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What are your symptoms/signs of BPD?

CaptainHowdy January 24th, 2017

Hello everyone. I will start by saying that I am not diagnosed with BPD but most likely due to only going to 3 dr's visits before quitting. During which they did diagnose me with anxiety, depression and OCD. I didn't make it to the actual talking therapy part, which is where I would have addressed my suspicion of having BPD or something to that affect. So I was curious, what is it you experience on a regular basis? Like your symptoms or behavioral traits that link you to this diagnosis?

I am not looking for anyone to fill the space of a licensed doctor, I was just wondering if I could see myself in them - if that makes sense.

Hope everyone is doing well and thank you for your time.

RayneStorm January 24th, 2017

@CaptainHowdy Hi Captain. Thank you for sharing. Just to clarify, have you been diagnosed by a medical doctor, a psychologist or a psychiatrist?

Personally, I identify with, and experience all the diagnostic criteria for BPD.

- I struggle with fears of abandonment, which has even made me stay in abusive relationships. Mostly, I stayed because I didn't want to hurt the person, but also because I was afraid of being alone forever.
- In my interpersonal relationships, I get attached to a person really quickly. When they treat me well and love me, I idealize them. They can't do any wrong in my eyes. When they treat me badly, I feel hurt by them, or they do something wrong (in my eyes), they fall from their pedestal, and I see them as all bad. There's no black and white. I can't quite grasp the concept that someone can be both 'good' and 'bad'.
- I have a very low self esteem, and don't really know who I am... Meaning, my sense of self transforms with whoever I'm with in that moment. Like a chameleon (they call it the chameleon effect). So I don't know if I'm being me, or if I'm 'being them'. If that makes sense?
- I'm inpulsive and make snap decisions sometimes, without thinking about the consequences. Like driving recklessly, and overspending.
- I self-harm when I feel overwhelmed by my emotions, when I feel numb/empty, and even when I feel I deserve punishment. I struggle with suicidal thoughts a lot of times.
- Mood swings are an every day occurence. I go from extremely happy, and then fall into a pit of depression, for example, all within a few minutes.
- I feel empty often, my emotions don't seem to exist. I feel like a shell.
- Anger is another aspect. I can get into a rage very quickly when something doesn't go my way, or I feel threatened. While some people with Borderline PD will rage against others, I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I rage inside, and then when I'm alone, or am able to get to a quiet place, I take all that anger out on myself, like by self-harming (punching walls, etc).
- When I'm under extreme stress, I tend to become paranoid. Like I'll think someone is following me, out to get me, there's a video/audio device in my room. Disaccociation is the biggest issue I deal with when under stress, or get hurt. I either experience depersonalization (not feeling real) or derealization (where the world around me doesn't seem real, like I'm walking in a bubble and everyone and everything around me is just an illusion).

Everyone experiences these symptoms differently, so we can't really compare ourselves with others. But this is how it looks to me.

CaptainHowdy OP January 24th, 2017


Thank you so much for sharing in detail. For clarification, no I have not been diagnosed with Borderline PD but the possiblity was presented to me strongly befpre I quit going to therapy - before a diagnosis was realized either way.

I was just curious because I related with the basic info that is out there about it.

- I apologize constantly - I apologize for apologizing.
- I always ask if and/or assume people are mad at me, that I have done something wrong.
- I self sabotage, even when happy.
- I too idealize people who show affection towards me, as I assume that they're the only ones who would find me worthy of anything. And if they do something wrong I tend to assume it was somehow because I wasn't good enough.
- I always think I am a waste of existence and everyone would be better off without me.
- I tend to be more passive agressive than explosive when deeply hurt, or I keep it all in and self harm.
- I over indulge when I know I shouldn't - like eating poorly when already sick or when feeling "empty" I drive without any regards to speed or rules.

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there's more....

I think maybe I'm just looking for something to relate to....thank you for sharing.

RayneStorm January 25th, 2017

@CaptainHowdy I can relate to everything you've written. The thing with thinking that we might have a mental illness (of any kind), is that it's not exactly always accurate. As a lot of the traits and symptoms can be attributed to something different, such as a mood or different personality disorder that share many of the same traits. Which is why it's so important to see a professional. Some professionals even struggle to make proper diagnoses, or give the wrong one, which is why if something bothers you and you're still unsure, a second or even third opinion might be necessary. I hope you get some answers soon. :)

CaptainHowdy OP January 25th, 2017


That is very true, and I am not trying to self diagnose or promote that in any way. Personally I can't seem to stick with a professional long enough to benefit from it, and the side effects from meds made me back away from that avenue. I don't know what I was trying to accomplish, if I could figure out how to delete thread I would. I don't mean to waste anyones time. Sorry.

RayneStorm January 25th, 2017

@CaptainHowdy Hi. :) No need to apologize at all... you didn't waste anyone's time. That's what we're here for. You can always let us know what's on your mind, ask questions, etc. :)

leiselerin January 30th, 2017


SI For punishment.... yes!! Ugh! And all other things you mentioned. Thanks for sharing. Feels good to know I'm not alone!

RayneStorm February 2nd, 2017

@leiselerin Anytime. We're never alone in this battle that is life. Even when we feel we are, there's always someone out there who can relate. :)