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A Communication Space for Jaeteuk and bestVase7265 only. (Please do not reply or respond, thank you)

User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk April 29th, 2023

I hope this can be a start of support for the long-term for the both of us.


User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 April 30th, 2023

There we go! That worked.

Feel free to add how you are doing at any time.@Jaeteuk

5 replies
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP April 30th, 2023


Yesterday was my last day of the 3-week work block. Had 45 minutes overtime, at least, that's all I logged for. But had stayed for an hour and 30 minutes instead. I just logged the time of 45 minutes as missing my breaks. So, I won't have work again until May 17th, but only for 3 days, then off for the following week, and work another 3 days.

Next Wednesday, I'm seeing an ENT doctor, I saw her previously in July 2021. I spoke with her last Thursday and had told me to call the clinic to make another appointment. I've got other concerns with my ears. They had been really dry and itchy, and easily bleed when I scratch it. Maybe I thinned out the skin, at times, I also wake up to some wetness in my left ear. I called her clinic this past Tuesday, and got an appointment in for next Wednesday! The receptionist just asked me to make sure to get my GP to send them another referral. So, I made a phone-call appointment with my GP the past Wednesday and told him about it. At first, he was going off saying not sure how long it'd take for me to get the appointment, that it could be a few months. So, I told him I called the clinic the day before, and got the appointment for next Wednesday, that they are just waiting for the referral.

About this appointment though, it turns out my dad has a dental cleaning appointment at 11am, in a different town. My appointment is at 10:45am, which means, I'll need to drive myself out to my appointment. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned about me and driving. I've never really liked to drive, as I'm super tensed, nervous, stressed, and anxious. Especially when it's longer distances or going on highways. I must chew gum, and with additional pieces of gum if it's long distance (30-60 mins drives), and my music, so I can sing-a-long to ease the stress. Since COVID, I haven't driven out of my city. The farthest I've driven was for gas, which is like just down the hill from my house, 3 big intersections away.. As working at the hospital, is only like a 5 minute drive away (with school zone). So for Wednesday, I'm going have to study the map/directions. Make sure I don't miss the exits off the highway, and hope there won't be accidents. As I'm really bad with directions, I probably won't know how to use alternate routes. I've also haven't taken the final road test to get the permanent driver's license, so as a "New Driver", I'm not allowed to use GPS. (I renewed this license for the 3rd time, that's at least 15 years). The only reason why I haven't registered for the road test is because I cannot parallel park, and if it's because of that I fail the exam, I don't want to risk wasting that money. And the fact that I don't like driving, but still choose to drive over taking public transit, especially since COVID. I haven't been sick for the past 3 years, at least. (So, I still choose to wear a mask in the public and do not want to take public transit). My parents and brother all got COVID before, and I took turns taking care of them. My dad had it once, mum and brother, caught it twice. My brother got it every time he came back from a business trip to Europe. Both times, because a colleague he travelled with got it and passed it to him. He has another trip to the UK in 2 weeks.

After next week's appointment, I also made an appointment to get my eyes checked again, on May 12th. I broke the nosepiece of my prescription glasses the other day, we were able to superglue it back on, but these glasses are very old. Had them for probably more than 5 years. I had my eyes checked back in January 2020, got new prescriptions, but never went to get new glasses. I didn't have insurance back then, I still don't have any now, but because the nosepiece can break off anytime again, I need to spend that money for a new pair.

With my business, I'm hoping to make more progress in the next two weeks that I'm off, and begin the next project. I'm still aiming to launch it sometime in June. As I'm working throughout July to end of September, with only about 3 days off from work in that time (in August), and working all the other Mon-Fri.

I'm gradually losing passion for my work, it seems only the doctors appreciate my work, not my colleagues. I like the tasks that I do, as a perfectionist, organizing and restocking product, I enjoy. But it's difficult working with others who don't really seem to care about their job and is just working for the decent pay. That they only care about their tasks and not help each other out and expect me to help them and not vice versa.


How is your weekend going?


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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 1st, 2023

It sounds like a good amount of appointments, but you will make it through them.

Even though driving makes you nervous, it is good to practice a bit. You can look at the directions online before you go. I bet that you will find it easily.

I am okay tonight. Today was very long and stressful with lots of church drama. But tomorrow we get new windows on the house. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 1st, 2023

I will definitely study the directions/map on Tuesday. I plan to give myself ample of time, appointment is for 10:45am, I'm planning to leave the house at 9am. It would've easily taken my dad 30-45mins drive, but I like to arrive to appointments earlier, especially when I'm the one driving this time, and there could be some rush hour traffic.

