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Looking for bpd people

Lovebubble 2 days ago

"Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and I’m really curious to hear how others manage their symptoms. It can feel overwhelming at times, and I’d love to connect with people who understand what it's like living with BPD. I’m looking for support, shared experiences, and maybe even some tips or coping strategies that have worked for you. I think it would be helpful to talk to others who get what I'm going through. How do you all deal with the emotional highs and lows and anxiety?

AffyAvo 2 days ago

@Lovebubble There's a community for personity disorders and you can further filter threads within the community.

I'm actually going to move this thread there for you.

caralove 1 day ago

Thanks 👍 👍

QuietMagic 10 hours ago


Hi, welcome! 💜 Just passing along a couple links:

  • HERE is a link to the Browse Listeners page, filtered to verified listeners who take chats on BPD and have lived experience with it
  • HERE is a list of resources related to BPD

Have you found anything that you've felt like has helped with the emotional highs/lows so far?


I don't have BPD, but in terms of coping with emotional intensity, I feel like I've gotten a lot of mileage out of journaling, self-compassion, mindfulness, and physical wellness (sleep/diet/exercise).

The first few are sort of like creating non-judgmental, sensitive, loving space for what I'm feeling. The physical stuff feels like it just helps with my body not panicking quite as much.

Sharing with other people is great too, but I guess it depends on finding the right person who's able to understand what's going on and be patient, calm, and practical with any complications that might arise.