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Personality Disorders Support Community Taglist
by theriverissinging
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...See more This thread controls an auto-updating taglist. To see the current list, go to Personality Disorders Support Community Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words “Please add me.” To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words, “Please remove me.” Taglist to be used for check-ins, discussions, events and announcements. Taglist as of Sept 2024 @Adeline12345 @AlfAndthemachine @alleywood13 @Alwaysinpyjamas @ambitiousVase1322 @amicableDime9946 @AndreaDawn @arbanon @ARC80 @AutumnLauren6 @autumnthemoth @Avocado22 @azuladragon34 @b4Damion @BaggageClaim @berrymimi @bestcase @Blue123456618 @blueAngel00 @caringPerspective41 @CheerySandi @ChristmasGift @courageousPond1835 @crang17 @crimsonPlane2738 @cyanPlatypus6370 @dagaz13th @DamagedOne13 @daydreammemories @dberryy @diamondintheROUGH2022 @DIDisaythat @DoggoMom @ebonyyyblondie89 @EddaLayla @emerijourney @EmmaSwan18 @EmotionalNerd @Everythingisbetterinyourpyjamas @fearlessOcean2254 @fearlessSouth4632 @fireyseastar97 @FloweringBunny @forcefulFriend4768 @FreakFactor7 @Glue @Goldcherry2113 @GRAPSPRO2033 @GreenScarab @Hadeel96 @HashiramaNinja @Healing0Pillow @healingHeart1111 @heartycitrus @HopeandFaith @Hyacinth22 @IdolPigment @ImaginativePenny152 @imclover @indigoCup1959 @intelligentWheel627 @Irishrose78 @itsmeow @Jasminerice @Jish07541 @JoniGirl @Jupiterbeingahuman @JusticiaPrimalDorogo @JustSophia @K87 @kindTurtle3738 @LabeledBPD @LadyNikita @LavenderFlower @learningtolovemyself @Lemino @LightsFromDark @Lilac4Roses @LiliTwolsky @limeRaspberries2286 @lovelyWords13 @LoveTracker @maple23 @MeeshyRB @MelG919 @missg @Mkmultra @munchiegoosie @nervoussmiles @NightshadeVenom @Nubia87 @OneErased @optimisticMagic0014 @OrangePeel24 @Oxymoron6demon @passionateJackfruit5095 @Piggy @placidShade4261 @Pointlesswords @Psalm139 @QueenBee03 @QueenSerenity5 @QuietMagic @racqueldawn @raininglillies13 @raspberryWatermelon7195 @Red789 @RelaxedPanda @RemorseCode2 @Rex0911 @RoadLessTraveled @runaway101 @SadBlueEyes @selfdisciplinedBunny232 @ShyCat1678201 @SilverSeastar @Sleepwalkermw @spectacularCandy9984 @Stardew3 @Starilus @StrangeKat @sunflower2480 @Tamy4210 @Tatianaalize @tohealthemoon @toucans @Triscups @Twigo7 @uniqueRose1689 @versatilePomegranate60 @WalkingCrow @witchyyrose @Xe @xmoonsie16x0 @YourCaringConfidant
DBTuesday Masterpost
by QuietMagic
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August 6th
...See more This thread lists all of the DBTuesday posts in chronological order. Click on anything in blue [] you are interested in exploring! Note: These are self-help and community resources collected and organized from reliable sources and not to be treated as actual conventional therapy. Module 1: Mindfulness Introduction to DBT [] Discussion #1: Overview [] Discussion #2: Observing [] Discussion #3: Mental Body Scan [] Discussion #4: Describing [] Discussion #5: Mental Noting [] Discussion #6: Mindful Breathing [] Discussion #7: Wise Mind [] Discussion #8: Negative Judgments [] Module 2: Distress Tolerance Discussion #1: Overview [] Discussion #2: ACCEPTS [] Discussion #3: TIPP [] Discussion #4: Self-Soothing [] Discussion #5: IMPROVE [] Discussion #6: Pros/Cons [] Discussion #7: Problem Solving [] Discussion #8: Radical Acceptance [] Module 3: Emotion Regulation Discussion #1: Overview [] Discussion #2: Understanding Emotions [] Discussion #3: ABC PLEASE - Accumulate Positive Experiences ("A") [] Discussion #4: ABC PLEASE - Build Mastery ("B") [] Discussion #5: ABC PLEASE - Cope Ahead ("C") [] Discussion #6: ABC PLEASE - Physical Health ("PLEASE") [] Discussion #7: Opposite Action [] Discussion #8: Letting Go [] Discussion #9: Self-Validation [] Discussion #10: Cognitive Vulnerability [] Module 4. Interpersonal Effectiveness Discussion #1: Overview [] Discussion #2: Interpersonal Rights [] Discussion #3: Communication Styles [] Discussion #4: DEAR MAN [] Discussion #5: GIVE [] Discussion #6: FAST [] Discussion #7: THINK [] Discussion #8: Boundaries [] Discussion #9: Validation [] Discussion #10: Trust []
Personality Disorders Support Community Navigation
by theriverissinging
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August 21st, 2022
...See more work in progress Hello, welcome! In this thread, we shall introduce and promote all activities which happen for our community, we will also share all the scheduled sessions and events under this thread. Resources * DBTuesday Masterpost [] * Thoughtful Thursday Masterpost [] * BPD [] * NPD [] * HPD [] * DPD [] * SPD [] * ASPD [] * OCPD [] * PPD [] * AVPD [] * STPD [] Community Leaders [] Community Taglist [] – to be used for check-ins, discussions, events and announcements.