You're getting your windows changed too?! Same here! We're just waiting for them to be made and I think the guys will come install them sometime in May. We're hoping to get them done before the summer starts and it gets hot. Our current windows are old, and we get condensation build up in between panes.


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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 2nd, 2023

We did get the windows installed today. They came out quite nice. It was quite loud, but they moved quickly.

Ours was less of a problem of condensation and more one of hurricanes. The house is now better protected. But we could only afford to do half of them. Hopefully next year we can do the other half. We got the bigger ones today though. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 2nd, 2023

That's good. Now you're more protected. It turns out that we may get ours done near the end of May. Since my brother is leaving for a business trip in the second week of May, we have to wait until he returns. Oh, his dog is also coming to stay with us for a week. Hiro will arrive in the evening of May 4th, brother to leave for business trip a day after Hiro leaves. I bought some treats today for him too. Some dried salmon and sardines.


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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 2nd, 2023

I've studied the directions today, dragged the person onto Google Maps to see the street-view. I'll probably look at it again tomorrow. (I've written down some notes as to which street/road to turn on). I'm totally paranoid and stressed about it. I've also planned to see if my uncle is free to have lunch together. The office building of the clinic for my appointment is across from a large shopping centre. So, I had planned to park there and walk over, then, see if my Uncle is free to have lunch together either at the mall, or even somewhere close by where it's walking distance. Parking should be free for 4 hours, it was nice my dad informed me though, they changed some parking stalls to pay parking, so I have to be cautious with which floor I choose to park and which stalls I park in. I'm also planning to try my luck at the hairdresser (I used to go to her when I lived closer and transit was more convenient, before I moved back to my hometown). If she's not busy, maybe I'll get a haircut too. But I haven't decided how short I want to cut it. I know if I chose a length that I used to cut, my parents will not be happy, as they say I'll look like a tomboy again. So, maybe I'll have it cut to the length just covering my neck. I'll have to think about it over the next couple of days. I'll need to choose a style that will look good even if I grow it out. The problem with cutting it short is, she's the only hairdresser that knows how to cut a style that fits the shape of my face, other hairdressers that are close to home, they do not know how to cut short hairstyles, and are very conservative. I've tried 2 different ones before, and my parents were not happy with the outcome.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 2nd, 2023

I hope that you can do the haircut and the lunch with your uncle. They both sound nice. I like google street view a bit better than the regular, just like you. It sounds like you have your trip well planned out.

Worry less about how your parents view your haircut. You are the only one that matters. @Jaeteuk

4 replies
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 2nd, 2023

I will call the restaurant tomorrow to make reservations for 3 for Wednesday. Since I'm the one that is asking my Uncle out, it might have to be my treat. We'll see, or maybe I'll just pay for my share. I did give him a heads up, in case my appointment is late, Uncle and Auntie might have to wait a bit. I'm thinking, if there is no wait, my appointment shouldn't take longer than 45 minutes, that should give me enough time to walk to the mall a block away to the restaurant. Here's to hoping the weather is still nice and won't change to rain. After lunch, I'll drop by the hairdresser and see if she's available (it's in the same mall).


User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 2nd, 2023

I think I'll leave my house at 9:30am instead, Google Map says it should only take less than 40 minutes to arrive, and I don't want to arrive at the mall too early, as there is a 4 hour parking limit. To have parked past 10am, I would have until 2pm to use. In case I do decide to get that haircut, I could shop around a bit afterwards.

I'll probably go to bed a bit earlier tonight, but I might be too stressed to actually get much sleep. I'm already feeling nervous about calling to make reservations for the restaurant, I'm planning to call them after everyone's out of the house. My brother has to take his car to Costco to have the winter tires changed out, and I think Dad might go along too. So, I'll make the call in about half an hour from now. I have my notes written yesterday when I made the plans with my Uncle. I think I'll change the time to 11:45am instead of 11:30am, like I said, just in case there is a wait at the clinic, I could still take my time to walk over to the restaurant afterwards. And I really don't want my Uncle and Aunt to wait, in case I'm late, as they are coming from a different city too. The restaurant is like a mid-point for both of us.

By the time I'm back home, I might drop by for some groceries, depending on the time of day I return, hopefully it's after school hours, or else the market I usually shop at, is packed with parents picking their kids up from school.

Every phone call I need to make, I feel extremely nervous and stressed, my hands would start to tremble and I feel my heart rate increasing. I often just hold onto the phone for a minute or so, before I can even start to dial the number. I also usually write down notes as to what I need to say, basically, if a phone call isn't the only option, I will not choose to call.

