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Eva and pixies space

pixierobin January 13th

@justmeeva hey Eva I made this little thread just in case you ever need to vent. I know you told me you’d ask for help when you need it but you help so many people and I want you to know that there’s space for you too❤️

hope ur oki with this if you’re not just tell me

justmeeva January 13th


awhh that’s so cute! thank you for caring, it really really means a lot to me. thank you for noticing, thank you for everything you do 🩷

it might become useful, we’ll see 

thank you thank you thank you ❤️

pixierobin OP January 13th

@justmeeva ofc friend I care about you and you notice so much and help so many others ppl you deserve a thank you too.

justmeeva January 13th

@pixierobin yeah well i try :,)

pixierobin OP January 14th

@justmeeva and you help so many people you are such a sweet person and such an inspiration and I hope you never forget it🤍

justmeeva January 14th

@pixierobin i try not to, but it’s not so easy sometimes :,) my mind likes to tell me aalll sorts of different things and noticing and caring about everything is not always a good thing for *me* yk

pixierobin OP January 14th

@justmeeva yeah I get that Eva overthinking can be hard to deal with and I don’t blame you it’s hard to be kind to yourself but you Deserve it and I’ll be here to help you and remind that you are an amazing person❤️

justmeeva January 14th

@pixierobin (i just found out there's a reply limit and that's why i couldn't reply to you and i took so long sorry lol)
it's good to know that there are some people who are *actually* *always* there, it's an important thing to me. it is true that i don't ask for help often, if anything then once it's already overwhelming for me. i do it because i feel like if it's not so bad then it's not so important and also that i'll just seem to complain about literally nothing. besides, someone always has it worse and that's usually what convinces me to not talk about it because why should i (not healthy i know but what can i do)

pixierobin OP January 14th

@justmeeva oh Eva it’s ok to feel like that I do too a lot that’s why I made this for you youre problems still matter to me and I’m here for you whenever you need and we can’t always be happy with ourselves but I’ll be here to help that’s a promise( and ask my friends I take my promises very seriously hehe)

justmeeva January 14th

@pixierobin for me it's just often like an 'i can't handle my own problems so why would i think anyone else can' kind of mindset and like honestly with most of my little problems i wouldn't know what to respond to them myself either so idk

pixierobin OP January 14th

@justmeeva yeah I feel like that a lot too honestly it’s like i feel like if I say anyhting even though I can’t solve they can’t either and then they might just feel bad but that’s prolly my overthinking lol😭 it’s ok to not always feel comfortable talking about stuff I mean im also like that but even little problems are still problems and I get that it hard to do that but I hope you can and hopefully make you feel a bit better(sorry this is so late I couldn’t sort out my thoughts well)

justmeeva January 14th

@pixierobin (it’s okay and relatable dw) i just don’t wanna give others a hard time dealing with me because once i start venting, i won’t be the nice and positive person anymore and tbh i sometimes find myself telling others stuff that’s actually good advice but i don’t even do/believe it myself… and besides the “best supporters” for me (no offence to anyone at all, but with some people you just click better yk) are often having troubles themselves and i don’t wanna add my small kind of unimportant but also somehow important stuff on them… idk it’s so much more complicated than it’s supposed to be. 

(sorry ik it’s kinda long)
pixierobin OP January 14th

@justmeeva np lol and yeah I get it it’s like they all see this perfect supportive persona and you don’t wanna break that and also I feel the same way we never use are own advice but maybe us two as more supporters than venters can help eachother take the advice we give to everyone and yeah I get that they support so much and need support so you don’t wanna bother them but it’s ok to listen and want to be listened to and ik how you feel but it’s ok to feel like they dw fren

justmeeva January 24th

*peek* :0

pixierobin OP January 24th

@justmeeva hi Eva friend how are you?

justmeeva January 24th


i’m okay i think, how’s pixie friend?