Looking for bpd people
by Lovebubble
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9 hours ago
...See more "Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and I’m really curious to hear how others manage their symptoms. It can feel overwhelming at times, and I’d love to connect with people who understand what it's like living with BPD. I’m looking for support, shared experiences, and maybe even some tips or coping strategies that have worked for you. I think it would be helpful to talk to others who get what I'm going through. How do you all deal with the emotional highs and lows and anxiety?
by rabbitandthehare
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10 hours ago
...See more I keep trying to vent on TalkLife even though my vents usually get removed because of the content and such. I don't know why, but people keep assuming that I'm lying about what I experience. I'm not lying. I am simply just trying to vent, find a friend, and figure my mind out as it develops. Whenevrr I get accused of faking I kinda doubt myself since I'm not diagnosed with CD (conduct disorder) yet, so I don't Really know and can't defend myself since nothing's official. I guess violent/morbid thoughts, chronic boredom, and sadism are totally unbelievable. I don't think it's common either, at all. I'm trying really hard not to be distant with friends, cause I can't be sentimental with them when they're being sentimental towards me, and I don't know how to think of them as friends or to not feel like our relationship is the exact same as the relationship I have with my dog. Why would they want me to be their friend if that's the case? Currently, I'm cold, tired and hungry.
Just Sharing
by rabbitandthehare
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10 hours ago
...See more Hi. I’m sixteen, and I mostly joined this app for friends who have similar traits as me. Also for validation, and to be heard, and such. I’m currently working on a re-diagnosis for Conduct Disorder and possibly get diagnosed with ASPD once I’m eighteen. I got misdiagnosed with psychotic MDD and I think it was because since it was my first time getting diagnosed with anything, I was told that they were gonna ask me specific questions during the Intake and the evaluation. They didn’t do that, so I didn’t know what to say or when to say it. Resulting in them giving me the wrong test. I knew it was wrong because it clearly wasn’t covering all my symptoms and there weren’t any ‘deep’ questions. They were all a bit vague. I experience sadism, self-sadism, rage, and boredom a lot. Those are the only emotions I can feel. Every other emotion feels hollow/numb whenever I do things like smile or laugh. I have really intense urges and thoughts that are violent and homicidal, and impulsive urges. I suppress most of my urges though, and to try to cope with literally everything I decided to write a novel. I also listen to a lot of metal and rock, etc. I definitely have issues with smiling and/or laughing at inappropriate times, and I lack a lot of empathy and remorse. I think for a lot of things in my life that are particularly negative (like losing a friend, or having a morbid thought) I move on really quickly. Kinda realized that when my therapist asked me what I felt like after a certain period of time. Analyzing people’s behavior and how their body functions is also something prone for me. And my boredom usually involves maladaptive urges and such. I’m just sharing all of this because maybe there’s someone else who experiences at least Some stuff. I hope this was all okay to share, and I hope I’m not seen as a stereotype or something. I tried going on Reddit but one of the mod team members thought I was lying and the other one said I was underage and immediately kicked me out of their group. The app ‘TalkLife’ kept removing my posts when I tried sharing what was going on.
Personality Disorders Community Check-in: September 19th–September 25th
by QuietMagic
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11 hours ago