Just like how last week, when I wanted to make an appointment for getting my eyes checked for new prescriptions, I went to the clinic in-person to make the appointment, when others could easily make a call instead. Phone calls are not easy for me at all, that is why whenever I get a new mobile phone, my plan has to have unlimited text. The other time when I made a phone-call appointment with my GP, I booked the appointment online, and choose phone-call, rather than in-person, mainly because I only needed him to send a referral, and nothing for him to look at. But, waiting for that phone call, was very nerve-wrecking, he was about 5 minutes late, I kept the phone in front of me and looked at the minutes passing by the assigned time, and I was getting worried that he'd be late, and that I won't be able to find parking at work afterwards if I left home too late after the call.

The clock is ticking to the time I'll need to make the reservation call..


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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 3rd, 2023

I studied one route over and over again, then, decided this morning to take another route. Still wrote notes but it was less turns. Merging onto the highway was fine, there were some traffic but didn't come to a full-stop. It really took me about the same amount of time as Google estimated. Upon parking at the mall, I messaged my mum to tell her I made it. Now, I'm waiting at the clinic, there's many people here. I'm the only one wearing a mask, that's okay. I'm used to it, since I work in the Hospital.

6 replies
User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 4th, 2023

I am so glad that you had a successful phone call and that you made the drive there just fine. You are doing good things.@Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 4th, 2023

Lunch with Uncle went well, and there were no big issues with the specialist, aside from the 30 minute wait. Got some prescriptions for a lotion and drops. The drive home was good too, I was on the road before rush hour. So, no traffic and just the right amount of cars. Came back home before school hours ends, so went to quickly get some groceries as planned. Then, got home, and realized I forgot the popsicles. The drive there was more stressful than the drive back, it was a lot of gum chewing. I also noticed that it's actually not far of a distance to get to that city, maybe I was just lucky with the traffic.


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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 5th, 2023

Glad that you had a good driving experience over all and a successful time out at appointments and lunch.

I hope that tomorrow is equally smooth and a little quieter.@Jaeteuk

3 replies
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 5th, 2023

I won't have another appointment until next Friday, but that's just down the hill from my house. Now is the time to start a new project as I wait for some steps being completed by a third party, I'm still hoping I can launch my business sometime in June.

How has your week been so far?


User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 5th, 2023

Oh yea, I also didn't sleep so well last night, was awake before 5am.. less than 5 hours of sleep.


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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 6th, 2023

Sorry about the lack of sleep. My night went like that too.

Overall, I am okay. I have a huge grading pile at the moment and we are going away for a few days to my niece's graduation soon. So it feels like I have a bit too much to do.


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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 9th, 2023

How was the graduation for your niece? Or is that the coming weekend?

Have you ever believed that you're someone who can see through someone else's pain by looking at their eyes? I joined a Group Support here in 7Cups this morning (although I missed a large part of it, due to time posted wrong), on loss and grievances. It led me to think of times where when I looked at someone's eyes, that I can see that they are in pain, sad, depressed, or that there's something going on in their lives, and yet, have no one to talk to about them with. It's like they want to share their stories, their pains, and have no outlet to release their emotions.

It got me thinking, I think when I first meet with people, I notice their eyes first. I think it's because I've been through so many different things in my life so far, with all the experiences and traumas, I'm able to have this skill of knowing how the person is truly feeling by looking at their eyes. Of course, it will be more accurate if I get to know the person too. In my current 36 years of life, I've only met one person, who was able to look at my eyes and see the pain I've been through or was currently living with. Sadly, that person, we met at one of my previous workplaces, 12 years ago, and after I quit that job because of mental health struggles, that person moved back to his hometown and we lost contact completely. Honestly, I was moved when he told me what he saw in my eyes. For the short time we worked together, we hung out outside of work, and I felt comfortable with him. As if we had known each other for a long time. (We never dated though, because during the time I met him, he gradually turned into a cross-dresser). So, it was more like becoming sisters instead.

Nowadays, I've been aware of celebrities that are overseas. Mostly, of those who had been hurt by false media sources, and by haters that want to drag them down. One particular actor, he had been taken out of entertainment because of one thing he did. It's been a couple of years already, and starting last year, he began posting himself singing on ***, and recently, shared with his fans that he'll be holding a mini fan concert in Thailand. I'm happy for him, but of the videos he posted in the past of him singing while playing the guitar, I can feel and see the pain he has gone through during these years of being blacklisted from entertainment. Even now, he frequently posts his rehearsals and pictures, I can still see the pain he's going through. Although he tries to smile, I can tell that he's still in a lot of pain, is depressed, and trying really hard to put a smile on his face. I feel heartbroken.

