

Thank you. I hope so too.

In my area, finding a licensed therapist is next to impossible and the counselor I am showing has already given up on me and suggesting me to find a therapist for myself.

So, ya, I hope I can find myself a therapist.

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User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 December 10th, 2021

@rosebeinghappy18 I hope you find a therapist that meets your needs <3

You are worthy of help.

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User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP December 11th, 2021


Thank you for your kind words.

Actually, I am showing a counselor now.

Haven't been able to find a therapist yet.

I am on a hunt for that.

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User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 December 12th, 2021

@rosebeinghappy18 I'm happy to hear that! Please keep me updated!

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User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP December 26th, 2021


Hi there. Well, things are bit on the bad side now with me, counselor and my physical health.

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User Profile: QuietMagic
QuietMagic December 27th, 2021


Aw, sorry. 💜 If you feel like sharing, what's been happening with the counselor and physical health that hasn't felt like it's been going well?

User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 December 27th, 2021

@rosebeinghappy18 I'm sorry to hear that. We are here to support you through this difficult time.

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User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP January 29th, 2022


Thank you so much.

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User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP January 29th, 2022


One thing...there isn't any growth path for STPD and SPD, isn't it?

2 replies
User Profile: QuietMagic
QuietMagic January 29th, 2022


Hi--I haven't really looked at the growth paths for a while, but the last time I checked there were no paths in there that seemed like they were really tailored toward any personality disorders.

I did put together a couple posts earlier this week that lists some resources:

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User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP January 31st, 2022


Thank you so much.

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User Profile: WhiteRoses25
WhiteRoses25 December 28th, 2021


I don’t suffer from a personality disorder but I do suffer from a psychotic disorder. The first thing they thought I stopped taking my medication was because of weight but it was actually I was scared of losing my job and not being able to pay for meds without a job. Very nice psychiatrist and social worker helped me. The most important part of my journey with these women is as they told me to exercise l. I remember I didn’t listen. When I found myself at 166 pounds. I said I have to exercise I lost 30 something pounds. But it also helped my brain chemistry like the way I thought about things. I also deal with anxiety so it helped to calm me down and be more self-disciplined. I focused so much I went to school. Now I’m waiting to see what my next journey will be. I get very excited and I know I have to calm down. I practice yoga and meditation. My friend has ADHD and she is starting a business. She does a lot and she’s kind. No one is a symptom. We all have our own personalities I truly hope you find it have found something that helps you along your journey.

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User Profile: QuietMagic
QuietMagic December 30th, 2021


I'm really glad things were able to work out. 💜 It sounds like exercising helped in a lot of different ways (i.e. weight loss, reducing anxiety, creating a sense of control/stability/discipline) and then that allowed you to go to school and pursue some of your personal goals.

User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP January 31st, 2022


Wow!! you have come a long way WhiteRoses. That's a whole lot of journey.

Yeah!! thank you. I hope I can manage my personality disorder.

User Profile: rosebeinghappy18
rosebeinghappy18 OP December 16th, 2022


Thank you so much for sharing your amazing journey. I am overwhelmed and hope the best for you. My condition is in no way better than the last year. But, what to do! Life goes on...

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