...See more Hello, PD Support Community! Image source [] 💜 How has your week been so far? 💜 What is something that you're looking forward to? [I didn't have much luck finding something to discuss based on the National Today [] site, so this week's questions don't have any particular theme or inspiration. Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day to you too. 😅] If you prefer not to answer these questions, feel free to say hello, ask for a hug, or share anything else that's on your mind. 💜 If you would like to be added or removed from the taglist, click here [] Taglist: @Adeline12345 @AlfAndthemachine @alleywood13 @Alwaysinpyjamas @ambitiousVase1322 @amicableDime9946 @AndreaDawn @arbanon @ARC80 @AutumnLauren6 @autumnthemoth @Avocado22 @azuladragon34 @b4Damion @BaggageClaim @berrymimi @bestcase @Blue123456618 @blueAngel00 @caringPerspective41 @CheerySandi @ChristmasGift @courageousPond1835 @crang17 @crimsonPlane2738 @cyanPlatypus6370 @dagaz13th @DamagedOne13 @daydreammemories @dberryy @diamondintheROUGH2022 @DIDisaythat @DoggoMom @ebonyyyblondie89 @EddaLayla @emerijourney @EmmaSwan18 @EmotionalNerd @Everythingisbetterinyourpyjamas @fearlessOcean2254 @fearlessSouth4632 @fireyseastar97 @FloweringBunny @forcefulFriend4768 @FreakFactor7 @Glue @Goldcherry2113 @GRAPSPRO2033 @GreenScarab @Hadeel96 @HashiramaNinja @Healing0Pillow @healingHeart1111 @heartycitrus @HopeandFaith @Hyacinth22 @IdolPigment @ImaginativePenny152 @imclover @indigoCup1959 @intelligentWheel627 @Irishrose78 @itsmeow @Jasminerice @Jish07541 @JoniGirl @Jupiterbeingahuman @JusticiaPrimalDorogo @JustSophia @K87 @kindTurtle3738 @LabeledBPD @LadyNikita @LavenderFlower @learningtolovemyself @Lemino @LightsFromDark @Lilac4Roses @LiliTwolsky @limeRaspberries2286 @lovelyWords13 @LoveTracker @maple23 @MeeshyRB @MelG919 @missg @Mkmultra @munchiegoosie @nervoussmiles @NightshadeVenom @Nubia87 @OneErased @optimisticMagic0014 @OrangePeel24 @Oxymoron6demon @passionateJackfruit5095 @Piggy @placidShade4261 @Pointlesswords @Psalm139 @QueenBee03 @QueenSerenity5 @QuietMagic @racqueldawn @raininglillies13 @raspberryWatermelon7195 @Red789 @RelaxedPanda @RemorseCode2 @Rex0911 @RoadLessTraveled @runaway101 @SadBlueEyes @selfdisciplinedBunny232 @ShyCat1678201 @SilverSeastar @Sleepwalkermw @spectacularCandy9984 @Stardew3 @Starilus @StrangeKat @sunflower2480 @Tamy4210 @Tatianaalize @tohealthemoon @toucans @Triscups @Twigo7 @uniqueRose1689 @versatilePomegranate60 @WalkingCrow @witchyyrose @Xe @xmoonsie16x0
I'm like two people
by Torean
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1 day ago
...See more Can anyone else relate to this? I haven't been diagnosed as anything but (rule out) schizophrenic. That basically means they suspect it, but it's not a formal diagnosis. I've had a voice, not my own, speak into my mind at certain parts of my life and it never had anything good to say. I've also had a couple of instances where I did something and was dissociated enough that I wasn't present in mind, and could only remember aspects that seemed like a dream. Most of that hasn't happened for a while, but I feel like two people. One who wants to be responsible, work towards things, stay sincere, and invest my time and energy in home life. The other one just wants to keep people at a certain distance, just wants to go out and explore, wants to be promiscuous, and sees more negatives in the people close to me. I mean, it's still my mind, and I'm remembering all of this, but whichever side I am at the moment, I feel disgusted about the other side. I think a lot of it has to do with how I really don't have a sense of security whatsoever.
Less-Symptoms of BPD (Part 3) 💖🌷
by crypticwhisperss1
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2 days ago
...See more Hello, everyone! Now that we've discussed the types of BPD, it's time to have an overview of the uncommon symptoms that are experienced by some people with the disorder. This is a fascinating topic that I am excited to introduce, especially that it is based on research and factual evidence. 🤩 These symptoms include: ↬ Pervasive Shame: As defined by John Bradshaw, "Toxic shame is experienced as the all-pervasive sense that I am flawed and defective as a human being. It is a state of being, a core identity. Toxic shame gives you a sense of worthlessness, the feeling of being isolated, empty, and alone." This deep, internalized shame can profoundly impact a person's sense of self-worth and ability to maintain healthy relationships. ↬ Undefined Boundaries: Someone with BPD might say, "I was brought up thinking that the perfect intimate relationship had no boundaries. Boundaries only meant a rift between people. Boundaries meant I had to be alone, separate, and have an identity. I didn't feel good enough to have a separate identity. I needed either total enmeshment or total isolation." This black-and-white thinking around relationships can make it very difficult for those with the disorder to establish appropriate emotional and physical boundaries.  ↬ Control Issues: People with this condition may need to feel in control of other people because they feel out of control with themselves. They may try to make their own world more predictable and manageable. This desire for control often stems from deep-seated fears of abandonment and a lack of inner stability.  ↬ Lack of Object Constancy: This is a significant symptom that is often discussed but did not make it into the DSM. When we feel lonely, we can soothe ourselves by remembering the love that others have for us. However, individuals with BPD find it difficult to evoke an image of a loved one when they feel upset or anxious. If that person is not physically present, they just don't exist on an emotional level. This is why the person with BPD may call their loved ones frequently just to make sure they still care about them. The inability to maintain an internalized sense of connection with others can be incredibly distressing.  ↬ Interpersonal Sensitivity: It has been observed that borderline individuals are adept at reading other people and uncovering their triggers and vulnerabilities. This may be because they learned to carefully read the cues of people around them, or because they rely on others for their emotional stability. Some findings suggest BPD traits that might enhance the ability to detect mental states and subtle facial expressions of others, but that's not always true. Other studies have shown that people with BPD have higher error rates for recognition of emotionally expressive faces compared to healthy control. However, they display higher accuracy in detecting fearful faces. It all depends on the specific context and individual differences among those with the disorder.  ↬ Situational Competence: Some people with BPD appear non-disordered at work and perform very well, even being high achievers, while others find it arduous to hold a job. Marsha Linehan, an American psychologist and author, calls this "situational competence."  ↬ Narcissistic Demands: This is quite different from being a narcissist, which is a different case. This refers to the fact that some people frequently bring the focus of attention back to themselves. They may react to things based solely on how it affects them. However, drawing the attention to themselves does NOT mean that people with BPD lack empathy. It is likely correlated with overwhelming emotions that can make it difficult to focus on the emotional well-beings of others. For example, a child in a grocery store craving a cookie may be very compassionate and make friends with all the lonely children at school. But in the moment of wanting the cookie, they are not going to care about their father's feelings. They might throw a tantrum and saying hurtful words in order to get the cookie. This does not indicate that people with BPD are dramatic or uncaring by nature. Rather, it suggests that in the grip of strong emotions, their focus can narrow and their ability to consider others' perspectives becomes compromised.  References: ------------------------- I truly hope this post has helped to emphasize on the more complex and uncommon aspects of borderline personality disorder. A lot of these characteristics aren't yet included in the official diagnostic criteria. There remains a lot of debate and nuance around how these behaviors truly manifest in people with BPD. However, I believe that it's important that we keep educating ourselves and staying up-to-date on the revolving research and perspectives. Although these traits are unofficial, they can contribute to additional stigma and misunderstanding that those with BPD already face. Our role should be to approach this with empathy, spread awareness, and try to see the heartfelt humanity and inherent beauty behind the immense turmoil that borderline individuals experience.  So, what do you think about this post? I'd be really curious to hear your perspectives!  Thank you for your time, and take care! 💛🌻 ~ Xaverie ♡
Personality Disorders Community Check-in: September 12th–September 18th
by QuietMagic
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3 days ago
