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kylers hidey hangout for adult friends

kylersartpace February 23rd

hey...not sure who else would want to be tagged and if ye dont want to be tagged feel free to just ignore this are ye dont have to use it i just thought you three might like a way to keep in contact with me...

@SleepyShyCat @LexiiKardashian30 @nessapressure03

to others not tagged in this post - please dont read or react or comment to any posts on this thread

SleepyShyCat February 23rd


Glad u made the post :3


kylersartpace OP February 23rd


wdum youre glad...

SleepyShyCat February 23rd


U mentioned that u might be in forums a bit earlier, I was too nervous to make a post myself so I'm glad you made one and tagged me, so I can still talk to you :) I appreciate it 

kylersartpace OP February 23rd


hope u dont mind its with 2 others aswell....

SleepyShyCat February 23rd


It's ok :) it's nice you made a space to chat with friends ^^

kylersartpace OP February 23rd


the only 3 i really have from adults...

SleepyShyCat February 23rd


That's ok, better to have 3 nice people who care about you than 100 who don't. There's only a handful of people I interact with on here too :) 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


yeah...i really hate adult side...

SleepyShyCat February 24th


I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with it :( it is difficult to age up 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


yeah...doesnt help being bullied and everything...

SleepyShyCat February 24th


Yeah, that definitely makes it so much worse :(

kylersartpace OP February 24th



kylersartpace OP February 24th

was meant to put @nessapressure05 idk why i tagged it 03 instead of 05....

kylersartpace OP February 24th

@SleepyShyCat @LexiiKardashian30 @nessapressure05 if u 3 will even read this or care....but im most likely gonna be leaving cups....

SleepyShyCat February 24th


Hi :3 I care, and I appreciate you letting me know. I'm sorry cups isn't a great place for you currently :( a self care break can be a good idea, and what's nice is there's always the option to reactivate your account if or when you feel ready. I left cups a few times before too. Wishing you well for whenever/if you decide to go :) 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


idk what im gonna do anymore...

SleepyShyCat February 24th


What do you mean.. Not sure what to do instead of being on cups? 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


no like...if im leaving or not...

SleepyShyCat February 24th


Oh I see. It is a tricky decision to make. What are your pros and cons to it? 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


wont let me reply to the main message but...there are none...

SleepyShyCat February 24th


No pros or cons.. So it's a neutral decision? Feels the same either way? & it only let's a reply thread have so many responses now, I find it annoying xD was better when you could do more 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


yeah its neutral..

SleepyShyCat February 24th


You could always test what it feels like for a few days and then come back? It doesn't have to be long or permanent. I've left cups for a week, 6 months, several years.. And then at other times made decisions that it was better to stay. All of those were ok. But yeah, confusing for what to do I'm sure. If it's neutral, why do you still feel you should leave? 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


the bullying...

SleepyShyCat February 24th


Have you reached out to a mod about who it is? And to mute them? There's not much else that can be done on cups, other than avoidance, support from a mod, and focusing on those other supportive people around you. 

Or, if it is too much for you and you think time away would help, then a self care break is useful. 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


idk anymore...also this is really annoying me rn...

SleepyShyCat February 24th


I assume you mean the reply thing xD here's a new thread for you 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


yep i meant the replys lol

SleepyShyCat February 24th


Just know there isn't a time limit on making a decision, and no decisions have to be permanent :) 

kylersartpace OP February 24th


mhm...idk how to make decisions...

SleepyShyCat February 24th


Decisions of any kind are hard :') I struggle too, even with very basic decisions 

kylersartpace OP February 24th



kylersartpace OP February 27th

@SleepyShyCat @LexiiKardashian30 @nessapressure05 the 3 of advance...

SleepyShyCat February 27th


About what? 

kylersartpace OP February 27th


cant say exactly...just know....u may not hear from me for a long time...

SleepyShyCat February 27th


Ok, if you're taking a self care break I hope it is good for you :) I'll probably be around in the future if you come back 

kylersartpace OP February 27th


ill say as much as...its not a self care break...and i may never be back....

SleepyShyCat February 27th


Well whatever it is I hope you take care of yourself and that you have a nice time :) you're always welcome back here even if right now you've decided to leave cups completely. As I said before, no decision needs to be permanent <3

kylersartpace OP February 27th


its nothing to do with cups

SleepyShyCat February 27th


Oh okay :) what I said still applies, whatever it is 🐈