Many celebrities or idols overseas have had gone through similar mishaps from haters. At times, I really wish that they are able to find an outlet, to share their pain with. Even I don't know these people personally, I really do understand what they are going through emotionally. Even if I haven't gone through similar instances, I still know how it makes them feel. At times, I wish there was something I could do to help. But I'm so far away from them, and I'm just a normal citizen.

Actually, with my dream career (wanting to teach English overseas). I have imagined myself numerous times, what the work will look like. With my students, or the place I'll be working at. Not only would I be teaching them English, I also want to become their friend, their sister, and help them deal with mental health struggles. To share my own experiences, my coping strategies and hope that it can help them deal with their problems. But this dream career of mine is currently on hold, because I'm still very much financially unstable. With a current unstable position at the Hospital, I barely have enough money to buy myself groceries. I'm just lucky that I don't need to pay rent (living with my parents), but I'm unable to contribute my money to my family like I did before encountering that financial scam.

In a sense, pushing forward with running my own business is all I can do. Of course, being able to earn an income equal to a current full-time position may take years.. But, I'm really hoping I can achieve that before I turn 40. I really want to fulfill that dream career of mine, before it's too late. There is one company I want to apply to, although I know that they are not hiring anyone in the position of teaching English, I'm hoping my Cover Letter will hit the same notes as what the CEO is thinking. This company is like an entertainment company, the founder started his own company in October 2020, already have trainees who auditioned and are currently preparing for debut. As a company in China, I feel that English is something that needs to be taught by someone from a different country (me! lolz). Not from locals who learned English, because they will always have an accent speaking a language that is not their mother tongue.

As someone who is always watching Youtube videos of singers from China, there are many, when they have English words in a song, without looking at the subtitles, I wouldn't have known that they were singing in English. And these singers, are not ones that just debuted, these are singers who are already famous. So, my idea, is to become an English Teacher to those kids who are just beginning as trainees, and start teaching them English at that younger age. So, when or if they decide to sing any English songs, their pronunciations will be proper.

Of course, this is just the most ideal form of my dream career. In the beginning, my thoughts were applying to teach in South Korea. Amongst people I've known, I know two people who went to Seoul to teach English. But, amongst these two people, and after asking them their experiences, I've found out that there aren't many Chinese people that they hire to teach English. So, that is why I've somehow redirected my destination to fulfill my dream career. Of these two people, one is from South Africa, brown skinned, and the other is black (lived in Quebec before, so spoke French). It seems that South Korea doesn't really hire those of the same coloured skin to teach English (Asians, the typical yellow-skinned, black haired folks). The other thing I need to do though, is finish my Diploma that allows me to teach English overseas. I've put the course on hold, because I haven't found the time to make myself focus on completing the courses within the limited time. I have renewed the course a couple of times before, but was unable to finish it. Then, I changed my focus on preparing for launching my business, and had put that on hold. Didn't want to waste anymore money, if I know that I won't have the time to focus and finish it. I did complete the Certificate part of the program though, but because I had initially applied and paid for the Diploma Program, they don't count that I've completed it even when I've finished and passed at the Certificate level. Luckily, what I've learned so far, can continue to be on hold. Until I renew my subscription, I can continue from where I left off from to complete the remaining courses for the Diploma part of the program. At the same time though, I'm hoping the Certificate part would be enough for me apply to that Entertainment Company. By then, I'll need to ask the school to send me a copy for the Certificate.

I'm really getting ahead of myself here. But I do get excited just daydreaming about fulfilling this dream career of mine!~

That's all for today, this was such a long post! Hope you're with me to the end!~

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 10th, 2023

Thanks for the great description of where you are at and where you are hoping to head.

First of all, I definitely feel like I can tell pain from someone's eyes and how they write as well. I don't think that I was as good as it before I became depressed as I am now. It is like both a good and bad superpower. Sometimes I absorb all of that pain myself and feel guilty when I can't fix it. But I can also see it in people that I don't like or who have hurt me. That is a good thing because it makes them hurting me bother me less. When people are in pain they lash out.

I have your dream job but in a different setting. I encourage students to continue working at their studies. That means knowing them as individuals and all of their problems too. I do enjoy working with students a great deal though.

I do hope that someday you are able to go back to your dream career idea. It can happen at any age.

I leave for my trip on Thursday night, so I apologize in advance if I don't get to all my messages. I do try to do it nightly but mini vacations can be tougher.@Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 10th, 2023

I had another imaginative idea for when I'm able to execute my dream career, is I was hoping to meet new friends or a possible future husband when I'm working in a different country. In a way, that is why there is a limited time for me achieve this ultimate dream. The older we get, the more difficult it is to find a significant other, especially for Chinese women.