...See more Hello, PD Support Community! Image source [] 💙 What have you been working on or exploring lately? 💙 What is something that you find encouraging right now? (Today is National Day of Encouragement [].) If you prefer not to answer these questions, feel free to say hello, ask for a hug, or share anything else that's on your mind. 💙 If you would like to be added or removed from the taglist, click here [] Taglist: @Adeline12345 @AlfAndthemachine @alleywood13 @Alwaysinpyjamas @ambitiousVase1322 @amicableDime9946 @AndreaDawn @arbanon @ARC80 @AutumnLauren6 @autumnthemoth @Avocado22 @azuladragon34 @b4Damion @BaggageClaim @berrymimi @bestcase @Blue123456618 @blueAngel00 @caringPerspective41 @CheerySandi @ChristmasGift @courageousPond1835 @crang17 @crimsonPlane2738 @cyanPlatypus6370 @dagaz13th @DamagedOne13 @daydreammemories @dberryy @diamondintheROUGH2022 @DIDisaythat @DoggoMom @ebonyyyblondie89 @EddaLayla @emerijourney @EmmaSwan18 @EmotionalNerd @Everythingisbetterinyourpyjamas @fearlessOcean2254 @fearlessSouth4632 @fireyseastar97 @FloweringBunny @forcefulFriend4768 @FreakFactor7 @Glue @Goldcherry2113 @GRAPSPRO2033 @GreenScarab @Hadeel96 @HashiramaNinja @Healing0Pillow @healingHeart1111 @heartycitrus @HopeandFaith @Hyacinth22 @IdolPigment @ImaginativePenny152 @imclover @indigoCup1959 @intelligentWheel627 @Irishrose78 @itsmeow @Jasminerice @Jish07541 @JoniGirl @Jupiterbeingahuman @JusticiaPrimalDorogo @JustSophia @K87 @kindTurtle3738 @LadyNikita @LavenderFlower @learningtolovemyself @Lemino @LightsFromDark @Lilac4Roses @LiliTwolsky @limeRaspberries2286 @lovelyWords13 @LoveTracker @maple23 @MeeshyRB @MelG919 @missg @Mkmultra @munchiegoosie @nervoussmiles @NightshadeVenom @Nubia87 @OneErased @optimisticMagic0014 @OrangePeel24 @Oxymoron6demon @passionateJackfruit5095 @Piggy @placidShade4261 @Pointlesswords @Psalm139 @QueenBee03 @QueenSerenity5 @QuietMagic @racqueldawn @raininglillies13 @raspberryWatermelon7195 @Red789 @RelaxedPanda @RemorseCode2 @Rex0911 @RoadLessTraveled @runaway101 @SadBlueEyes @selfdisciplinedBunny232 @ShyCat1678201 @SilverSeastar @Sleepwalkermw @spectacularCandy9984 @Stardew3 @Starilus @StrangeKat @sunflower2480 @Tamy4210 @Tatianaalize @tohealthemoon @toucans @Triscups @Twigo7 @uniqueRose1689 @versatilePomegranate60 @WalkingCrow @witchyyrose @Xe @xmoonsie16x0 @YourCaringConfidan
by intellectualCurrent1663
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...See more Hi. I'm a 19-year-old female. I've been struggling with BPD for a long time, but I was diagnosed two months ago. I'm having a hard time expressing my feelings and emotions. I can't even share them with my close ones. Because of this, I lost my friendship three days ago (my only best friend). Now I'm struggling even more because of it. I've hurt my loved ones in anger, and I can't control it. I keep getting suicidal thoughts. I don't know what to do. I've completely isolated myself. I even wrote a metaphor to express how I feel. The Unseen Prison Imagine you're in a crowded, noisy room. You're standing in front of a door that leads to a glass room, but only you can see it. Inside, there's someone punching the glass walls, saying, 'Hear me. Let me out.' She's begging to be freed, and you can hear her clearly. Sometimes she even says, 'Wake up, girl, wake up.' You can feel her punches and hear her voice, but you still ignore her. You want to let her out, but you don't know how. When you try to tell others, they just laugh at you and say there's no glass room. Their words make the glass even stronger. What can i ask for?? Ahh...🙃
Personality Disorders Support Community Taglist
by theriverissinging
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...See more This thread controls an auto-updating taglist. To see the current list, go to Personality Disorders Support Community Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words “Please add me.” To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Reply button in this post and write the exact words, “Please remove me.” Taglist to be used for check-ins, discussions, events and announcements. Taglist as of Sept 2024 @Adeline12345 @AlfAndthemachine @alleywood13 @Alwaysinpyjamas @ambitiousVase1322 @amicableDime9946 @AndreaDawn @arbanon @ARC80 @AutumnLauren6 @autumnthemoth @Avocado22 @azuladragon34 @b4Damion @BaggageClaim @berrymimi @bestcase @Blue123456618 @blueAngel00 @caringPerspective41 @CheerySandi @ChristmasGift @courageousPond1835 @crang17 @crimsonPlane2738 @cyanPlatypus6370 @dagaz13th @DamagedOne13 @daydreammemories @dberryy @diamondintheROUGH2022 @DIDisaythat @DoggoMom @ebonyyyblondie89 @EddaLayla @emerijourney @EmmaSwan18 @EmotionalNerd @Everythingisbetterinyourpyjamas @fearlessOcean2254 @fearlessSouth4632 @fireyseastar97 @FloweringBunny @forcefulFriend4768 @FreakFactor7 @Glue @Goldcherry2113 @GRAPSPRO2033 @GreenScarab @Hadeel96 @HashiramaNinja @Healing0Pillow @healingHeart1111 @heartycitrus @HopeandFaith @Hyacinth22 @IdolPigment @ImaginativePenny152 @imclover @indigoCup1959 @intelligentWheel627 @Irishrose78 @itsmeow @Jasminerice @Jish07541 @JoniGirl @Jupiterbeingahuman @JusticiaPrimalDorogo @JustSophia @K87 @kindTurtle3738 @LabeledBPD @LadyNikita @LavenderFlower @learningtolovemyself @Lemino @LightsFromDark @Lilac4Roses @LiliTwolsky @limeRaspberries2286 @lovelyWords13 @LoveTracker @maple23 @MeeshyRB @MelG919 @missg @Mkmultra @munchiegoosie @nervoussmiles @NightshadeVenom @Nubia87 @OneErased @optimisticMagic0014 @OrangePeel24 @Oxymoron6demon @passionateJackfruit5095 @Piggy @placidShade4261 @Pointlesswords @Psalm139 @QueenBee03 @QueenSerenity5 @QuietMagic @racqueldawn @raininglillies13 @raspberryWatermelon7195 @Red789 @RelaxedPanda @RemorseCode2 @Rex0911 @RoadLessTraveled @runaway101 @SadBlueEyes @selfdisciplinedBunny232 @ShyCat1678201 @SilverSeastar @Sleepwalkermw @spectacularCandy9984 @Stardew3 @Starilus @StrangeKat @sunflower2480 @Tamy4210 @Tatianaalize @tohealthemoon @toucans @Triscups @Twigo7 @uniqueRose1689 @versatilePomegranate60 @WalkingCrow @witchyyrose @Xe @xmoonsie16x0 @YourCaringConfidant
I think I have bpd
by Truev0rtex
Last post
September 12th
...See more Hey, I've been thinking lately that I have bpd, the more I read about it the more I'm certain, I can feel so good and then feel so low for just hearing a word, I'm always scared from losing people I love, I overthink if they were like 5 mins late to reply, that made them leave, so I'm lonely and I feel so empty, I can feel so positive abt some and after them doing little thing I'll be hating them and I'll be feeling like I should leave, I tend to punish myself sometimes, yeah and I don't abt myself sometimes I hate myself sometimes I feel pity about myself. I didn't talk to friends irl or family cuz they wouldn't understand. I can't go to therapy irl I'm too anxious I don't want anyone to know abt my mental illness. Can u share ur thoughts with me, specially the people how's aware abt bpd, do u think that I might get diagnosed with bpd? If u have anything in ur head u can ask me I'll answer anything.
Issues I’d Like to Discuss
by fairmindedCircle3939
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September 12th
...See more I’m struggling with anger and overthinking, often triggered by my parents' frequent arguments, which have been a part of my life since childhood. This environment seems to have influenced my own emotional responses, causing frustration and self-hate. I also feel misunderstood and lonely, which sometimes leads me to believe these problems are my fault.
Personality Disorders Community Check-in: September 5th–September 11th
by QuietMagic
Last post
September 10th
...See more Hello, PD Support Community! Image source [] Today is National Shrink Day [], for all those in the U.S. who celebrate. 😊 💚 How has your week been so far? 💚 What are your thoughts on the current state of psychology and psychiatry? If you prefer not to answer these questions, feel free to say hello, ask for a hug, or share anything else that's on your mind. 💚 If you would like to be added or removed from the taglist, click here [] Taglist: @Adeline12345 @AlfAndthemachine @alleywood13 @Alwaysinpyjamas @ambitiousVase1322 @amicableDime9946 @AndreaDawn @arbanon @ARC80 @AutumnLauren6 @autumnthemoth @Avocado22 @azuladragon34 @b4Damion @BaggageClaim @berrymimi @bestcase @Blue123456618 @blueAngel00 @caringPerspective41 @CheerySandi @ChristmasGift @courageousPond1835 @crang17 @crimsonPlane2738 @cyanPlatypus6370 @dagaz13th @DamagedOne13 @daydreammemories @dberryy @diamondintheROUGH2022 @DIDisaythat @DoggoMom @ebonyyyblondie89 @EddaLayla @emerijourney @EmmaSwan18 @EmotionalNerd @Everythingisbetterinyourpyjamas @fearlessOcean2254 @fearlessSouth4632 @fireyseastar97 @FloweringBunny @forcefulFriend4768 @FreakFactor7 @Glue @Goldcherry2113 @GRAPSPRO2033 @GreenScarab @Hadeel96 @HashiramaNinja @Healing0Pillow @healingHeart1111 @heartycitrus @HopeandFaith @Hyacinth22 @ImaginativePenny152 @imclover @indigoCup1959 @intelligentWheel627 @Irishrose78 @itsmeow @Jasminerice @Jish07541 @JoniGirl @Jupiterbeingahuman @JusticiaPrimalDorogo @JustSophia @K87 @kindTurtle3738 @LadyNikita @LavenderFlower @learningtolovemyself @Lemino @LightsFromDark @Lilac4Roses @LiliTwolsky @limeRaspberries2286 @lovelyWords13 @LoveTracker @maple23 @MeeshyRB @MelG919 @missg @Mkmultra @munchiegoosie @nervoussmiles @NightshadeVenom @Nubia87 @OneErased @optimisticMagic0014 @OrangePeel24 @Oxymoron6demon @passionateJackfruit5095 @Piggy @placidShade4261 @Pointlesswords @Psalm139 @QueenBee03 @QueenSerenity5 @QuietMagic @racqueldawn @raininglillies13 @raspberryWatermelon7195 @Red789 @RelaxedPanda @RemorseCode2 @Rex0911 @RoadLessTraveled @runaway101 @SadBlueEyes @selfdisciplinedBunny232 @ShyCat1678201 @SilverSeastar @Sleepwalkermw @spectacularCandy9984 @Stardew3 @Starilus @StrangeKat @sunflower2480 @Tamy4210 @Tatianaalize @tohealthemoon @toucans @Triscups @Twigo7 @uniqueRose1689 @versatilePomegranate60 @WalkingCrow @witchyyrose @Xe @xmoonsie16x0 @YourCaringConfidant

