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space for noah and kyler

kylersartpace May 6th

hey @NoahAnimates thought u might like this area for just us 2...if not im sorry we can just forget it exists

to everyone else....please dont react read or reply to any of the messages on this thread thanks

TheArtistSystem May 6th


all good Kyler 💜


my son his name is peanutbutter

kylersartpace OP May 6th


he cute....

TheArtistSystem May 6th


he's a good lil friend 

kylersartpace OP May 6th


me has lots of teddys...

me really want be hate this...

TheArtistSystem May 6th


I'm here for you 

kylersartpace OP May 6th


is allowed be little...? or would get in trouble...?

TheArtistSystem May 6th


would you like me to hop into my listener?

kylersartpace OP May 6th


no no teen...remember...

TheArtistSystem May 6th


oh.. yeah 

kylersartpace OP May 6th

@NoahAnimates has to hurt making me big...

TheArtistSystem May 6th


*hugs if ok* its gonna be alright

TheArtistSystem May 6th


 gotta go for a bit 

kylersartpace OP May 6th


no will make me struggle really bad...

kylersartpace OP May 12th


hey...miss u...

TheArtistSystem May 12th


hey I miss you too

kylersartpace OP May 12th


miss u more...

TheArtistSystem May 12th

@kylersartpace everything okay friend?

kylersartpace OP May 12th


no...not really...

TheArtistSystem May 12th

@kylersartpace whats going on friend?

kylersartpace OP May 12th


a lot...about to cry rn...

TheArtistSystem May 12th

@kylersartpaceyou want to talk Abt it

kylersartpace OP May 12th


welll i can try....rn its stuff from wednesday and friday playing in my head...and something from today..and im crying...and its....all 2 much in my head to handle....but i have no1 to help me...

TheArtistSystem May 12th


what are you going to do?

kylersartpace OP May 12th


idk...i can send u what happened both wednesday and friday if u want....

TheArtistSystem May 12th


up too you

kylersartpace OP May 12th

@NoahAnimates advance...

so pretty much a lot of *** happened within the space of like an hr or so and well it started that we had another maths mock exam friday because our teacher decided it so we had to move our tables around so we wouldnt be near each other and stuff my table is always away from others anyway and at the wall so i didnt move mine and well we had 14 tables out as many as we needed but then my class tried to force me to move just because they wanted to put another table even though we didnt need it and well then the person in my class (whos like a really bad thing and does really bad stuff like that and all) moved her table right up to my chair so i had no room to even move and stuff so i told her to move back because like it was *** breaking boundaries and stuff she wouldnt move because she didnt want to be squished so i had no space for 2 and a half hrs and like my teacher had left to do something and they were still forcing me to move my table even though i didnt have to because we didnt need that other table and well i told them they cant force me so one of them litterally came over and dragged my table away and touching my stuff from it so yeah i did lash a bit and told them to *** off and stuff because its my stuff and all then the teacher came back and said we were going on a walk i didnt move because i 1 didnt want to go for a walk and 2 i was very shaky and dizzy and stuff from the class and them touching my stuff and all without permission so i just stayed there and didnt go so the teacher came back in the room and was trynna force me to go and i just was like i dont want to and all and he was like its a class activity and i was still refusing and all so he went and told another teacher to keep an eye on me and stuff (also this teacher is transphobic) then also last class some1 was sat right beside me even though they know i hate it so yeah that was all happening today then another teacher did something wednesday...

pretty much on wedneday we had to go do a stupid assignment thing to do with banks and post offices and stuff so we all went down and well even just walking down i nearly fainted because i got very hot and dizzy and stuff then i had to be in a group with that person from today who i really dont get on with and all and she ended up saying that teacher was talking about me behind my back and saying things like i wasnt helping with the work and all and then later because i couldnt find anything about stupid credit cards on flyers she tried to force me to go back and ask the person about it i didnt but then when we were back in the school my class were all planning to go out the night that the exams finish for us and well she is supposedly going aswell and well i said i wasnt going because like yeah and she just goes ahhh kyler you should be going and stuff and trynna force me to go even though i said i dont drink and she was just like ill be driving and theres others that wont be drinking and well i had to say i dont have money because like i dont and all but she kept trynna force me to go and all even though she also knows that i dont talk to any1 in the class and if i were to go id be sat there by myself and all

then today....i was trynna talk to my gf...because ive been really anxious and feeling like she might want to break up with me...and well....she might....because ive been so down lately because school affects me so much recently...and well...she doesnt know if she loves me scared she will leave me...because ive been a mess...i tried to show her i love her....but idk if she will believe me....

TheArtistSystem May 12th

@kylersartpace wow dude that's a lot *Hugs if okay* I had some stuff happen today as well but I'm here for you k friend

kylersartpace OP May 12th


mhm...what happened for u...

TheArtistSystem May 12th

@kylersartpace ex bf said some really hurtful things

kylersartpace OP May 12th


*hugs if needed*

TheArtistSystem May 12th

@kylersartpace *hugs back* thanks 

kylersartpace OP May 12th


np...good news i and my gf dont seem to be splitting...

TheArtistSystem May 12th


das good 

kylersartpace OP May 12th


yeah...i need to get better....for her sake...

kylersartpace OP May 15th


hey friend hru

TheArtistSystem May 15th


I'm oki still tired but good

kylersartpace OP May 15th


im glad youre good hows peanutbutter (sorry if i spelt it wrong)

TheArtistSystem May 15th


you spelled it right and yeah I'm doing good 

kylersartpace OP May 15th


is he good? and good at first i didnt think there was an a

TheArtistSystem May 15th


audo correct lol he is doing good