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This is a personal space for @FormalPsycho and @Keith22534
Please don't lurk,or read any messages , upvote or reply to anything here if you're not @FormalPsycho or @Keith22534
heyy, i just made this thread because i wanted to check in on you, John. how are you?
What an awful way to communicate.
i suppose you dont like this. i can hear the disgust in your voice.
I don't carry any specific tone when I talk, I had always envisioned my voice as slow, intrinsic, reserved, and monotone.
its news to me you're aging up. also werent you supposed to sleep?
I am, shouldn't have seen them. I was supposed to be, I just can't tonight.
uhh okay. you;re communicating this way lmfao
It's a nice expirement. Depends how long you'll keep it. I like to think of this as an interview.
so i'm allowed to interview you?
so you're not a system?
then could you explain the post?
I'd rather not believe I am.
so you wouldnt prefer to be a system..?
No one sane would want to be the way I am. It's a prospect of mental illness. I'm am not proud for what I am or who I am becoming. It is not for me to decide.
yes, my bad. what a silly question.
You had no way of knowing.