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A Communication Space for Jaeteuk and bestVase7265 only. (Please do not reply or respond, thank you)

User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk April 29th, 2023

I hope this can be a start of support for the long-term for the both of us.


User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP October 27th, 2023

Today will be a good 4-hour shift. Got to the parking lot, got out of my car, looked up in the sky and saw my favorite constellation bright and clear. The Orion.

Just like how yesterday, when I got in my car, heading out to meet a previous colleague for lunch, looked up in the sky and saw my favorite birds circling above me, 6 bald eagles. Then, our lunch went well, not much of a wait with reservations and we did a lot of catching up.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 October 28th, 2023

I love how you saw the birds and the stars despite how busy you were. I love Orion as well. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP November 23rd, 2023


I've been busy with work lately. Haven't spent much time on my computer to take part in discussions in 7 Cups. Been using my phone for most posts and replies. I finally have some days off for the next two weeks though. Only working on the Mondays and having Tuesday to Friday off.. got a colleague who took all Mondays off for the rest of the year. So another colleague and I are taking turns working that shift.

Yesterday, I finally made some dental appointments. Need to get a couple of urgent fillings done. So, I have 2 appointments next week. Tuesday for a filling and Wednesday for some cleaning. It's been a couple years.. had been avoiding the need to spend money on something I'm not insured. A few days ago, I had some bleeding of the gums when I brushed my teeth.. and saw that 2 fillings should be done urgently. It bled for a couple of days, now it's okay. But, those fillings should still get done. I made the appointment request online, and they returned with a phone call within 30 minutes. The secretary mentioned that therir system shows I had some unused insurance, but I said that was when I was taking courses and the school provided dental coverage. Now, I'm no longer taking courses, so I don't think I'm covered.

I got a letter in the mail recently though. Saying that Health Insurance automatically enrolled in my some sort of medical insurance. They provided an account number, but I can't find any information about it. So, I'm thinking of bringing my account number on Tuesday and let them check to see if it covers any dental work.

The reason for suddenly making these appointments is because I might have changes in work in the next two years.. need to start making myself look more presentable. For my current work, in the next 2 years, 3 colleagues will be retiring, with the first one by next July, will be gone.

I've picked up on working on achieving my dream career again. So I had gone to the library for about a week or so, taking notes on how to write Cover Letters and Resumé. So, for the past week, I have been writing up different drafts of each. Then, over the weekend, I'll type it out on the computer and tweak it to perfection.

I'm not sure if you have been reading the Depression Prompts that Obs makes.. but, I have been stressing with work. Working on this Cover Letter and Resumé is basically all that is keeping me feel balanced and happy. As I plan to send it out to the company in mind early next year. I have another plan if they don't hire me. My cousin suggested something called Workaway. Basically you choose the country/city, the type of work you want to do, and look for hosts that is looking for people who wants to work or stay for cultural exchange purposes. I found one for South Korea, and they indicated they might need help at their café next August and September.. so, if it doesn't work out with that company, I'm thinking of trying that out instead. Fulfills my dream of living in South Korea and working there, even if it's not a Teaching English job, at least I won't have regrets of not even trying.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 November 24th, 2023

I am so glad that you are working towards your dream job again. I think that sounds awesome!

Resumes and cover letters are stressful (I am currently working on mine as well), but I do believe that you can do a really nice one. And I like the fact that you are being flexible regarding the job that you might start out with. That sounds great!

I hope that all the teeth stuff goes well. That is also a good thing to get done. You are putting pieces in place for a great 2024! I am proud of you.@Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP November 24th, 2023

I felt happy and joy when I was writing up the drafts for the Cover Letter and Resumé. So, I'm making it look professional and hope that my skills and experience is enough to reach their requirements. Since it's a career change to a different industry, I do not have any recent work experiences. So, I'll just need to emphasize my skills from my current work and make it connect to the job description of the position I'm applying to. Tailor it to the company and their needs.

The secretary at the dental office scared me for a bit there though. She was like, looking back to the records there were 4 teeth that needed fillings and without insurance, it's going to cost $3000! I was like, oh my gosh. I quickly told her, from what I can see, there are 2 more urgent fillings that should be done on my lower left side. So, she booked me in for those 2 fillings first.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 November 25th, 2023

That is exactly what you want to do with the cover letter and resume. So many skills are transferable and people are really looking for flexibility right now.