The potential male acquaintances from my mum's friend's daughter's fiance. The Auntie wanted to introduce me to her daughter, then to her fiance's male acquaintances. But, with the missed chance this past Chinese New Years, because the daughter was sick and didn't attend a dinner gathering. There had been no more news about it. I don't want to sound desperate, and have my mum ask her friend. Truthfully though, I am a bit desperate. It'll be nice to actually meet new people, make new friends, and put myself out there and see if those two male acquaintances will be interested in me..

All I know is, I do want to have a significant other. That is why, along with my dream career, if by then, I haven't met anyone locally, I was putting hope during the time I'm overseas and working.

Have a good trip, it's okay if you don't get the chance to reply. Enjoy your time at your niece's graduation, and stay "signed off" from technology. (Then, tell me all about when you return)!~


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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 11th, 2023

I am actually pretty bad about staying signed off from technology. I also will have 40 papers to grade so I can only stay off of stuff for so long. I will try to keep in touch. I just didn't want you to worry if I didn't.

You won't sound desperate if you ask your mom about that setup that didn't work out due to illness. It has been a while and you can think of it as just making more friends for now.

The dream career will hopefully come, but do live as much as you can in the present. You deserve to be happy today, not just tomorrow. You can't be exactly sure where life will take you next. @Jaeteuk

1 reply
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 11th, 2023

Don't worry about me worrying if you do not give a response the next day. You'll have so many things going on these several days that it's truly understandable. Plus, our little space here is always open. Sometimes I might be leaving more than one message in a day, just to get my thoughts out. Not necessarily waiting for your thoughts, but this is the only place to share them.

I'm getting a haircut on Friday, finally. So, maybe I'll mention it to my mum afterwards. Since she probably thinks I look messy (hairstyle-wise) and is not presentable.

I do hope I can fulfill my dream career dream. I would be achieving all aspects of life by doing something I've always dreamt of doing in the past several years. But you're right about living in the present for now, so for each little step I'm taking closer to launch my business, I'm feeling bursts of satisfaction for each step I'm moving forward.

The only thing I'm not looking forward to at the moment, is going back to work. The passion I once had for my current career is diminishing by the day. To a point, where thinking about going to work is almost giving me a depressing feeling. Especially, when I always struggle to find parking space because of the time my shift starts. Only maybe once a week, I'd be lucky to get a spot within the parking lot, if I arrive an hour earlier. It's kind of ridiculous, I live a 5-minute drive away, and yet, I need to arrive an hour earlier just to find parking. If there's not parking in the lot, only way to work, I have to keep my eyes open for on the street curb parking open. But at times, even those spots are scarce. There had been times where I managed to message my mum, ask if they can come take my car, and then when I'm off work, get either my brother or my dad to come pick me up. They can't park my car for me, because I need to pay for my parking. And the parking app only works, when I'm physically standing in the parking lot myself.

I have a full summer of work scheduled for me. From after Canada Day, to Sept. 22nd. with only 3 days off in August. For the first time in 5 years, I'm not looking forward to work. *Sigh*


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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 14th, 2023

So, I finally got my haircut yesterday. To a style that my dad had liked, and that I'm okay with it too. Even the hairdresser thinks that this style is good for the summer. My parents just left, one of their friends' have free tickets to a concert. Old-time Chinese singer. I just messaged my mum about asking that Auntie about organizing something so I can meet with her daughter (same friends with the free tickets). I also suggested or maybe she could ask the other Auntie to organize another gathering where I could meet that daughter + fiance.

Now, I'll just have to wait and see. The weather here is going to be really hot for the next week or so. Probably not a good idea to plan outdoor activities for us to meet. Oh yea, I also got my eyes checked, as I needed the latest prescriptions so I can get new glasses. My current pair, the left nose piece fell off, and we've temporarily super-glued it back on. Plus, these glasses are at least 5 years old. Definitely need a new pair, more trendy to match with my hairstyle. We might go try them on tomorrow. My brother has a better eye for these things, so my mum will probably take pictures of me wearing the glasses and send them over to my brother for him to choose.

He just left for a business trip to the UK, gone for a week. Says by the time he arrives, it'll be past 9pm on Sunday.

I got off track, I was going to say, during my eye examination. The Optometrist says my eye has slight UV damage and something about being yellow.. Not sure what the yellow means though, does that mean there's something wrong with my liver? He asked if I wore contacts, I told him my eyes are too dry for them. As I tried back in Middle School or High School, and the moment I put them on, I couldn't stand it. Come to think of it, I've been seeing the same Optometrist ever since my first pair of glasses back in Grade 4/5. Then, he just said that my eyes are just more sensitive, as he claimed that dry eyes usually have other reasons if it's sudden. (I should told him about the history at the clinic when I tried using contact lenses). We've been his patients for 15+ years already!~

5 replies
User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 17th, 2023

I am glad that you were able to get the haircut that you wanted. I bet that you will be able to chose a good pair of glasses to match.

