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Is it okay to..?

LucieLucie February 28th, 2021

I have been lost for past 4 years. I studied at two universities, yet quit them both. I havent moved anywhere with my life, lost all of my friends and cost my family a fortune as they support me through my student/unemployed time. Im trying to enter med school this year, but have been struggling again. I have recently discovered I am borderline and finally am learning how to live with it. Is it okay to give myself a break and be kind to myself because I have just found out? Would it be fine if I dont get into med school this year and take the time to learn to control it and get my shit together? Even though I will soon be 24 yo so a year long delay begins to be huge for me as I would go out of school at 31?

calmCake1350 February 28th, 2021

Dear Lucile: To go or not to go to Med School this year is your decision and both are valuable options as long as you feel happy. But, in my opinion, you should go. The best way to deal with mental/ health/ etc. issues is to keep life going, to dare to take small steps each day. Moreover, you’ll keep your mind occupied. An empty mind is the devil’s workshop. You’re overthinking, worrying too much about the past, about how old you will be when you finish school. Don’t. Focus on the small things and take it day by day. I have the benefit of some experience, I’ve been there, overthinking, worrying too much (still am, tbh). I can totally relate. Kind regards, 🧁

LucieLucie OP March 1st, 2021

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience, it means a lot 🙂 I forgot to mention that the reason I am considering taking one year off is 1) because I took too much time changing my mind and now its most probable I wont pass the entrance exams but most importantly 2) I have a chance to enter a TFP group therapy taking place 5 days a week for 9 months and I feel like this could be a life changing experience for me. But of course not possible during med school, thats why 🙃