Yes, just do the two teeth for now. Take it a step at a time. Dental work is just tough and expensive. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP November 25th, 2023

Yes, so hopefully the company will be okay with the lack of work experience, but have good quality of transferable skills.

4 teeth for $3000, that's like a month's worth of work with overtime! I'll definitely just do the 2 for now.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 November 26th, 2023

You have very transferrable skills. You just need to think about them in new ways. Good luck as you think through the process.

Do be careful with the teeth. They can find other things wrong once they start drilling (says someone who may be facing yet another root canal after they found more damage than expected when they started drilling - I am trying to decide if I can ignore it until the new year).@Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP November 26th, 2023

Yes, I'm using this weekend to tweak my cover letter and resume. I wrote a couple of drafts of each, with different content. I've read over both a few times, and decided to create a third draft, taking parts from both to make a new one. Now, it's time to make it less wordy, but still get the point across.

I have to resist in eating candy.. They had kept like a fishbowl of candy at the front desk.. sometimes, it's hard to resist walking past yummy tasting ones.. and my mouth gets dry, feels better when there's something in my mouth.. 

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 November 27th, 2023

It sounds like you are doing a great job in putting everything together in doing multiple drafts like that. I think that I have finished my own CV and now just have to wait until the job ad appears to do the cover letter. I need to know what skills they want me to focus on thinking through. Hopefully I can write mine very quickly because I don't have a huge amount of time to get it back and it is at the most stressful part of my semester.

I love candy too. It can be hard to pass up. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP November 27th, 2023

I've been trying to make it less wordy today, all day. It's still going over to the next page. Still need to shorten a few more sentences, so I can have it all on one page. I'll have to spend a bit more time on it for the next two week. Since I'll only be working on Mondays, with dental appointments on Tues and Wed of this week, I should have plenty of time to edit it more. Then, I can work on review, edit, and proofread the resume.

Are you still going to work on campus, but a different position?


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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 November 28th, 2023

Sounds like a good plan. Yes, I would be working at a different job with the same college. They want me to apply for it. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but it would be nice to try something completely new. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP November 28th, 2023

@bestVase7265, good luck. If someone has recommended it, you'll probably get it.

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP November 28th, 2023

So, I had planned to go on a coffee date with my mum sometime during my days off, either this week or next week. When she was still on vacation, I mentioned it briefly that we should go on a coffee date when she returns. To have a heartfelt conversation about life. Basically, my life, and any plans I have for the future.

The company I want to apply to, is in China. Chances are low, but I feel that if I don't even try, I'll regret it. It's actually an Entertainment Company, and although there are no job posting, I still want to try and offer to be an English Teacher. The company is founded by an idol/artist in Oct. 2020. I have been thinking about it since 2021. 

So, back to the planned coffee date with my mum. I'm now wondering if I should tell her about it. My mum always has a way with words, that kind that puts me down, and say negative things about my decisions, or her thoughts on the matter somehow ends up hinting that what I do will fail. Now, I don't know if I should mention it to her. But it would explain why I had been going the library before, and what I had been working on at work before my shift the past week. (Although I start my shift at 12pm, I've been heading to work before 7am, because I want a parking spot. So, I had been going to work earlier, park in my stall - specific stall number I choose to park every time, then go to the cafeteria by 8am and work on my Cover Letter and Resume drafts). It also explains what I have been working on at home and over the weekends on my days off. Or, should I mention it to her, only if they hire me?

But if I tell her about the changes at work, with the 3 colleagues that will take turns retiring in the next 2 years, she'll definitely ask me about my future career plans. Especially if I tell her who may be taking over their positions (my ex-colleagues that don't get along with me). I would definitely either need to change career, work at another site or department, or stay and put my mental health at risk.  

At first, I thought about being successful in my own business, but with only one published book since June, I haven't had any sales yet and had been busy with work that I don't have the energy to work on another one.

So, now I'm stressing out in whether or not to tell my mum about that company I want to apply to in China or not. I don't want to give up my dream career, even if I can't teach in South Korea, China is okay too. But my parents are really against their political perspectives, so they'll probably disagree with it. 

Oh, my cousin also suggested something called at Workaway. I thought about trying that out, if that company doesn't hire me. The only difficult part of that is, I'll have to pay for my own plane ticket. I looked at it briefly, that it's basically a host will provide accommodation, and if you choose a category where you want to be working, they pay you minimum wage that that country's standard. It's like a cultural exchange with pay. A good experience in a country of your choice. 