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Hello Personality Disorders Subcommunity.

Our priority is making this a safe space for those who have personality disorders. 

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  • Please use the Family and Caregivers Subcommunity for family issues as they are able to provide you with more fitting support.

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    2) Deleted if they cannot be edited.

  • Threads where support is required for family or relationship issues with a PD will be moved to Trauma Support, Family and Caregivers or Relationship support subcommunity where it best fits.
  • Supportive or neutral threads like “How do I support my partner with PD” can remain in their respective forum sections.

  • Discussing personal issues like “My partner has NPD and it’s really difficult to cope with their diagnosis”, communication issues, stigma and other such issues are allowed in their respective forum sections.


Please be mindful of how your words may affect people with personality disorders. Avoid using language or labels in a way that is stigmatizing, stereotyping, invalidating, or generalizing. Explained in depth below:

General guidelines to be inclusive:

  • Use people-first language, such as “person with personality disorder” or “individual with personality disorder” 

  • Be ethically responsible and mindful of how your post impacts people with personality disorders.

  • Do not label individuals and don’t use labels in a derogatory way or with a prerogative meaning.

  • Avoid phrases and language that excludes people with personality disorders or place them into an outgroup. Example: “These people with Personality Disorders” or “They who have Personality Disorders”. Please instead use “Those with Personality Disorders” or simply “People with Personality Disorders”

Guidelines to follow when explaining a personality disorder:

People often borrow from psychological texts to explain what they perceive to be a personality disorder. 