I wear glasses too. I did contacts briefly, but glasses have always worked better for me. I have been with my eye doctor for probably 7-8 years. However, his son just took over the practice. It is weird seeing someone that I knew when they were a kid.@Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 17th, 2023

I haven't gotten the chance to try out new glasses yet, I was thinking of waiting until my brother returns.

Oh, we're finally getting our windows changed, next Monday!.. So, we probably won't have time to go try those glasses one until all the windows have been replaced. Until then, my dad has been taking the blinds off from the windows, doing a few windows per day. And we've been needing to move furniture away from the windows. Doing a little per day, and waiting for my brother to return before moving the heavy furnitures.


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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 17th, 2023

Yes, it was quite the moving process for us as well. Our windows are all in, but we have to have them inspected by the city government. That process has taken an additional few weeks. Hopefully that inspection will happen on Friday and then we can finally move things back in place and put actual curtains up. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 17th, 2023

I wonder if we would need ours inspected too then.. hm.. maybe something to look into.


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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 18th, 2023

They will let you know when they come, I would think. In our case, the workmen will come back after the inspection to put in the final plastic pieces. They have to put those in after the inspection because the inspectors need to be able to make sure the hardware underneath are installed properly. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 14th, 2023

My mum replied me yesterday, she said that daughter is busy these months preparing for her wedding in August. That they won't have time to organize anything for us to meet. There goes my hope for meeting new people this summer. Oh well, I guess that's one less thing for me to worry about..

I'll just focus on launching my business and going to work then. This summer will be busy for me anyways, starting from July to end of September. I'm ready for the second to last step before the launch, but I'll need at least a week's time to be on my computer for that stage. So, I'll have to wait until next Saturday before I can put in 100% focus. Needing to work the coming Wed-Fri, it will be difficult for me start now. So, these few days, I'll be taking a slight break.

As Mother's Day today though, I had made reservations early in the week, to have an early dinner at Cactus Club. They opened a new location just down the hill from our home. With just the 3 of us, I can afford to treat my parents. She came to me yesterday though, saying that she discussed with dad. They took a peek at the menu online, and said that a full meal could easily be over $100 for the 3 of us. This morning, I told her, when she orders, don't be worried about the price for me, I want her to enjoy herself, and not to feel stressed for me because I'm paying. I tell her, eating good food is not a waste of money, I'll be working all summer anyways. They always tell me, earned money is used to spend. I have been financially struggling because of that scamming incident, and it'll take me many more years to earn that amount of money I lost back, but I'm hoping my business will go well and in a few years time, I'll earn all that money back easily. When it comes to food though, I really don't mind if it's costly, because it is something we eat and goes in our body.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 17th, 2023

I am glad that you are able to focus on your business a bit at the moment. It sounds like it is going well.

I hope that you had a lovely Mother's Day meal. I do agree that splurging for meals for our loved ones occasionally is nice. We had some good food on our trip, but I am hoping to get everyone in my family together to celebrate Mom's Day this weekend a week late. @Jaeteuk

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 17th, 2023

I am glad to finally say that I am back! I apologize for missing so much. This is the first time in about 8 years of getting on 7 Cups that I have missed more than 2 nights in a row, I think. But trying to simultaneously grade like a madwoman and be on "vacation" was a bit too much for anything else.

The grading will continue for at least another week and a half, but we are now back home so I can get more done. The graduation went fine and we had a good opportunity to use a little bit of time to explore a national park and get out on Lake Erie. Lots and lots of walking that I didn't think I could do, but I did. It was also nice to see family.

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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 17th, 2023

Welcome back! It's always nice to be around family after years of not being present. I hope you had good weather too!


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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 18th, 2023

Oh my gosh. I had so much trouble sleeping last night. It seemed that every time I closed my eyes, there were a mixture of words/sentences criss-crossing in front of my eyes. It was like my thoughts, seen in words, but in all directions. I've never had this feeling before. I ended up waking every 2 hours from falling asleep at midnight, up until my alarm at 7am. Luckily, it didn't make me feel nauseous or dizzy.

It's going to be a super long, tiring and sleepy day at work for me. I'm also needing to work overtime, start an hour earlier, at 10am because one of our morning staff called in sick last night (for today).

Thursdays is late start, meaning first surgeries don't start until 9am, compared the normal 7:45am.. which also means, the day usually ends later too. Which leads to having my evening tasks super busy, especially when the Operating Rooms finish at the same time. So, the possibility of staying later than my regular shift is also possible. So, overtime before and after is possible tonight. But with the poor sleep I had last night, this kind of day will be much more difficult for me to handle.

