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Space for @JustWantingToMakeFriends and Berry


@JustWantingToMakeFriends Hiiii there! How are you doing? I'm always here for you, Friends. 💙 Lemme know if you'd like me to call you something else. 😊


Hi Berry! I’m doing alright, what about you?:)

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP January 11th
@JustWantingToMakeFriends I'm happy to hear that you're doing alright. 😊 I guess I'm doing okay today, it's my birthday today so there's some change from the boring everyday routine so I'm feeling better than I usually do.

Happy birthday!!! That’s so fun :D

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP January 14th


Thank you sooo much, Ray! 💛

I'm really sorry for such a late reply, I've been a bit busy because I had exams going on. Luckily they are over and hopefully my replies won't be so delayed anymore.

How's your day going so far? Anything you'd like to talk about?

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP January 18th

@JustWantingToMakeFriends Hi Ray, how have you been lately? :)


Hey berry! Sorry I haven’t been able to respond, I’ve been ok I guess. What about you? ^ヮ^ ☆

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP January 28th

@JustWantingToMakeFriends Hey Ray! It's okay, don't worry I understand. It's good to hear that you've been okay. I'm like, not great but managing, you know. Thanks for asking. Is there something you'd like to share or talk about? :)


I’ve just mainly been struggling a lot with body dysmorphia, separation anxiety and fear of abandonment issues, and self-harm. But I don’t really know how to put that in a answer to how have you been doing.. so I just say “ok”. I just wanted to say that, but would you like to share what has been making it hard for you? :(

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP January 29th

@JustWantingToMakeFriends I understand, buddy. It sounds like you've been having a hard time.

I get why you said that you're okay, even though you've been struggling a lot. Sometimes it's tough to figure out how to share about our struggles as a response to a particular question. I'm sorry I'm not good at asking things all the time, so please remember, you can always share something or vent here, I'm here for you. Also, you never answer a question you don't feel comfortable answering, okay?

I hear you. I struggle with negative body image, so on some level I can relate to you. Fear of abandonment is another one I deal with, so I feel you and I know it's not fun. I hear you about the separation anxiety. How are you dealing with all these things? Ray, I'm sorry you've been struggling with self-harm. Do you have someone in your life you can talk to about this?

Mmm there are a couple of things that've been making it for me, like depression and overthinking, school's quite stressful, and my abusive parents don't help with the stress, but never mind. How's your day going today? I'm here for you if you'd like to talk about anything, okay? 💙 


I’m sorry that you’ve been struggling with depression, I know that depression and just being depressed can create other hard emotions, and can make it really hard to think, and gets in the way of feeling enjoyment.

And I’m really sorry that your struggling with your parents, it can be really hard not getting along with your parents, because you live with them, and because of a lot of other reasons of course.

I know It’s hard when your stressed with school because it’s a big focus in life, and being there 5 days a week, when you have a lot else going and when it’s hard to focus.

And I have a few close friends, but I don’t usually spend enough time with them to be able to share hard things and get support, and talking to them does make me anxious. Though one of my friends is really easy to talk to, but they haven’t really experienced a lot of the things I’m struggling with, but they are amazing at listing. I also have a really good friend who I’m super anxious around, which I could totally talk to them more when I need help, but it’s just hard to approach them. And it’s different talking to them, and one of my other friends, because they are currently struggling with their own things too, but I’m not sure if they would want to share.

thank you a lot, berry, for your kindness <3

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP January 31st

@JustWantingToMakeFriends You're so right about everything you said about depression, I couldn't agree more. Are you dealing with depression too? 🤍

Haha, you're right it's hard to not get along with my parents and have to deal with them every day... Oh, and school, it's certainly not easy being in there for so much time every day when we have so much going on and it's hard to focus. How do you find school? :)

It's so lovely to hear that you have some close friends. I understand that talking isn't easy when it makes you anxious. Sharing hard things you're going though can be even tougher. Spending time with them can be hard when you feel anxious talking to them, I understand, Ray. 

But the fact that one of your friends is very easy to talk to is amazing. Even if they haven't experienced many of the things you're struggling with, they might still be able to be a supportive friend for you. I'm not sure if I understand what you meant by 'they are amazing at listing', but I'm guessing you meant to say they're amazing at listening?

I see you have a nice friend though you're anxious around them, but who could help if you're able to talk to them. I know it's hard to approach people, especially if you feel anxious around them. I really feel you, the first step is usually the hardest. Do you think you might be able to try spending just a little time with them or talking maybe to them on the phone or something if that's easier?

I'm sorry to hear that one of your friends is struggling with their own things. How do you feel about asking them if they want to share since you're not sure about that? Maybe if they're willing to share, it could give you something to talk about and support each other about. I understand if that's hard to do because of anxiety though.

By the way, I'm sorry if I'm not helping, I don't really have experience with close friendships in real life, so I'm speaking based on the best of 7 Cups friendships I've had. Also, remember that Cups is here for you too, and so am I, I'm always here for you whenever you'd like to share anything or talk about anything. 🤍

AloneWalker1024 January 31st

I tried making online friends many times. But it always ended in them giving me up. 
It happened again this time, and it was my longest friendship ever. We promised to be there for each other in the entire life. But I feel like she, just like my previous friends, is trying to get a distance and eventually give up on me. 

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP February 9th

@AloneWalker1024 I'm sorry you've had to deal with that. It really hurts when a friend leaves us, I've had that happen to me lots, so I feel you, it's really heartbreaking. I'm here if you'd like to talk, okay? Maybe not on this thread because this is a space for Ray and me, but you can tag me elsewhere and I'll be there for you. Yes, you very much do deserve to be loved, just like everyone else. 💙

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP February 9th

@JustWantingToMakeFriends Hey Ray, how are things going? I'm here if there's anything you want to talk about. 💜

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP February 27th

@JustWantingToMakeFriends Hi there, I just wanted to drop by and ask how you're doing. It's been some time since I last saw you. Know that I'm here if you wanna talk. 💙