A psychologist or psychiatrist is a trained professional and their activity of segregating types, symptoms, severity of disorders, etc. is conducted from a diagnostic perspective. 

Issue 1.

We are not trained individuals. While we may try to offer helpful information, those descriptions can be disparaging to people with personality disorders.

Issue 2.

Oftentimes when such distinctions are explained by people who do not have lived experience with personality disorders, these distinctions portray people with personality disorders in a negative light.

❌Please do not:

  • Promote labelling individuals, especially based on perceived differences; it is not helpful and only an individual can label themselves. 

  • Cater content towards those who are not people with personality disorders, with an intent to defame, malign or slander people with personality disorders.

  • Promote stereotypical images of what individuals with personality disorders are like. 

  • Promote unhealthy standards of behavior for people with personality disorders.

  • Invalidate the lived experiences of people with personality disorders. 

  • Promote stigmas and prejudices associated with personality disorders. 

✅You can however:

  • Critically represent data or engage in supportive discussions on psychological texts which are from credible sources and catered towards the benefit of people with personality disorders.

  • Raise issues in a supportive way, promote self care, share coping mechanisms, start a conversation or share personal experiences.

Hence when threads conflict with the personal wellbeing or interests or an individual with personality disorders, these posts/threads will be corrected or deleted, under the following guidelines.

  1. Unsupportive content including targeting or attacking other users in the community is not allowed. Disagreements may happen, but always maintain a respectful tone and try to move the conversation forward in an on-topic and constructive way. Sometimes this means agreeing to disagree. Click here for expanded guideline post

  2. In order to maintain a therapeutic space, we delete forum posts that take away from a supportive forum environment. If a forum post is not helpful, nor positive, then it will be deleted. Click here for expanded guideline post 

Guidelines to follow when explaining symptoms of personality disorders:

The line between what is a descriptive symptom and what is stereotypical can be very thin. Hence we are sharing some rules of thumb to explain how you can stray away from generalizations and stay supportive. 

❌Please do not:

  • Describe someone from perceived actions or behavior. 

  • Assume or assert the personal motivations of an individual.

  • Use emotive descriptive words which attribute malicious intent to the experience of a person with personality disorders.

✅You can however: 

  • Highlight the internal experience of the individual.

  • Identify that these symptoms are on a spectrum. 

  • Explain critically the experiences of the individual who has these symptoms from their perspective.

  • Use emotive words which describe how a person with personality disorder feels. 

When a thread does not follow the above guidelines and portrays any symptoms or individuals with personality disorders as abusers or in a negative light, they will be corrected or deleted under the following guideline:

3. Inflammatory, racist, sexist, offensive, homophobic, transphobic, etc. posts are not allowed. Posting about the impacts of abuse, racism, sexism, etc. or seeking support on these topics is allowed. Click here for expanded guideline post

If you believe a forum moderator has edited or deleted your post in error, you can email and we will investigate.

Note to Forum Leaders:
Appropriate action: If at all possible, the forum moderator should remove the unsupportive content while retaining the post. All edits should include the forum moderator’s name and the reason for editing (e.g. unsupportive content). In the event that the post cannot be retained, the forum moderator will delete the whole post.

Note to Group Leaders:
These guidelines will be followed in the Personality Disorders Chat Room as well.

  • At first please gently nudge the conversation towards a supportive atmosphere.

  • Gently correct any misconceptions, stereotypes or stigmas.

  • Use your de-escalation skills as per the room supporter training to resolve conflicts if they arise.

  • Gently explain or remind the speaker that their stance although with the best of intentions is not helpful or supportive to people who have personality disorders and this is firstmost a safe space for people with personality disorders.

  • Please share the link of this page when necessary.

  • Call a community moderator on duty if you need support; you can fill in the emergency form available in “Chatroom Guidelines” for the same.

  • If a member still insists on seeking support regarding their issue, please refer them to a one-on-one chat or rooms such as Support Room 24/7.

Community Leaders
Forum Supporter
Community Resources

Time Zone Converter: click HERE

7 cups Crisis Resources: click HERE 

About Dissociation : click HERE

Distress Guide: click HERE 

Help Managing Emotions: click HERE 

About OCD : click HERE 

Room Discussions: click HERE

Resources for BPD: click HERE