6 replies
User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 19th, 2023

Ugh. I know the feeling of trying to work on too little sleep. Sending lots of peaceful thoughts your way.

What I find interesting when I can't sleep and fear that I won't make it through the day is that I somehow always survive. That gives me some level of comfort. @Jaeteuk

5 replies
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 19th, 2023

Yes, I call it the positive side effect of Depression + Insomnia. I still haven't really started yawning yet, but my eye had been a bit red for the past few days. Hoping I can sleep tonight.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 20th, 2023

Sleep well! @Jaeteuk

3 replies
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 20th, 2023

Last night was a much better sleep, just got under 6 hours. I'm currently doing some overtime now, hopefully I'll be able to sleep just as well tonight too. My right ear has been bothering today though. I had seen an ENT doctor a couple of weeks ago, got 2 types of ear drops for the eczema. As it was dry, flaky and itchy. Today though, aside from the itchiness, I was frequently getting some shots of pain. The pain, is my first time feeling it. I'll have to try the expensive ear drops tonight. See how I'll feel tomorrow.

It's a long weekend for us, the window guys are coming on Monday. Brother is back from his business trip sometime tomorrow, we'll be moving the heavier furniture away from the windows over the weekend. Lots of things to move from my bedroom. Both my brother and my bedroom, they are cutting the wall to make our windows slightly bigger (vertically). So, I'll need to move my bed over closer to my closet, move 2 small cabinets (luckily they are on wheels), and another 4-drawer wooden clothing cupboard. It's going to be a busy weekend. I hope it won't take them all week. I was hoping to work on that second to last stage before launching my business in June. Or else I'll have to wait until after June 7th before I can do it. I need to be at my computer for the process. But, it's better if I can do it next week. I was hoping to start Saturday (tomorrow), but we might be moving furniture around instead. Time wise, I could actually launch it in June. As after July 1st, I'm working all throughout the summer months. Won't have as much time to keep an eye on the business as much.

2 replies
User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 21st, 2023

It might take them a little longer if they are cutting the window opening wider, but our 6 windows just took one day to do. The actual process was pretty quick.

We did a little bit each day in terms of the moving of stuff and it wasn't too bad. We thought it would be much harder than it was. Hopefully your process is smoother than you think.

You are going to find a way to launch your business right when you want to. There may be some adjustments that you weren't expecting, but you will be able to handle it. @Jaeteuk

1 reply
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 21st, 2023

We have nearly 20 windows to change. With one very large window that's split into 21 square frames, also there's a very large window in the Master Bedroom too. Hoping that ot won't take all week, not sure how many workers will be here though.

Brother came home around dinner time, I think we'll be moving the heavier furniture tomorrow. I gave a helping hand for my dad as he removed the blinds from their bedroom. I also cleaned my room too, removed little things off from the surface of shelves, took town 6 picture frames (I had posters framed of my favorite K-pop group). Tomorrow, we'll be moving my bed and some other cabinets away from the window. They said at least a meter of space is needed.

I'm still hoping I could launch the business this summer. That second to last stage, depending on how long it takes all the windows to get done, I'm really hoping I can do it this week. Will have to see how things go.

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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 22nd, 2023

We had two workmen for the six windows and they were done in less than a day. If your workmen have the same speed as ours (and we had two larger windows), I would estimate 3-4 days tops. It sounds like you have a good plan of attack on doing everything.

One thing that we had to figure out was what to hang in the windows until the blinds could go back up. We have taken a bunch of sheets to hang from the rods. I am hoping that the final install piece will happen this week and that maybe towards the end of the week we can start putting the blinds back.

5 replies
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 22nd, 2023

We've covered most of our furniture. Since we don't know which floor/windows they'll do first, we've left some things uncovered. We'll also probably be ordering takeout for dinner too. With things getting dusty, having flies/bees come into the house, it'll be too inconvenient to cook meals.

We also don't know what time they'll start working. They didn't say what time they'll arrive. So, to be safe, I think I'll have to wake up around 7am, have breakfast before they start working. Brother says there's a possibility they'll start at 8am. I'm hoping they'll start at 9am though.. My brother will have to work in the basement. He tried to take Tuesday off, because we also have the furnace guy do some maintenance work on our newly installed heat pump. So, there's going to be lots of people in the house. Probably just have one guy for the furnace, but we'll have to keep an eye on everybody. Brother has 2 important meetings for work, so, we're hoping the furnace guy won't come during his meeting times. Or else, it might become a distraction for him.

I think I'll go to bed earlier tonight, I almost fell asleep lying on my bed before dinner.


