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Info on borderline personality disorder please

MamaHippo July 12th, 2019

I've been thinking over the years I might have borderline personality disorder but I don't know much about it. I'd like to learn more

JensiJ July 12th, 2019


I can't seem to link it but there's several pages online that break down the symptoms. That's how I put the pieces together. Good luck!! ❤

RarelyCharlie July 12th, 2019

@MamaHippo There is a lot of information on the Internet, of course. I am not an expert, but BPD Central looks good to me.

Unfortunately a lot of websites still have out of date information from before 2011, when the official definition of BPD changed. If you see something like, "five or more of the following" and then a list of nine things, that's the out of date version.

It is not possible to diagnose yourself from things you read on the Internet. To be sure about whether you have BPD, you would need to seek professional help, maybe by starting with your doctor and getting a referral for assessment by a mental health professional.


azuladragon34 August 5th, 2019
indigoCup1959 August 6th, 2019


I can also point you to here.

This is also a good introduction

You might also like to look at c-PTSD which many people say is the same thing. I have never sought a diagnosis as I pay for my own therapy. I think it is best to avoid a diagnosis if you can because labels and boxes tend to make you fixed in the box. I call my state of being borderlininess. I exhibit most of the "symptoms" that have been ascribed to this condition over the years, I find it useful to look at these characteristics because it helps me in my therapeutic endeavours. My therapist nodded when I referred to my borderliness, that is all we needed to say about it. I do definitely have c-PTSD.

The treatment that is getting more focus these days is bodywork and if you read Bessel Van der Kolk's The body keeps the Score you will see why. Otherwise DBT skills are great. There is a resource on 7 cups which is one of the core issues for BPD

cassper August 10th, 2019


I have actually been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, I thought I would reach out in case you want to chat to somebody who may know what youre going through - please feel free to reach out, I would love to chat!

lampy August 21st, 2019

Hi, one good source is also Youtube. Just search for "borderline" and ou'll get plenty of results. From therapists giving advice to people sharing their story and so. I hope it helps.