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Emotional independence

quickwittedHouse8347 September 2nd

Hello there!

I have learned recently that I’m very much emotionally dependent on anyone important in my life. It took me so long to realize this. I have used my boyfriend, my best friend and my mom as shields to avoid facing issues in my day-to-day life my whole life.

MAs of recently, I have been so grossly dependent on my boyfriend for attention and advice , I can’t spend a minute without him literally on call. He works a desk job and I even made him keep me on call. Whenever there is a slight mishap in our relationship, I overthink everything and put myself through a hard time , usually for no reason.

I have come to understanding that this emotional dependency keeps me from functioning like a normal human being.

If anyone has gone through this and come out to learn to control how to depend on myself , or if you have advice to point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.

TruthSeeker2 September 2nd
@quickwittedHouse8347 I think emotional dependence is a thing and making choices on day-to-day things is another....

Emotional independence for me speaks about being able to navigate my emotions, that's a topic.

making choices, has to do with self-trust, acceptance, and intuition... and it's a learning, taking small steps I think can be helpful
quickwittedHouse8347 OP September 2nd

Thank you for your words. It really means a lot 🫶🏾

TruthSeeker2 September 2nd

@quickwittedHouse8347 About loving without attachment, I remember a book called The way to love by Anthony de Mello, has a wise perspective about reframing things in that direction, can be helpful :) Cheers!

quickwittedHouse8347 OP September 2nd

I downloaded the book and am reading it right now! Wow, so far so good. Thank you so very much for the recommendation!