4 replies
User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 23rd, 2023

Hopefully you get some good sleep.

We actually had almost no dust and dirt to worry about. They did one window at a time and used a giant vacuum to clean up after they finished each one. There wasn't a lot of time to get bugs in the house. Hopefully your process is just as neat. @Jaeteuk

3 replies
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 23rd, 2023

Sleep wasn't as good, probably will be the same tonight. They came at 9am and left a quarter to 4pm. They finished most of the windows. They forgot to bring the wood for the bedrooms of my brother and I, so they will do that tomorrow and our huge window in the living room. So, it looks like they'll finish in 3 days. They have 2 teams of people, for today and tomorrow, 5 guys. Our kitchen was dusty, as they ended up needing the saw the frame a bit, and they did it so quickly, we didn't have time to cover up our appliances and counter tops. Since our bedrooms, we requested for larger windows, they'll be cutting into the wall, that will be a lot more dusty afterwards, I'm going to really have to cover my bed really well.

Luckily not many bugs, today was a cooler day, so not even many flies or bugs around. Lucky for us, but with a little windy, and the doors are always open for them to get in and out of the house, it was a bit cool. I had to wear a jacket all day.

Hopefully I can sleep better after everything has been completed. Need to sleep better before I'm back to work for 2 weeks next week.

2 replies
User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 24th, 2023

It sounds like it is going pretty well then. They are going pretty quickly and you aren't getting bugs.

Maybe they will bring in a large vacuum near when they finish to get at least some of the dirt. We didn't have any new openings cut.

I hope that you can sleep more soon.

You will soon have lovely new windows. We have really enjoyed watching the birds out of our new windows in the last few weeks. @Jaeteuk

1 reply
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 24th, 2023

They finished it today! Worked until past 5pm. Very quick, only in 2 days, 21 windows. That's good, gives me the rest of the week to work on my business.. Sleep is still not as good, but I could probably put the curtains back up tonight. Without it, is too bright. Because my bed was moved towards my closet, lying down, I could see the street light from the road behind our house. And it was very bright overall. I had to sleep with covers over my head. Then, waking up at sunrise. None of us slept well last night though, no curtains, and the sunrising nice and early.

We just rearranged my bedroom. With a bigger window, the view is broader, brother suggested my bed facing the opposite direction. The bed in the Master bedroom also changed directions too. We'll now have to try and see if it will help with our sleep or make it worse.


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User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 24th, 2023

I'm feeling a bit lazy today. I'm thinking of going for a nap later. I had been awake most of last night, as the smell of paint thinners is so strong, it stung my nose a few times during the night and woke me up. I'm actually a little stuck in my second to last step before launching my business, and I'll use tomorrow's time to try and figure it out. And see if I can find a solution hidden somewhere, otherwise, I might have to ask my brother for some help. I might have to make a small trip to the grocery store sometime tomorrow too. Actually, my brother wanted me to go today and help him pick up a few things too. But, I don't feel like going out today, and going out now, means I'll need to wash my hair first, and the store I go to will be packed with cars, because a Middle School is nearby and many parents wait there for their kids.. I do still plan to wash my hair today, but maybe after my nap. My brother will need to go into the office tomorrow, and if my parents are heading out as well, I'll go for groceries after they have left the house, then see if my brother still wants to me grab some food for him, or see if he'll go himself on the way home from work.

5 replies
User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 25th, 2023

I am so glad that the windows went well. They do move quite quickly. It is impressive. It is also interesting how it helps you to reimagine spaces. We rearranged one of our rooms as well. You will get the windows covered soon and be able to sleep I am sure.

Glad to hear that it also didn't slow your business launch. @Jaeteuk

4 replies
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 25th, 2023

They had only good reviews from their clients. We will most likely be referring them to others who want their windows changed too. These new windows now, are much easier to clean too. Some of the screens are magnetic, so they can be easily removed to wipe the glass.

I just heard my brother say he might not go into the office tomorrow.. Maybe I'll go for groceries after work next Monday instead then..


3 replies
User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 26th, 2023

Our window replacement was a lovely experience as well. We only could afford to get half of ours done though. So I think that they will be back again next year to do the other half.

Sounds like the rest of your day went fairly well.@Jaeteuk

2 replies
User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk OP May 26th, 2023

We have 2 windows with scratches, so they have to order from the manufacturer to replace them. Didn't say how long that would take though.

My brother helped me figure out the part I was stuck on. Now comes the repetitive work part, except I don't know if I should start now, or wait until after my 2-week work block.


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User Profile: bestVase7265
bestVase7265 May 27th, 2023

I would probably start now on things. It always feels better to have stuff started and moving in a good direction. Good luck!@Jaeteuk

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