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enthusiasticTree4598 September 13th, 2016

My name's gina. My son just got a new diagnosis of bpd. Not sure what now.

InTheWoods September 13th, 2016

@enthusiasticTree4598 Hi Gina,

The great thing about your sons diagnosis is that now he can start moving towards managing it, and building a life worth living. :)

Remember, your son is the same person he was before the diagnosis. Nothing has changed, except now you have a name for what he has been struggling with, and now you will be better able to access supports and programs to help him.

There is a wonderful treatment option designed for people who struggle with BPD, it is called DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy). I encourage you to google it. It is largly skills based, and many people have found that their BPD can actually be managed by developing and using these skills.

I was diagnosed with BPD 1.5 years ago... I have found the DBT skills very valuable and helpful. I am only just begining a formal DBT program now, but I found I was able to learn many DBT skills by reading up on them. There are some GREAT books out there that give you the information to get started.

The first books I bought were 'Borderline Personality Disorder for Dummies', and 'Borderline Personality Disorder: A guide for the newly diagonsed.' I recomend them both as a good place to start.

*hugs* and all the best.

enthusiasticTree4598 OP September 13th, 2016

@InTheWoods thank you. At this point my son just self harms and refuses to talk or let anyone help. I'll read up on it and see what I can do if he lets me.

InTheWoods September 14th, 2016


There are deffinitly things that you can do to help him feel supported. Like being a safe place (usually characterized by listening and being available, validating, supportive and non-judgmental). This is probably one of the most valuable gifts you can give him.

I also encourage you to check out @CarlDunnJr on twitter. He runs a twitter chat #BPDChat every Sunday on a topic relating to those with BPD, and he seems to really 'GET' BPD dispite not having it. :)

enthusiasticTree4598 OP September 14th, 2016

@InTheWoods ok. Thank you

enthusiasticTree4598 OP September 14th, 2016

@enthusiasticTree4598 btw his therapist (new one) sais this is all about attention. He don't want help so he can't be helped. He spent 20 min going off about how he isn't a real self harmer and his suicide attempt wasn't real etc. He said that's what people with bpd do. They pretty much like where they're at and all the attention they get. Whats your thoughts on that cause it made me feel hopeless

enthusiasticTree4598 OP September 19th, 2016

I just realised I replied to myself lol