pixierobin OP January 24th

@justmeeva well I’m glad you’re ok mostly but I’m here if there’s anyhting you wanna talk about about tbh I’m a bit sad rn cause it’s 5 am for me and I haven’t been able to sleep caus I’ve been crying because of school so idk

justmeeva January 24th


awe nuu does pixie friend wanna talk to me about anything? :c

pixierobin OP January 24th

@justmeeva well basically I’m switching schools and I can’t stands being there anymore which is why I’m leaving but I just feel like I’m gonna regret the decision and I keep thinking about how all my classmates are gonna graduate there without me and I also feel like I’m disappointing my mother and I’ve been sick for the a while so I haven’t been back in a while and I just feel like I’m disappointing my mom so much and I had a little panic attack about it ealier and I just don’t know what to do I’m really sad thanks Eva fren for listening you’re the sweetest🥹❤️🤍

justmeeva January 24th


awh switching schools is hard, all the little changes in environment and people and everything, i understand 🩷 but if you’re not happy in your current one then i think it might be good to try another one :0 why would you be a disappointment? being sick isn’t your fault and i don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. it’s oki to be sad and worried about it but i think you’ll be okay, and i’m here if you ever wanna talk about anything 💕

pixierobin OP January 24th

@justmeeva ik it’s just I’m sick so often and we’ve gone to doctors and nothings working and my mom doesn’t know what to do anymore thank you Eva ❤️❤️❤️ *huggles* if ok love you❤️❤️

justmeeva January 24th

@pixierobin *hugs* it’s not your fault you’re sick, you didn’t choose it and you can’t be blamed for it 🩷 i hope everything will get better for you very soon ❤️ i love you too very very much 💕

pixierobin OP January 24th

@justmeeva thank you so much Eva friend I feel a bit better I’m gonna try to sleep if i can now gn or morinjng lol tc love you❤️❤️

justmeeva January 24th


goodnight sleep well pixie fren 💕🌙

justmeeva January 25th


how’s pixie fren today? :0

pixierobin OP January 25th

@justmeeva sorry the reply is so late I’ve been resting well but idk tbh the decisions been made I’m going to the new school and I feel relieved but also very sad and it’s just like I’m never gonna go there again and it’s hard to think about yk?

justmeeva January 25th


dont worry about it! i’m glad you got some rest 🩷. changes are very hard but i think it might’ve been the right decision. are you able to keep contact with anyone from your “old” school tho?

pixierobin OP January 25th

@justmeeva yeah a few but a couple of them don’t have technology and I’m gonna miss them all so much

justmeeva January 25th


i get it. leaving your friends and going to a whole new place is difficult, but i’m sure you’ll get some new friends in your new school (: is it far away? would it be possible for you to still meet your old friends from time to time?

pixierobin OP January 25th

@justmeeva no it’s not far away it’s just my friends aren’t old enough too drive yet and their parents don’t like too go anywhere and so yk

justmeeva January 25th


what about your parents tho? what would they think if you told them you wanted to keep contact with your friends and hang out with them sometimes?

pixierobin OP January 25th

@justmeeva yeah mom might occasionally

justmeeva January 25th


thats very great then 🩷

justmeeva February 11th


*a million hugs to you* :0 🩷

justmeeva February 16th


hope you’re okay pixie friend 🩷

pixierobin OP February 16th

Idk about me but you sure there is nothing you wanna/need to talk about this space is for Eva friend too💙

justmeeva February 16th


mhm, it’s fine for now. i appreciate you very much tho 🩷

if there’s anything you want to talk about anytime, or just a thought you want to share, you can do that okay? if there’s even a little chance i can do anything for you i don’t want it to go to waste ❤️

pixierobin OP February 16th

@justmeeva awww thank you Eva friend you are such sweet loving person I just don’t really know what to say rn but dw ik I can trust you💗 and I hope you know you can trust me if you ever need to talk about anyhting too 💚💚💚

justmeeva February 16th


*hugs pixie fren if okay* 💕

pixierobin OP February 16th

@justmeeva ofcccc *hugggs*❣️❣️

pixierobin OP March 5th

@justmeeva hiiii friend ahhhh I’m so proud of you 🥹 you definitely deserved that award friend❣️❣️❣️ *hugs if ok*💗