If neither works, the Entertainment Company or this Workaway, once all 3 colleagues have retired, I'll need a discussion with my Manager. I don't want to put my mental health at risk while working with people who's been holding a grudge against me since the summer of 2021. The most ideal, would be to schedule me only to cover that person's vacation and sick days, that way, I don't have any overlapping hours working with her if I were to cover other people's vacation days. Who holds a grudge for more than 2 years??? It had been resolved. When she was the one who didn't follow procedures and got me in trouble. While the cause of the complaint about me was on my actions, as they may have interpreted my intention that as being bossy or arrogant, it had been resolved and I've apologized afterwards. I can't work with someone who doesn't even want to look at me or talk to me and always giving me this angry look when I walk past her in the hallways or see her in the change rooms from time to time.

Purpose of this post, is whether or not to tell my mum about my future plans. I had planned to send out my Cover Letter and Resume early next year. Then wait for a month or two to see if I get a reply, then take a look more closely at the Workaway option. The place that caught my eye, is of course South Korea. Their need of workers at a cafe, says may need extra help in August and September 2024. So, I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to prepare the needed work visas for me to work there, if it'll be enough time to prepare if I don't hear back from the Company in China.

As the first colleague to retire is next summer. She'll be taking all her vacation before her final day, so she's basically not going to be working from May and onwards. She took all of May off, first 3 weeks of June, and according to the vacation book, I don't see her name after June.. So, I think her final day is either the last week of June or beginning of July.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 December 6th, 2023

I am so sorry that this somehow didn't appear in my feed until now. It has been a really rough week for me.

In looking at your various options, I like the idea of the workaway probably a little better because China feels a little dicey especially because it is in entertainment and that could get defined a number of different ways. But they both sound pretty good.


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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP December 5th, 2023

My mum's birthday, had to cancel the birthday dinner because my brother has the flu after coming back from a business trip to Belgium. This year's mum's birthday will be unforgettable for sure though.. our basement is flooded again. Lots of rain today, and it's flooded. Coming from unknown places.. the washroom is flooded with like an inch of water.. and the perimeter of the basement is also seeping with water.. a new area compared to the 2-3 times before. The problem is, no plumbing would come at this time, because it's still pouring rain out.. so, they can't really do much to inspect the outside of the house.. But when we took the flashlight out to check the house, we can't see anything wrong.. so, it must be from pipes underneath the surface.. the last time, we were told the home builders didn't do a good job with insulation and that they had missed some material on the wall.. so, maybe the pipes below the house wasn't installed properly either. 

Now, we've kinda given up on moving everything, we'll just claim it all.. it's like a pool.. Just found out, one of the companies now will be coming, but we needed to fill a form (contract-like) request online.. Otherwise, when my brother just called them up, they wouldn't come. So tricky..

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 December 6th, 2023

Sorry about the birthday flood. That doesn't sound like fun. My birthday was last week and my aunt died on my birthday so I can understand the challenges associated with rougher "special days".

I will try to write a bit more next time. Again, my mental health is a bit off right now. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 December 7th, 2023

I hope that the flood stuff is more understandable and manageable today.

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP December 7th, 2023

One of the worst times. We had some flooding in the previous years but it was only in corners.. this time, it was the entire basement.. water was gushing in through the concrete wall in the furnace and gushing out from the washroom. It turned into almost like a pool, walking on the carpet was squishy and there were puddles forming.

This morning, the guys came to remove all the carpet.. tomorrow, they will have someone inspect the damage and will start packing away our things. They'll also cut into the drywall to seal all cracks and add insulation to missing areas..

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 December 8th, 2023

Those moments are traumatic. I am sorry. Hopefully you didn't lose too much stuff. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP December 8th, 2023

Luckily the things we have in our basement aren't worth much.. the most expensive items will have to be our projector, speakers, and receiver. But I just learned, the guys, rather than packing all our things and moving them into their storage, they stacked most of our things in the crawl space. The thing is, our crawl space is super dirty, once had mice in there, and its concrete flooring, we had a few items in there before, but they are things we don't want. But these guys, without wrapping our items, had stacked everything into the crawl space.

Since they'll need to be cutting our dry wall, without those things wrapped, it's going to be filled with dust.. and crawl space will probably have spiders.. so, parents are thinking of telling them tomorrow when they come.. that we only put rubbish in the crawl space, it is not storage for goods. And cutting the dry wall, dust will be collected, we won't be able to place them back out onto newly installed carpet.

We chose the wrong company.. it was too late to change to the good one when we realized it.. the previous company we dealt with, they packed up every single piece of item and moved it into their own storage space. The thing is, these guys, they didn't even ask us if things can be placed in the crawl space.. apparently when my dad went down to check on their progress, they had already placed everything inside.. my dad says it's really dirty in there, and they replied with, they looked inside and saw some items there, and there was a piece of carpet..

Anyways, they took the easy way out.. but still should've asked for our permission.. we definitely wouldn't have had them put goods into the crawl space.. plus keeping it there will be full of dust after they've cut into the dry wall. It's more like, we'll need to be claiming for damage for the things they put in there, rather than the damage from the flood.

I caught a cold from my brother. He came back from a trip to Belgium, and was sick. I left work earlier on Monday because I also woke up unwell. But thought I should still go to work because we were short staffed. So, I just finished my primary tasks and asked to leave, I left 2 hours earlier. Was off for the rest of the week, as I only was scheduled to work on Monday. I started coughing Tuesday night.. and been coughing since.. had to cancel my dental appointment Wednesday morning for the appointment at 1pm. I'm thinking of calling in sick for next week tomorrow, hopefully after resting for another week, I will be better and can work the following week.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 December 8th, 2023

I am not sure anything posted. It looks a little weird. I know that floods are traumatic. I hope that you didn't lose too much stuff. 

User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 December 10th, 2023

I am so sorry. It sounds like quite the rough spot. I hope that you feel better soon. 

User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP December 15th, 2023

Remember how I usually feel depressed when I know my birthday is around the corner? For once in a long time, I think it will be different, as I have plans and goals that I will be making in January. In regards to making the move for a potential career change. Now, even thinking about it, puts a smile on my face. So, I think I can use these thoughts to divert the negative feelings I usually get around my birthday this time around.

Even if it's daydreaming about the possible changes if this career change succeeds. It's enough for me to feel good about myself and my future. I also met a good Listener here in 7 Cups, I think that will help me get through the loneliness I feel during weeks prior and post birthday.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 December 16th, 2023

That is awesome. I am glad that you are feeling the birthday might go a bit better. You do indeed have lots to look forward to because you are making a plan. Making a plan can really be everything. It takes you out of the bad space and puts you in a way where you are in charge of reimagining your future. Go you. You are going to do this. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP December 28th, 2023

The past couple of nights, sleep has become a problem again. I'm already recovering from my cold, but I'm still waking up 1 to 2 times a night. The first wake up time is always around 3am. If I slept early, I'll wake up more than 2 times a night. It's quite annoying, as whenever I wake up, it always felt like I've been asleep for a long time. Then, when I check the clock, or look at the side where my window is, it's still the middle of the night or it's still dark out. Then I know I just woke up and had my sleep disturbed.

Luckily, this week is a 3-day work week, and slow-down. With only 3 or 4 Operating Rooms running. And I'll be off for the first 2 weeks of January. Before working from Jan. 17th to Mar. 13th. Got a colleague being on leave after a surgical procedure. That's good. In the previous years, the first few months, I usually don't have many shifts. But looking at the vacation book for 2024, it looks like that only in April, September and November doesn't have many people retaking their vacations. So, it's going to be a busy year ahead.

Of course, I'm also making the first big step for my career change next week too. Going to send out that Cover Letter and Resumé January 1st. As the place I want to work for us in China, I'll send it out at a certain time, that way it will be the morning hours of January 2nd in China. So, I'm really hoping that would work out and I can start sometime in 2024! I'm kinda putting all my hopes on that, as I've been actively working on the Cover Letter and Resumé since the past October. I even have everything laid out in my email, all I need to do is click on Send!

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 December 29th, 2023

Sorry about the waking up. I hate when I go through periods like that. I try to not look at the clock and just will myself back to sleep.

The schedule sounds like it will be busy but workable until you get a new job. I hope that sending in the resume and cover letter goes well. You are very much ready to send it. Even the experience of writing it is great because it means you then open yourself up to other opportunities. Something will come eventually even if this one isn't it. @Jaeteuk

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